THE PAKISTAN STATUTES CONSOLIDATED INDEX No of Act/ Ordinance Year A Abandoned Properties (management) Act, 1975 XX Abatement-see Capital Development Authority (Abatement of XXVII Arbitration Proceedings) Act, 1975 Abolition-see System of Sardari (Abolition) Act, 1976 XL Abolition and Prohibition-see Private Military Organisation IV (Abolition and Prohibition) Act, 1973 Abroad-see Claims for Maintenance (Recovery Abroad) L Ordinance, 1959 Academy-see Iqbal Academy Ordinance, 1962 XXVI 1975 1975 1976 1974 1959 1962 V.10, P.666 1959 Academy-see Pakistan Military Academy (Degrees and Certificates) Ordinance, 1959 Academy –see Pakistan Naval Academy (Award of Degrees) Ordinance 1965. Accidents-see Fatal Accidents Act, 1855 Accountants-see Chartered Accountants Ordinance, 1961 LI Accountants-see Public Accountants’ Default Act, 1850 Accused Persons-see Removal of Accused Persons Act 1973. Accountability: National Accountability Bureau Ordinance 1999 Acquisition-see Land Acquisition Act, 1894 Acquisition-see Land Acquisition (Mines) Act, 1885 Acting as Agents of Moallims (Prohibition) Ordinance, 1980 Activities-see Anti-Islamic Activities of the Quadiani Group, Lahori Group and Ahmadis (Prohibition and Punishment) Ordinance, 1984 Activities-see Suppression of Terrorist Activities (Special Courts) Act, 1975 Activities-see Transfer of Population Welfare Programme Field Activities) Ordinance, 1983 Activities-see Dormant Funds (Administration) Act, 1966 XII LXIII XVII I XVIII L XX 1965 v.10, p.885 1855 v.1, p.33 1961 v.10, p.396 1850 v.1, p.24 1973 1999 1894 /v.3, p.363 1885 v.3, p. 165 1980 1984 XV 1975 XIX 1983 XX Administration-see Islamabad Club (Administration) Ordinance, 1978. Administration-see Municipal Administration Ordinance, 1960 Administration-see National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (Administration) Ordinance, 1979. XXXIII 1966 v.10, p.148 1978 X I 1960 1979 XX XIII X Administration-see Pakistan Institute of International Affairs (Administration) Ordinance, 1980 Administration of Property-see Jammu and Kashmir (Administration of Property) Ordinance, 1961 Administrator General’s Act, 1913 Administrators –see Flying Clubs (Appointment of Administrators) Ordinance, 1978 Admiralty Jurisdiction of High Courts Ordinance, 1980 Advertisements-see Indecent Advertisements Prohibition Act, 1963 Advisers-see Companies (Appointment of Legal Advisers) Act, 1974. Advisers-see Members of Parliament and Provincial Assemblies (Exemption of Adviser from Disqualification) Act, 1976. Affairs –see Pakistan Institute of International Affairs (Administration) Ordinance, 1980 Against-see Offences Against Property (Enforcement of Hadood) Ordinance, 1979 Agencies-see Fee-Charging Employment Agencies (Regulation) Act, 1976 Agencies-see Inspection Agencies (Regulation and Regulation) Ordinance, 1981 Agencies-see Travel Agencies Act, 1976 Agency-see Federal Investigation Agency Act, 1974 Agency-see Maritime Security Agency Act, 1994 Agents –see Islamabad Real Estate Agents and Motor Vehicles Dealers (Regulation of Business) Ordinance, 1984 Agricultural Census Act, 1958 Agricultural Development –see Agricultural Development Bank Ordinance, 1961 Agricultural Pesticides Ordinance, 1971 Agricultural Produce Cess Act, 1940 Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act, 1937 Agricultural Research Council-see Pakistan Agricultural Research Council Ordinance, 1981. Agriculture-see Loans for Agriculture Purposes Act, 1973 Agriculturists’ Loans Act, 1884 Agriculturists’ Relief – see Dekkhan Agriculturists’ Relief Act, 1879. Ahmadis-see Anti Islamic Activities of the Quadiani Group, Lahori Group and Ahmadis (Prohibition and Punishment Ordinance, 1984) Air Carriage by Air Act, 1934 Air –see Carriage by Air (Supplementary Convention) Act, 1968. Air-see Carriage by Air (International Convention) Act, 1966 VII 1980 III III XXVII 1961 v.10, p.363 1913 v.6, p.135 1978 XLII XII 1980 1963 v.10, p.23 X 1974 XIX 1976 VII 1980 VI 1979 LXXVII 1976 XXXVII 1981 XXX VIII X XIII 1976 1975 1994 1984 XLI IV II XXVII I XXXVIII 1958 1961 v.10, p.368 1971 1940 v.8, p.526 1937 v.8, p.140 1981 XLII XII XVI 1973 1884 v.2, p.146 1879 XX 1984 XX V 1934 v.10, p.10 1968 IX 1966 v.10, p.96 Aircraft (Removal of Danger to Safety) Ordinance, 1965 XII 1965 v.10, Air Force-see Pakistan Air Force Act, 1953 Air Force-see Pakistan (Army and Air Force) Reserves Act, 1950 Air Force-see Tolls (Army and Air Force) Act, 1901 Airlines Corporation –See Pakistan International Airlines Corporation Act, 1956 Airport Security Force Act, 1975 Alcohol-see Power Alcohol Ordinance, 1959 Alienation-see West Punjab Alienation of Land Act Allama Iqbal Open University Act, 1974 Allopathic System (Prevention of Misuse) Ordinance, 1962 Allowances-see Chairman and Speaker (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1975 Allowances-see Chief Election Commissioner (Salary, Allowances and Privileges) Act 1975 Allowances-see Deputy Chairman and Deputy Speaker (Salaries Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1975 Allowances-see Federal Ministers and Ministers of State (Salaries, Allowances and Privilege) Act, 1975 Allowances-see Members of Parliament (Salaries and Allowances) Act, 1974 Allowances-see President’s Salary, Allowances and Privileges Act, 1975 Allowances-see Prime Minister’s Salary, Allowances and Privileges Act, 1975 Analyser-see Network Analyser Study Centre (Transfer to WAPDA) Ordinance, 1983 Anand Marriage Act, 1909 Animal- see Pakistan Animal Quarantine (Import and Export of Animals and Animal Products) Ordinance, 1979 Animals Protection-see Wild Birds and Animals Protection Act, 1912 Anti-dumping-see Import of Goods (anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties) Ordinance, 1983 Anti-Hoarding-see Karachi Essential Articles (Price Control and Anti-Hoarding) Act, Anti-Islamic-see Activities of the Quadiani Group, Lahori Group and Ahmadis (Prohibition and Punishment) Ordinance, 1984. Anti Narcotic Force Act, 1997 Anti National-see Prevention of Anti-National Activities Act, 1974 Anti-terrorism Act, 1997 Antiquities Act, 1975 Application-see Gwadur (Application of Central Laws) Ordinance, 1960 VI XLVII p.873 1953 1950 II XIX 1901 1956 LXXVII LIX XIII XXXIX LXV LXXXII 1975 1959 1900 1974 1962 v.10,p.865 1975 LV 1975 LXXXIII 1975 LXII 1975 XXVII 1974 LVIII 1975 LIX 1975 I 1983 VII XLIX 1909 v.4, p.363 1979 VIII 1912 v.6, p.119 III 1983 XXVII 1953 XX 1984 III VII 1997 1974 XXVII VII XXXVII 1997 1976 1960 Appointment-see Civil Services (Qualification for Appointment as High Court Judge) Act, 1965 XXI 1965 Appointment-see Companies (Appointment of Legal Advisers) Act, 1974 Appointment-see Companies (Appointment of Trustees) Act, 1972 Appointment-see Ex-Employees of the Former Government of East Pakistan (Appointment to Federal Posts) Ordinance, 1983 Appointment-see Flying Clubs (appointment of Administrators) Ordinance, 1978 Appointment-see Population Welfare Planning Programme (Appointment and Termination of Services) Ordinance, 1981 Appointment of Chairman-see National Press Trust (Appointment of Chairman Act, 1972) Apprenticeship Ordinance, 1962 Arbitration-see Capital Development Authority (Abatement of Arbitration Proceedings) Act, 1975 Arbitration Act, 1940 Arbitration (Protocol and Convention) Act, 1937 Architects see- Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners Ordinance, 1983 Archives- National Archives Act, 1993 Archival Mtorial (Preservation and Export Control) Act, 1975 Area Study Centres Act, 1975 Areas-see Supreme Court and High Court (Extension of Jurisdiction to Certain Tribal Areas) Act, 1973 Areas-see Terrorist Affected Area (Spl. Court) Act, 1992 Armament –see Naval Armament Act, 1923 Armed Forces-see Compulsory Service in the Armed Forces Ordinance, 1971 Armed Forces-see Pakistan Armed Forces Nursing Service Act, 1952 Armed Forces (Emergency Duties) Act, 1947 Arms Act, 1878 Arms Surrender Illicit Arm Act, 1991 Army-see Pakistan Army Act, 1952 Army-see Tolls (Army and Air Force) Act, 1901 Army and Air Force-see Pakistan (Army and Air Force) Reserves Act, 1950 Artillery Practice-see Manoeuvres, Field Firing and Artillery Practice Act, 1938 Arts-see National College of Arts Ordinance, 1985 Arts-see Pakistan National Council of the Arts Act, 1973 Arya Marriage Validation Act, 1937 Asian Development Bank Ordinance, 1971 Assemblies-see Members of Parliament and Provincial Assemblies (Exemption of Advisers from Disqualification) Act, 1976 Assemblies –see National and Provincial Assemblies (Election to Reserved Seats) Act, 1976 Assemblies-see Parliament and Provincial Assemblies X 1974 XV 1972 XI 1983 XXVII 1978 XIV 1981 XIV 1972 LVI XXVII 1962 v.10, p.77 1975 X VI IX 1940 V.8, p.501 1937 v.8, p.141 1983 VI XLVI XLV XXVII 1993 1975 1975 1973 X VII XXXI 1992 1923 1971 XXXVI 1952 XV XI XXI XXXIX II XLVII 1947 v.8, p.716 1978 v.2, p.287 1991 1952 1901 v.4, p.114 1950 V 1938 XXVIII LIX XIX IX XIX 1985 1973 1951 v.8, p.160 1971 1976 XVIII 1976 V 1977 (Disqualification for Membership) Act, 1976 Assets and Liabilities-see Banks (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act, 1974 Associated Cement (Vesting) Act, 1974 Associated Press of Pakistan (Taking Over) Ordinance, 1961 XI 1974 VII XX XX 1975 1961 v.10, p.434 1960 XLIII 1959 XLIV 1960 LXXIX 1975 XVII 1965 v.10,p.875 VII XXII XXVII 1882 v.3,p.129 1979 1975 XXIII IV 1960 1980 XVI 1982 XI XXX XLIII XXXII XXX II 1991 1982 1973 1960 1982 1965 v.10, p.73 Baitul Mal-Pakistan Baitul Mal Act, 1991 Bank-see Asian Development Bank Ordinance, 1971 ADBP Ordinance, 1961 I IX IV Bank-see Establishment of the Federal Bank for Cooperatives and Regulation of Co-operative Banking Act, 1977 Bank-see Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan Ordinance, 1961 Bank-see International Monetary Fund and Bank Act, 1950 Bank-see Islamic Development Bank Ordinance, 1978 Bank-see National Bank of Pakistan Ordinance, 1949 Bank-see State Bank of Pakistan Act, 1956 IX 1991 1971 1961, v.10,p.368 1977 XXXI 1961 XLIII VI XIX XXXIII 1950 1978 1949 1956 Association-see International Development Association Ordinance, 1960 Association-see Pakistan Boy Scouts Association Ordinance, 1959 Association-see Pakistan Girl Guides Association Ordinance, 1960 Associations-see Foreign Cultural Associations (Regulation of Functioning) Act, 1973 Atomic Energy-see Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Ordinance, 1965 Attorney-see Powers-of-Attorney Act, 1882 Auqaf (Federal Control) Repeal) Ordinance, 1979 Auqaf-see Capital Development Authority (Abatement of Arbitration Proceedings) Act, 1975 Authority-see Capital Development Authority Ordinance, 1960 Authority-see Export Processing Zones Authority Ordinance, 1980 Authority-see Korangi Fisheries Harbour Authority Ordinance, 1982 National Highway Authority Act, 1991 Authority-see Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority Ordinance, 1982 Authority-see Port Qasim Authority Act, 1973 Aviation-see Civil Aviation Ordinance, 1960 Aviation-see Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority Ordinance, 1982 Ayurvedic Practitioners-see Unani, Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic Practitioners Act, 1965 B Bankers’ Books Evidence Act, 1891 Bahria University Ordinance, 2000 Banking-see Pakistan Banking (Prevention of Default and Evasion of Liabilities) Ordinance, 1947 Banking-see Pakistan Banking Finances Services Commission Act Banking and Financial Services (Amendment of Laws) Ordinance, 1984. Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 Banking Companies (Recovery of Loans) Ordinance, 1979 Banking Companies (Recovery of Loans, Advances, Credits and Finances) Act, 1997 Banking Tribunals Ordinance, 1984 Banking Tribunals (Validation of Orders) Act, 1994 Banks-see Offences in Respects of Banks (Special Courts) Ordinance, 1984 Banks (Nationalization) Act, 1974 Banks (transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act, 1974 Bar- Legal Practitioners & Bar Councils Act, 1973 Benefits-see Employees, Old-Age Benefits Act, 1976 Benevolent-see Central Employees Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance Act, 1969 Bills of Lading Act, 1856 Birds-see Wild Birds and Animals Protection Act, 1912 Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act, 1886 Board-see Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Act, 1975 Board-see Malaria Eradication Board (Repeal) Act, 1975 Board-see Pakistan Ordnance Factories Board Ordinance, 1961 Board-see Pakistan Tobacco Ordinance, 1968. Board of Revenue-see Central Board of Revenue Act, 1924 Boilers Act, 1923 Bombay Co-operative societies (Amdt.) Ordinance, 1958 Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1992 Book-see National Book Foundation Act, 1972 Boy Scouts-see Pakistan Boy Scouts Association Ordinance, 1959 Bridal-see Dowry and Bridal Gifts (Restriction) Act, 1976 Bridge-see Landsdowne Bridge Act, 1892 Broadcasting-see Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation Act, 1973 Buildings-see Federal Government Lands and Buildings (Recovery of Possession) Ordinance, 1965 Buildings-see Government Buildings Act, 1899 Buildings-see Port Authorities Lands and Buildings (Recovery of Possession) Ordinance, 1962. Bureau: National Accountability Bureau Ordinance, 1999 Business-see Islamabad Real Estate Agents and Motor Vehicles Dealers (Regulation of Business) Ordinance, 1984 XVIII V V 1891 v.3, p.391 2000 1947 XIII 1992 LVII 1984 LVII XIX XV 1962 1979 1997 LVIII V IX 1984 1994 1984 XIX XI XXXX XIV II 1974 1974 1973 1976 1969 IX VIII VI LXVIII 1856 v.1, p.35 1912 v.6, p.119 1886 v.3, p.171 1975 LXIV XVI 1975 1961 v.10,p.424 I IV V I III XIX XLIII 1968 v.10.p.937 1924 v.7,p.591 1923 v.7, p.121 1958 1992 1972 1959 XLIII VIII XXXII LIV 1976 1892 1973 1965 v.10,p.910 IV IX 1899 v.4, p.90 1962 XVIII XIII 1999 1984 Bus Stand-see North-West Frontier Province Bus Stand and Traffic control (Peshawar) Act, 1975 XXXVII 1975 Canal and Drainage Act, 1873 Cantonments Act, 1924 Cantonments (House-Accommodation) Act, 1923 Cantonments Pure Food Act, 1966 Cantonments Rent Restriction Act, 1963 Cantonments (Requisitioning of Immovable Property) Ordinance, 1948 Capital Development Authority (Abatement of Arbitration Proceedings) Act, 1975 Capital Development Authority Ordinance, 1960 Capital Issues (Continuance of Control) Act, 1947 Capital of the Republic (Development of Area) Ordinance, 1963 Capital Territory Local Government Ordinance, 1979 Cardiovascular –see National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (Administration) Ordinance, 1979. Cargoes-see Dangerous Cargoes Act, 1953 Carriage-see Carriage by Air (Supplementary Convention) Act, 1968 Carriage –see Hackney-Carriage Act, 1879 Carriage-see Stage-Carriage Act, 1861 Carriage by Air Act, 1934 Carriage by Air (International Convention) Act, 1966 Carriage of goods by Sea Act, 1925 Carriers Act, 1865 Caste Disabilities Removal Act, 1850 Cattle-trespass Act, 1871 Cattle-trespass (Amendment) Act, 1921 Cement-see Associated Cement (Vesting) Act, 1974 Cement-see Managed Cement Establishments (Payment to Corporation) Ordinance, 1979 Census-see Agricultural Census Act, 1958 Census Ordinance, 1959 Central-see Central Law Officers Ordinance, 1970 VIII II VI XVI XI IV 1873 v.2,p.186 1924 v.7,p.437 1923 v.7,p.143 1966 v.10, .131 1963 v.10,p.9 1948 XXVII 1975 XXIII XXIX VI XXXIX I 1960 1947 v.8, p.717 V.10, p.867 1979 1979 V V 1953 1968 v.10, p.196 1879 v.2,p.309 1861 1934 v.8,p.10 1966 v.10, p.96 1925 v.7,p.618 1865 v.1,p.241 1850 v.1 p.27 1871 v.1,p.332 1921 1975 1979 Central Board of Revenue Act, 1924 Central Depositions Act, 1997 Central Excises Act, 1944 Central Excise duty