VLE Functionality Matrix


Version 5

VLE Functionality Matrix

This VLE Functionality Matrix has been derived from an Invitation to Tender document created for McMaster University, with their specific server architecture and administration elements removed. It contains functions that are commonly found in both commercial and in-house/open source Virtual Learning Environments and Learning Management Systems used across the UK, Australia and

North America. In addition to these functions, other features have been added, as identified within prior Excellence Review consultation, conducted earlier this year.



Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................................... 3


Content Development and Management ....................................................................................................................................... 4


Design ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4


General Course Management ................................................................................................................................................. 4


Class/Course Administration ................................................................................................................................................... 5


Content .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7


Assessment ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7


Create Quizzes ................................................................................................................................................................. 7


Question Types ................................................................................................................................................................. 8


Question/Answer Characteristics ...................................................................................................................................... 8


Quiz/Survey Presentation ................................................................................................................................................. 9


Quiz/Survey Results ....................................................................................................................................................... 10


Feedback and Formative Assessment ............................................................................................................................ 10


Personal Development Planning/e-Portfolio ................................................................................................................... 12


Communication Tools .................................................................................................................................................................. 13


Asynchronous Communication .............................................................................................................................................. 13


General Features ............................................................................................................................................................ 13


Private Communication (i.e. email) ................................................................................................................................. 13


Threaded Discussions .................................................................................................................................................... 14


Announcements (see also Calendar) .............................................................................................................................. 15


Version 5


Calendar ......................................................................................................................................................................... 15


Synchronous Communication ................................................................................................................................................ 16


Assignment Submission .............................................................................................................................................................. 17


Personal and Collaboration Space .............................................................................................................................................. 18


Blog/Journaling functionality .................................................................................................................................................. 19


Wiki functionality .................................................................................................................................................................... 20


Personal environment ........................................................................................................................................................... 20


User Management ....................................................................................................................................................................... 21


User Groups .......................................................................................................................................................................... 21


Gradebook ............................................................................................................................................................................. 22


Reports .................................................................................................................................................................................. 22


Repository-Specific Functionality ................................................................................................................................................ 23


Usability ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 25


Help etc. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 25


Accessibility Features ............................................................................................................................................................ 25


Architecture & Development ........................................................................................................................................................ 26


Development Model .............................................................................................................................................................. 26


Interoperability ....................................................................................................................................................................... 26


Departments Using Multiple Systems ....................................................................................................................................... 27


Version 5

1. Introduction

After filling in your details and the name of the system you are representing, please read the description of functionality in each following section and indicate to the best of your knowledge which response best fits your system, i.e. indicate whether each feature

already exists

on the system, is


within the next 12 months, is potentially

possible but not planned

, or is

not possible


The matrix may contain features that your system was not designed to accommodate, in which case please simply indicate

not possible.

Systems being surveyed are wide-ranging and have been built for a number of different purposes, therefore the system you are providing responses for may not have a substantial number of the functions included. There is space to add any comments that you may have at the end of each section, or to add details of any system functionality which is relevant, but not already covered in the matrix. Responses can be filled in electronically or on paper.

It is recognised that you may be using more than one system in your Department/Faculty which is providing ‘VLE type’ functionality

(e.g. you might use one system for document storage and another for student data management). If this is the case, you may find it necessary to complete different sections of the questionnaire in different copies (electronic or paper) of the document and simply indicate not applicable in the comments fields at the end of each section where functionality is provided in another system. If this applies to your Department/Faculty please indicate on each copy of the questionnaire, which system you are basing the questionnaire responses on. At the end of the questionnaire there is a section for you to indicate why you use multiple systems to provide VLE functionality.

