Sociology 383 - BYU Sociology

Sociology 383
Juvenile Delinquency
Winter 2011
T & Th @ 8:00 to 9:15pm in B032 JFSB
Instructor: Dr. Shirley E. Cox, 2179 JFSB
Phone: 422-4320
Office Hours: M 8:00 to 10:00am
Th 1:30 to 3:00pm
Texts: (Required) Regoli, Hewitt, & Delisi (2008) Delinquency in Society (7thed.) McGraw, or
Regoli, Hewitt, & Delisi (2010) Delinquency in Society (8thed.) Jones & Bartlett Publishers;
Kotlowitz (1992). There Are No Children Here. Doubleday; and
Kirisberg (2005). Juvenile Justice: Redeeming Our Children. Sage.
In this course we will examine the nature of delinquent behavior, some basic facts about selected
types of delinquent behavior, the major theories of the causes of delinquency, and society’s
responses to delinquency. The final exam essay items represent the specific learning objectives for
this course. At a broader level, the stated learning objectives for the Sociology department, as a
whole can be found at the following website:
Teaching philosophy: Classroom time should be spent in the serious pursuit of understanding, in an
atmosphere of informality and respect. You should always be prepared and willing to present,
discuss, and challenge new ideas, but always without personal attacks or attempts to embarrass or
belittle anyone. I welcome and encourage your participation, but I will not force it or grade it.
Attendance, punctuality, courtesy, and conscientious note-taking are expected. If you are
unavoidably absent, you should first obtain class notes from another student, then I will be pleased
to discuss those notes with you. I cannot provide absent students with class notes or make-up
lectures. It is your responsibility to obtain all class materials and handouts in class.
Requirements: Basic requirements for the course include...
a series of reading quizzes,
two "objective" exams, each covering half of the lecture/discussion material,
a "personal paper" connecting the class to your real world, and
a comprehensive final essay exam.
I avoid competitive grading among classmates by evaluating your scores relative to
"absolute" standards of performance or to the work of past rather than present students. For a
typical group of students in this course, I expect to give about 35% A's, 45% B's, 20% C's, and very
few lower grades [about a 3.15 class GPA]. Your group may or may not be typical, so there is no
grading curve imposed on the class.
You will first receive a preliminary letter grade based on your percentage correct on reading quizzes
and on the two "objective" exams. Your preliminary letter grade will remain intact, be raised, or be
lowered by one grade category (A to A-, B- to C+, etc.), depending on whether or not you submit
an acceptable personal paper. After that adjustment, your preliminary grade will then be lowered
by one category, remain intact, or raised by one category based on the quality of your final essay
Note: The policies and schedule for this class are subject to change in the event of unusual
extenuating circumstances.
(one-third of your preliminary letter grade)
Frequent reading quizzes will be given on the BlackBoard system during the course. They are
due at noon on the days indicated on the reading schedule (unless changed by an announcement
in class). However, the BlackBoard access to the Quizes is usually opened one week in advance
in order to give you time to work these into your schedule. Quizzes are designed to encourage
and reward class attendance and prior reading and study of the material to be discussed. Quizzes
are to be taken without written or human assistance.
For a given quiz date, the only material that is "quizzable," is the material listed in the syllabus
for that specific date. I try to select relatively important points for quizzes, but any assigned
material is "fair game." The format of quizzes is generally true-false and multiple-choice, but it
may vary from those types.
If you have questions that arise from the BlackBoard Quiz, please bring them to class (1:00pm)
on the day specified in the syllabus and we will discuss them. This is important because you may
see the same (or similar) question on one of the two longer Objective Exams.
Make-up Quizzes are rarely available because of your ability to access them a week in advance
and to take them on BlackBoard from wherever you might be, prior to the time they close. Plan
ahead for the times you will need to be out of town for scheduled games or for other reasons.
When this is impossible, please stop by or email me to let me know with what crises you are
struggling. I cannot guarantee any exceptions, but I try to be reasonable.
