Author Title Adams, Douglas Adams, Douglas Adams, Henry Aeschylus Aesop Agee, James Albee, Edward Alcott, Louisa May Alexander, Bevin Alexandrian Alighieri, Dante Allen, Maury Allende, Isabel Aloiss, Brian Ambler, Eric Mostly Harmless Sc Fic 277 The Restaurant at the End of the Universe Sc Fic 217 The Education of Henry Adams – Pulitzer Prize 1919 (A) Pul Prz 531 The Oresteia (Agamemnon & Two Others) 100 Gr 177 Fables 100 Gr 130 A Death in the Family – Pulitzer Prize 1958 Pul Prz 342 Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Sgnd EP 238 Little Women 100 Gr 429 Korea: The First War We Lost Am Hist 572 Seurat Art 96 The Divine Comedy 100 Gr 492 Jackie Robinson: A Life Remembered Baseball 260 Eva Luna Sgnd 1st 272 The Malacia Tapestry Sc Fic A Coffin for Dimitrios Mystery 264 Witness to Power: An Illustrated Documentary History of the U.S. Am Hist 605 Eisenhower – Soldier, General of the Army, President-Elect 1890-1952 – Volume I President 637 Eisenhower – The President-Elect – 1952-1969 – Volume II President 750 Climbing Olympus S F 1st 297 Astounding Stories: The 60th Anniversary Collection Sc Fic 367 Getting Up and Going Home 1st Ed 257 Slide, Kelly, Slide: The Wild Life and Times of Mike “King” Kelly Baseball 211 Lysistrata Fam Ed 117 The Comedies of The Birds & The Frogs 100 Gr 62 The Politics & The Poetics 100 Gr Muhammed – A Biography of the Prophet Religion 290 th Astounding Stories: The 60 Anniversary Collection Sc Fic 353 Exit Lady Masham Sgnd 1st 169 The Rector of Justin Sgnd FL 417 The Winthrop Covenant 1st Ed 294 The Confessions 100 Gr 296 Three Blind Mice: How the TV Networks Lost Their Way Sgnd 1st 642 Emma Fam Ed 428 Pride and Prejudice 100 Gr 411 The Complete Novels of Jane Austen – Volume One Coll Ed 664 The Complete Novels of Jane Austen – Volume Three Coll Ed 409 The Complete Novels of Jane Austen – Volume Two Coll Ed 807 The Essays 100 Gr 190 John Marshall: A Life in Law – Volume I Biog 360 John Marshall: A Life in Law – Volume II Biog 425 Go Tell It on the Mountain 20th Cent 303 Droll Stories Sh Story 424 Old Goriot Fam Ed 317 Pocahontas and Her World Am Hist 320 Years of Grace – Pulitzer Prize 1931 Pul Prz 563 Ambrose, Stephen and Brinkley, Douglas Ambrose, Stephen Ambrose, Stephen Anderson, Kevin J. Anderson, Poul (introduction) Anderson, Robert Appel, Marty Aristophanes Aristophanes Aristotle Armstrong, Karen Asimov, Isaac (introduction) Auchincloss, Louis Auchincloss, Louis Auchincloss, Louis Augustine, Saint Auletta, Ken Austen, Jane Austen, Jane Austen, Jane Austen, Jane Austen, Jane Bacon, Sir Francis Baker, Leonard Baker. Leonard Baldwin, James Balzac, Honore de Balzac, Honore de Barbour, Philip L. Barnes, Margaret A. Group Pages Barth, John Baudelaire, Charles Bauer, K. Jack Bear, Greg Bellamy, Edward Bellow, Saul Bellow, Saul Bemis, Samuel Flagg Bemis, Samuel Flagg Benet, Stephen Vincent Benford, Gregory Benson, E. F. Berg, A. Scott Bernstein, Carl and Woodward, Bob Bernstein, Carl Bester, Alfred Bierce, Ambrose Blackmore, R. D. Blake, William Blatty, William Peter Blish, James Blish, James Boardman, Griffin, & Murray Boccaccio Bois, W. E. Burghardt Du Boorstin, Daniel J. Boorstin, Daniel J. Boorstin, Daniel J. Bourjaily, Vance Bouton, Jim Bova, Ben Bova, Ben Bowen, Catherine Drinker Boyle, T. Coraghessan Bradbury, Ray Bradbury, Ray Bradley, General Omar N. Bradley, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Marion Zimmer Brands, H. W. Brands, H. W. Brant, Irving Brecht, Bertolt Bregeron, Paul H. Brokaw, Tom Bromfield, Louis The Sot-Weed Factor The Flowers of Evil Zachary Taylor Blood Music Looking Backward Humboldt’s Gift – Pulitzer Prize 1976 Humboldt’s Gift Sgnd FL 735 100 Gr 201 President Sc Fic 262 Am Lit 388 Pul Prz 462 Am Lit 467 John Quincy Adams and the Foundation of American Foreign Policy – Volume I President 588 John Quincy Adams and the Union – Volume II President 546 John Brown’s Body Am Lit 371 Timescape Sc Fic 412 Ferdinand Magellan Biog 262 Lindbergh Biog 628 All the President’s Men Am Hist 349 Loyalties: A Son’s Memoir Sgnd 1st 262 The Demolished Man Sc Fic 250 Tales of Soldiers & Civilians Am Lit 222 Lorna Doone Fam Ed 549 The Poems of William Blake Fam Ed 290 The Exorcist Sgnd EP 340 A Case of Conscience Sc Fic The Devil’s Day Sc Fic The Oxford History of Greece and the Hellenistic World History The Decameron 100 Gr 536 Dusk of Dawn: An Essay Toward an Autobiography of a Race Concept Am Lit 355 The Americans: The Colonial Experience Am Hist 434 The Americans: The Democratic Experience Am Hist 717 The Americans: The National Experience Am Hist 517 The Great Fake Book Sgnd 1st 505 Ball Four: The Final Pitch Sgnd EP Moonrise S F 1st 417 The Kingsman Sc Fic 566 Yankee from Olympus: Justice Holmes and His Family Am Hist 475 The Road to Wellville Sgnd 1st From the Dust Returned – Part I S F 1st From the Dust Returned – Part II S F 1st A Soldier’s Story Mil Hist 618 The Mists of Avalon I Sc Fic The Mists of Avalon II Sc Fic T. R. The Last Romantic President 897 The First American: The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin Biog The Fourth President: A Biography of James Madison President 681 The Threepenny Opera Fam Ed 155 The Presidency of James K. Polk President 310 The Greatest Generation Sgnd EP 412 Early Autumn – Pulitzer Prize 1927 Pul Prz 338 Brontë, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brooks, Van Wyck Brown, Dee Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Bryant, William Cullen Buchwald, Art Buck, Pearl (translator) Buck, Pearl S. Buckley, Jr., William F. Buckley, Jr., William F. Buckley, Jr., William F. Budrys, Algis Bujold, Lois McMaster Bullock, Alan Bunyan, John Burgess, Anthony Burgess, Anthony Burns, James MacGregor Burns, James MacGregor Burns, James MacGregor Burns, Burrows, William E. Burt, William Henry Burton, Richard Butler, Samuel Butler, William Byron, George Gordon, Lord Byron, Lord Cable, George Washington Caesar, Julius Caffrey, Kate Cain, James M. Caldwell, Erskine Callow, Jr, Alexander B. Camp, L. Sprague de and Pratt Camp, L. Sprague de Camus, Albert Cannon, Lou Carlyle, Thomas Carre, John Le Carré, John le Carroll, Lewis Carson, Rachel Carter, Dan T. Jane Eyre Wuthering Heights 100 Gr 431 100 Gr 331 The Flowering of New England, 1815-1865 (Pulitzer Prize – 1937) Pul Prize 474 Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West Am Hist 487 Poems of Elizabeth Barrett Browning Mini P 128 The Poems of Robert Browning 100 Gr 299 The Poems of William Cullen Bryant Am Lit 298 We’ll Laugh Again Sgnd 1st All Men Are Brothers Fam Ed 688 The Good Earth – Pulitzer Prize 1932 Pul Prz 345 Atlantic High: A Celebration Nautical 262 On the Firing Line Sgnd 1st The Story of Henri Tod Sgnd 1st 254 Rogue Moon Sc Fic Diplomatic Immunity S F 1st Hitler: A Study in Tyranny Biog The Pilgrim’s Progress 100 Gr 189 A Clockwork Orange Sc Fic 190 The Kingdom of the Wicked Sgnd 1st 377 Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox – Volume I President553 Roosevelt: The Soldier of Freedom – Volume II President 722 The Crosswinds of Freedom Sgnd 1st 864 Poems of Burns Mini P This New Ocean: The Story of the First Space Age History 723 Mammals: Field marks of all North American species found north of Mexico FGuide 289 The Arabian Nights Entertainments 100 Gr 674 Erewhon