Name of Respondent


Email Address

System Name

System Description


2. Content Development and Management

Version 5

2.1. Design


Customize look of entire course site (colour, font, layout)

Supports application of custom Cascading Style S heets (CSS) to change appearance of application for individual users

JavaScript compatibility

Support of multimedia integration (text, audio, video)

Availability of templates containing design specifications for the course (colour, font, layout)

Ability to customize the course away from the Institution’s default look or available styles (colour, font, layout)

Create and use templates for content (see Repository-Specific Functionality)

Instructor can allow/disallow individuals or specific groups to modify the design of all or parts of the course

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible

2.2. General Course Management


Can back up a copy of the course

 structure content snapshot of activity

Can restore a course backup or template

 to create a new course instance

 to recover a course

Abilit y to import and/or replace sections of courses or pages

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible


Version 5


Sharing/Reusability: abil ity to share resources with other online courses on the system (see Repository-Specific Functionality)

A llow multiple accounts to fully manage a single course space

Ability to customise specific course sections for individual students or groups of students

Ability to make specific sections of the course space accessible to the public without authentication

Search capabilities for instructors and other users in the course

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible

2.3. Class/Course Administration


Create nested sub-groupings (groups which belong to other groups).

Which can interact with:

- Communication tools

- Content

- Assessment activities

- User permissions

Nested sub-groupings keep functional archives of groupings

Nested sub-groupings support a range of group creation approaches

Nested sub-groupings allow overlapping memberships

View student data by year, programme, class, sub-class

Have flexible permissions which allow:

Already exists Planned within 12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible



- Flexible access to materials

- Local allocation of permissions

Bi-directional communication with central systems:

- OUT, from centrally held staff/student/class info to VLE

- IN, from VLE report student early warning

- IN, from VLE send marks to central system

- IN, from VLE report on discrepancies in class lists

Site creation and organisation which allows for flexible academic periods

Flexible enrolment periods

Publish/collaborate outside ‘class’ context

Student early warning system with:

- automated alerts

- ability to set alarms

Ability to export data from VLE by users

Customisable student record (e.g. database/spreadsheet of data to which fields/sheets can be added).

Ability to monitor attendance by:

- logging student activity within the system

- creating a record of tutorial/lecture attendance

- providing comments fields for each student

- collating student attendance and tracking data across the system

Version 5

Already exists Planned within 12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible


Version 5

2.4. Content


Create entire course site without knowledge of HTML

Edit HTML files online

Multiple file uploads and/or drag-and-drop capabil ities

Easy creation of URL links

Ability to drag and drop external links into a course

Ability for instructors to access content/link repository across multiple courses

Ability to l ink to/from different sections or modules of course material

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Display and create content with equations/symbolic notation

Possible but not planned

2.5. Assessment

2.5.1. Create Quizzes


Create quizzes and surveys within the VLE

C reate questions by importing files:

- text or comma delimited (.txt or .csv)

- support for Question Test Interoperability specification

Import and adapt questions from the Question Item bank (see Repository-

Specific Functionality)

Create question alternates from one question

Compatible with thirdparty quiz creation tools (e.g. Respondus)

Add custom headers and footers into quiz/survey

Create and reuse question templates

Create question sets for random selection of questions

Create self and peer evaluations

Enable quizzes to be exported for use:

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible

Not possible



- in other applications

- in other sites within the same application

2.5.2. Question Types


Multiple choice (one or more answers)

Matching (text and/or images)

Drag and drop

Ord ering


Diagram labelling

Short answer (text entry)

Likert Scale (automatic)

True/False Yes/No

Long (text) answer

Fill in the blank

2.5.3. Question/Answer Characteristics


Questions can be formatted

Student responses to questions can be formatted

Ability to include multimedia (graphics, audio, video) into questions

Include equations in questions, student answers, and feedback

Version 5

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible


Version 5


Create q uestions with multiple parts (e.g. Question 1, part a., part b.)

Cascading questions: The answer submitted for one question is carried forward to the su bsequent question (e.g. student’s answer for question 1 becomes a variable in question 2)

Enable grading of numerical responses to be set within a particular range

C alculation questions: grade correct units

Feedback responses for individual answers

General feedback response for the question

Feedback responses can be linked to sections of the course (e.g. link to specific discussion forums or link to specific content)

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible

2.5.4. Quiz/Survey Presentation


Randomize answers

Randomize order of questions

Force completion of selected questions before a quiz/survey can be submitted

Flexibility for Repetition/Retest for entire quiz/survey

Students can r eceive mark and feedback for one question within a quiz before being presented with the next question

Ability to tie in performance logic to questions (e.g. if question 1 is answered incorrectly, give alternate question as next question; if question 1 is answered correctly, give question 2 as next question).