Your total quiz percentage will be equally weighted with your percentages on each of the two
"objective" lecture/discussion exams and will convert to a preliminary letter grade as follows:
96-100% = A
90-95% = A87-89% = B+
83-86% = B
80-82% = B77-79% = C+
73-76% = C
70-72% = C67-69% = D+
63-66% = D
60-62% = D0-59% = E
(two-thirds of your preliminary letter grade)
The two in-class "objective" exams are multiple-choice and true-false exams which cover ALL
material presented or discussed by the teacher, with each one covering half of the semester.
They do not specifically test on the content of the assigned readings covered by the quizzes but
they will cover the teacher's discussion of the reading and quiz material, as well as written
handouts and discussions of video presentations. These tests are designed to reward being
attentive in class, taking good notes, and remembering and understanding the content of those
There will be about 50 to 60 test items per exam (which works out to approximately three items
per hour of class). The content of the test items will center on the most important trends and
patterns in "the way things are" (as summarized in class, which will not necessarily agree in
every detail with the assigned reading). Any items about the teacher's personal views or
opinions will be so designated. Since the test items are limited to material explicitly covered in
class, your class notes are your best preparation resource. There will be no other specific written
or oral study guide or review session. These exams are, also, given on BlackBoard and due on
the dates specified in the syllabus. They, also, must be taken without written or human
assistance. As you receive feedback through the BlackBoard system, please make note of
concerns you have about the questions and “correct answers” listed. Bring them for discussion
during class on the due date specified in the syllabus.
Your percentage correct on each of the two "objective" exams will be equally weighted with
your total quiz percentage and will convert to a preliminary letter grade as follows:
96-100% = A
90-95% = A87-89% = B+
83-86% = B
80-82% = B77-79% = C+
73-76% = C
70-72% = C67-69% = D+
63-66% = D
60-62% = D0-59% = E
(raises, maintains or lowers your preliminary letter grade)
You are required to complete a “personal paper” which consists of a Delinquency Case Study.
Your work must be of good quality in order to maintain your grade and be outstanding if your
grade is to be raised. If a personal paper is not submitted or is judged to be "unacceptable," your
preliminary course grade will be lowered by one grading category (A to A-, B- to C+, etc.).
Work judged to be in the “good” range will be marked "OK" and will maintain your preliminary
course grade.
This assignment requires that you pick a real person with whom you are acquainted--yourself, a
relative, or a friend--and analyze that person's history of delinquency. You need not identify the
person by name. For example, you may actually write about yourself while referring to the
person as a cousin or friend, or you may write about your sister Jane and call her your friend
Mary. It is important, however, to be as accurate and truthful as possible.
1. First you should describe the types and amounts of delinquent behavior that the person
committed (the person need not be "very delinquent").
2. Next, theorize as to why the person was as delinquent as he/she was (whatever the level
of delinquency). In other words, why did they do what they did, but not do more?
Comment on their personal physical and emotional status, their family and peer group
norms, socio-economic status, and community environment.
3. Then analyze how others responded to that behavior (informally as well as officially),
and what effects those responses had upon the person.
4. Finally, what would be your recommendation as to how the behavior could have best
been prevented or corrected, both for the person and for adolescents in general?
Suggested length: about 5-10 pages (no fixed rules) with typical margins and 12+ font size.
Note: No one but me will ever read the personal papers and they will be returned or shredded.
(raises, lowers, or maintains your preliminary letter grade)
The First Part of the Final Essay Exam is a Take Home (open-book, open-notes) part of the
final which must be typed (double-spaced). You will be required to respond to THREE items
from the list of "ESSAY EXAM ITEMS-1" that is part of this course description. I will tell you
which ones you must respond to as exam time approaches. I may require some items and allow
limited choice on others. Each of your three responses should not exceed 900 words (about three
typed pages) in length. There is no minimum length. The First Part of the Final Exam, the takehome section is due in the classroom at the beginning of the regularly scheduled final exam time.
