2009 GIA Annual Report – Chapter 6 Appendix 6B

Australian Geothermal Implementing Agreement Annual
Report – 2009
Appendix B: Research Status Updates for 2009.
The Australian Geothermal Industry Development Framework (GIDF) and Geothermal
Technology Roadmap identify technology requirements for the geothermal sector throughout the
geothermal project development process, from surface exploration and drilling, to power plant
construction and dealing with environmental issues.
The Roadmap makes recommendations for high priority technology needs, suggesting that key
issues are for industry to demonstrate proof of concept by establishing circulation of geothermal
fluids between wells, in different geological settings, and to establish proof of concept power
plants. Other priority technical needs include; improving understanding of local Australian
geological conditions, well drilling and completion technologies, fracture stimulation, and power
plant technologies particularly cooling technologies for hot, arid climates.
Promoted in the Roadmap is the need for a collaborative approach to addressing these technology
challenges, drawing on expertise from the Australian and international geothermal and other
industries, particularly the electricity and oil and gas sectors, and research institutions.
Government leadership is suggested where such agencies have required expertise, particularly in
the area of pre-competitive geoscience data.
The GIDF and the Geothermal Technology Roadmap can be accessed at the homepage of the
Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, at www.ret.gov.au. An introductory discussion
of Government supported research initiatives is presented in the 2009 Annual Report section 7.
Australian Geothermal Energy Group (AGEG)
A continuing strategy for the AGEG is to foster awareness of the realistic potential benefits that
will flow from the widespread use of geothermal energy, and to assist in coordinating and
communicating research needs and outcomes through its 12 Technical Interest Groups (TIGs).
All Research Centres of Excellence, Universities and other government supported research
institutions currently active in undertaking geothermal energy focused research, are members of
the AGEG, including the organisations discussed below in further detail.
Through linkages to the AGEG and its TIGs, Australia is a member of and contributes to the
work of both the International Energy Agency Geothermal Implementing Agreement (IEA-GIA)
and the International Partnership for Geothermal Technologies (IPGT). Members of the AGEG
have nominated research topics of high priority to the industry, which are closely aligned with
research priorities of both the GIA and the IPGT.
The 12 AGEG TIGs are summarised in Table 1 below, and more information can be accessed via
the AGEG TIG webpages at:
Interest Group
Areas of Interest
TIG 1 - Water
management &
Licensing requirements;
emissions; water &
Report: “Assessment of Radiological Hazards in Hot Rock Geothermal
effluent management;
environmental impacts
Fact Sheet: “Radon and naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM)
associated with Hot Rock Geothermal Systems.
TIG 2 -Reserves
& Resources
Forum for contributions
and discussion on the
Australian Geothermal
Reporting Code
Report: “The Australian Geothermal Reporting Code”
Report: “The Geothermal Lexicon”
TIG 3 - Induced
Focussing on the need
for technical research
and informed public
communication on
induced seismicity.
Report : “Cooper Basin HDR Seismic Hazard Evaluation: Predictive
modelling of local stress changes due to HFR geothermal energy operations in
SA.” Hunt and Morelli, (2006).
Report: “Analysis and management of seismic risks associated with
engineered geothermal system operations in South Australia”. Morelli, (2009).
TIG 4 -Outreach
communication within
the geothermal sector &
with the wider public
Organisation of the annual Australian Geothermal Energy Conference, in
conjunction with AGEA.
Provision and maintenance of the dedicated AGEG geothermal website with
linkages to geothermal resource material
TIG 5 Economic
modelling &
novel use
Covers economic
modelling as well as
novel use applications
for geothermal energy
including hybrid systems
For presentations from TIG5 Wokshop - Access and Regulation of
Interconnection to the National Electricity Market., see:
TIG 6 - Power
Improvements in
geothermal power plant
efficiency through
improvements in, for
example, the cycle type,
cycle fluids, heat
exchanger efficiencies
and more efficient
cooling processes.
Report: “Feasibility of Underground cooling for geothermal power cycles”
Dally et al, (2009).
TIG 7 - Direct
Investigate direct use
geothermal applications
including both
circulating hot water &
geothermal heat pumps.