Weighted answers for partial credit

S et time restrictions

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Builtin timer for timed tests

Security: lock down quizzes/surveys to a range of IP addresses

Security: lock down quizzes/surveys by password

Export quizzes into a printable form

Possible but not planned

Not possible


Version 5


Create anonymous surveys

Manual marking of quizzes

Automatic marking of quizzes

Quiz scores tied to course gradebook or class list

For multiple quiz attempts, flexibility for final quiz score calculation (e.g. average of all attempts, best score of all attempts, only the last attempt, etc.)

Ability to change grading requirements and force remark of quizzes taken

Ability to override automatic grading for specific individuals

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

2.5.5. Quiz/Survey Results


View which quizzes have been started by whom and which are in progress

View whether surveys are in progress while maintaining anonymity

Ability to select which user personal information defined in the (class list or gradebook) is displayed with the quiz/survey results ( e.g. show the tutorial group membership with the quiz/survey results)

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

2.5.6. Feedback and Formative Assessment


The following question is seeking to identify how the system supports flexible feedback processes. It is recognised that different tools may be used to support different activities where feedback could be provide. For each response please indicate which tool you are referring to (e.g. quiz, blog, discussion board etc).


Supports flexible feedback processes, e.g. comments can be:

- Distributed by different roles:

- Students

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible

Not possible

Not possible



- Staff

- External advisers

- Made Anonymously by:

- Students

- Staff

- External advisors

- Sent with grades attached

- Sent without grades attached

- Tracked (by staff)


Supports flexible feedback processes, e.g. comments can be:

- Distributed by different roles:

- Students

- Staff

- External advisers

- Made Anonymously by:

- Students

- Staff

- External advisors

- Sent with grades attached

- Sent without grades attached

- Tracked (by staff)

Feedback can be stored by students

Enables students to generate activities, e.g.:

Create discussion boards

Report on performance of student work groups

Set up group working spaces

Version 5

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible


Version 5

2.5.7. Personal Development Planning/e-Portfolio


Provides flexible support for different models of PDP:

- Student generated portfolios

- Student controlled access

- Competency-based activities and records

- Activity records for staff

- Customisable interface

- Templates with iterative development

- Access by alumni

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Please add any other comments that you think are relevant to Content Development and Management

Possible but not planned

Comments here...

Not possible


Version 5

3. Communication Tools

3.1. Asynchronous Communication

3.1.1. General Features


Add attachments to messages

Embed images and other media into messages

Include formulae (equation editor) and special characters in messages

Format the text (colour, size, etc .) in messages

Embed URLs to locations outside the course environ ment into messages (e.g. a link to a library resource)

Embed URLs to locations within the course (e.g. link to an assignment)

Obtain history of who read what message and when

Automatic marking of read/unread messages

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible

3.1.2. Private Communication (i.e. email)

The assumption here is that the VLE is


an alternative email system but should interoperate with the email


Integrate e-mail with Exchange

Integrate e-mail groups within VLE with Exchange groups

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible


Version 5

3.1.3. Threaded Discussions


Create threaded discussion forums accessible to the class

Cr eate threaded discussion forums accessible to specific groups of people

Link to/from discussion forums from within course materials (e.g. link from a ssignment description to an assignment-specific discussion forum)

Link between discussion forums

Search , sort and manage messages in discussion forums

Create moderated discussion groups

Create discussion forums that allow anonymous postings

Compile a selection of messages for printing, saving, archiving

Ability to restrict attachments in specific discussion forums

Ability to restrict /limit file size of attachments in specific discussion forums

Ability to rate dis cussion postings

Grading feature tied into the gradebook/classlist

Ability for users to create their own identities (e.g. create and upload an avatar)

Hide private discussion forums from those who are not members

Instructor can selectively assign specific users or groups the ability to create and/or manage discussion forums as above: e.g.

