Marketing Plan

By Jamile and the Holograms I nc.
Rachael Collazo
Jamile Bama
Brittany Browne
Tanisha Greene
Anthony Ratliffe
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ……………………………………………………………… 2
Strategic Focus Plan
o Company Description ……………………………………………………. 2
o Mission Statement ……………………………………………………….. 2
o Goals …………………………………………………………………….. 2
Situation Analysis
o SWOT Analysis …………………………………………………………. 3
o Industry Analysis ………………………………………………………... 3, 4
o Competitor Analysis …………………………………………………….. 4
o Customer Analysis ………………………………………………………. 4
Market Product Focus
o Target Market ……………………………………………………………. 4, 5
o Points of difference ……………………………………………………… 5
o Positioning ………………………………………………………….…… 5
Marketing Program
o Product Strategy ………………………………………………………… 5, 6
o Price Strategy …………………………………………………………… 6
o Promotion Strategy ……………………………………………………... 6, 7
o Place (Distribution) Strategy …………………………………………… 7
Financial Data Projections ……………………………………………………… 7, 8
Organization Chart ……………………………………………………………… 8
Implementation Plan ……………………………………………………………. 8
Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………….. 9
Works Cited ……………………………………………………………………... 10
Contribution Page ……………………………………………………………….. 11
Power Point Slides ………………………………………………………………. 12-14
Executive Summary
Video games and the way that their played has advanced significantly, in attempt to get
the players more immerse in the world. Basic functions of video games have stayed overall the
same in the way of controlling a character through buttons and joysticks. This has led to the
criticisms of video games being unhealthy and promoting laziness among the players. Our
company is here to change that through the use of an interactive, holographic gaming system.
This system will immerse the player into a game where their movements and actions will be
analyzed and met with holographic projections of obstacles. It requires full body movement and
participation of the player. Other game consoles such as the XBOX Kinect and the Nintendo Wii
does involve body movement and participation of its players, but on a two dimensional level.
This is where our product differentiates. Instead of having a two dimensional experience, the
game world will be projected around the player. Should this idea be accepted, we will have
changed the way that the gaming world is viewed. The cultural changes with gaming, centered
around physical involvement may change what used to be a frowned upon activity into an event
everyone can enjoy.
Strategic Focus Plan
Company Description
Jamile and the Holograms Inc. was founded by Jamile Bama and its cofounders Brittany
Browne, Rachael Collazo, Tanisha Greene and Anthony Ratliffe to develop and market a unique
video game console, never before experienced by gamers, HoloVision. This is the first fully
interactive, health conscious, holographic gaming system introduced to the market. Our product
differentiates itself from other game consoles by projecting the video games’ world around a
player through 3-D holographic imagery. This gives the gamer an experience like never before.
Its high quality, high price strategy will prove to be successful in the gaming industry.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to create a completely interactive game console which provides health
benefits to the players while enjoying the gaming experience no matter what age.
For the coming five years, Jamile and the Holograms Inc. seek to achieve the following
 Nonfinancial
1. To provide the ultimate gaming experience for all gamers worldwide.
2. To provide the world’s healthiest gaming experience.
3. To synergize with gaming publishers like EA game and Activision publishing
 Financial
1. To break even after 6 months of being in the market.
2. To obtain a return on equity of at least 30 percent after a year of being the market.
3. To lead gaming industry in sales by fifth year mark.
Situation Analysis
The situational analysis starts off with the current environment in which Jamile and the
Holograms Inc. finds itself in by providing a brief SWOT analysis. After this overview, the
analysis probes finer levels of detail: industry, competitors, company, and consumers.