Fam Ed 229 The Way of All Flesh 100 Gr 588 Poems of George Gordon, Lord Byron Mini P 276 Don Juan Fam Ed 358 Old Creole Days Am Lit 224 The Gallic Wars Mil Hist 228 The Mayflower Am Hist 392 The Postman Always Rings Twice & Double Indemnity Mystery 209 Stories Sh Story 313 The Tweed Ring Am Hist 351 The Complete Compleat Enchanter Sc Fic Lest Darkness Fall Sc Fic 182 The Stranger 20th Cent Ronald Reagan: The Presidential Portfolio President The French Revolution Fam Ed 629 The Honorable Schoolboy 1st Ed 546 Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy Mystery 335 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 100 Gr 172 Silent Spring 20th Cent Scottsboro: A Tragedy of the American South Am Hist 479 Carter, Jimmy Carver, Raymond Carver, Sir Michael Casanova Cather, Willa Cather, Willa Catton, Bruce Catton, Bruce Catton, Bruce Cervantes, Miguel de Chancellor, John Chaucer, Geoffrey Cheever, John Cheever, John Chekhov, Anton Chekov, Anton Cherryh, C. J. Chidsey, Donald Barr Christianson, Gale E. Churchill, Winston S. Churchill, Winston S. Churchill, Winston S. Churchill, Winston S. Churchill, Winston S. Chute, Marchette Clark, Kenneth Clark, Ronald W. Clarke, Arthur C. Clausewitz, Carl Von Clausewitz, Carl Von Cleaves, Freeman Coffman, Edward Cogniat, Raimond Cogniat, Raymond Cogniat, Raymond Cogniat, Raymond Coit, Margaret L. Coleman, Terry Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Collins, Wilkie Condon, Richard Confucius Conot, Robert Conrad, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Cooke, Alistair Keeping the Faith: Memoirs of a President Where I’m Calling From Sgnd Pres. 622 Sgnd 1st 394 The War Lords: Military Commanders of the Twentieth Century Mil Hist 624 The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt Fam Ed 502 Death Comes for the Archbishop 20th Cent 297 One of Ours – Pulitzer Prize 1923 Pul Prz 408 A Stillness at Appomattox Am Hist 438 Gettysburg: The Final Fury Am Hist 114 Glory Road Am Hist 389 Don Quixote 100 Gr 682 Peril and Promise: A Commentary on America Sgnd 1st 176 The Canterbury Tales 100 Gr 550 The Stories of John Cheever – Pulitzer Prize 1979 Pul Prz 693 The Wapshot Chronicle Sgnd FL 387 Peasants and Other Stories Sh Story 481 Two Plays: The Cherry Orchard & Three Sisters 100 Gr 153 Cloud’s Rider S F 1st 373 The Great Separation: The Boston Tea Party and the Beginning of the Amer. Revol. Am Hist 194 In the Presence of the Creator: Isaac Newton and His Times Biog 623 The Age of Revolution History 360 The Birth of Britain History 458 The Great Democracies History 352 The New World History 381 Their Finest Hour: The Second World War Mil Hist 648 Shakespeare of London Biog 395 An Introduction to Rembrandt Biog 153 Freud: The Man and the Cause Biog 652 Rendezvous with Rama Sc Fic 303 On War – Volume I Mil Hist 725 On War – Volume II Mil Hist 725 Old Tippecanoe – William Henry Harrison and His Time President 422 The War to End All Wars: The American Military Experience in World War I Am Hist 412 Chagall Art 96 Braque Art 96 Pissarro Art 96 Sisley Art 96 John C. Calhoun: American Portrait Am Hist 593 Passage to America: history of emigrants from GB & Ireland to Amer. in mid-1900s Am Hist 317 Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge Mini P 139 The Moonstone Fam Ed 464 The Venerable Bead Sgnd 1st 294 The Analects 100 Gr 130 A Streak of Luck: The Life & Legend of Thomas Alva Edison Biog 565 Heart of Darkness 100 Gr 117 Lord Jim 100 Gr 407 The Patient Has the Floor Sgnd 1st 204 Cooper, Douglas Cooper, James Fenimore Cooper, James Fenimore Cooper, James Fenimore Cosell, Howard Courthion, Pierre Cozzens, James Gould Crane, Maggie Crane, Stephen Creamer, Richard Ben Creamer, Robert W. Creel, H. G. Cresson, W. P. Creswick, Paul Crevecoeur, J. Hector St. John de Crowley, John Crozier, Brian Cummings, E. E. Cure, Karen (text) Curie, Eve Dallek, Robert Dallek, Robert Dangerfield, George Darwin, Charles Darwin, Charles Darwin, Charles Davies, Robertson Davis, Harold L. Davis, Jim Davis, Kenneth S. Davis, Kenneth S. Davis, Kenneth S. Davis, Kenneth S. Davis, William C. Day, Donald Defoe, Daniel Defoe, Daniel Defoe, Daniel Deighton, Len Delany, Samuel R. Descharnes, Robert DeVoto, Bernard DeVoto, Bernard Dewey, John Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec The Last of the Mohicans The Pilot The Prairie What’s Wrong with Sports Edouard Manet Guard of Honor – Pulitzer Prize 1949 Maggie: A Girl of the Streets – A Story of New York The Red Badge of Courage Joe DiMaggio: The Hero’s Life Babe: The Legend Comes to Life Confucius: The Man and the Myth James Monroe Robin Hood Letters from an American Farmer Little Big De Gaulle Collected Poems An Old-Fashioned Christmas Madame Curie: A Biography Art 128 100 Gr 377 Fam Ed 357 Am Lit 413 Sgnd 1st 349 Art 128 Pul Prz 575 Am Lit 105 100 Gr 170 Sgnd 1st 546 Baseball Religion 363 President 577 n/a 362 Am Lit 248 Fantasy 538 Biog 726 Am Lit 315 Col Ed 160 Biog 412 Flawed Giant: Lyndon Johnson and His Times: 1961-1973 – Volume II President 754 Lone Star Rising: Lyndon Johnson and His Times: 1908-1960 – Volume I President 721 The Era of Good Feeling Am Hist 525 On the Origin of Species 100 Gr 470 The Descent of Man 100 Gr 362 The Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle Fam Ed 489 The Lyre of Orpheus Sgnd 1st 472 Honey in the Horn – Pulitzer Prize 1936 Pul Prz 416 Garfield at 25: In Dog Years I’d Be Dead Sgnd EP Experience of War – The United States in World War II - Volume I Am Hist 350 Experience of War – The United States in World War II - Volume II Am Hist 354 Experience of War: The U.S. in WW I – Volume II Am Hist 704 Experience of War: The U.S. in WW II – Volume I Am Hist 704 Battle at Bull Run Am Hist 298 Will Rogers: A Biography Am Hist 370 A Journal of the Plague Year 100 Gr 271 Moll Flanders Fam Ed 354 Robinsin Crusoe 100 Gr 300 The Ipcress File Mystery 279 The Einstein Intersection Sc Fic 143 Salvador Dali Art 128 The Course of Empire Am Hist 647 The Year of Decision, 1846 Am Hist 524 The School and Society Am Hist 118 A Tale of Two Cities 100 Gr 371 Christmas Stories Fam Ed 404 Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickinson, Emily Diehl, Gaston Dinesen, Isak Doctorow, E. L. Dodge, Mary Mapes Donald, Davis Herbert Donleavy, J. P. Donleavy, J. P. Donne, John Dorival, Bernard Dostoevsky, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Fyodor Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan Dreiser, Theodore Dreiser, Theodore Drury, Allen Drury, Allen Drury, Allen Dubos, René J. Dubos, Rene Dumas fils, Alexandre Dumas, Alexandre Dumas, Alexandre Dumur, Guy Dunne, Dominick Dunne, John Gregory Durant, Will and Ariel Durant, Will Easton Press, The Eckenrode, H. J. Eco, Umberto Einstein, Albert Eisenhower, Dwight D. Eliot, George Eliot, George David Copperfield Great Expectations Hard Times Nicholas Nickleby Short Stories The Chimes The Mystery of Edwin Drood The Pickwick Papers Poems of Emily Dickinson Pascin Seven Gothic Tales Ragtime Hans Brinker or The Silver Skates Lincoln Leila: Further in the Destinies of Darcy Dancer, Gentleman The Ginger Man The Poems of John Donne Rouault Crime and Punishments The Brothers Karamazov The Idiot The Possessed The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Best of Sherlock Holmes Sister