Shared VLE designers/authors

Teaching Assistants


Visitors to the institution

Other roles (not specified here), please indicate: ________________________

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible


Version 5

3.1.4. Announcements (see also Calendar)


Group-wide news/announcements (e.g. student’s entry page to the system and/or to each course)

Set publication and expiry settings for announcements

Archive announcements

Make RSS feeds of announcements available external to the VLE

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible

3.1.5. Calendar


Event calendar functionality within a course space

Event calendar functionality that spans multiple course spaces

Add publication and expiry dates to event entries

Link to/from calendar entries from within course materials (e.g. link from calendar entry to assignment description or an assignment specific discussion forum)

Embed external URL links in calendar entries

Search calendar entries (within and across courses/groups)

Users can (selectively) aggregate events into a personalised calendar

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible

This functionality could be provided through the VLE or (preferably) should integrate with Exchange to deliver this functionality through Outlook/Entourage


Version 5

3.2. Synchronous Communication


Ability for all users to see who else is concurrently using the system (from their groups)

Live text-based chat (Instant Messaging)

Live audio communic ation

Live video communication

Participants can save text-based chat sessions with date/participant details

Participants can s ave live audio communications with date/participant details

Participants can s ave live video presentations with date/participant details

Create and send dynamic URLs in text-based chat messages

Format the text (colour, size, etc.) in text-based chat messages

Upload files during live text-based chat session

Ability for the instructor to create chat rooms (titled by topic) accessible only to specific individuals or groups (private chat rooms) within the course

Ability for the instructor to create chat rooms (titled by topic) accessible to all users registered in the course (public chat rooms within a course)

Ability for the instructor to make chat rooms in a given course space accessible to users who are members of a different course space

Chats in public chat rooms are automatically transcribed and access ible to instructors

Create moderated chat rooms

Ability to send private messages to specific individuals during a chat session

Ability to block a user from sending live messages during a chat session

Ability to deny access to a specific user or groups of users to specific chat sessions

Ability for individuals in a private or public chat room to invite (call) other users into their chat session

Ability for individuals to initiate a chat session with other users (outside of a designated chat room)

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible


Version 5


Ability for users who are members of a given course sp ace to initiate a chat session with other users who are members of a different course space

A whiteboard for sharing text and visual (images) information in real time

A whiteboard th at is integrated into the chat environment

Whiteboard screen enlargement capabilities

Save whiteboard contents

P rint whiteboard contents

Please add any other comments that you think are relevant to Communication Tools

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Comments here...

Not possible

4. Assignment Submission


Secure online assignment submission or dropbox

Assign different assignments randomly to different users/groups

Set assignment due dates

Flexibility to accept late submissions

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible


Version 5


Functionality for auto-response to student to acknowledge submission

Ability to accept multiple submissions over time for a single assignment

Ability to check assignment s with plagiarism detection tools

Grading of individual assignments tied to gradebook

Grading of group assignments reflected in gradebook

Bulk export of student submissions

Support for individual assignment feedback

Ability to upload individual assignment solutions to individual students

For group assignments: group/peer feedback feature

For group assignments: activity log feature

Please add any other comments that you think are relevant to Assignment Submission

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Comments here...

Not possible

5. Personal and Collaboration Space

Feature Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible


Version 5


Instructor can assign individual users or groups of users space within a course to work collaboratively on documents and files

Instructor can assign individual u sers or groups of users space that spans multiple courses to work collaboratively on documents and files

Users can post/reveal personal profiles within a course/group

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible

5.1. Blog/Journaling functionality


Instructors can create (mandatory) journal tasks for users

Users can create blog /journal entries that are restricted to a course or group

Users can create blog/journal entries that are available to public on the Web

U sers can selectively assign who can view their blog/journal entries (by specific users/groups/course/multiple courses)

Users can personalize/customize loo k of their blogs/journals

Blogs/Journals can integrate with calendar function

Blog/J ournal entries are date/time stamped

Users can incorporate links to other resources in the VLE including other blog /journal posts

Users can incorporate links external to the system

Users can incorporate rich media in their blog/journal posts

Blog commenting

Users can share blog/journal entries and allow commenting:

- Within their own groups

- With other groups on the same site

- With other groups not on the same site

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

The availability of comments can be mandated on learning task specific journals

Not possible


Version 5


Comments posted to a blog/journal can be screened/moderated for approval before appearing (a user's right to screen can be overridden by the instructor for journal tasks)

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Support for co-authored and group blogs/journals, e.g. group activity log