on Sugar (Validation) Ordinance, 1979 Central Government Land and Building (Recovery of Possession) Ordinance 1995. Centre-see Network Analyser Study Centre (Transfer to WAPDA) Ordinance, 1983 Centres-see Area Study Centres Act, 1975 IV XIX I XXXIV LIV C XIV XVI XX IX XXVI III XXI I XVII VII II XLI X VII I 1958 1959 1970 v.10 p.1072 1924 v.7,p.591 1997 1944 v.8,p.566 1979 1965 v.10, p.910 1983 XLV 1975 Centres-see Pakistan Study Centres Act, 1976 Centers of Excellence Act, 1974 Certificates-see Pakistan Military Academy (Degrees and Certificate) Ordinance, 1959 Certification Marks (rep. by Act 6/96 -see Pakistan Standards Institution (Certification Marks) Ordinance, 1961 Cess-see Agricultural Produce Cess Act, 1940 Cess-see Lac Cess Act, 1930 Cess- Cotton Cess Act, 1923 Chairman-see National Press Trust (Appointment of Chairman) Act, 1972 Chairman and Members of Federal Land Commission (Validation of Orders) Ordinance, 1981 Chairman and Speaker (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1975 Charged-see Privy Purses (Charged Expenditure) Act, 1968 Charitable and Religious Trusts Act, 1920 Charitable Endowments Act, 1890 Charitable Funds (Regulation of Collections) Act, 1953 Chartered Accountants Ordinance, 1961 XXVII XXIV LI 1976 1974 1959 XLVIII XXVII XXIV XIV XIV 1961 v.10, p.612 1940 v,8,p.526 1930 v.7,p.884 1923 v.7.p.203 1972 XXII 1981 LXXXII 1975 IX XIV VI XXXI X Chemical Fertilizers (Development Surcharge) Act, 1973 Chief Election Commissioner, (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1975 Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929 Children-see Employment of Children Act, 1938 XLI LV 1968 v.10,p.199 1920 v.7,p.57 1890 v.3 p.253 1953 1961 v.10, p.396 1973 1975 Children-see Employment of Children Act, 1991 Children –see Workers Children (Education) Ordinance, 1972 Children (Pledging of Labour) Act, 1933 Christian Marriage Act, 1872 Church of Scotland Kirk Sessions Act, 1899 Cigarettes (Printing of Warning) Ordinance, 1979 Citizenship –see Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 Civil Aviation Authority-see Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority Ordinance, 1982 Civil Aviation Ordinance, 1960 Civil Commotion-see Riot and Civil Commotion Risks Insurance Ordinance, 1947 Civil Commotion Compensation Furd (Repeal) Act, 1972 Civil Defence Act, 1952 Civil Employment-see Reservists (Reinstatement in civil Employment) Ordinance, 1965 Civil Pioneer Force Ordinance, 1965 V XI II XV XXIII LXXIII II XXX 1929 v.8, p.835 1938 rep. by Act 5/91 1991 1972 1933 v.7, p.918 1872 v.2 p.148 1899 v.4, p.97 1979 1951 9/89 1982 XXXII III 1960 1947 XI XXXI XXI Civil Procedure-see Code or Civil Procedure 1908 Civil Servants Act, 1973 Civil Services (Qualification for Appointment as High Court Judge) Act, 1965 V LXXI XXI 1972 1952 9/150 1965 v.10, p.886 1965 v.10, p.889 1908 V.2, p.367 1973 1965 v.10,p.95 XIX XXVI XXVII Claims-see Waste Lands (Claims) Act, 1863 Claims for Maintenance (Recovery Abroad) Ordinance, 1959 Cloth-see Cotton Cloth Act, 1918 Cloth-see Cotton Cloth and Yarn (Contracts) Ordinance, 1944 Club-see Islamabad Club (Administration) Ordinance, 1978 Coal Mines (Fixation of Rates of Wages) Ordinance, 1960 Coast-see Pakistan Coast Guards Act, 1973 Coasting Vessels Act, 1838 Coconut Committee Act, 1944 Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 Coinage-see Pakistan Coinage Act Collection of Taxes-see Provisional Collection of Taxes Act, 1931 Of A……. National College of Art Ordinance, 1985 College of Engineering –see Military College of Engineering, Risalpur (Degree) Ordinance, 1962 College of Physicians-see Pakistan College of Physicians and Surgeons Ordinance 1962 Colleges-see Medical Colleges (Governing Bodies) Ordinance, 1961 Commercial Documents Evidence Act, 1939 Commercial Employment –see Industrial and Commercial Employment (Standing Orders) Ordinance, 1960 Commission-see Chairman and Members of Federal Land Commission (Validation of Orders) Ordinance, 1981 Commission-see Federal Public Service Commission Ordinance, 1977 Commission-see Law Commission Ordinance, 1979 Commission-see Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Ordinance, 1965 Commission-see Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission Ordinance 1981 Commission-see Federal Land Commission MLR 115 Art 4A. Commission-see University Grant Commission Act, 1974 Commission-see Pakistan Banking & Finance Services Commission Act Commissioners-see Settlement Commissioners (Validation of Orders Act, 1972 Commissions of Inquiry-see Pakistan Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1956 Commonwealth Countries-see Diplomatic Immunities (Commonwealth Countries Representatives) Act, 1957 Commonwealth Countries – see Diplomatic Immunities (Conferences with Commonwealth Countries) Act, 1963 Commotion-see Civil Commotion Compensation Fund (Repeal) Act, 1972 Companies-see Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 Companies-see Banking Companies (Recovery of Loans) XXIII L XXIII II XXXIII XXXIX XVIII XIX X V V III XVI 1863 1959 1918 1944 v.8 p.744 1978 1960 1973 1838 v,1, p.1 1944 v.8, p.623 1908 1898 1906 v.4, p.144 1931 v.7, p.888 XXVIII XVII 1985 1962 v.10,p.624 XX 1962 v.10,p.627 XIII 1961 v.10,p.421 XXX` III 1939 v.8 p.444 1960 XXII 1981 XLV 1977 XIV XVII 1979 1965 v.10,p.875 XX 1981 XXIII XIII 1974 1992 VI 1972 VI 1956 XXIX 1957 II 1963 v.10, p.7 XI 1972 LVII XIX 1962 1979 Ordinance, 1979 Companies-see Companies Profits (Workers Participation) Act, 1968 Companies-see Modaraba Companies and Modaraba (Flotation and Control) Ordinance, 1980 Companies (Appointment of Legal Advisers) Act, 1974 Companies (Appointment of Trustees) Act, 1972 Companies Ordinance, 1984 Companies (Shifting of Registered Office) Ordinance, 1972 Compensation-see Civil Commotion Compensation (Repeal) Act, 1972 Compensation-see War Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act, 1943 Compensation-see Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 Compulsory Service in the Armed Forces Ordinance, 1971 Conciliation Courts Ordinance, 1961 Conditions of Service-see Newspaper employees (Conditions of Service) Act, 1973 Conference-see Organisation of the Islamic Conference (Immunities and Privileges) Act, 1977 Conferences-see Diplomatic Immunities (Conferences with Commonwealth Countries) Act, 1963 Conservation-see Islamabad Wildlife (Protection Conservation and Management) Ordinance, 1979 Constabulary-see North-West Frontier Constabulary Act, 1915 Constituencies-see Definition of Constituencies Act, 1974. Consular-see Diplomatic and Consular Privileges Act, 1972 Consular Officers-see Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oaths and Fees) Act, 1948 Contempt of Court, Act 1976 Continuance-see Enemy property (Continuance of Emergency Provisions) Ordinance, 1969 Continuance-see Enemy Property (Continuance of Emergency Provisions) Ordinance, 1977 Continuance-see Requisitioned Land (Continuance of Powers) Ordinance, 1969 Continuance-see Requisitioned Land (Continuance of Powers) Ordinance, 1977 Continuance-see War Risks Insurance Continuance Ordinance, 1969 Contract Act, 1872 Contracts-see Cotton /Cloth and Yarn (Contracts) Ordinance, 1944 Control-see Archival Material (Preservation and Export Control) Act, 1975 Control-see Auqaf (Federal Control) (Repeal) Ordinance, 1979 Control-see Cotton Ginning Control and Development Ordinance, 1977 Control-see Development of Industries (Federal Control) Act, XII XXXI 1968 v.10, p.200 1980 X XV XLVII V XI 1974 1972 1984 1972 1972 XXIII 1943 v.8, p.551 VIII XXXI XLIV LVIII 1923 v.7, p.165 1971 1961 v.10,p.581 1973 XV 1977 II 1963 v.10,p.7 LXX 1979 XIII XXXIV IX XXI 1915 v.6, p.170 1974 1972 1948 LXIV I 1976 1969 v.10,p.947 XXXIV 1977 II 1969 v.10,p.951 XXXIII 1977 V 1969 v.10,p 956 IX II 1872 v.2, p.87 1944 XLVI 1975 XXII XXXI 1979 1977 XVI 1972 1972 Control-see Development of Industries (Federal Control) (Repeal) Ordinance, 1979 Control-see Electricity Control Ordinance, 1965 Control -see Land Control (Karachi Division) Act, 1952 Control -see Exit from Pakistan (Control) Ordinance, 1981 Control -see Flour Milling Control and Development (Repeal) Ordinance, 1977 Control -see Marketing of Petroleum Products (Federal Control) Act, 1974 Control -see Modaraba Companies and Modaraba (Flotation and Control) Ordinance 1980 Control -see Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (Control and Prevention) Ordinance, 1970 Control -see Newsprint Control Ordinance, 1971 Control -see Pakistan Maritime Shipping (Regulation and Control) Act 1974 Control- see Price Control and Prevention of Profiteering and Hoarding Act, 1977 Control- see Sports (Development and Control) Ordinance, 1962 Control and Development-see Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil Industry (Control and Development) Act, 1973 Control of Employment Ordinance, 1965 Control of Entry –see Pakistan (Control of Entry) Act, 1952 Control of Narcotic Substance Act, 1997 Control of Prices-see Tea (Control of Prices, Distribution and Movement) Ordinance, 1960 Control of shipping Ordinance, 1959 Convention-see Arbitration (Protocol and Convention) Act, 1937 Convention-see Carriage by Air (International Convention) Act, 1966 Convention-see Carriage by Air (Supplementary)(Convention) Act, 1968 Convention-see Geneva Convention Implementing Act, 1936 Co-operative-see Co-operative Farming Act, 1976 Co-operative-see Establishment of the Federal Bank for Co-operatives and Regulation of Co-operative Banking Act, 1977 Co-operative Societies-see Bombay Co-operative Societies (Amdt,) Ordinance, 1958 Co-operative Societies-see Multi-unit (Co-operative Societies) Act, 1942 Co-operative Societies Act, 1912 Co-operative Societies (Repayment of Loans) Ordinance, 1960 Copyright Ordinance, 1962 Corporation(s)-see Investment Corporation of Pakistan XXVI 1979 XXVIII XI XLVI XXIX 1965 v.10,p.898 1952 1981 1977 XVII 1974 XXXI 1980 V XI XVIII 1970 v.10, p.1053 1971 1974 XXIX 1977 XVI 1962 LXV 1973 XXXII LV XXV XXVIII 1965 v.10, p.901 1952 1997 1960 XIII VI 1959 1937 v.8, p.146 IX 1966 V 1968 XIV LII IX 1936 v.8, p.138 1976 1977 I 1958 VI 1942 v.8 p.543 II XXXIV XXXIV IV 1912 v.6 p.58 1960 1962 v.10,p.696 1966 v.10,p.917 Ordinance, 1966 Corporation-see Managed Cement Establishments (Payment to Corporation) Ordinance, 1979. Corporation(s)-see National Development Finance Corporation Act, 1973. Corporation(s)-see National Insurance Corporation Act, 1976 Corporation(s)-see Oil and Gas Development Corporation Ordinance, 1961 Corporation(s)-see Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation Act, 1973 Corporation(s)-see Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation Ordinance, 1962 Corporation(s)see Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (Dissolution) Ordinance, 1984 Corporation(s)-see Pakistan National Shipping Corporation Ordinance, 1979 Corporation(s)-see Pakistan Refugees Rehabilitation Finance Corporation (Dissolution) Ordinance, 1980 Corporation (s)-see Pak. Tele Communication Corporation Act, 1991 Corporation(s)-see People’s Finance Corporation Act, 1972 Corporation(s)-see Regional Development Finance Corporation Ordinance, 1985 Corporation(s)-see West Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (Transfer of Projects and Companies) Act, 1974 Corporation(s) West Pakistan Small Industries Corporation (Dissolution) Act, 1972 Corporation employees (Special Powers) Ordinance, 1978 Corps-see Frontier Corps Ordinance, 1959 Corruption-see Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 Cost and Industrial Accountants Act, 1996 Cost of Living-see Employees Cost of Living (Relief) Act, 1973 Cotton-see Staple Cotton (Excise Duty) Ordinance, 1978 Cotton Act, 1957 Cotton Cess Act 1923 Cotton Cloth Act 1918 Cotton Cloth and Yarn (Contracts) Ordinance, 1944 Cotton Ginning Control and Development (Repeal) Ordinance, 1977 Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factories Act, 1925 Cotton Industry (Statistics) Act, 1926 Cotton Transport Act, 1923 Council-see Medical and Dental Council Ordinance, 1962 Council-see Pakistan Agricultural Research Council Ordinance, 1981 Council-see Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners Ordinance, 1983 Council-see Pakistan Engineering Council Act, 1975 II 1979 XIII 1973 XXIII XXXVII 1976 1961 v.10,p.562 XXXII 1973 XXXVIII 1962 LII 1984 XX 1979 I 1980 XVIII 1991 XXIX XXXII 1972 1985 XXVIII 1974 III 1972 XIII XXVI II XIV I XXX XXXVIII XIV XXIII II XXXI 1978 1959 1947 v.8 p.665 1966 v.10,p.111 1974 1978 1957 1923 v.7, p.203 1918 v.6, p.229 1944 v.8 p, 744 1977 XII XX III XXXII XXXVIII 1925 v.7, p.599 1926, v.7 p.783 1923 v.7, p.81 1962 v.10, p.672 1981 IX 1983 V 1976 Council of Scientific-see Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Act, 1973 Council of the Arts-see Pakistan National Council of the Arts Act, 1973 Countervailing-see Import of Goods (Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties) Ordinance, 1983 Court –see Contempt of Court Act, 1976 Court- see Criminal Law Amendment (Special Court) Act, 1976 Court-see Supreme Court and High Court (Extension of Jurisdiction to Certain Tribal Areas) Act, 1973 Court-fees Act, 1870 Courts-see Admiralty Jurisdiction of High Courts Ordinance, 1980 Courts-see Conciliation Courts Ordinance, 1961 Courts-see Offences in Respect of Banks (Special Courts) Ordinance, 1984 Courts-see Provincial Small Cause Courts, Act, 1887 Courts-see Special Courts for Speedy Trials Act, 1987 Courts-see Traffic Offences (Special Courts) Ordinance, 1981 Courts-see Special Court for Speedy Trial Act, 1992 Courts-see Special Court for Speedy Trial (Rep.) Act, 1996 Crimes-see North-West Frontier Province Suppression of Crimes Act, 1975 Criminal Law –see Pakistan Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1958 Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1908 Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1932 Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1938 Criminal Law (Amendment) Ordinance, 1944 Criminal Law Amendment (Special Court) Act, 1976 Criminal Procedure-see Code of Criminal procedure, 1898 Cruelty to Animals –see Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1890 Cultural-see Foreign Cultural Association (Regulation of Functioning) Act, 1975 Currency-see Pakistan Currency Act, 1950 Curricula-see Federal Supervision of Curricula, Text-books and Maintenance of Standards of Education Act, 1976 Customs Act, 1969 Cutchi Memons Act, 1938 Cutting of Trees (Prohibition) Act, 1975 XXX 1973 LIX 1973 III 1983 LXIV XVII XXVII 1976 1976 1973 VII XLII 1870 v.1, p.287 1980 XLIV IX 1961 v.10.p.581 1984 IX XV XXXIX IX XI XXXIII 1887 v.3, p.214 1987 1981 1992 1996 1975 XL 1958 XIV XXIII XX XXXVIII XVII V XI 1908 1932 1938 1944 1976 1898 1890 LXXIX 1975 XXIX X 1950 1976 IV X LXXIV 1969 1938 1975 XII 1965 V 1953 D Danger-see Aircraft (Removal of Danger to Safety) Ordinance, 1965 Dangerous Cargoes Act, 1953 Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930 Dealers –see Islamabad Real Estate Agents and Motor Vehicles Dealers (Regulation of Business) Ordinance, 1984 Death of Missing Persons-see United Nations (Declaration of Death of Missing Persons) Act, 1956 Deaths-see Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act, 1886 Debt-see Public Debt Act, 1944 Declaration-see Federal Laws (Revision and Declaration) Ordinance, 1981 Decorations Act, 1975 Defence-see Defence Services (Inquiry) Special Provisions) Ordinance, 1969 Defence-see Works of Defence Act, 1903 Degree(s)-see Medical and Dental Degrees Ordinance, 1982 Degree(s)-see Military College of Engineering, Risalpur (Degree) Ordinance, 1962 II XIII 1930 1984 VII 