Curriculum Map Year 4 Theme Focus Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Rainforests/Endang Stories that raise ered issues – Wallace species/habitats and Grommit - A (Science) Spring 1 WW2 (History) Spring 2 Summer 2 Roald Dahl – Charlie and the Macavity – Recycling Chocolate Factory. The Mystery (Geography) (Literacy/Science) matter of Loaf and Summer 1 Cat (Literacy) Wombles and The Journey of death. a Plastic Bottle. (Literacy) Literacy + S&L/reading & writing skills Stories from other cultures – butterfly lovers.(4weeks) Key Skills Writing: Using capital letters and full stops correctly Simple compound sentences using conjunctions and so but because Starting sentences with when, if. Stories that raise issues.(3 weeks) Key skills Using capital letters and full stops correctly Simple compound sentences using connectives and so but because Starting sentences with when, if Adverbial Historical settings (3weeks) Key skills Inverted commas – direct speech. Adverbs At the start and in the middle of Story in an imaginary world (3-4 weeks) Key skills: Adjectives to have impact upon the reader. Developing settings and characterisation using vocabulary to create emphasis, humour, atmosphere, suspense Reading: Non-Fiction texts (3-4 weeks) Non-fiction texts (3-4 weeks) Key skills: Key Skills: Technical vocabulary Short succinct and informative sentences. Using the correct tense. Technical vocabulary Group ideas into paragraphs Linking paragraphs Using persuasive language Adverbial phrases: How/when/where/w hy in a sentence. Adverbs At the start and in the middle of sentences Precise nouns PARAGRAPHS Reading: Drawing inferences around characters’ thoughts, feelings, actions and motives, and justify with evidence from the text using point and evidence Explaining how paragraphs are used to order or build up ideas, and how they are linked Speaking and listening Language of Prediction phrases: How/when/where/ why in a sentence. Adverbs At the start and in the middle of sentences Precise nouns Reading: Drawing inferences around characters’ thoughts, feelings, actions and motives, and justify with evidence from the text using point and evidence Speaking and listening Language of retelling sentences Simple, compound and complex sentences - Drop in clause . Sentence tenses Reading: Making predictions based on information stated and implied Speaking and Listening Language of Prediction Analysing and evaluate texts looking at language, structure – linked to creating atmosphere. Speaking and listening Language of hypothesis/deduction/expla nation – linked to Science – Electricity. Using full stops and capital letters correctly. Write a playscript. Reading: Analysing and evaluate texts – which is the best layout for a nonfiction (information) text and discuss reasons why How does this layout help the reader? Speaking and listening Using technical vocabulary Language of opinion Fronted adverbials and adverbial phrases: How, when, where and why in a sentence. Reading: Identifying, analysing and discussing themes Why it is important to recycle? What is the purpose of recycling? What can be recycled? Speaking and Listening: Language of evaluation and persuasion. Key Skills: Technical vocabulary Group ideas into paragraphs Linking Language of deduction. paragraphs Reading: Identifying, analysing and discussing themes e.g. safe and dangerous, just and unjust, origins of the earth, its people and animals Literacy + S&L/reading & writing skills Persuasive writing (2 weeks – stop deforestation) Key Skills Writing Openers related to the language of persuasion Conjunctions related to cause and effect Reading: Explanation texts. Key skills Writing: Time connectives Conjunctions at the start and in the middle linked to the language of sequencing. Reading: Newspaper Report based on WW2 (3weeks) Key skills Writing: Simple, compound and complex sentences - Drop in Playscript (turn imaginary story into a playscript 2 weeks) Poetry – Macavity – The Mystery Cat by T.S. Eliot Key Skills: Adverbs Powerful verbs Short sentences Punctuation Language of opinion Poetry – listening to the rhythm Speaking and Listening: Language of evaluation. Persuasive writing (2 weeks writing parguments/lett ers to persuade) Key skills Writing: Language of persuasion. Using formal Participate in discussion taking turns