California Planning Roundtable March 9, 2007 Business Meeting San Pedro, CA DRAFT MINUTES Attendees (* Emeritus) Steve Preston Brad Kilger Wayne Goldberg Mike Moore Woodie Tescher Stan Hoffman Alex Amoroso Al Bell* Tony Lashbrook Sharon Hightower Carol Whiteside Cathy Creswell Roberta Mundie* Linda Tatum Tom Jacobson Matt Taecker James Rojas Larry Mintier Sandra Massa-Lavitt* Jeff Carpenter Joan Sollenberger Marvin Roos Al Herson Stan Grady Bill Claire* Gail Goldberg Guests: Melanie Smith, Melendrez Design Partners 1. Call to Order. Al Herson called the business meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. and it was confirmed that a quorum was in attendance. 2. Consent Agenda. The minutes from the Sacramento meeting and the Financial report were on the consent agenda and both were approved as presented. 3. Executive Committee Reports. Strategic Plan Update: Al Herson. There were no specific updates to the Strategic Plan. There was general discussion and positive feedback on Victor Rubin’s piece which was previously distributed to CPR members. Programs. In Elaine’s absence, a representative from each of the topic group presented the status of their paper or group’s efforts as follows: Jobs Housing Balance-Stan Hoffman. The paper is still under review; issues raised by CPR members will be addressed; R. Mundie will review the paper upon its completion. Tribal Gaming -Tom Jacobson. The paper will be finalized by June 11 and will be circulated for CPR comments by June 25. The paper has been peer reviewed and comments from the four independent reviews are being reconciled, along with the addition of case studies to illustrate the major points of the paper. These edits will make the paper more interesting. Tom will coordinate with staff from PDR to determine the ultimate distribution of this paper upon completion. Draft CPR Minutes March 9, 2007 Stan Hoffman – New Models. Cathy Cresswell is now co-chairing this group which also includes, D. Booher, B. Kilger, A. Amoroso, J. Sollenberger, W. Tescher, J. Ruggiero, and Elaine Costello. This group will present a program on the New Models topic at the July CPR meeting rather than having an outside speaker. This group will continue to use the issues raised in the Futures topic as a theme to track a series of ongoing deliverables on this topic, i.e. articles in Cal Planner. State Bond Allocation was noted as a “Watch” item, CPR to monitor and determine role on an ad hoc basis. General Plans/Advanced Planning – Tescher noted that the process to update OPR’s General Plan Guidelines is ongoing; continue to “Watch” this topic. Climate Action Team – Joan Sollenberger. This item tracks with the ongoing global warming discussion and will continue to be a topic of interest. Eminent domain/regulatory takings. “Watch” item. Webmaster. Al announced that Tony Lashbrook has volunteered to become CPR’s new webmaster. Tony reported several initiatives he has undertaken since accepting this role including: Increasing the size of email attachments that can be sent via email to 1MB Increased the memory of the site to allow larger document files to be posted Prepared an RFP for the CPR website to be redesigned Development of an interactive calendar Change to format of the website for posting documents to “wikki” to allow interactive changes to documents Post Topics of Interest so they are more publicly accessible, i.e. the Futures Document prepared for the 2006 CPR fall retreat. Prepare an article in Ca Planner to advise that topics of interest will be posted on the CPR website; and whenever CPR releases a completed paper. Stan Hoffman’s motion for CPR to prepare a proclamation for Paul Crawford’s work as CPR’s previous webmaster was unanimously approved. Programs. Steve Preston provided an update on the upcoming May/June Portland meeting and requested that those attending advise E. Costello and M. Taecker of their plans to attend the Portland meeting. Membership. Woodie Tescher announced that he was delivering a care package on behalf of CPR to Gay Forbes and requested that donations for the package be delivered to him by the end of the following week. California Planning Roundtable 2 Draft CPR Minutes March 9, 2007 Cathy Cresswell asked that the group confirm that the attendance requirement is attendance at four of the six annual CPR meetings. This confirmation was approved by the membership on a motion by Steve Preston and a second by Marvin Roos, with Sharon Hightower voting no. This item will be an amendment to the bylaws and will require approval formal approval of the CPR membership. Woodie Tescher provided a membership report and asked for direction on the selection of new members. The committee will send out resumes of potential new members so comments can be provided to the membership committee. There was some discussion as to the criteria used for selection of members and Steve Preston volunteered to send the criteria to CPR members. a. There was also a request for clarification as to whether a member who “checked out” would go to the top of the list when they “checked back in”. It was agreed that the Membership Committee would provide clarification on this issue at the next meeting. b. It was also agreed that Linda Dalton would update the membership manual so that new members could received an updated copy upon approval. c. There was discussion of having new members sign a “commitment letter”. It was agreed that the commitment letter would be included in the new member packet, but that it would be worded as an acknowledgement of their commitment, rather than a signed commitment. Steve Preston agreed to work on the wording of this letter of acknowledgment of the responsibility of being a CPR member. d. After discussion of potential new members, the Membership Committee will report on its recommendations during the Portland meeting. 4. Other Business. Announcements Al Herson asked that members send their comments on the CA 2020 Report to Paul Sedway at Linda Tatum announced that planning for the 2007 CPR Retreat in San Diego County is underway. In reviewing the pricing for a meeting location the Retreat committee was advised to stick to the dates of November 16-18 in whatever location was chosen for the retreat. 5. Meeting adjourned at 3:00 P.M. California Planning Roundtable 3