1956 VI 1886 XVIII XXVII 1944 1981 XLIII XIX 1975 1969 VII XXVI XVII 1903 1982 1962 Degree (s)-see Pakistan Military Academy (Degrees and Certificates) Ordinance, 1959 Degree(s)-see Pakistan Naval Academy (Award of Degrees) Ordinance, 1965 Dekhan Agriculturists’ Relief Act, 1879 Delimitation of Constituencies Act, 1974 Dental-see Medical and Dental Degrees Ordinance, 1982 Dental Council-see Medical and Dental Council Ordinance, 1962 Deposits-see Transfer of Evacuee Deposits Act, 1956 Deputy Chairman-see Deputy Chairman and Deputy Speaker (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1975 Deputy Commander-in-Chief (Powers) Ordinance, 1942 Deputy Speaker-see Deputy Chairman and Deputy Speaker (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1975 Designs-see Patents and Designs Act, 1911 Destruction of Records Act, 1917 Detention-see Members of National Assembly (Exemption from Preventive Detention and Personal Appearance) Ordinance, 1963 Determination of Area-see Capital of the Republic (Determination of Area) Ordinance, 1963 Development-see Asian Development Bank Ordinance, 1971 Development-see Capital Development Authority ((Abatement of Arbitration Proceedings) Act, 1975 Development-see Capital Development Authority Ordinance, 1960 Development –see Chemical Fertilizers (Development Surcharge) Act, 1973 Development –see Cotton Ginning Control and Development (Repeal) Ordinance, 1977 LI 1959 XX 1965 XVII XXXIV XXVI XXXII 1879 1974 1982 1962 XLV LXXXIII 1956 1975 XXII LXXXIII 1942 1975 II V IX 1911 1917 1963 VI 1963 IX XXVII 1971 1975 XXIII 1960 XLI 1973 XXXI 1977 Development-see Flour Milling Control and Development (Repeal) Ordinance, 1977 Development-see Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil Industry (Control and Development) Act, 1973 Development-see The Export Development Fund Act, 1999 Development-see Import of Goods (Development Surcharge) Ordinance, 1984 Development-see Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan Ordinance, 1961 Development-see International Development Association Ordinance, 1960 Development-see Islamic Development Bank Ordinance, 1978 Development-see National Development Finance Corporation Act, 1973 Development-see National Development Volunteer Programme (Repeal) Ordinance, 1980 XXIX 1977 LXV 1973 VI VII 1999 1984 XXXI 1961 v.10,p.451 XX 1960 VI XIII 1978 1973 XXXIX 1980 Development-see Oil and Gas Development Corporation Ordinance, 1961 Development-see Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation Ordinance, 1962 Development-see Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (Dissolution) Ordinance, 1984 Development-see Sports (Development and Control) Ordinance, 1962 Development-see ADBP Ordinance 1961 Development Corporation-see West Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (Transfer of projects and Companies) Act, 1974 Development of Industries (Federal Control) Act, 1972 Development of Industries (Federal Control) (Repeal) Ordinance 1979 Development of Industries (Government Control) Act, 1949 Development Surcharge-see Petroleum Products (Development Surcharge) Ordinance, 1961 Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oaths and Fees) Act, 1948 Diplomatic and Consular Privileges Act, 1972 Diplomatic Immunities (Commonwealth Countries Representatives) Act, 1957 Diplomatic Immunities (Conferences with Commonwealth Countries) Act, 1963 Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) Ordinance, 1981 Discontinuance of Medical Reimbursement ct, 1972 Diseases-see Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 Diseases-see National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (Administration) Ordinance, 1979 Disorderly Persons-see Karachi Control of Disorderly Persons Act, 1952 Displaced Persons-see Evacuee Property and Displaced XXXVII 1961 v.10,p.562 XXXVIII 1962 LII 1984 XVI 1962 v.10,p.623 XXVIII v.10, p.368 1974 XVI XXVI 1972 9/27 1979 XIII XXV 1949 1961 v.10,p.437 XXI IX XXIX 1948 9/16 1972 1957 II 1963 v.10, p.7 XL 1981 XXV III I 1972 1897 v.3, p.426 1979 XXIX 1952 XIV 1975 Persons Laws (Repeal) Act, 1975 Disposal-see Evacuee Trust properties (Management and Disposal) Act, 1975 Disposition of Property-see Hindu Disposition of Property Act, 1916 Disputes-see Industrial Disputes Ordinance, 1959 Disqualification-see Members of Parliament and Provincial Assemblies (Exemption of Advisers from Disqualification) Act, 1976 Disqualification-see Parliament and Provincial Assemblies, (Disqualification for Membership) Act, 1976 Dissolution-see Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (Dissolution Ordinance, 1984 Dissolution-see Pakistan Refugees Rehabilitation Finance Corporation (Dissolution) Ordinance, 1980 Dissolution-see West Pakistan small Industries Corporation (Dissolution) Act, 1972 Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939 Distribution-see Tea (Control of Prices, Distribution and Movement) Ordinance, 1960 Disturbed Areas (Special Powers) Ordinance, 1962 Divorce Act. Divorce –see Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936 Dock Labourers Act, 1934 Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act 1974 Documents-see Commercial Documents Evidence Act, 1939 Dormant Funs (Administration) Act, 1966 Dourine Act, 1910 Dowry and Bridal Gifts (Restriction) Act, 1976 Drainage-see Canal and Drainage, Act, 1873 Dramatic Performances Act, 1876 Drivers –see Motor Vehicles (Drivers) Ordinance, 1942 Drugs-see Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930 Drugs Act, 1976 Drugs and Medicines (Indemnity) Act, 1957 Duties-see Import of goods (Anti-dumping and Countervailing duties) Ordinance, 1983 Duty-see Central Excise Duty on Sugar (Validation) Ordinance, 1979 Duty-see Estate Duty Act 1950 Duty-see Excise duty on Minerals (Labour Welfare) Act, 1967 Duty-see Staple Cotton (Excise Duty) Ordinance, 1978 XIII 1975 XV 1916 v.6, p.183 LVI XIX 1959 1976 V 1976 LII 1984 I 1980 III 1972 VIII XXVIII 1939 v.8, p.435 1960 LIV IV III XIX IX XXX XX V XLIII VIII XIX V II XXXI XVII III 1962 v.10,p.762 1869 v.1,p.258 1936 v.8,p.101 1934 v.8, p.4 1974 1939 v.8, p.44 1966 v.10 p.948 1910 v.4, p.364 1976 1873 v.2, p.186 1876 v.2, p.234 1942 v.8, p.703 1930 Rep. Act 25/97 1976 1957 1983 XXXIV 1979 X VIII XXX 1950 1967 1978 XXXI V 1973 1882 v.3, p.104 E Earn-see Pay-As-You Earn Scheme Act, 1973 Easements Act, 1882 Economic- Protection of Economic Reform Act, 1992 Education-see Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Act, 1975 Education-see Federal Supervision of Curricula, Text-books and Maintenance of Standards of Education Act, 1976 Education-see Workers Children (Education) Ordinance, 1972 Ehtasab Act, 1997 Ehtram-e-Ramzan Ordinance, 1981 Election-see Senate (Election) Act, 1975 Elections-see National and Provincial Assemblies (Elections to Reserved Seats) Act, 1976 Electoral Rolls Act, 1974 Electric-NEPRA Act, 1997 Electricity-see Karachi Electricity Control Act, 1952 Electricity Act, 1910 Electricity Control Ordinance, 1965 Electronics-see National Institute of Electronics Ordinance, 1979 Elephants Preservation Act, 1879 Elimination-see Publication of the Holy Quran (Elimination of Printing Errors) Act, 1973 Emblems-see Pakistan Names and Emblems (Prevention of Unauthorised Use) Act, 1957 Emergency-see Enemy Property (Continuance of Emergency Provisions) Ordinance, 1969 Emergency-see Enemy Property (Continuance of Emergency Provisions) Ordinance, 1977 Emergency-see Limitation (Emergency and War Conditions) Act, 1965 Emergency Provisions-see Public Health (Emergency Provisions) Ordinance, 1944 Emigration Ordinance, 1979 Employees-see Corporation (Special Powers) Ordinance, 1978 Employees-see Federal Employees Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance Act, 1969 Employees-see Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) Act, 1973 Employee’s Cost of Living (Relief) Act, 1973 Employees’ Old-Age Benefits Act, 1976 Employees’ Social Insurance Ordinance, 1962 Employers’ Liability Act, 1938 Employment-see Control of Employment Ordinance, 1965 Employment-see Disabled Persons (Establishment and (Rehabilitation) Ordinance, 1981 Employment-see Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act, 1974 Employment-see Fee-Charging Employment Agencies (Regulation) Act, 1976 Employment-see Industrial and Commercial Employment XII LXVIII 1992 1975 X 1976 XI XI XXIII LI XVIII 1972 1997 1981 1975 1976 XXI XL LVII IX XXVIII III 1974 1997 1952 1910 v.4, p.370 1965 v.10,p.898 1979 VI LIV 1879 v.2, p.307 1973 XXVIII 1957 I XXXIV 1969 v.10, p.947 1977 XVIII 1965 v.10 p.92 XXI 1944 v.8, p.746 XVIII XIII II 1979 1978 1969 LVIII 1973 I XIV XXII XXIV XXXII XL 1974 1976 1962 v.10,p.633 1938 v.8, p.402 1965 v.10,p.901 1981 IX 1974 LXXVII 1976 III 1960 (Standing Orders) Ordinance, 1960 Employment-see Reservists (Reinstatement in Civil Employment) Ordinance, 1965 Employment of Children Act, 1938 XXI 1965 XXVI Employment of Children Act, 1991 Employment (Record of Services) Act, 1951 Employment with Foreign Governments-see Ex-Government Servants Employment with Foreign Governments) Prohibition Act, 1966 Endowments-see Charitable Endowments Act, 1890 Enemy-see Enemy Property (Continuance of Emergency Provisions) Ordinance, 1969 Enemy Agents Ordinance, 1943 Enemy Property (Continuance of Emergency Provisions) Ordinance, 1977 Energy-see Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Ordinance, 1965 Enforcement-see Offences Against Property (Enforcement of Hadood) Ordinance, 1979 Enforcement-see Offences of Qazf (Enforcement of Hadd) Ordinance, 1979 Enforcement-see Offences of Zina (Enforcement of Hadood) Ordinance, 1979 Enforcement of Shariat Act, 1991 Engineering-see Military College of Engineering, Risalpur (Degree) Ordinance, 1962 Engineering –see Pakistan Engineering Council Act, 1975 Environmental-see Pakistan Environmental Protection Ordinance, 1983 Environmental-see Pakistan Environmental Protection Ordinance, 1997 Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 Equalization-see Import of Goods (Price Equalization Surcharge) Act, 1967 Equity-see Equity Participation Fund Ordinance, 1970 V XIX XII 1938 Act 5/91 1991 1951 9/144 1966 v.10,p.109 VI I 1890 v.3, p.253 1969 v.10,p.947 I XXXIV 1943 v.8, p.736 1977 XVII 1965 v.10,p.875 VI 1979 VIII 1979 VII 1979 X XVII 1991 1962 v.10,p.624 V XXXVII 1976 1983 XXXIV 1997 III v.3, p.426 1967 v.10,p.150 Eradication-see Malaria Eradication Board (Repeal) Act, 1975 Errors-see Publication of the Holy Quran (Elimination of Printing Errors) Act, 1973 Essential Articles-see Karachi Essential Articles (Price Control and Anti-Hoarding) Act, 1953 Essential Personnel (Registration) Ordinance, 1948 Essential Services-see Pakistan Essential Services (Maintenance) Act, 1952 Esso Undertaking (Vesting) Act, 1976 Establishment of the Federal Bank for co-operatives and Regulation of co-operative Banking Act, 1977 Establishments-see Managed Cement Establishments (Payment to Corporation) Ordinance, 1979 LXIV LIV 1970 v.10,p.1045 1975 1973 XXVI 1953 X LIII 1948 1952 LXXIX IX 1976 1977 II 1979 I Establishment-see Pakistan Maritime Shipping (Transfer of Managed Establishments) Ordinance, 1980 Estate-see Islamabad Real Estate Agents and Motor Vehicles Dealers (Regulation of Business) Ordinance, 1984 Estate-see Government Management of Private Statutes Act, 1892 Estate Duty Act, 1950 Evacuee Deposits –see Transfer of Evacuee Deposits Act, 1956 Evacuee Property and Displaced Persons Laws (Repeal) Act, 1975 Evacuee Trust Properties (Management and Disposal) Act, 1975 Evidence-see Banker’s Books Evidence Act, 1891 Evidence-see Commercial Documents Evidence Act, 1939 Excellence-see Centres of Excellence Act, 1974 Exchange-see Foreign Exchange (Prevention of Payments) Act, 1972 Exchange Foreign Exchange (Temp. Restrictions) Act, 1998 Exchange-see Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947 Exchange Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969 Exchange of Prisoners-see Pakistan (Exchange of Prisoners) Ordinance 1948 Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan Act, 1997 Excise-see Central Excise Duty on Sugar (Validation) Ordinance, 1979 Excise-see Central Excises and Salt Act, 1944 Excise-see Excise Duty on Minerals (Labour Welfare) Act, 1967 Excise-see Staple Cotton (Excise Duty) Ordinance, 1978 Excise (Spirits) Act, 1863 Exclusive Fishery Zone (Regulation of Fishing) Act, 1975 Execution of the Punishment of Whipping Ordinance, 1979 Ex-Employees of the Former Government of East Pakistan (Appointment to Federal Posts) Ordinance, 1983 Exemption-see Members of National Assembly (Exemption from Preventive Detention and Personal Appearance) Ordinance, 1963 Exemption-see Members of Parliament and Provincial Assemblies (Exemption of Advisers from Disqualification) Act, 1976 Ex-Government Servants (Employment with Foreign Government) (Prohibition) Act, 1966 Exit from Pakistan (Control) Ordinance, 1981 Expenditure-see Privy Purses (Charged Expenditure) Act, 1968 Explosives Act, 1884 Explosives Substances Act, 1908 Export Development Fund Act, 1999 Export-see Pakistan Animal Quarantine (Import and Export of XXII 1980 XIII 1984 X 1892 X XLV 1950 1956 XIV 1975 XIII 1975 XVIII XXX XXIV XXII 1891 v.3, p.351 1939 v.8, p.444 1974 1972 IV VII XVII XII 1998 1947 v.8, p.670 1969 1948 XLII XXXIV 1997 1979 I VIII 1944 v.8, p.566 1967 v.10,p.169 XXX XVI XXXII IX XI 1978 1863 v.1, p.231 1975 1979 1983 IX 1963 v.10,p.869 XIX 1976 XII 1966 v.10, p.109 1981 1968 1884 v.3, p.136 1908 v.4,p.152 1999 1979 XLVI IX IV VI VI XLIX Animals and Animal Products Ordinance, 1979 Export –see Sugar Export Subsidy Fund Ordinance, 1970 Export Control-see Archival Material (Preservation and Export Control) Act, 1975 Export Processing Zones Authority Ordinance, 1980 Exports –see Imports and Exports (control) Act, 1950 Exports-see The Export Development Fund Act, 1999 Extension-see Supreme Court and High Court (Extension of Jurisdiction to certain Tribal Areas) Act, 1973 Extension of Provisions-see Provincial Service Tribunal (Extension of Provisions of the Constitution) Act, 1974 Extension of Service-see Pakistan Navy (Extension of Service) Act, 1950 Extradition Act, 1972 Eye Surgery (Restriction) Ordinance, 1960 XX XLVI 1970 v.10, p.1074 1975 IV XXXIX VI XXVII 1980 1950 1999 1973 XXXII 1974 XXIV 1950 XXI LI 1972 1960 XII XVII 1925 v.7, p.599 1961 v.10,p.424 XXV XVI VIII XIII LII XIII XXII XXVI 1934 v.8, p.24 1881 1961 v.10,p.391 1899 v.4, p.91 1976 1855 v.1,p.33 1979 1979 IX 1977 LXVIII 1975 XVI 1972 XVII 1974 XXV II 1937 v.8, p.161 1969 v.10,p.212 LIV 1965 XXVIII VIII XXII 1997 1975 1981 F Factories-see Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factories Act, 125 Factories-see Pakistan Ordnance Factories Board Ordinance, 1961 Factories Act, 1934 Fairways-see Obstructions in Fairways Act, 1881 Family Laws-see Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961 Farcy-see Glanders and Farcy Act, 1899 Farming-see Co-operative farming Act, 1976 Fatal Accidents Act, 1855 Federal-see Auqaf (Federal Control) (Repeal) Ordinance, 1979 Federal-see Development of Industries (Federal Control) (Repeal) Ordinance, 1979 Federal Bank-see Establishment of the Federal Bank for Co-operatives and Regulation of Co-operative Banking Act, 1977 Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Act, 1975 Federal control-see Development of Industries (Federal Control) Act, 1972 Federal Control-see Marketing of Petroleum Products (Federal Control) Act, 1974 Federal Court Act, 1937 Federal Employees Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance Act, 1969 Federal Government Lands and Buildings (Recovery of Possession) Ordinance, 1965 Federal Judicial