Up to four students may submit the First Part, Part One of the exam. If a group of students
submits one exam, all members of the group must contribute to all parts of the exam. It is
dishonest to simply "divide up the work," although some division of labor may be necessary in
preparing rough drafts. I am not impressed by extensive "lifting" of segments from assigned
readings or by the simple copying of lists from handouts. Material from books and handouts
should be explained in your own words and integrated into your own thinking. Outside research,
in addition to required course reading material, is not required.
1. Are juveniles today more involved in serious criminal activities than juveniles around a
century ago? ... than juveniles about twenty years ago? Discuss and evaluate any
evidence that is relevant to the question. (Note: this is not a "why" question.)
2. Who is really more likely to commit illegal behavior -- male or female adolescents?
Discuss and evaluate official, self-report, victim survey, and gang observation data
relevant to the question. (Note: this is not a "why" question.)
3. Who is really more likely to commit illegal behavior -- black or white adolescents?
Discuss and evaluate official, self-report, victim survey, and gang observation data
relevant to the question. (Note: this is not a "why" question.)
4. Who is really more likely to commit illegal behavior -- lower-class or middle-class
juveniles? Discuss and evaluate official, self-report, victim survey, and gang observation
data relevant to the question. (Note: this is not a "why" question.)
5. Summarize the nature of delinquent gangs, their location in the social structure, and the
content of their activities. Compare and contrast today's gangs with those from earlier
times. (Note: this is not a "why" question.)
*Numbers 6.- 14. require that you do the following for each theoretical perspective:
(a) Name the key theorists (if appropriate) and state the basic propositions.
(b) Comment on how the theory may be differentially applied to females vs. males.
(c) Evaluate (pro and con) the theory's logic, testability, and "fit" with research results.
(d) Discuss the theory's implications as to how we could reduce delinquent behavior.
6. Choice Theory
7. Biological Theories
12. Labeling Theory
8. Psychodynamic Theory
13. Conflict Theory
9. Behavioral/Social Learning Theories)
14. Developmental Theory (incl. LifeCourse Theory)
10. Cultural Deviance Theory (incl. Social Disorganization Theory)
11. Strain Theory (incl. Lower Class Strain)
12. Social Control Theory & Social Bond Theory
The Second Part of the Final Essay Exam is, also, a Take Home part of the final and it
must be typed (double-spaced). However, this Part of the Final Essay Exam is an individual
response and may not be taken in combination with others. (However, you may prepare for the
exam as a group, if you desire.) Regardless, you may use no notes, nor other personal, written, or
online material or sources of information as you complete this Second Part of the Final.
On this part of the Final Exam, you will be asked respond to THREE items, which I will select
from the following list of "ESSAY EXAM ITEMS-2”. I will hand out those three questions
during the final class period or I will send them to you, to any email address upon which, we
have previously agreed. You may take the Final Exam wherever you are most comfortable and
have access to a computer. You will be required to keep confidential the questions you are given.
Each of your three responses should not exceed 900 words (about three typed pages) in length.
There is no minimum length. Please email this section of the exam back to me by the time
Discuss the role of biology in causing delinquent behavior. For what types of
delinquency does biology appear to play a relatively more or less important role?
In one or two sentences each (as if you were explaining them to a friend who has not
studied the topic), briefly state the central reasoning as to the causes of delinquent
behavior for all of the following ten perspectives: choice, biological, psychodynamic,
behavioral, cultural deviance, strain, social control, labeling, conflict & developmental.
Choose two distinct types of delinquent behavior and explain them using two distinct
theories (one theory per behavior). Show how one theory applies best to one type of
behavior, while the other theory applies best to the other behavior.
Discuss how and by what criteria the police, court intake officers, and judges handle
cases. Is the juvenile justice system "fair" to males and females, rich and poor, whites
and nonwhites?
(The "R" means "repeatable," as you may have the opportunity to respond to this one for
more than one or two correctional programs or approaches.) Select a specific program or
a more general approach to juvenile corrections and do all of the following:
Describe the basic program/approach and the reasoning upon which it is based.
Review how effective the program/approach has been in various settings. What
seem to be the effects on the juveniles and on society?
Discuss the program's/approach's potential for widespread implementation and
success (including issues of cost & public opinion) in the near future.