Users can organize and archive their blog/journal entries

Users can search (selected) blogs/journals for specific entries

RSS feeds available for b logs/journals

Blog/journal posts can be gradable

Not possible

5.2. Wiki functionality


The ability to create a wiki within a course/group context can be delegated, including down to individual members

Group managers/instructors can bulk create wikis e.g. one for each group member

Wiki pages can include comments

Wikis or groups of wiki pages can be exported as text documents

Wikis and individual wiki pages can gradable

5.3. Personal environment


Users can customize their login entry interface

Users can customize their personal portal separate from individual course resources (add/remove/archive items)

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible


Version 5

Feature Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Students in a given course can be allowed to customize their course interface

(add/remove items, look & feel)

Users can receive and organize RSS feeds

Please add any other comments that you think are relevant to Personal and Collaboration Space

Comments here...

6. User Management

Not possible

6.1. User Groups


Ability to allow selfenrolment in a group to members of defined groups

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible


Version 5

6.2. Gradebook


Ability to import data (e.g. CSV, TXT, XLS) into the gradebook, i.e. Store grades from an assessment not generated within the system (e.g. paper hand-in)

Ability to expo rt the gradebook to a commonly used data format (CSV, TXT,

XLS, etc.)

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Abili ty to assign grades to groups of users

Ability to view group grades and data across the class in one screen

Support a variety of types of grading options

Allow creation of custom grading schemes

Selectively release grades to students

Time release grades to students

Release class statistics to students

Not possible

6.3. Reports


History of login to the VLE

History of login to the course

History of activities/navigation performed by users

Ability to view breakdown of time spent on page/topic/section/activity for each student

Easy e xport reports (to Excel, SPSS, text files, etc.)

Report on individuals and aggregated reports on groups of users

Integrate reports with gradebook (e.g. as a marked activity)

Please add any other comments that you think are relevant to User Management

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible


Version 5

Comments here...

7. Repository-Specific Functionality

The VLE should deliver content (including quizzes) from a common repository that supports sharing and reuse of resources in different courses/groups. The Library's Digitool product might be appropriate for this, but if not the VLE may need to deliver the following functionality:


Version 5


Support OpenURL to support mediated linking from course/group sites to library services?

Support the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-

PMH) to query distributed information sources from within a course/group site

Support for Learning Content exchange standards

IMS Content Packaging



Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Authors can create resources in the VLE and then share/archive them in the repository for reuse

Authors can upload resources to the repository for reuse

Release of repository resources beyond the author and his/her immediate colleagues should be controlled by staff who will assure the quality, licensing, copyright. etc. of those materials

Authors can link to and also incorporate resources into course/group sites from the repository (subject to licence)

Authors can create local versions of repository resources in their areas (subject to licence)

Store and retrieve course templates/backups from a repository

Share questions and quizzes within and between courses

Qu estion bank utility with tagging/cataloguing of individual question items and quizzes

Intuitive searching of resources available in the repository

Maintain Previous Revisions of Resources

Please add any other comments that you think are relevant to Repository Specific Functionality

Comments here...

Not possible


8. Usability

8.1. Help etc.


Context sensitive help

Proven training/workshop materials for all categories of user

Consistent interface that reduces the need for training

Supports the inclusion of custom/context specific help

8.2. Accessibility Features


Allow users to override normal page colours with a user-defined scheme

Keystroke alternatives for all navigation

Integration with campus-supported screen readers

Do all generated web pages meet the W3C/WAI Priority 1 accessibility checkpoints?

Please add any other comments that you think are relevant to Usability

Version 5

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible


Version 5

Comments here...

9. Architecture & Development

9.1. Development Model


Distributed development – allows devolved development

Supports easy management of devolved development

Customisable look (branding)

Enables development of extensions

9.2. Interoperability


Implements commonly used standards and specifications, e.g. Enterprise,

SCORM, Common Cartridge, QTI.

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Not possible


Version 5


Uses standard API for building connections with external systems

Has recognition in international e-learning content and systems markets through provision of standard plug-ins and content

Please add any other comments that you think are relevant to User Management

Already exists Planned within

12 months

Possible but not planned

Comments here...

Not possible

10. Departments Using Multiple Systems

Please indicate below the reasons why you are using multiple systems to provide online support and administration of teaching and learning:

Comments here...

