Embedded Assessment #1: The Poisonwood Bible We have been studying, reviewing, applying and analyzing this year how literary criticisms can be used to better understand literary texts. Now you will need to apply this knowledge to The Poisonwood Bible. Your assignment is to select one of the critical perspectives (cultural, historical, Marxist, feminist, or archetypal) and write a 5-paragraph essay that analyzes a 1-2 page section of the novel through the critical perspective you have chosen. This essay needs to be typed in 12 point font - Times New Roman, with 1 inch margins, and a title that reflects the content of your essay and it must be submitted to Turnitin.com. There are NO personal pronouns allowed in this essay. This essay is DUE on Thursday, April 26st during your class period. However, we will begin accepting essays from Monday, April 23rd through Wednesday, April 25th for 10 points extra credit. This essay is worth 100 points and will fall under the embedded assessment category. All essays must be received to Turnitin.com by your class period on April 26th - Late essays will earn ½ credit. Suggested steps to complete this assignment: Choose a criticism you understand, are comfortable with, and have definitely seen evidence of in the novel so far or through our discussions. Choose a passage in the novel for analysis from the list below. You will need to be able to analyze the passage in-depth, use quotes from the passage to support your analysis, and connect these critical ideas to the portion of the novel we have read so far. Format for essay: Introduction: Includes an attention getter, identification of the novel and author, transitional sentences, and a thesis statement that identifies the passage and critical perspective you are using. Body Paragraph One: Explanation of how perspective is seen in the passage you are analyzing using a specific quote, an analysis of that quote, and how the information in your quote ties to the novel as a whole. Body Paragraph Two: Explanation of how perspective is seen in the passage you are analyzing using a specific quote, an analysis of that quote, and how the information in your quote ties to the novel as a whole. Body Paragraph Three: Explanation of how perspective is seen in the passage you are analyzing using a specific quote, an analysis of that quote, and how the information in your quote ties to the novel as a whole. Conclusion: How does the critical perspective that you have used effect understanding of the novel. Is it useful? Helpful? Does it make the conflict/story/characters easier to understand? Choices for analysis: Leah – 279-287 Adah – 276-278 Ruth May – 271-273 CATEGORY Fully Developed Adequately Developed Minimally Developed Attempted Absent Use of single critical perspective for analysis/focus *Clearly shows how critical perspective helps illuminate important ideas within the passage *Attempts to explain how critical perspective addresses important ideas within the passage * Choice of critical perspective is obvious but is lacking explanation of important ideas within passage *Selected a critical perspective but does not demonstrate how that perspective can be used to explain important ideas within passage *No single perspective chosen and lack of explanation of important ideas within the passage Connection of ideas to novel as a whole/support *Ideas within the passage explored through critical perspective are effectively connected to the novel as a whole and illuminate important ideas/concepts *Ideas within the passage explored through critical perspective are connected to the novel as a whole but not completely developed * Only some of the ideas within the passage explored through critical perspective are connected to the novel as a whole and they lack development * There is an attempt to tie *The ideas within the ideas within the passage passage are not tied to novel explored through critical as a whole. perspective to the novel but it is not successful. Depth of analysis/ organization *Addresses all relevant * Addresses relevant parts of parts of the passage the passage with some directly and analysis thoroughly. *Addresses some of the relevant parts of the passage, but ignores or glosses over some of the important text. *Addresses passage briefly *Analysis is not apparent. and with lack of depth. Conventions * Minor or no errors in all categories. *No major digressions. *Minor errors in all categories. *Minor errors in all *No major digressions. categories. *Some digressions. *Major and minor errors in all categories. *Major digressions. Specific requirements/ quotes, copy of passage * Has 3 direct quotes that relate specifically to the criticism. *Turned in the copy of the passge that was analyzed. * Has 3 direct quotes that relate to the criticism. * Did not turn in the passage that was analyzed. * Has 1 or fewer direct *Lacking quotes *Did not turn quotes that relate to the in passage that was criticism or paraphrased analyzed. instead of using quotes. *Did not turn in the passage that was analyzed. Comments: * Has 1-2 direct quotes that relate to the criticism or paraphrased instead of using quotes. *Did not turn in the passage that was analyzed. *Major errors in all categories. *Major digressions.