Academy Act, 1997 Federal Investigation Agency Act, 1974 Federal Land Commission – see Chairman and Members of Federal Land Commission (Validation of Orders) Ordinance, 1981 Federal Land Commission- MLR 115 Art 4-A Federal Laws (Revision and Declaration) Ordinance, 1981 Federal Ministers and Ministers of State (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1975 Federal Public Service commission Ordinance, 1977 Federal Supervision of Curricula Text-books and Maintenance of Standards of Education Act, 1976. Fee-Charging Employment Agencies (Regulation) Act, 1976 Fees-see Court-fees Act, 1870 Fees-see Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oaths and Fees) Act, 1948 Ferries Act, 1878 Fertilizers-see Chemical Fertilizers (Development Surcharge) Act, 1973 Field-see Transfer of Population Welfare Programme (Field Activities) Ordinance, 1983 Field Firing-see Manoeuvres, Field Firing and Artillery Practice Act, 1938 Finance –see International Finance Corporation Act, 1956 Finance –see National Development Finance Corporation Act, 1973 Finance –see Pakistan Refugees Rehabilitation Finance Corporation (dissolution) Ordinance, 1980 Finance –see Peoples’ Finance Corporation Act, 1972 Finance –see Regional Development Finance Corporation Ordinance, 1985 Finance Act, 1976 Finance Act, 1977 Finance Act, 1985 Finance Act, 1986 Finance Act, 1987 Finance Act, 1988 Finance Ordinance, 1978 Finance Ordinance, 1979 Finance Ordinance, 1980 Finance Ordinance, 1981 Finance Ordinance, 1982 Finance Ordinance, 1983 Finance Ordinance, 1984 Finance Supplementary Act, 1973 Financial Safeguards-see Public Investments (Financial Safeguards) Ordinance, 1960 Financial Services-see Banking and Financial Services (Amendment of Laws) Ordinance, 1984 Fish- Pakistan Fish Inspection and Quality Control Act, 1997 Fisheries-see Korangi Fisheries Harbour Authority Ordinance, 1982 XXVI LXII 1981 1975 XLV X 1977 1976 LXXVII VII XXI 1976 1870 1948 XVII XLI 1878 v.2, p. 298 1973 XIX 1983 V 1938 v.8, p. 391 XXVIII XIII 1956 1973 I 1980 XXIX XXXII 1972 1985 XLVII XXX I I VI VI XXXI XXX XXV XXIV XII XIV XXVIII V XLVI 1976 1977 1985 1986 1987 1988 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1974 1960 LVII 1984 XXXV XVI 1997 1982 Fisheries Act, 1897 Fishery Zone –see Exclusive Fishery Zone (Regulation of Fishing) Act, 1975 Fixation of Rates of Wages-see Coal Mines (Fixation of Rates of Wages) Ordinance, 1960 Flotation –see Modaraba Companies and Modaraba ((Flotation and Control) Ordinance, 1980 Flour Milling Control and Development (Repeal) Ordinance, 1977 Flying Clubs (Appointment of Administrators) Ordinance, 1978 Food-see Cantonments Pure Food Act, 1966 Force-see Airport Security Force Act, 1975 Force-see Civil Pioneer force Ordinance, 1965 Forces-see Compulsory Service in the Armed Forces Ordinance, 1971 Foreign Cultural Association (Regulation of Functioning) Act, 1975 Foreign Exchange (Prevention of Payment) Act, 1972 Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947 Foreign Private Investment (Promotion and Protection) Act, 1976 Foreign Exchange (Temporary Restrictions) Act, 1998 Foreigners-see Registration of Foreigners Act, 1939 IV XXXII 1897 v.3,p.428 1975 XXXIX 1960 XXXI 1980 XXIX 1977 XXVI XVI LXXVII XXVII XXXI 1978 1966 1975 1965 v.10,p.889 1971 LXXIX 1975 XXII VII XLII 1972 1947 v.8,p.670 1976 IV XVI 1998 1939 v.8,p.440 Foreigners Act, 1946 Forest Act, 1927 Forest Laws Amendment Ordinance, 1962 Former Government of East Pakistan –see ex-Employees of the former Government of East Pakistan (Appointment to Federal Posts) Ordinance, 1983 Foundation-see National Book Foundation Act, 1972 Foundation-see Pakistan Science Foundation Act, 1973 Frontier Corps Ordinance, 1959 Functioning-see Foreign Cultural Associations (Regulation of Functioning) Act, 1975 Fund-see Civil Commotion Compensation Fund (Repeal) Act, 1972 Fund-see The Export Development Fund Act, 1999 Fund-see Equity Participation Fund Ordinance, 1970 XXXI XVI X XI 1946 v.8, p.655 1927 v.7, p.788 1962 1983 XIX III XXVI LXXIX 1972 1973 1959 1975 XI 1972 VI I Fund-see Federal Employees Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance Act, 1969 Fund-see Sugar Export Subsidy Fund Ordinance 1970 II 1999 1970 v.10, p.1045 1969 Fund-see National Fund for Cultural Heritage Act, 1994 Fund-see Workers Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1971 Funds-see Dormant Funds (Administration) Act, 1966 Funds-see Provident Funds Act, 1925 Funds Vesting in the President (Transfer) Act, 1973 VIII XXXVI XX XIX LX XX 1970 v.10, p.1074 1994 1971 1966 1925 v.7, p.607 1973 G Gains of Learning-see Hindu Gains of Learning Act, 1930 Gambling-see Prevention of Gambling Act, 1977 Gambling-see Public Gambling Act, 1867 Gas-see Natural Gas Regulatory Authority Ordinance, 2000 Gas-see Oil and Gas Development Corporation Ordinance, 1961 Gas-see Natural Gas (Development Surcharge) Ordinance, 1967 General Clauses Act, 1897 General Statistics Act, 1975 Geneva Convention Implementing Act, 1936 Gifts-see Dowry and Bridal Gifts (Restriction) Act, 1976 Ginning-see Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factories Act, 1925 Girl Guides-see Pakistan Girl Guides Association Ordinance, 1960 Glanders and Farcy Act, 1899, Goods-see Carriage of Goods b Sea Act, 1925 Goods-see Import of Goods (Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties) Ordinance, 1983 XXX XXVII III I XXXVII 1930 1977 1867 v.1, p.245 2000 1961 v.10,p.562 I 1967 X LXIX XIV XLIII XII XLIV 1897 v.3, p.442 1975 1936 v.8, p.138 1976 1925 v.7, p.599 1960 XIII XXVI LIII 1899 v.4, p.91 1925 v.7, p.618 1983 Goods-see Import of Goods (Development Surcharge) Ordinance, 1984 Goods-see Import of Goods (Price Equalization surcharge) Act, 1967 Goods-see Sale of Goods Act, 1930 Governing Bodies-see Medical Colleges (Governing Bodies) Ordinance, 1961 Government-see Capital Territory Local Government Ordinance, 1979 Government Buildings Act, 1899 Government Control-see Development of Industries (Government Control) Act, 1949 Government Control-see Regulation of Mines and Oilfields and Mineral Development (Government Control) Act, 1948 Government Grants Act, 1985 Government Management of Private Estates Act, 1892 Government Savings Banks Act, 1873 Government Servants –see Ex-Government Servants (Employment with Foreign Governments) Prohibition) Act, 1966 Government Tenants (North-West Frontier Province) Act, 1893 Government Trading Taxation Act, 1926 Grading and Marking-see Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act, 1937 Grants-see University Grants Commission Act, 1974 Gratuities-see Local Authorities Pensions and Gratuities Act, VII 1984 III 1967 v.10,p.150 III XIII 1930 v.7, p.861 1961 XXXIX 1979 IV XIII 1899 1949 XXIV 1948 XV X V XII 1895 v.3. p,410 1892 v.3, p.357 1873 v.2, p.181 1966 v.10,p.109 III III I 1893 v.3 p. 360 1926 v.7 p. 773 1937 v.8 p. 140 XXIII I 1974 1919 v.6 p. 233 1919 Group-see Federal Employees Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance Act, 1969 Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 Guards-see National Guards Act, 1973 Guards-see Pakistan Coast Guards Act, 1973 Guides see Pakistan Girl Guides Association Ordinance, 1960 Guides-see Pakistan Tourist Guides Act, 1976 Gurdwaras-see Sikh Gurdwaras (Supplementary) Act, 1925 Gwadur (Application of Central Laws) Ordinance, 1960 II 1969 VIII LXI XVIII XLIV XXVI XXIV XXXVII 1890 v.3, p.258 1973 1973 1960 1976 1925 v.7, p.617 1960 XIV VIII 1879 v.2, p.309 1979 XVI 1982 XLIII XXI 1980 1944 v.8, p.746 XII XLII XXVII 1997 1980 1973 XXI 1965 LXVIII XV XXX XII II XXVIII XIX 1973 1916 v.6, p.183 1930 v.7, p.886 1928 1929 1946 v.8, p.654 1946, v.8, p.647 XV XVIII XXIX 1856 v.1, p.36 1937 v.8, p.158 1977 IV 1977 LIV 1973 II 1965 v.10 p. 73 LXV 1950 LXXXI 1976 H Hackney-carriage Act, 1879 Hadd-see Offence of Qazf (Enforcement of Hadd) Ordinance, 1979 Harbour Authority-see Korangi Fisheries Harbour Authority Ordinance, 1982 Health-see National Institute of Health Ordinance, 1980 Health-see Public Health (Emergency Provision) Ordinance 1944 Heavy Industries Board Act, 1997 High See Admiralty Jurisdiction of High courts Ordinance, 1980 High Court-see Supreme Court and High Court (Extension of Jurisdiction to Certain Tribal Areas) Act, 1973 High Court Judge-see Civil Service (Qualification for Appointment as High Court Judge) Act, 1965 High Treason (Punishment) Act, 1973 Hindu Disposition of Property Act, 1916 Hindu Gains of Learning Act, 1930 Hindu Inheritance (Removal of Disabilities) Act, 1928 Hindu Law of Inheritance (Amendment) Act, 1929 Hindu Marriage Disabilities Removal Act, 1946 Hindu Married Women’s Right to Separate Residence and Maintenance Act, 1946 Hindu Widows’ Re-Marriage Act, 1856 Hindu Women’s’ Rights to Property Act, 1937 Hoarding-see Price Control and Prevention of Profiteering and Hoarding Act, 1977 Holders of Representative Offices (Prevention of Misconduct) Act, 1976 Holy Quran-see Publication of the Holy Quran (Elimination of Printing Errors) Act, 1973 Homoeopathic Practitioners-see Unani, Ayurvedic, and Homoeopathic Practitioners Act, 1965 Hotels –see Karachi Hotels and Lodging-houses (Control) Act, 1950 Hotels-see Pakistan Hotels and Restaurants Act, 1976 House-Accommodation-see Cantonments (House Accommodation) Act, 1923 House Building Finance Corporation Act, 1952 Hudood-see Offences Against Property (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance, 1979 Hudood-see Offence of Zina (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance, 1979 Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil Industry (Control and Development) Act, 1973 VI 1923 v.7, p.143 XVIII VI 1952 9/112 1979 VII 1979 LXV 1973 XXXIII XXI IV 1920 v.7, p.69 1991 1948 XXIX 1957 II 1963 XV 1977 VI III 1981 1967 XLIV 1979 IX III 1898 1983 VII XXXIX XI XXII 1984 1950 9/35 1855 1922 XXXI XX XII XVII 1979 1896 v.3,p.411 1963 v.10, p.23 1957 XXIII 1969 v.10, p.979 1984 I Identification of Prisoners Act, 1920 Illicit – Surrender of Illicit Arms Act, 1991 Immoveable Property-see Cantonments (Requisitioning of Immoveable Property) Ordinance, 1948 Immunities-see Diplomatic Immunities (commonwealth Countries Representatives) Act, 1957 Immunities-see Diplomatic Immunities (Conference with Commonwealth Countries) Act, 1963 Immunities-see Organisation of the Islamic conference (Immunities and Privileges) Act, 1977 Immunity-see State Immunity Ordinance, 1981 Import-see Import of goods (Price Equalization surcharge) Act, 1967 Import-see Pakistan Animal Quarantine (Import and Export of Animals and Animal Products) Ordinance, 1979 Importation-see Live-stock Importation Act, 1898 Import of Goods (Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties) Ordinance, 1983 Import of Goods (development Surcharge) Ordinance, 1984 Imports and Exports (control) Act, 1950 Improvements-see Mesne Profits and Improvements Act, 1855 Incitement to Disaffection –see Police (Incitement to Disaffection) Act, 1922 Income Tax Ordinance, 1979 Incumbered Estates –see Sindh Incumbered Estates Act, 1896 Indecent Advertisements Prohibition Act, 1963 Indemnity –see Drugs and Medicines (Indemnity) Act 1957 Indus: Indus River System (Authority) Act 1992 Industrial-see Industrial Relations Ordinance, 1969 Industrial-see Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation LII (dissolution) Ordinance, 1984 Industrial-see Provincial Industrial DC (W.P) Ordinance 1962 XXXVIII Industrial Accounts-see Cost and Industrial Accountants Act, XIV 1966 Industrial and Commercial Employment (Standing Orders) III 1962 v.10, p.738 1966 v.10, p.111 1960 Ordinance, 1960 Industrial Development-see Pakistan Industrial Development XXXVIII Corporation Ordinance, 1962 Industrial Development-see West Pakistan Industrial XXVIII Development Corporation (Transfer of Projects and Companies) Act, 1974 Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan Ordinance, 1961 XXXI Industrial Disputes Ordinance, 1959 Industrial Research-see Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Act, 1973 Industrial Statistics Act, 1942 Industries-see Development of Industries (Federal Control) Act, 1972 Industries-see Development of Industries (Federal Control) (Repeal) Ordinance, 1979 Industries-see Development of Industries (Government Control) Act, 1949 Industries-see West Pakistan Small Industries Corporation (Dissolution) Act, 1972 Industry-see Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil Industry (Control and Development) Act, 1973 Information-see Medical Qualifications (Information) Ordinance, 1960 Inheritance-see Hindu Inheritance (Removal of Disabilities) Act, 1928 Inheritance-see Hindu Law of Inheritance (Amendment) Act, 1929 Injuries-see War Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act, 1943 Injuries –see War Injuries Ordinance, 1941 Inland Bonded Warehouses Act, 1896 Inland Mechanically Propelled Vessels Act 1917 Inquiry –see Defence Services (Inquiry) Special Provisions) Ordinance, 1969 Inquiry-see Pakistan Commission’s of Inquiry Act, 1956 Inscribed Notes- see Legal Tender (Inscribed Notes) Ordinance, 1977 Insolvency-see Provincial Insolvency Act, 1920 Insolvency (Karachi Division) Act, 1909 Inspection Agencies (Registration and Regulation) Ordinance, 1981 Institute-see National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (Administration) Ordinance, 1979 Institute-see National Institute of Electronics Ordinance, 1979 Institute-see National Institute of Health Ordinance 1980 Institute-see Pakistan Institute of International Affairs (Administration) Ordinance, 1980 Institution-see Pakistan Standards Institution (Certification Marks) Ordinance, 1961 1962 1974 LVI XXX 1961 v.10, p.451 1959 1973 XIX XVI 1942 v.8, p.547 1972 XXVI 1979 XIII 1949 III 1972 LXV 1973 IV 1960 XII 1928 II 1929 XXIII VII III I XIX 1943 v.8, p. 557 1941 1896 1917 v.6, p.184 1969 VI XXII 1956 1977 V III XXXVII 1920 v.7, p.1 1909 v.4 p. 295 1981 I 1979 III XLIII VII 1979 1980 1980 XLVIII 1961 v.10,p.612 Rep by Act 6/96 Instruments-see Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 Insurance-see Employees’ Social Insurance Ordinance, 1962 Insurance-see Federal Employees Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance Act, 1969 Insurance-see National Insurance Corporation Act, 1976 Insurance-see Riot and Civil Commotion Risks Insurance Ordinance, 1947 Insurance-see War Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act, 1943 Insurance-see War Risks Insurance Ordinance, 1971 Insurance-see War Risks Insurance Continuance Ordinance, 1969 Insurance Act, 1938 Insurance Corporation –see Pakistan Insurance Corporation Act, 1952 Interest Act, 1839 Intermediate-see Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Act, 1975 International Affairs-see Pakistan Institute of International Affairs (Administration) Ordinance, 1980 XXVI XXII II 1881 v.2,p.365 1962 v.10,p.633 1969 XXIII III 1976 1947 XXIII 1943 v.8, p.551 XXXII V 1971 1969 v.10,p.956 IV XXXVIII 1938 v.8,p.163 1952 XXXII LXVIII 1839 v.1, p.6 1975 VII 1980 International Airlines-see Pakistan International Airlines Corporation Act, 1956 International Convention-see Carriage by Air (International Convention) Act, 1966 International Development Association Ordinance, 1960 International Finance Corporation Act, 1956 International Islamic University Ordinance, 1985 International Monetary Fund and Bank Act, 1950 International System-see Weights and Measures (International System) Act, 1967 Investigation- F.I.A. Act, 1974 Investment-see Foreign Private Investment (Promotion and Protection) Act, 1976 Investment –see National Investment (Unit) Trust Ordinance, 1965 Investment Corporation of Pakistan Ordinance, 1966 Investments-see