Athletics Sponsorship Questionnaire

Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Name: ___________________________________________
Determine an athlete that has received sponsorship from a company and answer the
following questions in short-essay format. This assignment will be graded for its
entirety. Each question is worth 10 points for a potential total of 100 points (100%)
1. Who is the athlete you have chosen?________________________________________
2. What is the sport he/she plays? ____________________________________________
3. When was he/she “discovered?”____________________________________________
4. What company initially sponsored him/her? __________________________________
5. What was the product in which this particular athlete was “promoting?”____________
6. What were the terms of the sponsorship?_____________________________________
7. Does this athlete have a different sponsor now?________________________________
1. If so, who is the sponsor? ___________________________________________
2. Why did the sponsorship change? ____________________________________
8. Do you think this athlete has represented its sponsor well? ______________________
9. What other product do you think this athlete would better represent? ______________
10. Why? _______________________________________________________________
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