and listening to what others say – debate link to speaking and listening. Speaking and listening. Language of Argument Recognise features of an explanation text and discuss. Speaking and Listening Language of explanation Language of sequencing clause . Sentence tenses Reported Speech. Reading: Listening to, reading and discussing non-fiction in different forms e.g. advertisemen ts, formal speeches, leaflets, magazines, electronic texts Analyse and evaluate texts looking at language, structure and Presentation Speaking and Listening: Language of Deduction Reading: Playscripts to read aloud, showing understanding through intonation, tone, volume and action Speaking and Listening: Language of hypothesis/deduction/expla nation – linked to Science – Electricity. Listening to the rhyming words. Alliteration Personificatio n Similes Metaphors Reading: Poetry to read aloud, showing understanding through intonation, tone, volume and action Speaking and Listening: Language of description. Using intonation when speaking aloud. language. Conjunctions related to cause and effect. Sentence openers related to the language of persuasion. Reading: Reading printed adverts. Why are they effective? Reading the language of persuasion. Formal language and sequencing of reasons. Speaking and Listening: Language of explanation Language of persuasion. Use of technical vocabulary related to the Writing Scaffolded Scaffolded Language of hypothesis – Linked to the topic of Science. Scaffolded opportuniti End of unit write: Stories from other cultures Persuasive piece of End of unit write: End of unit es writing Independent (sustained Write): Diary entry – T’So Ling meeting KoongSe. Character and setting description Instructions Information leaflet about Brazil or a rainforest animal. Story with a dilemma Explanation text Independent (sustained write) Story from another culture Persuasive Playscript Non-chronological report linked to Science Letter to one of the characters in the story explaining feelings – link to bullying. topic. Scaffolded Scaffolded Scaffolded End of unit write: End of unit End of Unit write: Story in an imaginary world write: Write: Historical Playscript Non-fiction settings text about Newspaper Independent Write cats Report (sustained Write) Newspaper *Letter writing a character report in the story Independent *Diary recount wrting Independent Write Newspaper Report about an Write (sustained exciting part of the class (sustained Write) novel – imaginary worlds. Write) *Letter Explanation text linked to writing as an Science. *Letter evacuee writing a *Diary character in recount the story writing. *Diary War time recount story wrting Story with a Character and dilemma setting Persuasive letter about recycling Independent Write Playscript Explanation text about recycling Story set in an imaginary world Story with a dilemma Explanation descriptions Linked to Story set in Science. an imaginary world and to include suspense. Numeracy + identified links to topic Graphs linked to Measures temperature of Decimals Brazil. Angles Data Handling Money Time as a topic. Recipes Decimals Money Measures Shape Geometry Fractions Angles Science: Forces Science: Electricity Science: States of Matter (solids, liquids and gases/forencs ics Co-ordinates linked to mapwork. Our World (Science, History, Geography, R.E., P.S.H.E) Creative & Expressive Arts (Art & Design, Science : Living things & habitats Science: Sound PHSE:Bullying Geog: Rainforests – Brazil. RE:Christianity PHSE:New Beginnings Batik Art Carnival mask Getting on and falling out Christmas PHSE:Going for goals History: WW2 Geog: Using globes and atlases Making a Art/Moving models swimming Data handling – how much rubbish is thrown away? How much is recycled? Weigh and produce a bar chart. Science – Keep Warm. Recycling Good to be me Swimming Puppetry/Cat People in Action spitfire and masks swimming an Anderson Drama Shelter. workshop. Music, P.E.) swimming swimming Algorithms Computer Programming Drama Workshops Visit to Fusiliers Museum (Bury) Visit to global renewable Sports cool linked to WW2 Visitor Actor Drama Workshop swimming Technology & Computing (Design Technology, Computing) Proposed Enrichment Opportunities Internet Safety Branching database linked to Science. maths Internet & the World Wide Web Whole school trip to the beach.