Carrie The Best Short Stories Advise and Consent – Pulitzer Prize 1960 Anna Hastings Decision Louis Pasteur: Free-lance of Science So Human an Animal – Pulitzer Prize 1969 Camille The Man in the Iron Mask The Three Muskateers Nicolas de Staël An Inconvenient Woman The Red White and Blue The Lessons of History Heroes of History: A Brief History of Civilization … World Atlas Rutherford B. Hayes: Statesman of Reunion Foucault’s Pendulum The Meaning of Relativity Crusade in Europe Silas Marner – The Weaver of Raveloe The Mill on the Floss 100 Gr 817 100 Gr 457 Fam Ed 279 Fam Ed 781 100 Gr 423 Fam Ed 129 Mystery 204 Fam Ed 764 Mini P Art 96 Sh Story 446 Sgnd 1st 270 Col Ed 345 President 714 Sgnd 1st 380 Sgnd FL 386 100 Gr 198 Art 96 100 Gr 485 100 Gr 304 Fam Ed 560 Fam Ed 630 100 Gr 764 Sh Story 643 Am Lit 387 Sh Story 364 Pul Prz 745 1st Ed 304 Sgnd 1st 486 Biog Pul Prz 264 Fam Ed 231 Fam Ed 430 100 Gr 421 Art 96 Sgnd 1st 458 S F 1st 467 History 117 History 348 Refer 199 President 363 Sgnd 1st 641 20th Cent 166 Mil Hist 559 Coll Ed 246 100 Gr 472 Eliot, T. S. Ellis, Joseph Ellison, Harlan el-Sadat, Anwar Emerson, Ralph Waldo Euripides Farge. Oliver La Farmer, Philip Jose Faulkner, William Faulkner, William Faulkner, William Fayette, Madam de La Feist, Raymond E. Ferber, Edna Fernigier, André Ferrell, Robert H. (editor) Fielding, Henry Fischer, Louis Fischer, Louis Fitzgerald, F. Scott Fitzgerald, F. Scott Fitzgerald, F. Scott Fitzgerald, F. Scott Flaubert, Gustave Flavin, Martin Flexner, James Thomas Foote, Shelby Foote, Shelby Foote, Shelby Ford, Alice Ford, Gerald R. Ford, John M. Forester, C. S. Forester, C. S. Forster, E. M. Forward, Robert L. Foster, Alan Dean Foucart, Bruno Fowles, John Francis, Dick Frank, Philipp Franklin Library, The Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Fraser, Antonia Freeman Douglas Southall Poems of T. S. Eliot American Sphinx: Thomas Jefferson Deathbird Stories In Search of Identity: An Autobiography The Essays Medea, Hippolytus & The Bacchae Laughing Boy – Pulitzer Prize 1930 To Your Scattered Bodies Go A Fable – Pulitzer Prize 1955 Selected Letters of William Faulkner The Reivers – Pulitzer Prize 1963 The Princess of Cleves Magician Master So Big – Pulitzer Prize 1925 Pierre Bonnard The Eisenhower Diaries The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling The Life of Lenin – Volume I The Life of Lenin – Volume II Tales of the Jazz Age Tender Is the Night The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald This Side of Paradise Madame Bovary Journey in the Dark – Pulitzer Prize 1944 Washington: The Indispensable Man The Civil War: A Narrative – Volume I The Civil War: A Narrative – Volume II The Civil War: A Narrative – Volume III John James Audubon: A Biography A Time to Heal: The Autobiography of Gerald R. Ford Growing Up Weightless Mr. Midshipman Hornblower Payment Deferred A Passage to India Martian Rainbow A Call to Arms Courbet The French Lieutenant’s Woman Blood Sport Einstein: His Life and Times Great American Mystery Stories of the Twentieth Century Poor Richard: The Almanacks for the Years 1733-1758 The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Quiet As a Nun Lee (an abridgement of the four-volume biography) Mini P 134 President Sgnd S F 343 Biog 360 100 Gr 262 100 Gr 184 Pul Prz 296 Sc Fic 221 Pul Prz 462 1st Ed 594 Pul Prz 289 Fam Ed 150 Sc Fic 681 Pul Prz 325 Art 128 President 445 100 Gr 780 Biog 330 Biog 373 Am Lit 349 Am Lit 349 Sh Story 586 Am Lit 255 100 Gr 348 Pul Prz 456 President Sgnd EP 840 EP 988 EP 1106 Biog 528 Sgnd Pres. 454 S F 1st 246 20th Cent 310 Mystery 266 20th Cent 362 S F 1st 319 Sgnd 1st 341 Art 96 Sgnd FL 489 Mystery 241 Biog 310 Mystery 415 Am Lit 300 100 Gr 233 Mystery 177 Biog 601 Freeman, Douglas Southall Freeman, Douglas Southall Freeman, Douglas Southall Freeman, Douglas Southall Freidel, Frank Freud, Sigmund Fried, Albert (editor) Friedan, Betty Frost, Robert A Chambers Galbraith, John Kenneth Gallico, Paul Galsworthy, John Gardner, Erle Stanley Gardner, Erle Stanley Gardner, Erle Stanley Gardner, Erle Stanley Gardner, Erle Stanley Garfield: A Biography Garrow, David J. Gentile, Derek Gibson, Bob & Wheeler, Lonnie Glasgow, Ellen Godwin, Gail Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Goldsmith, Oliver Goodspeed, Edgar J. Gore, Al Gottttschalk, Louis Gould, Stephen Jay Grau, Shirley Ann Grau, Shirley Ann Grau, Shirley Ann Graves, Robert Graves, Robert Greenberg, , Eric Rolfe Greenberg, Hank Greene, Graham Greene, Graham Grimm Guin, Ursula K. Le Gunn, James Gurko, Miriam Guthrie, Jr., A. B. Hagedorn, Hermann (editor) Halberstam, David Halberstam, David Lee’s Lieutenants: A Study in Command – Volume II Lee’s Lieutenants: A Study in Command – Volume I Lee’s Lieutenants: A Study in Command – Volume III Washington (an abridgement of the seven-volume work) Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Rendezvous with Destiny The Interpretation of Dreams Mil Hist 760 Mil Hist 773 Mil Hist 862 President 780 President 20th Cent 600 A Day of Dedication: The Essential Writings & Speeches of Woodrow Wilson President 478 The Feminine Mystique 20th Cent 452 Poems of Robert Frost Mini P The Great Crash, 1929 Am Hist 206 Lou Gehrig: Pride of the Yankees Baseball The Man of Property Fam Ed 285 Perry Mason – Volume 1 Mystery 202 Perry Mason – Volume 2 Mystery 240 Perry Mason – Volume 3 Mystery 233 Perry Mason – Volume 4 Mystery 194 The D.A. Calls It Murder Mystery 243 Peskin, Allan President 716 Bearing the Cross: M. L. King, Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference Am Hist 800 The Complete New York Yankees: The Total Encyclopedia of the Team Baseball 623 Stranger to the Game Sgnd 1st 286 In This Our Life – Pulitzer Prize 1942 Pul Prz 449 The Finishing School Sgnd 1st 322 Faust 100 Gr 183 She Stoops to Conquer 100 Gr 121 A Life of Jesus Religion 248 Earth in the Balance Sgnd EP 408 Lafayette in America, 1777-1783 Am Hist 1006 The Lying Stones of Marrakech Sgnd 1st Evidence of Love 1st Ed 243 st Nine Women Sgnd 1 204 The Keepers of the House – Pulitzer Prize 1965 Pul Prz 327 Claudius the God Biog I, Claudius Biog The Celebrant Baseball The Story of My Life Baseball The Power and the Glory 20th Cent 288 This Gun for Hire; The Confidential Agent; The Ministry of Fear Sh Story 722 Fairy Tales 100 Gr 330 The Dispossessed Sc Fic Kampus Sc Fic 281 The Ladies of Seneca Falls: The Birth of the Women’s Rights Movement Am Hist 328 The Way West – Pulitzer Prize 1950 Pul Prz 417 The Theodore Roosevelt Treasury: A Self-Portrait from His Writings President 342 Summer of ’49 Baseball 304 The Best and the Brightest Am Hist 688 Halberstam, David Halberstam. David Hamilton, A.; Madison, J.; Jay, J. Hamilton, Holman Hamilton, Holman Hardy, Thomas Hardy, Thomas Hardy, Thomas Hardy, Thomas Harris, Joel Chandler Harris, Mark Harrod, R. F. Harte, Bret Hartog, Jan de Hastings, Max Hawke, David Freeman Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Nathaniel Heckscher, August Heller, Joseph Heller, Joseph Helyar, John Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway, Ernest Hendrix, Howard V. Henry, O. Herbert, Frank Hersey, John Hersey, John Hersey, John Hersey, John Hesse, Hermann Hibbard, Howard Hildesheimer, Wolfgang Hofstadter, Richard Holmes, Oliver Wendell Homer