Public Investments (Financial Safeguards) Ordinance, 1960 Iqbal Academy Ordinance, 1962 Islamabad Club (Administration) Ordinance, 1978 Islamabad Consumers Protection Act, 1995 Islamabad (Preservation of Landscape) Ordinance, 1966 Islamabad Real Estate Agents and Motor Vehicles Dealers (Regulation of Business) Ordinance, 1984 Islamabad Wildlife (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Management) Ordinance, 1979 Islamic-see International Islamic University Ordinance, 1985 Islamic-see Organisation of the Islamic Conference (Immunities XIX 1956 IX 1966 v.10, p.96 XX XXVIII XXX XLIII V 1960 1956 1985 1950 9/43 1967 v.10,p.154 VII XLII 1974 1976 VII 1965 v.10,p.871 IV XLVI 1966 v.10,p.917 1960 XXVI XXXIII III III XIII 1962 v.10,p.666 1978 1995 1966 v.10,p.914 1984 LXX 1979 XXX XV 1985 1977 and Privileges) Act, 1977 Islamic Development Bank Ordinance, 1978 VI 1978 III 1961 v.10 p.363 XXVIII XVIII XXXVI XLII 1997 1850 v.1 p. 26 1953 1980 XXVII II 1973 1964 v.10 p. 72 XXXI 1983 LXVI XXIX III XI III 1950 1952 1909 v.4,p.295 1952 1958 LXXIV LVII XVII XXVII 1950 9/81 1952 1999 1953 LXV VIII XLVIII III 1950 9/68 1953 1962 1961 XII XXIII XVI 1880 v.2 p. 349 1899 v.4 p. 97 1982 VIII 1967 XI 1992 J Jammu and Kashmir-see Jammu and Kashmir (Administration of Property) Ordinance, 1961 Judicial-Federal Judicial Academy Act, 1997 Judicial Officers Protection Act, 1850 Junior Cadet-see Pakistan Junior Cadet Corps Act, 1953 Jurisdiction-see Admiralty Jurisdiction of High Courts Ordinance, 1980 Jurisdiction-see Supreme Court and High Court Extension of Jurisdiction to certain Tribal Areas) Act, 1973 Jurisdiction-see Tribal Areas (Restoration of Jurisdiction) Act, 1964 (Repeal) Ordinance, 1983 K Karachi Cattle Slanghten Control Act, 1950 Karachi Control of Disorderly Persons Act, 1952 Karachi Division-see Insolvency (Karachi Division) Act Karachi Division-see Land Control (Karachi Division) Act, 1952 Karachi Division-see Registration of Private Schools (Karachi Division) Ordinance, 1958 Karachi Division-see Vagrancy (Karachi Division) Act, 1950 Karachi Division-see Karachi Electricity Control Act, 1952 KESC (removal From Service) Ordinance, 1999 Karachi Essential Articles (Price control and Anti-Hoarding) Act, 1953 Karachi Hotels and Lodging-houses (Control) Act, 1950 Karachi Rent Restriction Act, 1953 Karachi Rent Restriction (Amdt.) Ordinance, 1962 Kashmir-see Jammu and Kashmir (Administration of Property) Ordinance, 1961 Kazis Act, 1880 Kirk Sessions-see Church of Scotland Kirk Sessions Act, 1899 Korangi Fisheries Harbour Authority Ordinance, 1982 L Labour – see Excise Duty on Minerals (Labour Welfare) Act, 1967 “ Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act 1992 “ --see Tea Plantations Labour Ordinance, 1962 Labourers—see Dock Labourers Act, 1934 Lac Cess Act, 1930. Lahori Group—see Anti-Islamic Activities of the Quadiani Group, Lahore Group and Ahmadis (Prohibition and Punishment) Ordinance, 1984 Land(s)—see Port Authorities Lands and Buildings (Recovery of Possession Ordinance 1962 Land(s)—see Requisitioned Land (Continuance of Powers) Ordinance 1969 Land(s)—see Requisitioned Land (Continuance of Powers) Ordinance 1977 Land(s)—see Waste Land (Claims) Act, 1863 Land(s)—see West Punjab Alienation of Land Act Land Acquisition Act, 1894 Land Acquisition (Mines) Act 1885 Land Commission—see Chairman and Members of Federal Land Commission (Validation of Orders) Ordinance 1981 Federal Land Commission MLR-115, Art 4A Land Control (Karachi Division) Act 1952 Land Improvement Loans Act 1883 Land Reforms Act 1977 Land Reforms Regulation (Validation Orders) Ordinance 1978 Landscape—see Islamabad (Preservation of Landscape) Ordinance 1966 Lansdowne Bridge Act 1892 Law Commission Ordinance 1979 Law Reforms Ordinance, 1972 Law Reports Act 1875 Law (s) –Central Law Officers Ordinance 1970 “ --see Criminal Law Amendment (Special Courts) Act 1976 “ --see Evacuee Property and Displaced Persons Laws (Repeal) Act 1975 “ -- see Forest Laws Amendment Ordinance 1962 “ --see Gwadur (Application of Central Laws) Ordinance 1960 “ --see Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961 XXXIX XIX XXIV XX 1962 1924, v.8, p 4 1930, v.7, p 884 1984 IX XXXIII 1962, v.10, p 619 1969, v.10, p.961 1977 XXIII XIII I XVIII XXII 1863 1900 1894, v.3, p 363 1885, v.3, p 165 1981 XI XIX II XXIX III VIII XIV XII XVIII VII XVII XIV 1952 1883, v.3, p 131 1977 1978 1966, v.10, p 614 1892, v.3, p 356 1979 1972 1875, v.2, p 227 1970 1976 1975 X XXXVII 1962 1960 VIII “ --see Punjab Laws Act 1872 “ --see Validation of Laws Act 1975 Laws Local Extent Act 1874 Learning—see Hindu Gains of Learning Act 1930 Legal Advisers—see Companies (Appointment of Legal Advisers) Act 1974 Legal Practitioners (Fees) Act 1926 Legal Practitioners Bar Council Act 1973 Legal Representatives’ Suits Act 1855 Legal Reforms Act 1997 Legal Tender (Inscribed Notes) Ordinance 1977 IV LXIII XV XXX X 1961, v.10, p 391 1872, v.2, p 221 1975 1874 1930 1974 XXI XXXV XII XIII XXII 1926, v.7, p 787 1973 1855, v. I, p 32 1997 1977 II Lepers Act 1898 Liabilities—see Banks (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1974 “ ---see Pakistan Banking (Prevention of Default and Evasion of Liabilities) Ordinance 1947 Lighthouse Act 1927 Limitation Act 1908 Limitation (Emergency and War Conditions) Act 1965 Literacy Ordinance 1985 Litigation—see Merchant Seamen (litigation) Act 1946 “ ---see Soldiers (Litigation) Act 1925 Live-stock Importation Act 1898 (Rep. by Ord 48/79) Loans—see Agriculturists, Loans Act 1884 “ -- see Banking Companies (Recovery of Loans) Ordinance 1979 “ -- see Co-operative Societies (Repayment of Loans) Ordinance 1960 Loans—see Land Improvement Loans Act 1883 “ -- see Local Authorities Loans Act 1914 “ -- see Usurious Loans Act 1918 Loans for Agricultural Purposes Act 1973 III XI 1898, v.4, p 1 1974 V 1947 XVII IX XVIII XXVII XXI IV IX XII XIX 1927, v.7, p 823 1908, v.4, p 154 1965, v.10, p 92 1985 1946, v.8, p 641 1925, v.7, p 592 1898 1884, v.2, p 146 1979 XXXIV 1960 XIX IX X XLII 1883, v.3, p 131 1914 1918, v.6, p 226 1973 Local—see Capital Territory Local Government Ordinance 1979 Local Authorities Loans Act 1914 Local Authorities Pensions and Gratuities Act 1919 Lodging-houses—see Karachi Hotel and Lodging-house (Control) Act 1950 Lunacy Act 1912 XXXIX 1979 IX I LXV 1914, v.6, p 165 1919, v.6, p 233 1950 IV 1912, v.6, p 76 L 1950 X 1976 XXVII 1971 XVIII IX LXIV II 1921, v.7, p 73 1875, v.2, p 225 1975 1979 XXII 1980 XX 1975 XIII 1975 M Maintenance—see Claims for Maintenance (Recovery Abroad) Ordinance 1959 “ --see Federal Supervision of Curricula, Textbooks and Maintenance of Standards of Education Act 1976 “ -- see Quaid-i-Azam’s Mazar (Protection and Maintenance) Ordinance 1971 Maintenance Orders Enforcement Act 1921 Majority Act 1875 Malaria Eradication Board (Repeal) Act 1975 Managed Cement Establishments (Payment to Corporation) Ordinance 1979 Managed Establishments-see Pakistan Maritime Shipping (Transfer of Managed Establishments) Ordinance 1980 Management—see Abandoned Properties (Management) Act 1975 “ --Evacuee Trust Properties (Management and Disposal) Act 1975 “ --Islamabad Wildlife (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Management) Ordinance 1979 Manoeuvres, Field Firing and Artillery Practice Act 1938 Maritime—see Pakistan Maritime Shipping (Transfer of Managed Establishments) Ordinance 1980 Maritime—see Territorial Waters and Maritime Zones Act 1976 Maritime Shipping—see Pakistan Maritime Shipping (Regulation and Control) Act 1974 Maritime Security Agency Act 1994 Marketing of Petroleum Products (Federal Control) Act 1974 Marriage(s)—see Anand Marriage Act 1909 “ --see Arya Marriage Validation Act 1937 “ --see Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1886 “ --see Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929 “ --see Christian Marriage Act 1872 “ --see Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act 1939 “ --see Hindu Marriage Disabilities Removal Act 1946 “ --see Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act 1936 “ --see Special Marriage Act 1872 Marriage Validation Act 1892 Marriage (Prohibition of Ostentation ? Wasteful Exp) Ordinance 2000 Married Women’s Property Act 1874 Married Women’s Right—see Hindu Married Women’s Right to Separate Residence and Maintenance Act 1946 Matches—see White Phosphorus Matches Prohibition Act 1913 Material—see Archival Material (Preservation and Export Control) Act 1975 Maternity Benefit—see Mines Maternity Benefit Act 1941 Mazar—see Quaid-i-Azam’s Mazar (Protection and Maintenance) Ordinance 1971 Measures—see Weights and Measures (International System) Act 1967 Measures of Length Act 1889 Mechanically Propelled Vessels—Inland Mechanically Propelled Vessels Act Medical—see Discontinuance of Medical Reimbursement Act 1972 “ -- Pak. Vet nary Medical Council Act 1996 Medical and Dental Council Ordinance 1962 LXX 1979 V XXII 1938, v.8, p 391 1980 LXXXII XVIII 1976 1974 X XVII VII XIX VI 1994 1974 1909, v.4, p 363 1937, v.8, p 160 1886 XIX XV VIII XXVIII III III II II 1929 1872 1939 1946, v.8, p 654 1936 1872 1892, v.3, p 354 2000 III XIX 1874, v.2, p 217 1946 V XLVI 1913, v.8, p 647 1975 XIX XXVII 1941 1971 V II I 1967, v.10, p 154 1889, v.3, p 236 1917 XXV 1972 III XXXII 1996 1962, v.10, p 672 1982 1961, v.10, p 421 1992 1960 1957 Medical and Dental Degrees Ordinance 1982 Medical Colleges (Governing Bodies) Ordinance 1961 XXVI XIII Medical Officers (Regularisation of App) Act 1992 Medical Qualifications (Information) Ordinance 1960 Medicines—see Drugs and Medicines (Indemnity) Act 1957 XVI IV XVII Meetings—see Public Order (Meetings) Ordinance 1958 Members—see Chairman and Members of Federal Land Commission (Validation of Orders) Ordinance 1981 Members of the National Assembly (Exemption from Preventive Detention and Personal Appearance) Ordinance 1963 Members of Parliament and Provincial Assemblies (Exemption of Advisers from Disqualification) Act 1976 Members of Parliament (Salaries and Allowances) Act 1974 Membership—see Parliament and Provincial Assemblies (Disqualification for Membership) Act 1976 Memons—see Cutchi Memons Act 1938 Merchandise Marks Act 1889 Merchant Seamen (Litigation) Act 1946 Merchant Shipping Act 1923 IX XXII 1958 1981 IX XIX 1963, v. 10, p 869 1976 XXVII V 1974 1976 X IV XXI XXI Merchant Shipping (National Colours) Act 1949 Mesne Profits and Improvements Act 1855 Metal Tokens Act 1889 Metric—see Weights and Measures (Metric System) Act 1967 Military Academy --see Pakistan Military Academy (Degrees and Certificates) Ordinance 1959 Military College of Engineering, Risalpur (Degree) Ordinance 1962 Military Organisation—see Private Military Organisations (Abolition and Prohibition) Act 1973 Milling—see Flour Milling Control and Development (Repeal) Ordinance 1977 Mineral Development—see Regulation of Mines and Oilfields and Mineral Development (Government Control) Act 1948 Minerals—see Excise Duty on Minerals (Labour Welfare) Act 1967 Mines—see Coal Mines (Fixation of Rates of Wages) Ordinance 1960 “ ---see Land Acquisition (Mines) Act 1885 “ ---see Regulation of Mines and Oil-fields and Mineral Development (Government Control) Act 1948 Mines Act 1923 Mines Maternity Benefits Act 1941 Minimum Wages Ordinance 1961 V XI I V LI 1938, v.8, p 400 1889, v.3, p 237 1946, v.8, p 649 1923, v. 7, p 225 1949 4/30 1855, v.1, p 31 1889, v.3, p 233 1967 1959 Ministers of State—see Federal Ministers and Ministers of State (Salaries Allowances and Privileges) Act 1975 Misconduct—see Holders of Representatives Offices (Prevention of Misconduct) Act 1976 Missing Persons—see United Nations (Declaration of Death of Missing Persons) Act 1956 Moallims—see Acting as Agents of Moallims (Prohibition) Ordinance 1980 Modaraba Companies and Modaraba (Flotation and Control) XVII IV 1962, v.10, p 624 1974 XXIX 1977 XXI 1948 VIII 1967 XXXIX 1960 XVIII XXIV 1885, v.3, p 165 1948 IV XIX XXXIX LXII 1923, v.7, p 85 1941, v.8, p 530 1961, v.10, p 573 1975 IV 1977 VII 1956 L 1980 XXXI 1980 Ordinance 1980 Monetary Fund—see International Monetary Fund and Bank Act 1950 Monopolies—see Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (Control and Prevention) Ordinance 1970 Motion Picture Ordinance 1979 Motor Vehicles-see Islamabad Real Estate Agents and Motor Vehicles Dealers (Regulation of Business) Ordinance 1984 Motor Vehicles Act 1939 Motor Vehicles (Drivers) Ordinance 1942 Movement—see Tea (Control of Prices Distribution and Movement) Ordinance 1960 Multi-unit Co-operative Societies Act 1942 Municipal Administration Ordinance 1960 Municipal Taxation Act 1881 Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961 Mussalman Wakf Act 1923 Mussalman Wakf Validating Act, 1913 XLIII 1950 VI XLIII XIII 1970, v.10, p 1053 1979 1984 IV V XXVIII 1939, v.8, p 412 1942, v.8, p 730 1960 VI X XI VIII XLII VI 1942, v.8, p 543 1960 1881, v.3, p 360 1961, v.10, p 391 1923, v.7, p 428 1913, v.6, p 163 XXV XXVIII 1997 1957 XXII XX 1970 1979 XVIII XVIII 1999 1976 VI IX 1993 1963 v.10, p.869 XIX XIX XXVIII V 1972 1949 1985 1949 LIX 1973 XIII 1973 XXXIX 1980 VII LXI 1994 1973 N Narcotics -- Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 Names—see Pakistan Names & Emblems (Prevention of Unauthorised Use) Act, 1957 National—see Pakistan National Service Ordinance 1970 “ -- see Pakistan National Shipping Corporation Ordinance,1979 National Accountability Bureau Ordinance 1999 National and Provincial Assemblies (Elections to Reserved Seats) Act, 1976 National Archives Act, 1993 National Assembly—see Members of the National Assembly (Exemption from Preventive Detention and Personal Appearance) Ordinance 1963 National Book Foundation Act, 1972 National Bank of Pakistan Ordinance, 1949 National College of Arts Ordinance, 1985 National Colours—see Merchant Shipping (National Colours) Act, 1949 National Council—see Pakistan National Council of the Arts Act, 1973 National Development Finance Corporation Act, 1973 National Electric Power Regulatory Authority National Development Volunteer Programme (Repeal) Ordinance, 1980 Nation Fund for Cultural Heritage Act, 1994 National Guards Act, 1973 National Highway Authority Act, 1991 National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (Administration) Ordinance, 1979 National Institute of Electronics Ordinance, 1979 National Institute of Health Ordinance, 1980 National Insurance Corporation Act, 1976 National Investment (Unit) Trust Ordinance, 1965 XI I 1991 1979 III XLIII XXIII VII National Press Trust (Appointment of Chairman) Act, 1972 National Registration Act, 1973 National Sport, Trust (Rep) Ord, 1980 National Savings Certificates—see Post Office National Savings Certificates Ordinance, 1944 National Tariff Commission Act, 1990 National Training Ordinance, 1980 National University of Science & Tech Act, 1997 Nationalization—see Banks (Nationalization) Act, 1974 Naturalization Act, 1926 Natural—see Natural Gas (Development Surcharge) Ordinance, 1967 Natural Gas Regulatory Authority Ordinance 2000 Naval Academy—see Pakistan Naval Academy (Award of Degrees) Ordinance, 1965 Naval Armament Act, 1923 Navy—see Pakistan Navy (Extension of Service) Act, 1950 “ -- see Pakistan Navy Ordinance, 1961 XIV LVI XXXIII XLII 1979 1980 1976 1965 v.10, p 871 1972 1973 1980 1944 v.8, p.764 VI IX XX XIX VII I 1990 1980 1997 1974 1926 1967 I XX 1965 v.10.p.885 Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 Network Analyser Study Centre (Transfer of WAPDA) Ordinance 1983 Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) Act 1973 Newsprint Control Ordinance 1971 North-West Frontier Constabulary Act 1915 North-West Frontier Province—see Government Tenants NWFP Act 1893 North-West Frontier Province Bus Stand and Traffic Control (Peshawar) Act 1975 North-West Frontier Province Suppression of Crimes Act 1975 North-West Frontier Province Urban Planning Act 1975 Notaries Ordinance 1961 XXVI I 1923 v.7, p.150 1950 9/32 1961 v.10, p 485 1881, v.2, p 365 1983 LVIII XI XIII III 1973 1971 1915, v.6, p 170 1893 XXXVIII 1973 XXXII XXXV XIX Nuclear—see Pakistan Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Ordinance 1984 Nursing—see Pakistan Nursing Council Act 1973 Nursing Service—see Pakistan Armed Forces Nursing Service Act 1952 IV 1975 1975 1961, v.10, p 429 1984 XXVI XXXVI 1973 1952 O VII XXIV XXXV Oaths Act 1873 Oaths and Fees—see Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oath and Fees) Act 1948 Obstruction in Fairways Act 1881 Offences—see Traffic Offences (Special Courts) Ordinance 1981 Offences Against Property (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance 1979 Offence of Qazf (Enforcement of Hadd) Ordinance 1979 Offence of Zina (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance 1979 Offences in Respect of Banks (Special Courts) Ordinance 1984 Offenders—see Probation of Offenders Ordinance 1960 Office—see Companies (Shifting of Registered Office) Ordinance 1972 Officers—see Central Law Officers Ordinance 1970 “ X XXI 1873, v.2, p 213 1948 XVI XXXIX 1881, v.2, p 362 1981 VI 1979 VIII VII IX XLV V 1979 1979 1984 1960 1971 VII 1970, v.10, p 1072 1850 1992 1923, v.7, p 212 1913, v.6, p 122? 