Report: “The Development of a basic cost and performance estimator for
geothermal Power Plants” (Battye et al, 2009).
The work of this TIG mirrors the IEA Geothermal Research Annex VI. Hal
Gurgenci from the QGECE and Behdad Moghtaderi from the University of
Newcastle are co-leaders of TIG 6.
Report: “Geothermal heating and cooling in Australia”. Regenauer-Lieb et al,
Position Paper: “Direct use geothermal applications”. Payne et al, (2008).
TIG 8 Information &
Assist the sector by
simplifying data
availability, usefulness
and exchange through
Report: “ Forward prediction of spatial temperature variation from 3D geology
models.” Intrepid Geophysics, (2008).
TIG 9 -Reservoir
Development &
standards, database
design, content and
development of
interpretive tools.
Investigate technologies
for enhancing
geothermal reservoirs
for commercial heat
Report: “Geochemistry, Corrosion and Scaling in Hot Dry Rock energy
extraction systems”. Ngothai, et al, (2009).
Report: “Full life-cycle water requirements for deep geothermal energy
developments in South Australia”. Cordon and Driscoll, (2008).
Report: “Characterisation of Adelaidean rocks as potential geothermal
reservoirs”. Riordan, (2009).
Report: Three dimensional modelling of the Adelaide Geosyncline: application
to geothermal exploration.” Backe and Giles, (2008).
TIG10 Exploration &
Well Log
To advance geothermal
methods and
technologies, including
the indirect detection of
subsurface properties to
delineate prospective
TIG 10 workshop: Innovative technologies for geothermal exploration, Nov
TIG 10 workshop: Use of magnetic data in geothermal studies, Nov 2008.
TIG 10 workshop: Sydney Basin GIS-based geothermal studies, Nov 2008.
TIG 11 - Drilling
& Well
TIG 12 Education
Topics in scope for the
TIG include;
Zonal Isolation and
Temporary Sealing
of Fractures:
Cutting Exploration
Drilling Costs.
Education for the
geothermal sector,
defining education
developing courses
postgraduate level
& short courses for
Schedule: “New technology tracking sheet”. See:
For meeting minutes and workshop notes, see:
This TIG is recently formed.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
CSIRO has broad research capabilities able to be applied to geothermal technology needs,
including expertise in drilling and well technology, hydraulic stimulation, reservoir
characterisation, co-generation technologies, rock mechanics, hydrogeology and community
engagement. CSIRO is actively engaged in the AGEG TIGs and is also a partner in the Western
Australian Geothermal Centre of Excellence.
Current projects include:
Development of numerical modelling tools that couple thermal and poro-elastic
processes for the assessment of well stability.
Development of numerical modelling tools and procedures for hydraulic stimulation at
high pressures and temperatures.
Development of numerical modelling tools for fluid flow in fractures.
Evaluating the application of petrophysical logging techniques to the assessment of
thermal conductivity;
Assessment of waveform characterisation techniques for the interpretation of
microseismic monitoring data through laboratory based studies (high pressure high
temperature triaxial cell with acoustic emissions monitoring) and the analysis of field
For more information see: www.csiro.au/org/geothermal
South Australian Centre for Geothermal Energy Research (SACGER)
In the context of national R&D focus and capabilities in Geothermal Energy research, SACGER
(based at the University of Adelaide) has principle strengths in;
1) Physical science of Enhanced Geothermal Systems, namely;
geothermal exploration,
geophysical imaging of reservoirs
modelling of stress regimes,
simulation of fracture and fluid flow networks,
geochemical processes within reservoirs and circulation systems
The use of tracers to track fluid flow.
2) Power Systems and Integrated Thermal Cycles, particularly;
Incorporation of geothermal energy with, solar, biomass and/or fossil fuels to
increase the thermal efficiency of the system.
Enhanced Cooling Systems.
Projects currently underway at the centre include;
Geophysical mapping and monitoring of an enhanced geothermal system reservoir
during stimulation using magneto-tellurics.