Homer Hope, Anthony Horne, Alistair Sgnd 1st 126 Playing for Keeps: Michael Jordan and the World He Made Sgnd 1st The Federalist Papers 100 Gr 600 Zachary Taylor: Soldier in the White House – Volume II President 496 Zachary Taylor: Soldier of the Republic – Volume I President 335 Far form the Madding Crowd Fam Ed 400 Jude the Obscure 100 Gr 427 Tess of the d’Urbervilles Fam Ed 448 The Return of the Native 100 Gr 416 Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings Am Lit 158 Bang the Drum Slowly Baseball 243 The Life of John Maynard Keynes Biog 674 Tales of the Gold Rush Am Lit 223 The Centurion Sgnd 1st 286 Overlord: D-Day, June 6, 1944 Mil Hist 368 Paine Biog 500 The Scarlet Letter 100 Gr 280 Twice-Told Tales Am Lit 411 Woodrow Wilson President 743 God Knows Sgnd 1st 353 Good As Gold Sgnd FL 520 Lords of the Realm Baseball Death in the Afternoon Am Lit 487 For Whom the Bell Tolls Am Lit 498 Men Without Women Am Lit 137 The First Forty-nine Stories Sh Story 547 The Old Man and the Sea – Pulitzer Prize 1953 Pul Prz 124 The Snows of Kilimanjaro & Twelve Other Stories Am Lit 133 The Sun Also Rises Am Lit 259 To Have and Have Not Am Lit 262 Empty Cities of the Full Moon Sgnd 1st Selected Stories Sh Story 467 Dune Sc Fic A Bell for Adano – Pulitzer Prize 1945 Pul Prz S291 Life Sketches Sgnd 1st 377 The Call Sgnd 1st 697 The Walnut Door 1st Ed 227 Steppenwolf Fam Ed 181 Michelangelo Biog 348 Mozart Biog 408 The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It Am Hist 378 The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table Am Lit 281 The Illiad 100 Gr 478 The Odyssey 100 Gr 357 The Prisoner of Zenda Fam Ed 188 A Savage War of Peace: Algeria 1954-1962 Mil Hist 606 The Next Century Hours, Madeleine Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot Howard, Fred Wilbur and Orville: A Biography of the Wright Brothers Howe Chester A. Arthur Hoyle, Fred The Black Cloud Hudson, W. H. Green Mansions Huffington, Arianna Stassinopoulos Picasso: Creator and Destroyer Hughes, Langston Laughing to Keep from Crying and 25 Jesse Semple Stories Hugo, Victor Les Miserables Volumes I II III Hugo, Victor Les Miserables Volumes IV & V Hugo, Victor Notre-Dame de Paris Hüttinger, Eduard Degas Huxley, Aldous Brave New World Huyghe, René Gauguin Ibsen, Henrik Hedda Gabbler, An Enemy of the People, and The Wild Duck Ibsen, Henrik Peer Gynt Irving, John A Widow for a Year Irving, Washington Diedrich Knickerbocker’s History of New York Irving, Washington Rip Van Winkle; The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories Irving, Washington The Alhambra Jacobs, Herbert Frank Lloyd Wright: America’s Greatest Architect Jacobus, John Henri Matisse Jaffé, Hans L. C. Pablo Picasso James, Henry The Ambassadors James, Henry The Golden Bowl James, Henry The Portrait of a Lady James, King (version) The Book of Psalms James, Marquis Andrew Jackson: Border Captain – Volume I James, Marquis Andrew Jackson: Portrait of a President – Volume II James, Marquis The Raven: A Biography of Sam Houston James, William Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking James, William Psychology Jeffery, Arthur (translator) The Koran Jewett, Sarah Orne The Country of the Pointed Firs and Other Stories Johnson, Haynes Divided We Fall: Gambling with History in the Nineties Johnson, Josephine Now in November – Pulitzer Prize 1935 Johnson, Robert Underwood (editor) Battles and Leaders of the Civil War – Volume I Johnson, Robert Underwood (editor) Battles and Leaders of the Civil War – Volume III Johnson, Robert Underwood (editor) Battles and Leaders of the Civil War – Volume II Johnson, Robert Underwood (editor) Battles and Leaders of the Civil War – Volume IV Jones, James Whistle Jones, Rev. J. William Personal Reminiscences of General Robert E. Lee Jong, Erica Fear of Flying Josephson, Matthew The Robber Barons: The Great American Capitalists 1861-1901 Joyce, James A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Jung, Carl G. Psychology of the Unconscious Kafka, Franz The Trial Art 128 Am Hist 530 President Sc Fic 201 Fam Ed 346 Sgnd 1st 558 Sh Story 269 Fam Ed 257 Fam Ed 288 Fam Ed 331 Art 96 100 Gr 237 Art 96 100 Gr 325 Fam Ed 322 Sgnd 1st Am Lit 351 Am Lit 399 100 Gr 304 Am Hist 223 Art 128 Art 128 20th Cent 384 20th Cent 568 100 Gr 516 Religion 150 President 461 President 627 Am Hist 489 Am Lit 193 Am Lit 297 Religion 231 Sh Story 425 Sgnd 1st 431 Pul Prz 200 Mil Hist 750 Mil Hist 752 Mil Hist 760 Mil Hist 829 1st Ed 499 Biog 509 Sgnd EP 336 Am Hist 474 100 Gr 253 20th Cent 20th Cent 220 Kahn, Roger Kantor, MacKinlay Kaplan, Fred Kaplan, Justin Kearns, Doris Keats, John Keillor, Garrison Keller, Helen Keneally, Thomas Keneally, Thomas Kennedy, William Ketchum, Richard M. Keynes, John Maynard Khayyam, Omar Kingsley, Charles Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kissinger, Henry Koch, Edward I. Koestler, Arthur Koestler, Arthur Lackner, Stephan Laclos, Choderlos de Lacoste, Michel Conil Lamont, Lansing Lardner, Ring Lash, Joseph P Lash, Joseph P. Lawrence, D. H. Lawrence, D. H. Leakey, Richard E. & Lewin, Roger Lee, Harper Lee, Harper Leech, Margaret Leher, Jim Lem, Stanislaw Lenin, V. I. Leonard, William (translator) Leventhal, Josh Lewis & Clark Lewis, C. S. Lewis, C. S. Lewis, C. S. Lewis, C. S. Lewis, C. S. The Boys of Summer Baseball 442 Andersonville – Pulitzer Prize 1956 Pul Prz 897 Dickens: A Biography Biog 607 Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain – Pulitzer Prize 1967 Pul Prz 424 Lyndon Johnson and the American Dread President 432 The Poems of John Keats 100 Gr 337 We Are Still Married: Stories & Letters Sgnd 1st 330 The Story of My Life Biog 404 st American Scoundrel Sgnd 1 Schindler’s List Sgnd EP Ironweed Sgnd EP 227 The Winter Soldiers Mil Hist 435 The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money 20th Cent The Rubaiyat 100 Gr n/a Westward Ho! Fam Ed 427 Kim Fam Ed 284 Stories Sh Story 429 The Jungle Books 100 Gr 383 Diplomacy Sgnd 1st 912 I’m Not Done Yet! Sgnd EP 196 Darknes at Noon Sgnd FL 238 Darkness at Noon 20th Cent 267 Max Beckmann Art 96 Dangerous Acqaintances Fam Ed 387 Kanninsky Art 96 Day of Trinity Am Hist 363 Ring Around the Bases: The Complete Baseball Stories of Ring Lardner Baseball 609 Eleanor and Franklin Sgnd FL 897 A World of Love: Eleanor Roosevelt and Her Friends 1943-1962 Sgnd 1st 610 Sons and Lovers 20th Cent Women in Love Am Lit 436 Origins Reconsidered: In Search of What Makes Us Human Sgnd 1st 375 To Kill a Mockingbird – Pulitzer Prize 1961 Pul Prz 301 To Kill a Mockingbird 20th Cent 296 In the Days of McKinley President 686 A Bus of My Own Sgnd 1st 270 The Cyberiad Sc Fic 295 The State and Revolution: The Marxist Teaching on the State… Coll Ed 153 Beowulf Fam Ed 120 The World Series: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Fall Classics Baseball 320 The Journals of the Expedition – Volume One Am Hist 312 Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia) Fantasy 223 The Horse and His Boy (Chronicles of Narnia) Fantasy 224 The Last Battle (Chronicles of Narnia) Fantasy 211 The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Narnia) Fantasy 189 The Magician’s Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia) Fantasy 202 Lewis, C. S. Lewis, C. S. Lewis, Sinclair Lewis, Sinclair