1961, v.10, p 562 1948 -- see Judicial Officers Protection Act 1850 Judicial Officers (Reg. of Appt) Act 1992 Official Secrets Act 1923 Official Trustees Act 1913 XVIII XVI XIX II Oil and Gas Development Corporation Ordinance 1961 XXXVII Oil-fields—see Regulation of Mines and Oil-fields and Mineral Development (Government Control) Act 1948 Oilseeds Committee Act, 1946 Old-age-see Employees Old-age Benefits Act, 1976 Open University—see Allama Iqbal Open University Act, 1974 Opium Act, 1857 XXIV Opium Act, 1878 Orders—see Land Reforms Regulation (Validation of Orders) Ordinance, 1978 “ ---See Settlement Commissioners (Validation of Orders) Act, 1972 Ordnance Factories—see Pakistan Ordnance Factories Board Ordinance, 1961 Organisation of the Islamic Conference (Immunities and Privileges) Act, 1977 Organizations—see Private Military Organizations (Abolition and Prohibition) Act, 1973 Organizations--see Trade Organisations Ordinance, 1961 I XXIX 1946 v.8, p 641 1976 1974 1857 Rep .by Act 25/97 1878—do-1978 VI 1972 XVII XV 1961 v.10, p.424 1977 IV 1974 XLV 1961 v.10, p.592 XXII 1970 IX XIV XXXIX XIII P Pakistan-see Pakistan National Service Ordinance, 1970 Pakistan--see Pakistan Tobacco Board Ordinance, 1968 Pakistan Agricultural Research Council Ordinance, 1981 Pakistan Air Force Act, 1953 Pakistan Animal Quarantine (Import and Export of Animals and Animal Products) Ordinance, 1979 Pakistan Armed Forces Nursing Service Act, 1952 Pakistan Army Act, 1952 Pakistan (Army and Air Force) Reserves Act, 1950 Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Ordinance, 1965 Pakistan Banking Finance Services Commission 1992 Pakistan Banking (Prevention of Default and Evasion of Liabilities) Ordinance, 1947 Pakistan Boy Scouts Association Ordinance, 1959 Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation Act, 1973 Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority Ordinance, 1982 Pakistan Coast Guards Act, 1973 Pakistan Coinage Act, 1906 Pakistan College of Physicians and Surgeons Ordinance, 1962 I XXXVIII VI XLIX 1968 1981 1953 1979 XXXVI XXXIX XLVII XVII XIII V 1952 1952 1950 1965 XLIII XXXII II XXX XVIII III XX Pakistan Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1956 Pakistan (Control of Entry) Act, 1952 Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners Ordinance, 1983 Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Act, 1973 Pakistan Criminal Law (Amdt.) Act, 1958 Pakistan Currency Act, 1950 Pakistan Engineering Council Act, 1975 Pakistan Environmental Protection Ordinance, 1983 Pakistan Essential Services (Maintenance) Act, 1952 Pakistan (Exchange of Prisoners) Ordinance, 1948 Pakistan Girls Guides Association Ordinance, 1960 Pakistan Hotels and Restaurants Act, 1976 Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (Dissolution) Ordinance, 1984 Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation Ordinance, 1962 Pakistan Institute of International Affairs (Administration) Ordinance 1980 Pakistan Insurance Corporation Act 1952 Pakistan International Airlines Corporation Act 1956 Pakistan Junior Cadet Corps Act 1953 Pakistan Maritime Shipping (Regulation and Control) Act 1974 Pak. Telecommunication Corp (Re-org) Act 1996 Pakistan Maritime Shipping (Transfer of Managed Establishments) Ordinance 1980 Pakistan Military Academy (Degrees and Certificates) Ordinance 1959 Pakistan Names and Emblems (Prevention of Unauthorised VI LV IX 1959 1973 1951 1982 1973 1906 v.4, p.144 1962 v.10, p.627 1956 1952 1983 XXX 1973 XL XXIX V XXXVII LIII XII XLIV LXXXI LII 1958 1950 1976 1983 1952 1948 1960 1976 1984 XXXVIII VII 1962 1980 XXXVIII XIX XXXVI XVIII XVII XXII 1952 1956 1953 1974 1996 1980 LI 1959 XXVIII 1957 1947 Use) Act 1957 Pakistan National Council of the Arts Act 1973 “ “ Service Ord., 1970 LIX XXII Pakistan National Shipping Corporation Ordinance 1979 Pakistan Naval Academy (Award of Degree) Ordinance 1965 XX XX Pakistan Navy (Extension of Service) Act 1950 Pakistan Navy Ordinance 1961 XXIV XXXV Pakistan Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Ordinance 1984 Pakistan Nursing Council Act 1973 Pakistan Ordnance Factories Board Ordinance 1961 IV Pakistan Penal Code 1860 Pakistan Plant Quarantine Act 1976 Pakistan Red Crescent Society Act 1920 XLV LXXV XV 1973 1961, v.10, p 424 1860, v. 1, p 55 1976 1920 Pakistan Refugees Rehabilitation Finance Corporation (Dissolution) Ordinance 1980 Pak Railway Police Act, 1970 Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission Ordinance, 1981 Pakistan Science Foundation Act, 1973 Pakistan Standar4ds Institution (Certification Marks) Ordinance, 1961 Pak Standard Quality Control Authority Act, 1996 Pakistan Study Centres Act. 1976 Pakistan Territorial Force Act, 1950 Pakistan Tourist Guides Act, 1976 “ Vetenary Medical Council Act, 1996 Parliament –see Members of Parliament and Provincial Assemblies (Exemption of Advisers from Disqualification) Act, 1976 “ --see members of Parliament (Salaries and Allowances) Act, 1974 Parliament and Provincial Assemblies (Disqualification for Membership) Act, 1976 Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936 Participation—see Companies Profits (Workers Participation) Act, 1968 “ --see Equity Participation Fund Ordinance, 1970 I 1980 VII XX 1970 1981 III XLVIII III XXVII L XXVI III XIX 1973 1961, Act 16/96 `1996 1976 1950 1976 1996 1976 XXVII 1974 V 1977 III XII Parties—see Political Parties Act, 1962 Partition Act, 1893 Partnership Act, 1932 Passport Act 1974 Patents and Designs Act 1911 III IV IX XX II 1936 v.8, p.101 1968 v.10, p.200 1970 v.10, p.1045 1962 1893 v.3, p.301 1932 v.7, p, 889 1974 1911, v.6, p 1 XXVI XVII I 1973 1970, v.10, p 1077 1979 1965, v.10, p 885 1950 1961, v.10, p 485 1984 Pay-As-You-Earn Scheme Act 1973 Payment—see Managed Cement Establishments (Payment to Corporation) Ordinance 1979 Payment of Wages Act 1936 Payments—see Foreign Exchange (Prevention of Payments) Act 1972 Pension—see President’s Pension Act 1974 Pensions—see Local Authorities Pensions and Gratuities Act 1919 Pensions Act, 1871 Peoples—see Representation of the Peoples Act 1976 Peoples Finance Corporation Act 1972 Performances—see Dramatic Performances Act 1876 Personal Appearance—see Members of National Assembly (Exemption from Preventive Detention and Personal Appearance) Ordinance 1963 Persons—see Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) Ordinance 1981 --see Evacuee Property and Displaced Persons Laws (Repeal) Act 1975 “ --see Removal of Accused Persons Act 1973 Peshawar—see North-West Frontier Province Bus Stand and Traffic Control (Peshawar) Act 1975 Pesticides—see Agricultural Pesticides Ordinance 1971 Petroleum Act 1934 Petroleum Products—see Marketing of Petroleum Products (Federal Control) Act 1974 Petroleum Products (Development Surcharge) Ordinance 1961 XXXI II 1973 1979 IV XXII 1936, v.8, p 119 1972 IX I 1975 1919, v.6, p 233 XXIII LXXXV XXIX XIX IX 1871 1976 1972 1876, v.2, p 234 1963 XL 1981 XIV 1975 LXIII XXXVII 1973 1975 II XXX XVII 1971 1934, v.8, p 84 1974 XXV Pharmacy—see Pharmacy Act 1967 Physicians—see Pakistan College of Physicians and Surgeons Ordinance 1962 Pictures—see Motion Pictures Ordinance 1979 Pioneer—see Civil Pioneer Force Ordinance 1965 Planners—see Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners Ordinance 1983 Planning—see North-West Frontier Province Urban Planning Act 1975 Planning Programme—see Population Welfare Planning Programme (Appointment and Termination of Services) Ordinance 1981 Plant—see Pakistan Plant Quarantine Act 1976 Plantations—see Tea Plantations Labour Ordinance 1962 XI XX XLIII XXVII IX 1961, v.10, p 437 1967, v. 180 1962, v.10, p 627 1979 1965 1983 XXXV 1975 XIV 1981 LXXV XXXIX Pledging of Labour—see Children (Pledging of Labour) Act 1933 Poisons Act 1919 Police Act, 1861 Police Act, 1888 II 1976 1962, v.16, p 751 1933, v.7, p 918 XII V III 1919, v.6, p 235 1861, v.1, p 206 1888, v.3, p 232 Police (Incitement to Disaffection) Act 1922 Political Parties Act 1962 Political Uniforms-see Public Order (Political Uniforms) Ordinance 1958 Population—see Transfer of Population Welfare Programme (Field Activities) Ordinance 1983 Population Welfare Planning Programme (Appointment and Termination of Services) Ordinance 1981 Port Authorities Lands and Buildings (Recovery of Possession) Ordinance, 1962 Port Qasim Authority Act, 1973 Ports—see Protection of Ports (Special Measures) Act, 1948 Ports Act, 1908 Possession—see Port Authorities Lands and Buildings (Recovery of Possession) Ordinance, 1962 Post Office Act, 1898 Post Office National Savings Certificates Ordinance, 1944 Posts—see Ex-Employees of the Former Government of East Pakistan (Appointment to Federal Posts) Ordinance, 1983 Power Alcohol Ordinance, 1959 Powers—see Requisitioned Land (Continuance of powers) Ordinance, 1969 Powers-of. Attorney Act, 1882 Practices—see Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (Control and Prevention Ordinance, 1970 Practitioners—see Unani. Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic Practitioners Act, 1965 Preservation –see Archival Material (Preservation and Export Control) Act, 1975 “ --see Elephants Preservation Act, 1879 “ --see Islamabad Wildlife (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Management) Ordinance, 1979 Preservation of Landscape—see Islamabad (Preservation of Landscape) Ordinance, 1966 President’s—see Funds Vesting in the President (Transfer) Act, 1973 President’s Pension Act, 1974 President’s Salary, Allowances and Privileges Act, 1975 Press—see Associated press of Pakistan (Taking Over) Ordinance, 1961 Press Trust—see National Press Trust (Appointment of Chairman) Act, 1972 Prevention—see Holders of Representative Offices (Prevention of Misconduct) Act, 1976 “ --see Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (Control and Prevention) Ordinance, 1970 “ --see Price Control. And Prevention of Profiteering and Hoarding Act, 1977 Prevention of Anti National Activities Act, 1974 XXII III XV 1922, v.7, p 78 1962 1958 XIX 1983 XIV 1981 IX XLIII XVII XV IX 1962 v.10, p.619 1973 1948 1908 v.4. p.211 1962 VI XLII XI 1898 v.4, p.11 1944 v.8, p.764 1983 LIX II 1959 1969 VII V 1882 v.3, p.129 1970 II 1965 v.10, p.73 XLVI 1975 VI LXX 1879 1979 III 1966 v.10, p.914 1973 LX IX LVIII XX XIV 1975 1975 1961 v.10, p.434 1972 IV 1977 V 1970 XXIX 1977 VII 1974 Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1890 Prevention of Gambling Act, 1977 Prevention of Misuse –see Allopathic System (Prevention of Misuse. Ordinance, 1962 Prevention of Payments—see Foreign Exchange (Prevention of Payments) Act, 1972 Prevention of Seditious Meetings Act, 1911 Prevention of Smuggling Act, 1977 Preventive Detention –see Members of National Assembly (Exemption from Preventive Detention and Personal Appearance) Ordinance, 1963 Price—see Import of Goods (Price Equalization Surcharge) Act, 1967 Price Control—see Karachi Essential Articles (Price Control and Anti Hoarding) Act, 1953 Price Control and Prevention of Profiteering and Hoarding) Act, 1977 Prices—see Tea (Control of Prices. Distribution and Movement) Ordinance, 1960 Prime Minister’s Salary, Allowances and Privileges Act, 1975 Printing—see Cigarettes (Printing of Warning) Ordinance, 1979 Printing Errors—see Publication of the Holy Quran (Elimination of Printing Errors) Act, 1973 Prisoners—see Identification of Prisoners Act 1920 Prisoners Act 1900 Prisons Act 1894 Private—see Foreign Private Investment (Promotion and Protection) Act 1976 Private Estates—see Government Management of Private Estates Act 1892 Private Military Organisations (Abolition and Prohibition) Act 1973 Private Schools—see Registration of Private Schools Karachi Division Ordinance 1958 Privileges—see Chairman and Speaker (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act 1975 “ --see Chief Election Commissioner (Salary, Allowances and Privileges) Act 1975 “ --see Deputy Chairman and Deputy Speaker (Salaries Allowances and Privileges) Act 1975 “ --see Diplomatic and Consular Privileges Act 1972 “ --see Federal Ministers and Ministers of State (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act 1975 “ --see Organisation of the Islamic Conference (Immunities and Privileges) Act 1977 “ --see Revocation of Privileges Act 1992 Privileges—see President’s Salary Allowances and Privileges Act 1975 II XI XXVIII LXV 1947 v.8, p.665 1890 v.3, p.344 1977 1962 XXII 1972 X XII IX 1911 v.6, p.55 1977 1963 III XXVII 1967 v.10. p..150 1953 XXIX 1977 XXVIII 1960 LIX LXXIII LIV 1975 1979 1973 XXXIII III IX XLII 1920, v.7, p 69 1900 v.4, p 98 1894 v.3, p387 1976 X 1892 v.3, p 359 IV 1974 III 1958 LXXXII 1975 IV 1975 LXXXIII 1975 IX LXII 1972 1975 XV 1977 VIII LVIII 1992 1975 “ -- see Prime Minister’s Salary, Allowances and Privileges Act 1975 “ United Nations (Privileges & Immunities) Act 1948 Privy—see Privy Purses (Charged Expenditure) Act 1968 LIX 1975 XX IX Probation of Offenders Ordinance 1960 Proceedings—see Capital Development Authority (Abatement of Arbitration Proceedings) Act 1975 Processing—see Export Processing Zones Authority Ordinance 1980 Products—see Marketing of Petroleum Products (Federal Control) Act 1974 “ --see Pakistan Animal Quarantine (Import and Export of Animals and Animal Products) Ordinance 1979 XLV XXVII 1948 1968, v.10, p 199 1960 1975 IV 1980 XVII 1974 XLIX 1979 “ --see Petroleum Products (Development Surcharge) Ordinance 1961 Professions Tax Limitation 1941 Profiteering—see Price Control and Prevention of (Profiteering and Hoarding) Act 1977 Profits—see Companies Profits (Workers Participation) Act 1968 “ -- see Mesne Profits and Improvement Act 1855 Programme—see National Development Volunteer Programme (Repeal) Ordinance 1980 “ --see Population Welfare Planning Programme (Appointment and Termination of Services) Ordinance 1981 “ --see Transfer of Population Welfare Programme (Field Activities) Ordinance 1983 Prohibition--see Acting as Agents of Moallims (Prohibition) Ordinance 1980 “ --see Anti-Islamic Activities of Quadiani Group, Lahori Group and Ahmadis Prohibition and Punishment) Ordinance 1984 “ -- see Cutting of Trees (Prohibition) Act 1975 --------------- do ------------------ 1992 “ --see Indecent Advertisements Prohibition Act Prohibition—see Private Military Organisations (Abolition and Prohibition Act) 1973 Projects and Companies –see West Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (Transfer of Projects and Companies) Act 1974 Promotion and Protection—see Foreign Private Investment (Promotion and Protection) Act 1976 Properties—see Abandoned Properties (Management) Act 1975 “ ---see Evacuee Trust properties (Management and Disposal) Act 1975 Property---see Cantonments (Requisitioning of Immoveable Property) Ordinance 1948 XXV 1961, v.10, p 437 1941, v.8, p 539 1976 XX XXIX XII XI XXXIX 1968, v.10, p 200 1855 1980 XIV 1981 XIX 1983 L 1980 XX 1984 LXXIV XVIII XII IV 1975 1992 1963, v.10, p 23 1974 XXVIII 1974 XLII 1976 XX 1975 XIII 1975 IV 1948 “ ---see Enemy Property (Continuance of Emergency Provisions) Ordinance 1969 “ ---see Evacuee Property and Displaced Persons Laws (Repeal) Act 1975 I “ ---see Hindu Women’s Rights to Property Act 1937 “ ---see Jammu and Kashmir (Administration of Property) Ordinance 1961 “ --- Married Women’s Property Act XVIII III “ ---see Offences Against Property (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance, 1979 “ ---Transfer of Property Act 1882 Protection—see Islamabad Wildlife (Protection Preservation, Conservation and Management) Ordinance 1979 “ ---see Pakistan Environmental Protection Ordinance 1983 “ ---see Pakistan Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Ordinance, 1984 “ ---see Quaid-i-Azam’s Mazar (Protection and Maintenance) Ordinance, 1971 Protection of Economic Reforms Act, 1992 Protection of Ports (Special Measures) Act, 1948 Protocol ----see Arbitration (Protocol and Convention) Act, 1937 Provident Funds Act, 1925 Provincial ---see Members of Parliament and Provincial Assemblies (Exemption of Advisers from Disqualification) Act, 1976 “ --see National and Provincial Assemblies (Election to Reserved Seats) Act, 1976 “ -- see Parliament and Provincial Assemblies (Disqualification for Membership) Act, 1976. The Provincial Industrial Development Corporation (W.P.) Ordinance, 1962 Provincial Insolvency Act 1920 Provincial Service Tribunals (Extension of Provisions of the Constitution Act 1974 Provincial Small Cause Courts Act 1887 Provisional Collection of Taxes Act 1931 Provisions—see Defence Services (Inquiry) (Special Provisions) Ordinance 1969 “ --see Enemy Property (Continuance of Emergency Provisions) Ordinance 1969 “ --see Enemy Property (Continuance of Emergency Provisions) Ordinance 1977 “ --see Provincial Service Tribunals (Extension of Provisions of the Constitution) Act 1974 Public—see Federal Public Service Commission Ordinance 1977 Public Accountants’ Defaults Act 1850 VI 1937 1961, v.10, p 363 1874, v.2 p 217 1979 IV LXX 1882, v.3, p 37 1979 XXXVII 1983 IV 1984 XXVII 1971 XII XVII VI XIX XIX 1992 1948-9/2 1937 v.8 p.146 1925 v.7, p.607 1976 XVIII 1976 V 1977 XXXVIII V XXXII 1962 v.10 p. 738 1920, v.7, p 1 1974 IX XVI XIX 1887, v.3, p 214 1931, v.7, p 888 1969 10/975 I 1969, XXXIV 1977 XXXII 1974 XLV 1977 XII 1850 XIV III 1969, v.10, p 947 1975 10/947 1/24 Publication of the Holy Quran (Elimination of Printing Errors) Act 1973 Public Debt Act 1944 Public Gambling Act 1867 Public Health (Emergency Provisions) Ordinance 1944 Public Investments (Financial Safeguards) Ordinance 1960 Public Orders (Meetings) Ordinance 1958 Public Order (Political Uniforms) Ordinance 1958 Punishment of Whipping Act 1996 LIV 1973 XVIII III XXI XLVI IX XV VII 1944 1867 1944 1960 1958 1958 1996 Punishment –see Anti-Islamic Activities of the Quadiani Group, Lahore Group and Ahmadis (Prohibition and Punishment) Ordinance 1984 “ --see Execution of the Punishment of Whipping Ordinance 1979 “ --see High Treason (Punishment) Act 1973 Punjab—see West Punjab Alienation of Land Act Punjab Laws Act 1872 Pure Food—see Cantonments Pure Food Act 1966 Purposes—see Loans for Agricultural Purposes Act 1973 Purses—see privy Purses (Charged) Expenditure Act 1968 XX 1984 IX 1979 LXVIII XIII IV XVI XLII IX 1973 1900 1872 1966 1973 1968 XLIII VIII 1973 1979 XX 1984 XXVII 1971 XXVIII XXI 1973 1965 IV 1960 XLIX 1979 LXXV 1976 IV 1984 IX 1890 8/628 1/245 2/77 10/131 Q Qasim—see Port Qasim Authority Act 1973 Qazf—see Offences of Qazf (Enforcement of Hadd) Ordinance 1979 Quadiani Group—see Anti-Islamic Activities of the Quadiani Group, Lahore Group and Ahmadis (Prohibition and Punishment) Ordinance 1984 Quaid-I-Azam’s Mazar (Protection and Maintenance) Ordinance 1971 Quaid-I-Azam University Act 1973 Qualification—see Civil Services (Qualification for Appointment as High Court Judge) Act 1965 “ ---see Medical Qualifications (Information) Ordinance 1960 Quarantine—see Pakistan Animal Quarantine (Import and Export of Animals and Animal Products) Ordinance 1979 “ ---see Pakistan Plant Quarantine Act 1976 R Radiation—see Pakistan Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Ordinance 1984 Railways Act 1890 3/280 Railways (Local Authorities Taxation) Act 1941 Railway Stores (Unlawful Possession) Ordinance 1944 Railways (Transport of Goods) Act 1947 Ramzan—see Ehtram-e-Ramzan Ordinance 1981 Rates—see Coat Mines (Fixation of Rates of Wages) Ordinance 1960 Real Estate Agents—see Islamabad Real Estate Agents and Motor Vehicles Dealers (Regulation of Business) Ordinance 1984 Record of Services—see Employment (Record of Services) Act 1951 Records—see Destruction of Records Act 1917 Recovery—see Banking Companies (Recovery of Loans) Ordinance 1979 Recovery—see Claims for Maintenance (Recovery Abroad) Ordinance 1959 Recovery of Possession—see Federal Government Lands and Building (Recovery of Possession) Ordinance 1965 “ ---see Port Authorities Lands and Building (Recovery of Possession) Ordinance 1962 Recusant Witnesses Act 1853 Red Crescent Society—see Pakistan Red Crescent Society Act 1920 Reformatory Schools Act 1897 Reforms—see Land Reforms Act 1977 “ --see Land Reforms Regulation (Validation of Orders) Ordinance 1978 “ ---see Law Reforms Ordinance 1972 “ ---Protection of Economic Reforms Act 1992 Refugees—see Pakistan Refugees Rehabilitation Finance Corporation (Dissolution) Ordinance 1980 Regional Development Finance Corporation Ordinance 1985 Registered Office—see Companies (Shifting of Registered Office Ordinance 1979 Registration—see Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1886 “ ---see Essential Personnel (Registration) Ordinance 1948 “ --- see Inspection Agencies (Registration and Regulation) Ordinance 1981 “ --- see National Registration Act 1973 “ ---see Societies Registration Act 1860 Registration Act 1908 Registration of Foreigners Act 1939 Registration of Private Schools (Karachi Division) Ordinance 1958 Registration of Ships Act 1841 Registration of Ships Act (1841) Amendment Act 1850 Regulation(s)—see Exclusive Fishery Zone (Regulation of XXV XIX XII XXIII XXXIX 1941 1944 1947 1981 1960 XIII 1984 XIX 1951 V XIX 1917 1979 L 1959 LIV 1965 IX 1962 XIX XV 1853 1920 VIII II XXIX 1897 1977 1978 XII XII I 1972 1992 1980 XXXII V 1985 1972 VI X 1886 3/171 1948 XXXVII 1981 LVI XXI XVI XVI III 1973 1860 1908 1939 1958 X XI XXXII 1841 1850 1975 8/541 8/745 8/709 6/224 1/30 3/431 4/250 8/440 1/6 1/23 Fishing) Act 1975 “ ---see Fee-Charging Employment Agencies (Regulation) Act 1976 “ ---see Foreign Cultural Association (Regulation of Functioning) Act 1975 Regulation(s)—see Inspection Agencies (Registration and Regulation) Ordinance 1981 “ ---see Islamabad Real Estate Agents and Motor Vehicles Dealers (Regulation of Business) Ordinance 1984 “ ---see Land Reforms Regulation (Validation of Orders) Ordinance 1978 “ ---see Rules and Regulations Continuance Act 1937 Regulation and Control—see Pakistan Maritime Shipping (Regulation and Control) Act 1974 Regulation of Employment—see Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act 1974 Regulation of Generation Transmission & Distribution of Electric Power Act Regulation of Mines and Oil-fields and Mineral Development (Government Control) Act 1948 Rehabilitation—see Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) Ordinance 1981 Reimbursement—see Discontinuance of Medical Reimbursement Act 1972 Relations—see Industrial Relations Ordinance 1969 Relief—see Employees Cost of Living (Relief) Act 1973 “ --see Specific Relief Act 1877 Religious Societies Act 1880 Religious Trusts—see Charitable and Religious Trusts Act 1920 Removal of Accused Persons Act 1973 Removal of Danger—see Aircraft (Removal of Danger to Safety) Ordinance 1965 “ from Service—KESC (Removal from Service) Ord 1999 Rent Restriction—see Cantonments Rent Restriction Act 1963 “ “ --see Karachi Rent Restriction Act 1953 “ “ --see Karachi Rent Restriction (Amdt) Ordinance 1962 Repayment of Loans—see Co-operative Societies (Repayment of Loans) Ordinance 1960 Repeal—see Civil Commotion Compensation Fund (Repeal) Act 1972 “ --see Cotton Ginning Control and Development (Repeal) Ordinance 1977 “ --see Flour Milling Control and Development (Repeal) Ordinance 1977 “ --see Jute (Repeal) Ordinance 1983 LXXVII 1976 LXXIX 1975 XXXVII 1981 XIII 1984 XXIX 1978 XXIV 1937 XVIII 1974 IX 1974 XL 1997 XXIV 1948 XL 1981 XXV 1972 XXIII I I I 1969 1974 1877 1880 2/346 1920 XIV LXIII XII XVII 1973 1965 10/873 1999 XI VIII XLVIII 1963 1953 1962 XXXIV 1960 XI 1972 XXXI 1977 XXIX 1977 XXXI 1983 9/19 10/979 2/238 10/9 “ --see Malaria Eradication Board (Repeal) Act 1975 Representation of the Peoples Act 1976 Representative—see Holders of Representative Offices (Prevention of Misconduct) Act 1976 Republic—see Capital of the Republic (Determination of Area) Ordinance 1963 Requisitioned—see Requisitioned Land (Continuance of Powers) Ordinance 1969 Requisitioned Land (Continuance of Powers) Ordinance 1977 Requisitioning of Immoveable Property—see Cantonments (Requisitioning of Immoveable Property Ordinance 1948) Research—see Pakistan Agricultural Research Council Ordinance 1981 “ --see Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Act 1973 “ --see Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission Ordinance 1981 Reserved Seats—see National and Provincial Assemblies (Elections to Reserved Seats) Act 1976 Reserves—see Pakistan (Army and Air Force) Reserves Act 1950 Reservists (Reinstatement in Civil Employment) Ordinance 1965 Restaurants—see Pakistan Hotels and Restaurants Act 1976 Restoration—see Tribal Areas (Restoration of Jurisdiction) Act 1964 Restriction—see Dowry and Bridal Gifts (Restriction) Act 1976 “ --see Karachi Rent Restriction (Amdt) Ordinance 1962 Restrictive—see Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (Control and Prevention) Ordinance 1970 Revenue Jurisdiction—see Sind Revenue Jurisdiction Act 1876 Revenue Recovery Act 1890 Revocation of Privileges Act 1992 Revision—see Federal Laws (Revision and Declaration) Ordinance 1981 Rice Milling Control and Development (Repeal) Ordinance 1977 Riot and Civil Commotion Risks Insurance Ordinance 1947 Risks—see War Risks Insurance Continuance Ordinance 1969 “ ---see War Risks Insurance Ordinance 1971 River--- Indus River System (Authority) Act 1992 Road Transport Workers Ordinance 1961 Rolls—Electoral Rolls Act 1974 Rules and Regulations Ordinance Act 1937 S LXIV LXXXV IV 1975 1976 1977 VI 1963 II XXXIII IV 1969 10/956 1977 1948 XXXVIII 1981 XXX 1973 XX 1981 XVIII 1976 XLVII 1950 XXI LXXXI II 1965 10/886 1976 1964 10/72 XLIII XLVIII 1976 1962 V 1970 X I VIII XXXII 1876 1890 1992 1981 XXX 1977 III V XXXII XXII XXVIII XXI XXIV 1947 1969 1971 1992 1961 1974 1937 9/56 2/228 3/249 10/951 10/445 8/161 Safeguards—see Public Investments (Financial Safeguards) Ordinance 1960 Safety—see Aircraft (Removal of Danger to Safety) Ordinance 1965 “ -- see Pakistan Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Ordinance 1984 Salaries—see Chairman and Speaker (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act 1975 XLVI 1960 XII 1965 IV 1984 LXXXII 1975 “ ---see Deputy Chairman and Deputy Speaker (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act 1975 : ---see Federal Ministers and Ministers of State (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act 1975 Salaries and Allowances---see Members of Parliament (Salaries and Allowances) Act 1974 Salary—see Chief Election Commissioner (Salary, Allowances and Privileges) Act 1975 “ ---see President’s Salary, Allowances and Privileges) Act 1975 “ ---see Prime Minister’s (Salary, Allowances and Privileges) Act 1975 Sale of Goods Act 1930 Sales Tax Act 1951 Salt—see Central Excises and Salt Act 1944 Sarais Act 1867 Sardari—see System of Sardari (Abolition) Act 1976 Savings Banks—see Government Savings Bank Act 1873 Savings Certificates—see Post Office National Savings Certificates Ordinance 1944 Scheme—see Pay-As-You-Earn Scheme Act 1973 Schools—see Registration of Private Schools (Karachi Division) Ordinance 1958 Science—see Pak Science Foundation Act 1973 Scientific—see Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Act 1973 Scouts—see Pakistan Boy Scouts Association Ordinance 1959 Seamen—see Merchant Seamen (Litigation) Act 1946 Secondary Education—see Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Act 1975 Secrets—see Official Secrets Act 1923 Securities Act 1920 Security Council—see United Nations (Security Council) Act 1948 Securities & Exchange Ordinance 1969 Security Force-see Airport Security Force Act 1975 Securities & Exchange Commission of Pak Act 1997 Security of Pakistan Act 1952 Seditious Meetings—see Prevention of Seditious Meetings Act 1911 LXXXIII 1975 LXII 1975 XXVII 1974 LV 1975 LVIII 1975 LIX 1975 III III I XXII XL V XLII 1930 1951 1944 1867 1976 1873 1944 XXXI III 1973 1958 III XXX 1973 1973 XLIII XXI LXVIII 1959 1946 1975 XIX X XIV 1923 1920 1948 7/212 7/42 XVII LXXVII XLII XXXV X 1969 1975 1997 1952 1911 10/957 7/861 1/252 2/181 9/160 Seed Act 1976 Senate Election Act 1975 Servants—see Civil Servants Act 1973 “ --see Ex-Government Servants (Employment with Foreign Governments) (Prohibition) Act 1966 Service(s)—see Banking and Financial Services (Amendment of Laws) Ordinance 1984 XXIX LI LXXI XII LVII 1976 1975 1973 1966 10/109 1984 “ ---see Compulsory Service in the Armed Forces Ordinance 1971 “ ---see Defence Services (Inquiry) (Special Provisions) Ordinance 1969 “ ---see Employment (Record of Services) Act 1951 “ ---see Federal Public Service Commission Ordinance 1977 “ ---see Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) Act 1973 “ ---see Pakistan Armed Forces Nursing Service Act 1952 “ ---see Pakistan National Service Ordinance 1970 “ ---see Pakistan Navy (Extension of Service) Act 1950 “ ---see Population Welfare Planning Programme (Appointment and Termination of Services) Ordinance 1981 Service Tribunals—see Provincial Service Tribunals (Extension of Provisions of the Constitution) Act 1974 Service Tribunals Act 1973 Settlement Commissioners (Validation of Orders) Act 1972 Shifting of Registered Office—see Companies (Shifting of Registered Office) Ordinance 1972 Shipping—see Control of Shipping Ordinance 1959 “ ---see Merchant Shipping Act 1923 “ “ (National Colours) Act 1949 “ ---see Pakistan Maritime Shipping (Regulation and Control) Act 1974 “ ---see Pakistan Maritime Shipping (Transfer of Managed Establishment) Ordinance 1980 “ ---see Pakistan National Shipping Corporation Ordinance 1979 Ships—see Registration of Ships Act 1841 “ ---see Registration of Ships Act (1841) Amendment Act 1850 Short Titles Act 1973 Sikh Gurdwaras (Supplementary) Act 1925 Sind Incumbered Estates Act 1896 Sind Revenue Jurisdiction Act 1876 Sind Textile Board Ordinance 1949 Small Cause Courts—see provincial Small Cause Courts Act 1887 Small Industries—see West Pakistan Small Industries XXXI 1971 XIX XIX XLV 1969 10/975 