Rock fracture characterisation for enhanced geothermal systems
Building a regional thermal model for the Adelaide rift complex
Experimental verification of underground cooling for efficient thermal cycles
Optimisation of geothermal energy investments
Investigate low temperature thermal processing using geothermal energy
Reconnaissance thermal mapping for uranium and geothermal exploration
For more information see www.adelaide.edu.au/geothermal/
Western Australia Geothermal Centre of Excellence (WAGCOE)
WAGCOE is a research consortium based at the Australian Resources Research Centre (ARRC),
which draws on the capabilities and experience of three of Western Australia’s principle research
organisations; CSIRO, The University of Western Australia, and Curtin University of
Key research initiatives are:
Perth Basin Assessment: Develop a rigorous scientific understanding of the geothermal
resource in the Perth Basin, incorporating geological and hydrogeological modelling,
geophysical heat estimation and convection modelling.
Above Ground Technologies: Identify and demonstrate innovative applications of HSA
geothermal energy; with particular focus on geothermal engineering solutions
(desalination, cooling and dehumidifying) and coupling geology with engineering.
Deep Resources: Provide a scientific framework for the potential exploitation of deep
geothermal resources, through the identification and extraction (geochemical and
geotechnical permeability management) of deep heat resources.
Current major projects include:
Research and development activities associated with the direct use geothermal powered
supercomputer cooling system that is part of CSIRO’s Sustainable Energy for SKA
project (see below). This system targets hot sedimentary aquifers of the Perth Basin.
Design of an additional sensor equipped deep research and monitoring well at the same
site for research, education, training and long term monitoring.
Research and development activities associated with the direct geothermally driven
MWth scale campus cooling project at UWA run by the leaseholders Green Rock Energy
and UWA.
Development of a novel desalination technology with 30% yield boost from low grade
geothermal waters of 65C and less. A containerised m3/day first generation prototype is
sponsored by the Australian Government National Centre of Excellence in Desalination
located at Murdoch University.
For further details, see: http://www.geothermal.org.au/
Queensland Geothermal Energy Centre of Excellence (QGECE)
The QGECE has strong research capabilities in the areas of energy systems engineering,
transmission and distribution, and will focus its research activities on above ground technologies
in conjunction with key collaborators from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and
the University of Adelaide. Principle research areas for the Centre are:
Power Conversion: developing technologies to enable production of 50% more
electricity from binary plants using the same subsurface investment;
Heat Exchangers: development of natural draft dry cooling towers and other cooling
solutions to increase by up to 15% the net output of geothermal plants that use air-cooled
Reservoir Geology: establish a geochemical/isotopic and geochronological database and
improve understanding of geothermal resources in Queensland and develop routine
exploration tools for hot rock geothermal systems; and,
Transmission: research in to electricity grid interaction with an emphasis on remote
generation infrastructure.
Current major projects underway at QGECE include;
Design and development of small (5-kWe) supercritical turbines for laboratory testing.
Construction of a 100-kWe mobile geothermal test plant with high-pressure capability to
trial supercritical turbines
Characterisation of the heat-producing granites in Queensland
The effect of ambient dust on air-cooled condenser performance and design against dust
Investigation of options for connecting remote geothermal power generation to
Queensland grid
For further details, visit: www.uq.edu.au/geothermal
University of Newcastle
Geothermal research at the University of Newcastle focuses on innovative power generation
cycles and the application of the CO2 thermosiphon concept in Engineered Geothermal Systems
(EGS), in order to increase efficiencies in heat exchange processes from lower temperature
In 2006, Granite Power Limited (GPL) and the University of Newcastle initiated a joint R&D
program to investigate alternative and potentially more efficient ways of generating power from
geothermal and other low-grade heat sources, such as industrial waste heat. The result was the
creation of GRANEX Regenerative Supercritical Power Cycle.
In conjunction with a program of fundamental studies (supported by the University) an applied
program of work was undertaken for proof-of-concept and prototype development with the
assistance of an AU$2.4 million (US$2 million) grant from AusIndustry (2007-2009) through the
Renewable Energy Development Initiative (REDI) scheme. Further research support was
provided by the Australian Research Council in the form of two ARC-Linkage grants
The R&D phase of the project was completed in 2009 and the technology is now in the early
commercialisation stage. In 2009 the project progressed through its Milestone 3 which included
the construction of a 100 kW pilot-plant based on the GRANEX concept.