Cleveland & Woodley Park Village Fall 2015 Member Survey Dear Village Members, As we enter our third year as a Village, the board and staff would like to explore in depth how the Village can better serve your needs. While we’ve had a chance to meet with many of you personally, we haven’t had the opportunity for in-depth discussions with the majority of you. This survey is therefore an effort to determine how we can enhance the value to you of your Village membership. Your responses will be anonymous unless you choose to provide your name at the end of the survey. Thank you very much for helping us plan for the future of the Village and its programs. Village Programming from January 2015 to Date – Please check which programs you’ve attended and rate using a 3-point scale: 1 (not enjoyable); 2 (enjoyable); 3 (very enjoyable). Monthly Social Activities □ Lunch Bunch – Outings to Area Restaurants 1 2 3 □ Afternoon Tea – Outings to Area Cafes 1 2 3 Comments ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Monthly Cultural Tours □ Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts 1 2 3 □ National Gallery of Art 1 2 3 □ Naval Observatory 1 2 3 □ National Public Radio Headquarters 1 2 3 □ Textile Museum 1 2 3 □ Washington National Cathedral 1 2 3 Comments_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Educational Activities □ Coffee & Conversation in February – Meet the Executive Director □ Coffee & Conversation in July – FRESHFARM Markets presentation □ Beginner & Advanced Drawing Classes at Forest Hills of DC □ Money Smart for Seniors in August at Forest Hills of DC 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 Comments_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cleveland & Woodley Park Village Telephone - 202-615-5853 Email – If you did not attend any of these Village activities, please tell us why. Check all that apply and any comment you’d like to make. □ Not interested ________________________________________________________________________________________________ □ Too busy ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ □ No way to get there __________________________________________________________________________________________ □ Don’t want to attend alone __________________________________________________________________________________ □ Time of day offered is not convenient for me _____________________________________________________________ □ Other issues prevent me from attending __________________________________________________________________ Please check the box for NEW activities or seminars that might be of interest to you and rate them using a three point scale: 1 (of no interest); 2 (of some interest); 3 (of great interest). Activities and Events □ Book Discussion Group 1 2 3 □ Brisk Walking Group 1 2 3 □ Moderate Walking Group 1 2 3 □ Movie Night for Grownups 1 2 3 □ ROMEO Lunch (Retired Old Men Eating Out) 1 2 3 □ Wine & Cheese Gatherings 1 2 3 □ Yoga for Seniors 1 2 3 Other __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Seminars and Events □ Annual Village Picnic □ Avoiding Financial Scams – an encore of our August seminar 1 2 3 □ Choosing the Right Medical Alert Device for You 1 2 3 □ Health Fair 1 2 3 □ Making Your Home Accessible as You Age in Place 1 2 3 □ Service Saturday – Seasonal Community Service Day 1 2 3 □ Spring House Tour of Accessible Homes in Cleveland Park 1 2 3 □ Wills, Trusts and Estate Plans 1 2 3 □ Technology Related 1 2 3 o Using and managing e-mail o Creating spreadsheets on your computer o Storing and accessing photographs on your computer o Using word processing on your computer Other _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scheduling Social Activities and Seminars Most of the Village activities are currently held on weekdays from late morning to early afternoon. Please check the boxes in order of preference from 1 to 5 regarding your preference for Village program and events: □ Weekday Late Mornings 1 2 3 4 5 □ Weekday Early Afternoons 1 2 3 4 5 □ Weekday Evenings 1 2 3 4 5 □ Weekend Evenings 1 2 3 4 5 □ Weekend Daytimes 1 2 3 4 5 Comments_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I would be willing to help organize or plan an activity for the Village □ Yes If yes, thank you! Please would you give us your name and email so we may contact you: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ □ No Member Services – check the appropriate box □ I currently call or email the Village office for assistance with service requests. □ I do not need help right now. If you call the Village for assistance, which of the following services do you request? Check all that apply and rate your level of satisfaction with the services you received: 1 (not satisfied); 2 (satisfied); 3 (very satisfied). □ Driving to the Doctor 1 2 3 □ Driving to the Grocery Store 1 2 3 □ Driving to Village Events like Lunch Bunch and Monthly Cultural Tours 1 2 3 □ Friendly Visits 1 2 3 □ Household Projects 1 2 3 □ Help with Technology (computers, cell phones, etc.) 1 2 3 □ Yard work Other ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are there any comments, positive or negative, you wish to share on the services you have received? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are there other member services that you wish the Village volunteers might offer to you? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ General Comments If you have other comments about the Village programs, organization, or services, please add here___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name (Optional) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cleveland & Woodley Park Village Telephone - 202-615-5853 Email –