1951 1977 LVIII 1973 XXXVI 1952 XXII XXIV XIV 1970 10/1077 1950 1981 XXXII 1974 LXX VI V 1973 1972 1972 XIII XXI V XVIII 1959 1923 1950 1974 XXII 1980 XX 1979 1/16 1841 1850 1/23 1973 1925 1896 1876 1949 1887 3/24 1972 X XI XXI XXIV XX X X IX III 7/225 7/607 3/411 2/228 Corporation (Dissolution) Act 1972 Smuggling—see Prevention of Smuggling Act 1977 Social Insurance—see Employees’ Social Insurance Ordinance 1962 Social Welfare—see Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance 1961 Societies—see Bombay Co-operative Societies (Amdt) Ordinance 1958 “ ---see Co-operative Societies Act 1912 “ ---see Co-operative Societies (Repayment of Loans) Ordinance 1960 “ ---see Religious Societies Act 1880 Societies Registration Act 1860 Soldiers (Litigation) Act 1925 Space—see Pakistan Space and upper Atmosphere Research Commission Ordinance 1981 Speaker—see Chairman and Speaker (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act 1975 Special—see Defence Services (Inquiry) (Special provisions) Ordinance 1969 Special Court(s)—see Criminal law Amendment (Special Court) Act 1976 “ --see Offences in Respect of Banks (Special Courts) Ordinance 1984 “ --see Suppression of Terrorist Activities (Special Courts) Act 1975 “ ---see Traffic Offences (Special Courts) Ordinance 1981 Special Courts for Speedy Trials Act 1987 ---------------- do -------------------1992 ---------------- do -------------------(Repeal) Act 1996 Special Marriage Act 1872 Special Powers—Corporation Employees (Special Powers Ordinance 1978 Disturbed Areas (Special Powers) Act 1962 Specific Relief Act 1877 Specified Instruments—see Stamp (Specified Instruments) Act 1924 Speedy Trials—see Special Courts for Speedy Trials Act 1987 Spirits—see Excise (Spirits) Act 1863 Sports—National Sports Trust (Rep) Ordinance 1980 Sports (Development and Control) Ordinance 1962 Stage-Carriages Act 1861 Stamp Act 1899 Stamp (Specified Instruments) Act 1924 Standards-see Federal Supervision of Curricula Text-books and Maintenance of Standards of Education Act 1976 *Standards Institution-see Pakistan Standards Institution XII XXII XLVI 1977 1962 10/633 1961 I 1958 III XXXIV 1912 1960 6/58 I XXI IV XX 1880 1860 1925 1981 2/346 1/49 7/592 LXXXII 1975 XIX XVII 1969 10/975 1976 IX 1984 XV 1975 XXXIX 1981 XV IX XI III XIII 1987 1992 1996 1872 1978 LIV I XIII 1962,v.10, p762 1877 2/238 1924 XV XVI XXXIII XVI XVI II XIII X 1987 1863 1980 1962 1861 1899 1924 1976 XLVIII 1961 10/623 1/224 4/47 (Certification Marks) Ordinance 1961 *Rep by Act 6/96 Standards of Weight Act 1939 Standards Time (Interpretation of References) Ordinance 1943 Standing Orders—see Industrial and Commercial Employment (Standing Orders) Ordinance 1960 Staple Cotton (Excise Duty) Ordinance, 1978 State Bank of Pakistan Act, 1956 State Immunity Ordinance, 1981 Statistics-see Cotton Industry (Statistics) Act, 1926 “ ----See General Statistics Act, 1975 “ --- See Industrial Statistics Act, 1942 Stores--- See Railway Stores (Unlawful Possession) Ordinance 1944 Study --- See Area Study Centres Act, 1975 “ ---- see Network Analyser Study Centre (Transfer to WAPDA) Ordinance, 1983 “ --- See Pakistan Study Centres Act, 1976 Subsidy --- see Sugar Export Subsidy Fund Ordinance, 1970 Succession Act, 1925 Sugar—see Central Excise Duty on Sugar (Validation) Ordinance 1979 “ --see Sugar Export Subsidy Fund Ordinance 1970 Sugar-cane Act 1934 Suits—see Legal Representatives’ Suits Act 1855 Suits Valuation Act 1887 Supervision---see Federal Supervision of Curricula Text-books and Maintenance of Standards of Education Act 1976 Supplementary—see Carriage by Air (Supplementary Convention) Act 1968 “ ---see Finance Supplementary Act 1973 Suppression—see North-West Frontier Province Suppression of Crimes Act 1975 Suppression of Terrorist Activities (Special Courts) Act 1975 Supreme Court and High Court (Extension of Jurisdiction to certain Tribal Areas) Act 1973 Surcharge—see Chemical Fertilizers (Development Surcharge) Act 1973 “ ---see Import of Goods (Development of Surcharge) Ordinance 1984 “ ---see Import of Goods (Price Equalization Surcharge) Act 1967 Surcharge—see Petroleum Products (Development Surcharge) Ordinance 1961 “ ---Natural Gas (Dev. Surcharge) Ord 1967 Surgeons—see Pakistan College of Physicians and Surgeons Ordinance 1962 Surgery—see Eye Surgery (Restriction) Ordinance 1960 Surrender of Illicit Arms Act 1991 IX VI III 1939 1943 1960 XXX XXXIII VI XX LXIX XIX XIX 1978 1956 1981 1926 7/783 1975 1942 1944 8/745 XLV I 1975 1983 XXVII XX XXXIX XXXIV 1976 1970 1925 7/626 1979 XX XV XII VII X 1970 10/1074 1934 8/1 1855 1/32 1877 3/211 1976 V XXXIII 1968 10/196 1974 Rep by Ord 27/81 1975 XV XXVII 1975 1973 XLI 1973 VII 1984 III 1967 10/150 1961 4/437 1967 1962 10/627 1960 1991 V XXV I XX LI XXI 8/438 8/743 System—see Allopathic System (Prevention of Misuse) Ordinance 1962 “ --- Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act 1992 “ ---see Weights and Measures (International system) Act 1967 “ --- Indus River System (Authority) Act 1992 System of Sardari (Abolition) Act 1976 LXV VXII XL 1962 10/865 1992 1967 10/154 1992 1976 Tax—see Profession Tax Limitation Act 1941 XX 1941 “ ---see Sales Tax Act 1951 “ ---see Wealth Tax At 1963 Taxation—see Government Trading Taxation Act 1926 “ ---see Municipal Taxation Act 1881 “ ---see Railway (Local Authorities’ Taxation) Act 1941 Taxes—see Provisional Collection of Taxes Act 1931 Tea (Control of Prices, Distribution and Movement) Ordinance 1960 Tea Ordinance 1959 Telecommunication Corp Act 1991 (XVIII of 1991 rep. by Telecommunication Corp of Pak (Re-org) Act 1996 Tea Plantations Labour Ordinance 1962 Telegraph Act 1885 Telegraphy—see Wireless Telegraphy Act 1933 Tenants—see Government Tenants (North-West Frontier Province) Act 1893 Tender—see Legal Tender (Inscribed Notes) Ordinance 1977 Termination of Services—see Population Welfare Planning Programme (Appointment and Termination of Services) Ordinance 1981 Territorial Force—see Pakistan Territorial Force Act 1950 Territorial Waters and Maritime Zones Act 1976 Territory—see Capital Territory Local Government Ordinance 1979 Terrorist—see Suppression of Terrorist Activities (Special Courts) Act 1975 Terrorist Affected Areas (Spl Courts) Act 1992 Terrorism—Anti-terrorism Act 1997 Text-books—see Federal Supervision of Curricula text-books and Maintenance of Standards of Education Act 1976 Textile Board—see Sind Textile Board Ordinance 1949 Time—see Standard Time (Interpretation of References) Ordinance 1943 Titles—see Short Titles Act 1973 Tobacco—see Pakistan Tobacco Board Ordinance 1968 Tokens—see Metal Tokens Act 1889 III XV III XI XXV XVI XXVIII 1951 1963 1926 1881 1941 1931 1960 XLVI XVII 1959 1996 XXXIX XIII XVII III 10/751 3/148 7/920 XXII XIV 1962 1885 1933 1893 3/360 1977 1981 L LXXXII XXXIX 1950 1976 1979 9/59 XV 1975 X XXVII X 1992 1997 1976 X VI 1949 1943 8/743 1973 1968 1889 III V T XXI I I 8/539 7/773 2/360 7/888 10/937 3/233 Tolls Act 1851 Tolls (Army and Air Force) Act 1901 Tourist—see Pakistan Tourist Guides Act 1976 Town Planners—see Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners Ordinance 1983 Trade—see Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (Control and Prevention) Ordinance 1970 Trade Mark Act 1940 Trade Organisations Ordinance 1961 Traffic Control—see North-West Frontier Province Bus Stand and Traffic Control (Peshawar) Act 1975 Traffic Offences (Special Courts) Ordinance 1981 Training—see National Training Ordinance 1980 Tramways Act 1886 Transfer—see Funds Vesting in the President (Transfer) Act 1973 “ ---see Network Analyser Study Centre (Transfer to WAPDA) Ordinance 1983 “ ---see Pakistan Maritime Shipping (Transfer of Managed Establishments) Ordinance 1980 Transfer of Assets—see Banks (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1974 Transfer of Evacuee Deposits Act 1956 Transfer of Population Welfare Programme (Field Activities) Ordinance 1983 Transfer of Projects—see West Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (Transfer of Projects and Companies) Act 1974 Transfer of Evacuee Property (Kachi Abadi) Act 1972 Transfer of Property Act 1882 Transport—see Cotton Transport Act 1923 “ ---see Road Transport Workers Ordinance 1961 Transport Goods—see Railways (Transport of Goods) Act 1947 Travel Agencies Act 1976 Treason—see High Treason (Punishment) Act 1973 Treasure-trove Act 1878 Tree—see Cutting of Trees (Prohibition) Act 1975 Trespass—see Cattle-trespass Act 1871 Trials—see Special Courts for Speedy Trials Act 1987 Tribal Areas—see Supreme Court and High Court (Extension of Jurisdiction to certain Tribal Areas) Act 1973 Tribal Areas (Restoration of Jurisdiction) Act 1964 Tribunals—see Banking Tribunals Ordinance 1984 “ ---see Provincial Service Tribunals (Extension of provisions of the Constitution) Act 1974 “ ---see Service Tribunals Act 1973 Trust—see National Investment (Unit) Trust Ordinance 1965 “ ---see National Press Trust (Appointment of Chairman) VIII II XXVI IX 1851 1901 1976 1983 1/28 4/114 V V XLV XXXVII 1970 10/1053 1940 8/444 1961 10/592 1975 XXXIX IX XI LX 1981 1980 1886 1973 I 1983 XXII 1980 XI 1974 XLV XIX 1956 1983 XXVIII 1974 XIII IV III XXVIII XII 1972 1882 3/37 1923 7/81 1961 10/445 1947 8/709 XXX LXVIII VI LXXIV I XV XXVII 1976 1973 1878 1975 1871 1987 1973 II LVIII XXXII 1964 1984 1974 LXX VII XIV 1973 1965 1972 2/185 2/281 1/332 10/72 10/871 Act 1972 “ National Sports Trust (Rep) Ord 1980 Trustees—see Companies (Appointment of Trustees) Act 1972 “ ---see Official Trustees Act 1913 Trust Properties—see Evacuee Trust Properties (Management and Disposal) Act 1975 Trusts—see Charitable and Religious Trusts Act 1920 Trusts Act 1882 XXXIII XV II XIII 1980 1972 1913 1975 XIV II 1920 1882 7/57 3/1 II LXXIX XV VII VII 1965 1976 1958 1965 1956 10/73 XIV XIV VIII XXXIX XXX XX 1948 1948 1904 1974 1985 1997 XXVIII XXIX XXIII III XX 1973 1985 1974 1957 1981 XXXV 1975 XVIII X 1980 1918 XIII VI XXXIV 1880 1913 1979 XXII 1981 XXIX 1978 II VI 1892 1972 6/122 U Unani, Ayurvedie and Homoeopathic Practitioners Act 1865 Undertaking—see Esso Undertaking (Vesting) Act 1976 Uniform—see Public Order (Political Uniforms) Ordinance 1958 Unit—see National investment (Unit) Trust Ordinance 1965 United Nations (Declaration of Death of Missing Persons) Act 1956 United Nations (Privileges and Immunities) Act 1948 United Nations (Security Council) Act 1948 Universities Act 1904 University—see Allama Iqbal Open University Act 1974 “ --see International Islamic University Ordinance 1985 National University of Science & Tech Act 1997 “ --see Quaid-u-Azam University Act 1973 “ --see Women’s University Ordinance 1985 University Grants Commission Act 1974 University of Karachi (Amdt) Act 1957 Upper Atmosphere—see Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission Ordinance 1981 Urban Planning—see North-West Frontier Province Urban Planning Act 1975 Ushr—see Zakat and Ushr Ordinance 1980 Usurious Loans Act 1918 10/871 9/5 9/1 6/226 V Vaccination Act 1880 Validating—see Mussalman wakf Validating Act 1913 Validation—see Central Excise Duty on Sugar (Validation) Ordinance 1979 “ --see Chairman and members of Federal Land Commission (Validation of Orders) Ordinance 1981 “ --see Land Reforms Regulation (Validation of Orders) Ordinance 1978 “ --see Marriage Validation Act 1892 “ --Settlement Commissioners (Validation of Orders) Act 2/351 6/163 3/324 1972 “ --see Suits Valuation Act 1887 Validation of Laws Act 1975 Vegetable Oil—see Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil Industry (Control and Development) Act 1973 Vegrancy (Karachi Division) Act 1950 Vessels—see Coasting Vessels Act 1938 “ --see Inland Mechanically Propelled Vessels Act 1917 Vesting—see Associated Cement (Vesting) Act 1974 “ --see Esso Undertaking (Vesting) Act 1976 Vesting in the President—see Funds Vesting in the President (Transfer) Act 1973 Vetenary—Pak. Vetenary Medical Council Act 1996 Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance 1961 Volunteer—see National Development Volunteer Programme (Repeal) Ordinance 1980 VII LXIII LXV 1887 1975 1973 3/211 LXXIV XIX I VII LXXIX LX 1950 1838 1917 1974 1976 1973 9/81 1/1 6/184 III XLVI XXXIX 1996 1961 10/605 1980 XXXIX 1960 XXXIX IV XLII VI I 1961 1936 1923 1913 1983 10/573 8/101 6/163 7/428 V XVIII 1969 1965 10/956 VIII XXIII VII LXXIII XXXII XXIII LXXXII XV IX V VIII 1890 3/258 1943 8/551 1941 8/723 1979 1971 1863 1/233 1976 1963 1939 4/438 1967 10/154 1967 XIV 1981 XIX 1983 W Wages—see Coal Mines (Fixation of Rates of Wages) Ordinance 1960 “ --see Minimum Wages Ordinance 1961 “ --see Payment of Wages Act 1936 “ --Wakf—see Mussalman Wakf Act 1923 “ --see Mussalman Wakf Validating Act 1913 WAPDA—see Network Analyser Study Centre (Transfer to WAPDA) Ordinance 1983 War—see War Risks Insurance Continuance Ordinance 1969 War Conditions—see Limitation (Emergency and Conditions) Act 1965 Wards—see Guardian and Wards Act 1890 War Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act 1943 War Injuries Ordinance 1941 Warning—see Cigarettes (Printing of Warning) Ordinance 1979 War Risks Insurance Ordinance 1971 Waste Lands (Claims) Act 1863 Waters—see Territorial Waters and Maritime Zones Act 1976 Wealth-tax Act 1963 Weight—see Standards of Weight Act 1939 Weights—see Weights and Measures (International System) Act 1967 Welfare—see Excise Duty on Minerals (Labour Welfare) Act 1967 Welfare—see Population Welfare Programme (Appointment and Termination of Services) Ordinance 1981 “ --see Transfer of Population Welfare Programme (Field Activities) Ordinance 1983 “ --see Workers Welfare Fund Ordinance 1971 Welfare Agencies—see Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance 1961 West Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (Transfer of projects and Companies) Act 1974 West Pakistan Small Industries Corporation (Dissolution) Act 1972 West Punjab Alienation of Land Act 1900 XXXVI XLVI Whipping—see Execution of the Punishment of Whipping Ordinance1979 “ Punishment of Whipping Act 1996 Whipping Act 1909 IX White Phosphorus Matches Prohibition Act 1913 Widows’ Re-marriage—see Hindu Widows’ Re-marriage Act 1856 Wild Birds and Animals Protection Act 1912 Wildlife—see Islamabad Wildlife (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Management) Ordinance 1979 Wireless Telegraphy Act 1933 Witnesses—see Recusant Witnesses Act 1853 Women in Distress & Detention Fund Act 1996 Women’s Property—see Married Women’s Property Act 1874 Women’s Right(s)—see Hindu Married Women’s Right to Separate Residence and Maintenance Act 1946 Women’s University Ordinance 1985 Workers—see Companies Profits (Workers Participation) Act 1968 “ --see Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act 1974 “ --see Road Transport Workers Ordinance 1961 Workers Children (Education) Ordinance 1972 Workers Welfare Fund Ordinance 1971 Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923 Works of Defence Act 1903 V XV 1996 1909 Rep by Act 7/96 1913 6/162 1856 1/36 VIII LXX 1912 1979 XVII XIX XV III XIX IX 1933 8/820 1853 1996 1874 2/217 1946 8/647 1985 1968 10/200 1974 XXVIII XI XXXVI VIII VII 1961 1972 1971 1923 1903 10/445 II 1944 8/744 XXVIII 1971 1961 10/605 1974 III 1972 XIII 1900 Provincial Law 1979 VII IV XXIX XII 6/119 7/165 4/120 X (No Data) Y Yarn—see Cotton Cloth and Yarn (Contracts) Ordinance 1944 Z Zakat and Ushr Ordinance 1980 Zina—see Offence of Zina (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance 1979 Zone—see Exclusive Fishery Zone Regulation of Fishing Act 1975 Zones—see Export Processing Zones Authority Ordinance 1980 “ --see Territorial Waters and Maritime Zones Act 1976 XVIII VII 1980 1979 XXXII 1975 IV 1980 LXXXII 1976