Lewis, Sinclair Lewis, Sinclair Life (publisher) Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, W. Bruce Lindbergh, Charles A. Livesay, Harold Livy Locke, John London, Jack London, Jack Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth Lurie, Alison Lurie, Alison Luther, Martin Lynn, Loretta Mabee, Carleton MacArthur, General Douglas Macchiavelli MacDonald, Charles B. Mackay, Harvey MacKenzie, Catherine MacMillan Mahan, Captain A. T. Mailer, Norman Malamud, Bernard Malamud, Bernard Malory, Sir Thomas Malory, Sir Thomas Malzberg, Barry Mann, Thomas Marquand, John P. Marquand, John P. Márquez, Gabriel García Marshall, George N. Marx, Karl Marx, Karl Mathers, E. Powys Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Matthiessen, Peter The Silver Chair (Chronicles of Narnia) The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Chronicles of Narnia) Arrowsmith – Pulitzer Prize 1926 Babbitt It Can’t Happen Here Main St. One Nation: America Remembers September 11, 2001 Handwritten Autobiography The Literary Works of Abraham Lincoln Red Victory: A History of the Russian Civil War The Spirit of St. Louis Andrew Carnegie and the Rise of Big Business The History of Early Rome Two Treatises of Government The Call of the Wild The Sea Wolf Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow The Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Foreign Affairs The Truth about Lorin Jones Ninety-five Theses Still Woman Enough: A Memoir The American Leonardo: The Life of Samuel F. B. Morse Reminiscences The Prince The Mighty Endeavor (WW II) Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt Alexander Graham Bell: The Man Who Contracted Space The MacMillan Dictionary of Quotations The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1788 Tough Guys Don’t Dance The Fixer – Pulitzer Prize 1967 The Magic Barrel; Idiots First Le Morte D’Arthur Volume One Le Morte D’Arthur Volume Two Beyond Apollo The Magic Mountain Mr. Moto’s Three Aces The Late George Apley – Pulitzer Prize 1938 One Hundred Years of Solitude Buddha – The Quest for Serenity – A Biography Das Kapital – A Critique of Political Economy – Volume II Das Kapital – A Critique of Political Economy – Volume I The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor The Gospels The Snow Leopard Fantasy 243 Fantasy 248 Pul Prz 525 20th Cent 342 Am Lit 390 Fam Ed 367 Photog 192 President n/a President 294 Sgnd 1st 637 Am Hist Am Hist 202 100 Gr 500 Coll Ed Am Lit 158 100 Gr 354 Mini P Am Lit 444 Sgnd 1st 291 Sgnd 1st 328 Coll Ed Sgnd 1st 244 Biog 435 Mil Hist 438 100 Gr 185 Mil Hist 564 Sgnd 1st 400 Biog 382 Referen 790 Mil Hist 557 Sgnd 1st 229 Pul Prz 305 Sh Story 453 Fam Ed 347 Fam Ed 410 Sc Fic 138 20th Cent724 Sh Story 624 Pul Prz 306 20th Cent 422 Religion 239 Coll Ed 527 Coll Ed 341 Fam Ed 124 Religion 233 1st Ed 348 Mattingly, Garrett Maugham, W. Somerset Maugham, W. Somerset Maupassant, Guy de Maupassant, Guy de Maupassant, Guy de Maurier, George du Maurois, André Mays, Willie with Sahadi, Lou McCaffrey, Anne McCague, James McCarthy, Mary McCormac, Eugene Irving McCullough, David McCullough, David McCullough, David McCullough, David McCullough, David McCullough, David McDonald, Forrest McDougall, Walter A. McFeely, William McKnight, Kent H. & Vera B. McLellan, David McMurry, Linda O. McPherson, James Allan McPherson, James M. McPherson, James M. Melville, Herman Melville, Herman Melville, Herman Mencken, H. L. Micha, René Michener, James A. Michener, James A. Michener, James A. Michener, James A. Michener, James A. Michener, James A. Michener, James A. Michener, James A. Michener, James A. Michener, James A. Michener, James A. Michener, James A. Michener, James A. The Armada Of Human Bondage The Moon and Sixpence A Woman’s Life Stories The Tales of Guy de Maupassant Peter Ibbetson Disraeli: A Picture of the Victorian Age Say Hey: The Autobiography of Willie Mays Nimisha’s Ship Mil Hist 443 Fam Ed 805 Fam Ed 282 Fam Ed 216 Sh Story 356 100 Gr 472 Fam Ed 344 Biog 383 Baseball 286 S F 1st 388 Moguls and Iron Men: The Story of the First Transcontinental Railroad Am Hist 392 Birds of America Sgnd FL 341 James K. Polk President John Adams President 751 Mornings on Horseback (Theodore Roosevelt) Am Hist 445 The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal, 1870-1914 – Vol. I Am Hist 241 The Pathe Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal, 1870-1914 – Vol. II Am Hist 457 Truman – Volume I President464 Truman – Volume II President 528 Alexander Hamilton Biog … the Heavens and the Earth: A Political History of the Space Age Am Hist 555 Grant: A Biography President 592 Mushrooms of North America FGuide 429 Karl Marx: His Life and Thought Biog 498 George Washington Carver: Scientist and Symbol Biog 367 Elbow Room – Pulitzer Prize 1978 Pul Prz 304 Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era – Volume II Am Hist 476 Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era – Volume I Am Hist 904 Billy Budd, Sailor; The Piazza Tales Sh Story 351 Moby Dick 100 Gr 615 Typee: A Romance of the South Seas Am Lit 409 A Mencken Chrestomathy Am Lit 679 Jean Hélion Art 96 Alaska – Volume I Col Ed 464 Alaska – Volume II Col Ed 404 Centennial – Volume I Col Ed 428 Centennial – Volume II Col Ed 480 Chesapeake – Volume I Col Ed 404 Chesapeake – Volume II Col Ed 461 Tales of the South Pacific – Pulitzer Prize 1948 Pul Prz 413 Texas – Volume I Col Ed 509 Texas – Volume II Col Ed 587 The Covenant – Volume I Col Ed 411 The Covenant – Volume II Col Ed 462 The Source – Volume I Col Ed 421 The Source – Volume II Col Ed 488 Sgnd 1st 614 Pul Prz 324 Pul Prz 293 Children 100 Gr 311 Pul Prz 1037 Am Lit 294 Am Lit 299 100 Gr 197 Pul Prz 249 Am Hist 469 Coll Ed 482 Am Lit 207 Sc Fic 199 Col Ed 165 “Old Bruin”: Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry, 1794-1858 Am Hist 482 John Paul Jones: A Sailor’s Biography Biog 453 st Hong Kong Sgnd 1 359 Morris, Richard B. & Morris, Jeffrey B. Great Presidential Decisions: State Papers that Changed the Course of History President 526 Morris, Wright A Cloak of Light Sgnd 1st 306 Morrison, Toni Beloved 20th Cent 275 Mortimer, John Summer’s Lease Sgnd 1st 288 Murie, Olaus J. Animal Tracks FGuide 375 Murray, Charles & Cox, Catherine Bly Apollo: The Race to the Moon Am Hist 506 Myrdal, Gunnar An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy – Volume I Am Hist 705 Myrdal, Gunnar An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy – Volume II Am Hist 778 N/A Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt Myths N/A Myths and Legends of Babylonia and Assyria Myths N/A Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists Myths N/A Russian Folk Tales Tales Nabokov, Vladimir Nabokov’s Dozen Sh Story 270 Naipaul, V. S. A Bend in the River Sgnd EP 278 Naipaul, V. S. A Turn in the South Sgnd 1st 307 st Naisbitt, John Global Paradox: The Bigger the World Econ., the More Powerful Its Small. Players Sgnd 1 304 Nasar, Sylvia A Beautiful Mind Biog 461 Nevin, John Martin Van Buren President Nevins, Allan (editor) The Burden and the Glory: The Speeches of John F. Kennedy President 293 Nevins, Allan A Study in Power: John D. Rockefeller, Industrialist and Philanthropist – Vol. I Biog 441 Nevins, Allan A Study in Power: John D. Rockefeller. Industrialist and Philanthropist – Vol. II Biog 501 Nevins, Allan Grover Cleveland: A Study in Courage – Volume I President 442 Nevins, Allan Grover Cleveland: A Study in Courage – Volume II President 390 Nevins, Allan The Emergence of Lincoln – Volume I President 472 Nevins, Allan The Emergence of Lincoln – Volume II President 524 Newton, Sir Isaac Principles of Natural Philosophy and System of the World Coll Ed 680 Nichols, Roy Franklin Franklin Pierce: Young Hickory of the Granite Hills President 625 Niven, Larry & Pournelle, Jerry The Mote in God’s Eye Sc Fic Miller, Arthur Miller, Caroline Millhauser, Steven Milne, A. A. Milton, John Mitchell, Margaret Mitchell, Margaret Mitchell, Margaret Moliére Momaday, N. Scott Monaghan, Jay Montaigne, Michel de Moore, Marianne Moore, Ward More, Thomas Morison, Samuel Eliot Morison, Samuel Eliot Morris, Jan Timebends:A Life Lamb in His Bosom – Pulitzer Prize 1934 Martin Dressler – Pulitzer Prize 1997 (signed) When We Were Very Young Paradise Lost Gone with the Wind – Pulitzer Prize 1937 Gone With the Wind – Volume I Gone With the Wind – Volume II Tartuffe & The Would-Be Gentleman House Made of Dawn – Pulitzer Prize 1969 Custer: The Life of General George Armstrong Custer Twenty-nine Essays Collected Poems Bring the Jubilee Utopia Nixon, Richard Nixon, Richard Nixon, Richard Nobel Prize Library not available O, Neill, Eugene O’Brien, Edna O’Connor, Edwin O’Hara, John Oates, Joyce Carol Oates, Joyce Carol Oates, Joyce Carol Oates, Joyce Carol Oates, Joyce Carol Oates, Stephen B. Oh, Sadaharu and Falkner Olson, James S. and Roberts, Randy Padover, Saul K. (editor) Padover, Saul K. (editor) Padover, Saul K. (selector) Paine, Thomas Paine, Thomas Parkman, Francis Parkman, Francis Parmet, Herbert S. Parmet, Herbert S. Pasternak, Boris Pataki, George A. Pater, Walter (retold by) Patton, Jr., General George S. Pelling, Henry Pelling, Henry Peterkin, Julia Peterson, Merrill D. In the Arena: A Memoir of Victory, Defeat, and Renewal President 384 RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon – Volume I Sgnd Pres. 540 RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon – Volume II President 578 William Faulkner, Eugene O’Neill, John Steinbeck Nobel Pr 375 Rodin Art 96 Four Plays Am Lit 545 A Fanatic Heart Sgnd 1st 461 The Edge of Sadness – Pulitzer Prize 1962 Pul Prz 459 Sermons and Soda-Water Sh Story 244 Marya: A Life Sgnd 1st 310 Mysteries of Winterthurn Sgnd 1st 481 Them Sgnd FL 601 Will You Always Love Me? And Other Stories Sgnd 1st 326 You Must Remember This Sgnd 1st 436 With Malice Toward None: The Life of Abraham Lincoln President 492 Sahaharu Oh Baseball Where the Domino Fell: America and Vietnam 1945-1990 Am Hist 321 The Complete Madison – His Basic Writings President 361 The Washington Papers – Basic Selections from the PublicWritings of G. Washington President 430 The Writings of Thomas Jefferson President 362 Common Sense; Rights of Man Am Hist 290 The Rights of Man 100 Gr 269 The Battle for North America Mil Hist 775 The Oregon Trail Am Lit 297 Jack: The Struggles of John F. Kennedy President 586 JFK: The Presidency of John F. Kennedy President 407 Doctor Zhivago 20th Cent 559 Pataki Sgnd 1st The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche Fam Ed 64 War As I Knew It Mil Hist 427 Winston Churchill: Volume I Biog 398 Winston Churchill: Volume II Biog 326 Scarlet Sister Mary – Pulitzer Prize 1929 Pul Prz 329 Thomas Jefferson and the New Nation President 1072 Peterson, Roger Tory & McKenny, M. Northerneastern Wildflowers FGuide 420 Plath, Sylvia The Bell Jar 20th Cent 296 Plato Dialogues on Love and Friendship: The Symposium, The Phaedrus, & The Lysis 100 Gr 208 Plato The Republic 100 Gr 622 Plutarch The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans – Volume I Fam Ed 942 Plutarch The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans – Volume II Fam Ed 984 Plutarch Twelve Illustrious Lives Biog 463 Poe, Edgar Allan Tales of Mystery and Imagination 100 Gr 366 Poe, Edgar Allan The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym Am Lit 267 Pohl, Frederick The Day the Martians Came S F 1st 248 Polo, Marco The Travels of Marco Polo History 477 Poole, Ernest His Family – Pulitzer Prize 1918 Pul Prz 299 Porter, Katherine Anne Potok, Chaim Potok, Chaim Potter, E. B. Pough, Frederick H. Prange, Gordon W. Prange, Gordon W. Prange, Gordon W. Prange, Gordon W. Pringle, Henry F. Pringle, Henry F. Pringle, Henry F. Proust, Marcel Pyle, Howard Pyle, Howard Pyle, Howard Pyle, Howard Queen, Ellery (selected by) Quignon-Fleuret, Dominique Rabbir, Run Rakove, Jack N. Rand, Ayn Rand, Ayn Rand, Ayn Rand, Ayn Randall, Jr., John H. Rather, Dan Rauch, Basil (editor) Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan Rayback, Robert J. Reagan, Ronald Reilly, Robin Remarque, Erich Maria Reston, Jr., James Rey, Jean Dominique Richter, Conrad Ritter, Lawrence Robinson, Edwin Arlington Robinson, Kim Stanley Robinson, Kim Stanley Rommel, Erwin Rossner, Judith Rostand, Edmond Roth, Philip Roth, Philip Roth, Philip Collected Stories of K. A. Porter – Pulitzer Prize 1966 The Chosen The Gift of Asher Lev Nimitz Rocks and Minerals Pul Prz 536 Sgnd EP 284 Sgnd 1st 370 Biog 507 FGuide 317 At Dawn We Slept: The Untold Story of Pearl Harbor – Volume I Am Hist 873 At Dawn We Slept: The Untold Story of Pearl Harbor – Volume II Am Hist 873 Miracle at Midway Am Hist 469 Miracle at Midway Am Hist 469 The Life and Times of William Howard Taft - Volume I President 555 The Life and Times of William Howard Taft - Volume II President551 Theodore Roosevelt: A Biography President 627 Swann’s Way Fam Ed 441 The Story of King Arthur and His Knights King Ar 313 The Story of Sir Launcelot and His Companions King Ar 340 The Story of the Champions of the Round Table King Ar 329 The Story of the Grail and the Passing of Arthur King Ar 258 Masterpieces of Mystery: The Prize Winners Mystery 352 Mathieu Art 96 Updike, John Sgnd FL 342 Original Meanings: Politics and Ideas… the Constitution S Pul Prz439 We the Living & Anthem Am Lit 495 Atlas Shrugged – Volume I Am Lit 566 Atlas Shrugged – Volume II Am Lit 602 The Fountainhead Am Lit 741 Aristotle Biog 309 st Deadlines and Datelines Sgnd 1 Franklin D. Roosevelt: Selected Speeches, Messages, Press Conferences, and Letters President 391 The Yearling – Pulitzer Prize 1939 Pul Prz 431 Millard Fillmore: Biography of a President President 470 An American Life President 748 The British at the Gates: The New Orleans Campaign in the War of 1812 Mil Hist 379 All Quiet on the Western Front Fam Ed 221 Collision at Home Plate: The Lives of Pete Rose and Bart Giamatti Sgnd 1st 326 Berthe Morisot Art 96 The Town – Pulitzer Prize 1951 Pul Prz 362 The Glory of Their Times Baseball Selected Poems of Edwin Arlington Robinson Am Lit 314 Blue Mars S F 1st 609 Red Mars S F 1st 519 The Rommel Papers Mil Hist 545 His Little Women Sgnd 1st 366 Cyrano de Bergerac Fam Ed 210 American Pastoral Sgnd 1st 423 Goodbye, Columbus and Other Stories Sgnd FL 299 Portnoy’s Complaint 20th Cent 274 Roth, Philip Roth, Philip Rothenberg, Gunther E. Roudebush, Jay Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Russell, Francis Ryan, Cornelius Safire, William Sagan, Francoise Salisbury, Harrison E. Salisbury, Harrison E. Sandburg, Carl Sartre, Jean-Paul Sayers, Dorothy L. Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann Schapiro, Meyer Schiller, Friedrich Schlesinger, Jr., Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.,Arthur M. Schmidt, Stanley (introduction) Schneider, Bruno F Schweitzer, Albert Scott, Sir Walter Scott, Sir Walter Scott, Sir Walter Seager II, Robert Seitz, William C. Selz, Jean Settle, Mary Lee Seymour, Ph.D., Harold Seymour, Ph.D., Harold Seymour, Ph.D., Harold Shaara, Michael Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Sgnd 1st 291 Sgnd 1st 324 History 272 Art 96 100 Gr 635 The Shadow of Blooming Grove: Warren G. Harding in His Times President 691 The Longest Day: June 6, 1944 Am Hist 350 Full Disclosure 1st Ed 535 The Unmade Bed 1st Ed 280 A Time of Change: A Reporter’s Tales of Our Time Sgnd 1st 354 The 900 Days: The Siege of Leningrad Mil Hist 635 Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years and the War Years President 762 Five Plays Sgnd FL 484 Murder Must Advertise Mystery 301 The Healer’s War Sc Fic 303 Vincent Van Gogh Art 128 William Tell Fam Ed 160 The Cycles of American History Sgnd 1st 498 The Age of Roosevelt: The Coming of the New Deal Am Hist 669 A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House Sgnd Pres. 939 Astounding Stories: The 60th Anniversary Collection Sc Fic 397 Renoir Art 96 Out of My Life and Thought: An Autobiography Biog 273 Ivanhoe 100 Gr 471 Kenilworth Fam Ed 542 The Talisman 100 Gr 369 and Tyler too – A Biography of John & Julia Gardiner Tyler President 681 Claude Monet Art 128 Eugéne Boudin Art 96 Charley Bland Sgnd 1st 207 Baseball: The Early Years Baseball Baseball: The Golden Age Baseball Baseball: The People’s Game Baseball The Killer Angels – Pulitzer Prize 1975 Pul Prz 410 A Midsummer Night’s Dream Wm Sh All’s Well That Ends Well Wm Sh Antony and Cleopatra Wm Sh As You Like It Wm Sh Coriolanus Wm Sh Cymbeline Wm Sh Hamlet Wm Sh Henry the Eighth Wm Sh Henry the Fifth Wm Sh Henry the Fourth Part I Wm Sh Henry the Fourth Part II Wm Sh Henry the Sixth Part I Wm Sh The Anatomy Lesson The Counterlife The Art of Warfare in the Age of Napolean Mary Cassatt The Confessions Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William Shaw Shaw, George Bernard Shaw, Irwin Shaw, Irwin Sheffield, Charles Shelley, Mary Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shirer, William L. Shirer, William L. Sievers, Harry J. Sievers, Harry J. (NEED) Silverberg, Robert (editor) Silverberg, Robert (editor) Silverberg, Robert (editor) Simenon, Georges Henry the Sixth Part II Henry the Sixth Part III Julius Caesar King John King Lear Loves Labor’s Lost Macbeth Measure for Measure Much Ado about Nothing Othello Pericles Poems of William Shakespeare Richard the Second Richard the Third Romeo and Juliet The Comedy of Errors The Complete Comedies The Complete Histories The Complete Tragedies The Merchant of Venice The Merry Wives of Windsor The Poems of William Shakespeare Volume I The Poems of William Shakespeare Volume II The Taming of the Shrew The Tempest The Two Gentlemen of Verona The Winter’s Tale Timon of Athens Titus Andronicus Troilus and Cressida Twelfth Night The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt Wm Sh Wm Sh Wm Sh Wm Sh Wm Sh Wm Sh Wm Sh Wm Sh Wm Sh Wm Sh Wm Sh Mini P Wm Sh Wm Sh 131 Wm Sh Wm Sh 100 Gr 1120 100 Gr 1016 100 Gr 1362 Wm Sh Wm Sh Wm Sh 125 Wm Sh 245 Wm Sh Wm Sh Wm Sh Wm Sh Wm Sh Wm Sh Wm Sh Wm Sh History Two Plays for Puritans: The Devil’s Disciple & Caesar and Cleopatra 100 Gr 215 Beggarman, Thief 1st Ed 441 The Young Lions S FL 728 Tomorrow and Tomorrow S F 1st 375 Frankenstein Fam Ed 257 Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley Mini P 246 The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich – Volume I Mil Hist 1249 The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich – Volume II Mil Hist 1249 Benjamin Harrison: Hoosier Warrior – Volume One President 386 Benjamin Harrison (NEED) President The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume IIA Sc Fic The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume IIB Sc Fic The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume I Sc Fic The Patience of Maigret Mystery 311 Simon, Neil Sinclair, Andrew Sinclair, Upton Singer, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Isaac Bashevis Skinner, B. F. Smith, Adam Smith, Hedrick Smith, Page Smith, Page Smith, Peter D. Snow, C. P. Solzhenitsyn, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Alexander Sontag, Susan Sophocles Southey, Robert (translator) Spark, Muriel Spender, Stephen Spillane, Mickey Spinrad, Norman Spock, Benjamin & Morgan, Mary Stafford, Jean Stahl, Lesley Stanley, Henry Morton Steele, Allen Stegner, Wallace Steinbeck, John Steinbeck, John Steinbeck, John Stendhal Stephenson, Neal Sterne, Laurence Stevenson, Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Louis Stone, Irving Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stribling, T. S. Sturgeon, Theodore Styron, William Styron, William Styron, William Swanberg, W. A. Swanberg, W. A. Swift, Jonathan S 1st 384 Am Hist 480 Pul Prz 586 Sgnd 1st 244 Sgnd 1st 170 Coll Ed 306 An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the the Wealth of Nations History 590 The New Russians Sgnd 1st 621 John Adams – Volume I 1735-1784 President599 John Adams – Volume II 1784-1826 President 571 Constable Art 96 The Affair Sgnd FL 365 First Circle 20th Cent 580 One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich 20th Cent 160 The Volcano Lover Sgnd 1st 419 Oedipus the King 100 Gr 159 The Chronicle of the Cid Fam Ed 196 The Only Problem Sgnd 1st 177 Journals 1939-1983 Sgnd 1st 510 The Killing Man Sgnd 1st 228 Bug Jack Barron Sc Fic 327 Spock on Spock: A Memoir of Growing Up with the Century Sgnd 1st 279 Collected Stories of Jean Stafford - Pulitzer Prize 1970 Pul Prz 414 Reporting Live Sgnd 1st How I Found Livingstone Fam Ed 736 Chrono Space: Hindenburg Sgnd 1st Angle of Repose – Pulitzer Prize 1972 Pul Prz 531 Of Mice and Men 100 Gr 165 The Grapes of Wrath – Pulitzer Prize 1940 Pul Prz 589 Tortilla Flat; Of Mice and Men; Cannery Row Sh Story 448 The Red and the Black 100 Gr 450 The Diamond Age History The Life and Opimions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman 100 Gr 444 The Master of Ballantrae Fam Ed 303 The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 100 Gr 123 Treasure Island 100 Gr Depths of Glory Sgnd 1st Uncle Tom’s Cabin 100 Gr 295 The Store – Pulitzer Prize 1933 Pul Prz 512 More than Human Sc Fic 233 Lie Down in Darkness Sgnd FL 497 The Confessions of Nat Turner – Pulitzer Prize 1968 Pul Prz 441 The Confessions of Nat Turner Sgnd FL 441 Citizen Hearst: A Biography of William Randolph Hearst Am Hist 555 Luce and His Empire Biog 529 Gulliver’s Travels 100 Gr 343 Three from the Stage Prohibition: The Era of Excess Dragon’s Teeth – Pulitzer Prize 1943 The Death of Methuselah and Other Stories The Penitent Walden Two Swindoll, Charles R. Taillandier, Yvon Tarkington, Booth Tarkington, Booth Tarkington, Booth Tarkington, Booth Taylor, Robert Lewis Tennyson, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Alfred, Lord Tepper, Sheri Terrill, Ross Terry, Charles Sanford Thackeray, William Makepeace Thomas, Bob Thomas, Dylan Thomas, Gordon and Witts, Max Morgan Thoreau, Henry