this Professional Portfolio

Professional Portfolio Template for Application for Admission to Doctor of
Education Candidature at Griffith University
If you do not meet the standard criteria for entry into the EdD, a case may be made for
equivalence that reflects adequate equivalent experiences. Using the following
headings where applicable, detail your activities (including dates), responsibilities and
achievements. Append documentary evidence to support each of your points.
Postgraduate Course Work
Research Methods Courses
(indicate length and nature: e.g., in an honours program; masters program, etc.)
Where the argument is based on a qualification other than Honours or Masters (Research), the case for
equivalency should be based on documented information about the structure and research content of
the program and your performance in the coursework and research component of the program.
Involvement in Research and Development Projects
(e.g., workplace studies; action research projects)
Where the argument is based in whole or in part on research experience, documentary evidence of
relevant research experience should be provided and the case for equivalency should clearly outline
how this experience is of a comparable standard.
Leadership or Management
(e.g., Substantial leadership in one institution, and/or broader professional leadership
particularly in a field relevant to the proposed research)
Where the argument is based on demonstrated leadership in a profession or industry, documentary
evidence of relevant leadership should be provided and the case for equivalency should clearly outline
how this experience is of a comparable standard.
Report Writing that demonstrates leadership
(e.g., major project reports, reports to the teacher registration boards, and curriculum
bodies, major policy documents, discussion papers for public consultation or response
papers to calls for public consultation in the field of study)
(refereed publications such as journal articles or book chapters)
Where the argument is based in whole or in part on publications or other research output, evidence of
publications/research output should be provided and the case for equivalency should clearly outline
how the output is of a comparable standard, as specified in the table below.
Publication/Research Output
Journal article Authorship to be determined by
discipline specific practices e.g., first
author of one, or second author of two
refereed publications.
Conference paper Authorship to be determined by
discipline specific practices eg. first
author of one, or second author of two
refereed conference papers.
Book monograph
Creative work or performance
Research Grant
Standard Required
A refereed journal considered by the /Dean
(Research) to be of an international standard eg.
listed on the Ulrich’s Register or similar register.
A written authorship statement is to be included.
Categorised as E1 using the DIISRTE audit
verification guidelines and supported by an
independent assessment confirming quality and
standing of conference
Demonstrates scholarly merit and is supported
by an independent assessment confirming quality
and standing
Demonstrates scholarly merit and is supported
by an independent assessment confirming quality
and standing
Competitive external grant where applicant is
first-named or can demonstrate significant role in
grant application development
Other Publication Activities
(e.g., teacher magazines, practitioner journals, reviewing manuscripts)
Professional engagements integrating theory and practice
(e.g., conference presentations, contributions to professional development programs
or curriculum reviews)
Research Papers, Theses or Dissertations
(undergraduate or postgraduate)