Homework Sept. 10-14

11CP English
Week of Sept. 10 to Sept. 14
Monday Sept. 10:
In-class: collect paper, 1-1/2 page narrative—response to Momaday
Discuss types of leadership, start reading Smith
HW: none
Tuesday Sept. 11:
In-class: body par. response to Smith; example of classification essay
HW: choose topic for classification essay (examples: musicians, painters, dancers,
poets, playwrights, novelists, artists, students, teachers, etc.)
Wednesday Sept. 12:
In-class: work on classification essay
HW: write an essay that starts with: “I can see three different types of _________
(musicians, teachers, artists etc.) each of whom ____________ (plays music, teaches,
produces art) in a somewhat different manner.” Essay will then develop the qualities of
each of the different types, as well as give examples of the different types.
Thursday Sept. 13 and Friday Sept. 14:
In-class: to be determined
HW: work on essay. First deadline = Friday for people who do not want to have
weekend homework. I will also collect it on Tuesday for full credit. Submit essay to