David Thoreau, Henry David Thoreau, Henry David Thurber, James Tinkle, Lon Tocqueville, Alexis de Tocqueville, Alexis de Toland, John Toland, John Tolkien, J. R. R. Tolstoy, Leo Tolstoy, Leo Trefousse, Hans L. Troyat, Henri Troyat, Henri Troyat, Henri Trudeau, G. B. Truman, Margaret Tryon, Thomas Tse-Tung, Mao Tuchman, Barbara W. Tuchman, Barbara Turgenev, Ivan Turgenev, Ivan Twain, Mark Twain, Mark Twain, Mark Twain, Mark Twain, Mark Twain, Mark The Grace Awakening Cézanne Alice Adams – Pulitzer Prize 1922 Monsieur Beaucaire Stories The Magnificent Ambersons – Pulitzer Prize 1919 The Travels of Jamie McPheeters – Pulizer Prize 1959 In Memoriam and Other Poems Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson The Fresco Mao: A Biography Bach: A Biography Vanity Fair Walt Disney: An American Original Collected Stories The San Francisco Earthquake A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers Resistance to Civil Government and Other Essays Walden, or Life in the Woods The Thurber Carnival 13 Days to Glory: The Siege of the Alamo Democracy in America – Volume One Democracy in America – Volume Two God’s of War The Last 100 Days (WW II) The Hobbit or There and Back Again Anna Karenina War and Peace – Volumes I and II Andrew Johnson: A Biography Peter the Great Tolstoy – Volume I Tolstoy – Volume II Flashbacks: 25 Years of Doonsbury Harry S. Truman The Wings of the Morning On Guerrilla Warfare A Distant Mirror The Guns of August (WW I) Fathers and Sons First Love and Other Tales A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court Huckleberry Finn Life On the Mississippi Pudd’nhead Wilson and Pudd’nhead Wilson’s Calendar The Innocents Abroad, or The New Pilgrims’ Progress The Notorious Jumping Frog & Other Stories 20th Cent 311 Art 96 Pul Prz 308 Am Lit 121 Sh Story 232 Pul Prz 298 Pul Prz 478 Am Lit 367 Mini P Sgnd 1st Biog 481 Biog 367 100 Gr 759 Am Hist 379 Sh Story 360 Am Hist 316 Am Lit 401 Coll Ed 235 100 Gr 335 Sh Story 430 Am Hist 255 Am Hist 379 Am Hist 423 Sgnd 1st 599 Mil Hist 622 Col Ed 317 100 Gr 935 100 Gr 1672 President 463 Biog 392 Biog 321 Biog 441 st Sgnd 1 President 602 Sgnd 1st 567 Mil Hist 160 1st Ed 735 Mil Hist 511 100 Gr 235 Sh Story 388 Fam Ed 275 100 Gr 396 Am Lit 418 Am Lit 174 Am Lit 499 Am Lit 301 Twain, Mark Twain, Mark Tyler, Anne Tyler, David Budlong Tyler, Moses Coit Tzu, Lao Updike, John Updike, John Updike, John Updike, John Updike, John Updike, John Updike, John Updike, John Updike, John Updike, John Urdang, Laurence Uris, Leon Uris, Leon Uris, Leon Uris, Leon Uris, Leon Vallier, Dora Vandiver, Frank E. Verne, Jules Verne, Jules Verne, Jules Vidal, Gore Vidal, Gore Vidal, Gore Vinge, Joan D. Virgil Voltaire Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet Vonnegut, Kurt Vonnegut, Kurt Vonnegut, Kurt Voto, Bernard De Vrooman, Jack Rochford Waite, Terry Walker, John Wallace, Edgard Walworth, Arthur Walworth, Arthur (NEED) Ward, Geoffrey C. Warnod, Jeanine The Prince and the Pauper Am Lit 219 Tom Sawyer Fam Ed 284 Breathing Lessons Sgnd 1st 327 Steam Conquers the Atlantic Nautical 425 Patrick Henry Am Hist 454 Tao Te Ching Coll Ed 108 Brazil Sgnd 1st 261 Getting the Words Out Sgnd 1st 46 In the Beauty of the Lilies Sgnd 1st 491 Marry Me 1st Ed 347 Memories of the Ford Administration Sgnd 1st 369 Rabbit Is Rich – Pulitzer Prize 1982 Pul Prz 467 Rabbit, Run Sgnd EP 307 Roger’s Version Sgnd 1st 329 Self-Consciousness: Memoirs Sgnd 1st 257 The Witches of Eastwick Sgnd 1st 307 The Oxford Thesaurus – American Edition Referen1005 A God in Ruins: A Novel Sgnd 1st 483 Exodus Am Lit 626 Exodus Sgnd EP 626 The Haj Sgnd 1st 566 Trinity Sgnd EP Henri Rosseau Art 96 Mighty Stonewall Am Hist 547 Around the World in Eighty Days Fam Ed 268 The Mysterious Island Fam Ed 568 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea 100 Gr 325 Empire Sgnd 1st 486 Kalki 1st Ed 337 Lincoln Sgnd 1st 657 Dreamfall Sgnd 1st 447 The Aeneid 100 Gr 397 Candide 100 Gr 131 Candide, or The Optomist; Zadig, or The Mystery of Fate Sh Story 255 Bluebeard Sgnd 1st 300 Jailbird 1st Ed 319 Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children’s Crusade Sgnd FL 173 Across the Wide Missouri – Pulitzer Prize 1948 (H) Pul Prz 452 René Descartes: A Biography Biog 308 st Taken on Trust Sgnd 1 370 Joseph Mallord William Turner Art 128 The Crimson Circle Mystery Woodrow Wilson: World Prophet – Volume II President 438 Woodrow Wilson: World Prophet – Volume I (NEED) President American Originals Sgnd 1st 277 Maurice Utrillo Art 96 Warnod, Jeanine Warren, Robert Penn Warren, Robert Penn Warren, W. L. Washington, Booker T. Wasserstein, Wendy Watson, James D. Weems, John Edward Wells, H. G. Wells, H. G. Wells, H. G. Welty, Eudora Welty, Eudora West, Morris Wharton, Edith White, Theodore H. White, William Allen Whitehead, Alfred North Whitman, Walt Wiesel, Elie Wiesel, Elie Wiesel, Elie Wik, Reynold M. Wilde, Oscar Wilder, Thornton Wilder, Thornton Will, George Williams, T. Harry Williams, Ted Williams, Tennessee Williams, William Carlos Williamson, Jack Willis,Connie Wills, Garry Wilson, Margaret Winston, Robert W. Wister, Owen Wolfe, Thomas Wolfe, Tom Wolfe, Tom Wolfe, Tom Wordsworth, William Wordsworth, William Wouk, Herman Wright, Richard Ybarra, T. R. Valadon, Suzanne All the King’s Men – Pulitzer Prize 1947 Selected Poems 1923-1975 Henry II Up from Slavery Bachelor Girls Genes, Girls, and Gamow The Fate of the Maine The Invisible Man The Island of Dr. Moreau The War of the Worlds The Optimist’s Daughter – Pulitzer Prize 1973 The Optimist’s Daughter – Pulitzer Prize 1973 Proteus The Age of Innocence – Pulitzer Prize 1921 In Search of History A Puritan in Babylon: The Story of Calvin Coolidge Science and the Modern World – Lowell Lectures, 1925 Leaves of Grass Night The Fifth Son The Judges Henry Ford and Grass-roots America Short Stories The Bridge of San Luis Rey – Pulitzer Prize 1928 The Cabala; The Bridge of San Luis Rey; The Woman of Andros Men at Work Lincoln and His Generals My Turn at Bat The Glass Menagerie Selected Poems The Humanoids Doomsday Book (autographed) Under God: Religion and American Politics The Able McLaughlins – Pulitzer Prize 1924 Andrew Johnson: Plebeian and Patriot The Virginian: A Horseman of the Plains Look Homeward, Angel: A Story of the Buried Life A Man in Full The Bonfire of the Vanities The Right Stuff Poems of William Wordsworth The Poems of William Wordsworth The Caine Mutiny – Pulitzer Prize 1952 Native Son Caruso: The Man of Naples and the Voice of God Art 96 Pul Prz 628 1st Ed 294 Biog 693 Am Lit 212 Sgnd 1st 209 Sgnd 1st 259 Am Hist 207 Sc Fic 164 Sc Fic 188 Sc Fic 188 Pul Prz 190 SgndFL 194 1st Ed 306 Pul Prz 408 Sgnd FL 569 President 460 20th Cent 261 100 Gr 527 20th Cent 154 Sgnd 1st 210 Sgnd 1st Am Hist 266 100 Gr 313 Pul Prz 148 Sh Story 286 Baseball Mil Hist 368 Baseball Fam Ed 134 Am Lit 204 Sc Fic 239 Sc Fic 445 Sgnd 1st 445 Pul Prz 223 President 549 Am Lit 437 Am Lit 697 Sgnd 1st Sgnd 1st 659 Am Lit 436 Mini P 246 Fam Ed 259 Pul Prz 576 20th Cent 359 Biog 315 Yeats, William Butler Zebrowski, George Zelazny, Roger Zettel, Sarah Zobel, Hiller B. Zola, Emile The Poems of W. B. Yeats Stranger Suns Nine Princes in Amber Kingdom of Cages The Boston Masacre Nana 100 Gr S F 1st Sc Fic S F 1st Am Hist Fam Ed 135 310 467 372 409