Examples of programs/approaches:
large custodial institutions, scared straight, waiver to adult court, boot camps, wilderness survival, social
learning i.e. Why Try?, residential group treatment, guided group interaction, token economies, nonresidential individual rehabilitation, traditional probation, restitution, personal psychotherapy, medical
treatment, foster home care, community reintegration, halfway houses, intensive tracking, diversion,
parenting training, early childhood education, general social reform, educational reform, anti-poverty
programs, gun control, anti-drug measures, anti-media violence campaigns, or laissez faire, etc.
Class Schedule:
Soc. 383 Juvenile Delinquency, Winter 2011
01: Jan 04
02: Jan 06
03: Jan 11
04: Jan 13
Quiz 1:
Course Introduction by Teaching Assistant (Instructor is at ICSD in India)
No Class. Instructor is out of the country until January 8th.
Course intro (cont.), concepts, historical overview, defining delinquency
Material on runaways, measuring delinquency, general delinquency data, etc.
05: Jan 18
06: Jan 20
07: Jan 25
Quiz 2:
Delinquency Theories Overview (see Handout Sheet) Choice Theory,
Biological Theories
Psychological Theories
08: Jan 27
09: Feb 01
Quiz 3:
10: Feb 03
Quiz 4:
Social Disorganization & Cultural Deviance
Strain Theory
11: Feb 08
12: Feb 10
Quiz 5:
Labeling Theories
Conflict Theories
From Text: 7th ed. pp. 5-72 or 8th ed. pp. 4-81 & Justice pp. 1-17 (due Jan 19th by 11:00pm)
Text: 7th ed. pp. 90-94 & 143-184 or 8th ed. pp. 86-173 & Kohn Article (due Jan 31st by 11pm)
From No Children Here, text pp. ix-309/ boys growing up in the “other America” (due Feb 16)
Social Control Theory
Text: 7th ed. pp. 185-220 or 8th ed. pp. 175-219 & Johnson Article (due Feb 9 by 11:00pm)
Text: 7th ed. 221-256 or 8th ed. 220-261 (due Feb 16 by 11:00pm)
(due Feb 22nd by11:00pm)
13: Feb 15
14: Feb 17
Quiz 6:
Developmental Theories
Female Delinquency Theories
15: Feb 22
16: Feb 24
Quiz 7:
The Family and Delinquency
Schools and Delinquency
17: Mar 01
18: Mar 03
19: Mar 08
Quiz 8:
Violence, Drug Use, and Delinquency
Peer Group and Gang Delinquency
Gang Delinquency and Juvenile Justice
20: Mar 10
21: Mar 15
22: Mar 17
Quiz 9:
Juvenile Justice and the American Dilemma Justice 81-111
The Juvenile Justice System 8th ed. 538-573
Police and Delinquency
23: Mar 22
24: Mar 24
Quiz 10:
The Juvenile Court System, incl. Probation
Alternatives to the Juvenile Court System
25: Mar 29
26: Mar 31
The Dangers of Institutionalization
Alternatives to Institutionalization
Text: 7th ed. 257-316 or 8th ed. 264-347 & Justice 113-124 (due Feb 23 by 11:00pm)
Text: 7th ed. 317-382 or 8th ed. 348-439
(due Mar 2 by 11:00pm)
Text: 7th ed. 73-142 & 383-420 or 8th ed. 440-535 (due Mar 14 by 11:00pm)
Text: 7th ed. pp. 418-448 and Justice 81-111 (due Mar 23 by 11:00pm)
Text: 7th ed. pp. 449-490 (due Mar 29 by 11:00pm)
27: Apr 05
28: Apr 07
29: Apr 12
Quiz 11:
Confinement of Juvenile Offenders and Parole
Juveniles in Adult Prisons
Juvenile Death Penalty
Text: 7th ed. pp. 491-525 (due by Apr 19 by 11:00pm)
Final Essay Exam :
(due April 12 by11:00pm)
(Due April 19 by 2:00pm)
See special Instructions on the Course Syllabus