SWOT Analysis
 1st fully interactive, health conscious, holographic gaming system
 Projects game around players giving gamers a new experience
 High quality
 Uniqueness of hardware motion detection
 Experienced managers are needed to help reach financial and nonfinancial goals
 High learning product
 Expensive hardware and games
 Limited experience in the gaming sector
 High up front production cost
 Growing demand for new technology
 Possibly synergize with gaming publishers like EA and Activision
 Ability to set tone for the gaming world
 Penetration of new markets worldwide
 High price could turn potential customers away
 Being viewed as “healthy gaming” could turn off some gamers away
 Mobile gaming
 Hardware complication
 Sony, Wii, and Microsoft have released their own motion technology gaming systems
Industry Analysis: Trends in the Video Game Industry
According to Forbes, the global video game market will grow from $67 billion in 2012 to
$82 billion in 2017 (Gaudiosi, 2012). That forecast includes revenue from stationary and
portable consoles, their hardware, software, and for personal computer games and games for
mobile devices. Lately the video game industry has been referred to as flat to decline due to
declining sales in the console segment of the market. The Xbox 360 platform revenue fell 24
percent, mostly because of fewer consoles sold and lower income from video games software,
but that isn’t for Xbox alone (Associated Press, 2012). According to a Research firm, NPD says
U.S. retail sales of new video game hardware, software and accessories fell 25 percent in
October, marking the 11th straight month of declining sales for physical game products
(Gaudiosi, 2012). Now video games biggest driver of growth is online distribution and online
usage business models. These continue to take share away from the traditional model of selling
physical boxed software at retail stores. Microsoft is now the hardware market leader in the
gaming industry having 35.4 percent of the market, followed by Sony which has 33.1 percent
and Nintendo with 31.6 percent (Hingley, 2012). Xbox is anticipated to be our biggest
competitor because of their Kinect installment which senses and follows body movement of the
Competitor Analysis
The video game industry makes over $10.5 billion dollars in sales annually
(Entertainment Software Rating Board, 2010). Most video game consoles retail between $130$450 and each new video game from $40- $60. This is excluding Mass Multiplayer Online
games like World of WarCraft which requires a consumer to buy the game and keep it on a
monthly subscription basis. The average video game player spends 8 hours a week playing video
games, and the average household spends 4% of their income on video games (Entertainment
Software Rating Board, 2010). Videogames have been noted for becoming addictive to more
players and the video game developers have become more criticized for putting out incomplete
games that require users to pay for downloadable content just to play extra parts of their own
Company Analysis
The individuals who founded Jamile and the Holograms Inc. are new to the gaming
industry delivering fresh perspectives on game play. All have provided input on health concerns
of most of America and how new technology can be implemented into physical activity. They
sought out those of professional engineers and video game software designers to help create
HoloVision, and are currently researching and hearing their ideas for improvements or new
product developments in gameplay.
Customer Analysis
This section describes the characteristics of customers expected to purchase our product.
Customer characteristics
Consumers who purchase our product are seeking value and quality but with specific
socioeconomic backgrounds. They aren’t price sensitive and understand the technology
implemented in the product, so generally people who have higher levels of education and earn a
household income of $90,000 or greater. The demographics of people who would purchase this
are typically single, young to middle age adults for the high degree of interaction and technology
involved in the product. Those who are open minded to see how HoloVision will benefit them,
beyond playing a video game, are our ideal customers.
Market Product Focus
Target Market
The primary target market for this product is essentially those of the upper middle class.
The upper middle class market consists of those who make up the wealthiest 15% of US
households holding at least and income of $90,000. Young, single adults would be our expected
target in that income level. As our product is a luxury product costing over $5,899.99, the
consumers who purchase this would have to be less price sensitive, seeking prestige of affording
the latest technology. As our product can also be reprogrammed for different uses, business
owners seeking to implement advanced technology into their business for retail attraction or
marketing purposes would be another market we seek to target.
Points of difference:
• Motion detection- Unlike most motion based game systems (i.e. Wii, Xbox 360, etc.)
HoloVision gives you a real life feel by immersing you, the player, into the game. You
are not limited to a censor and one controller like the Wii, with HoloVision your whole
body is the controller.
• Futuristic design of the gaming system- HoloVision gaming system does not contain tons of
cords and wires that most gaming systems need to hook up their product. Instead of a
complicated instruction manual that forces you to put together the product yourself,
HoloVision gets installed and removed by a team of trained technicians.
• High definition surround sound system- HoloVision is equipped with a unique high definition
sound system that allows you to hear everything in the game from a loud siren to a
person’s foot steps behind you. HoloVision isn't limited by the speakers in your TV like
most other games systems because you do not need a TV to use HoloVision.
There have been many other game systems that have used motion detecting sensors to
help enhance their video games, but there is no other game system that comes close to the
advanced technology that HoloVision uses. HoloVision takes the pressure off of the customer by
having a setup and removal team only a phone call away. It also promotes health and weight loss
by eliminating the typical gameplay of sitting down and pressing buttons on a controller, and
making the player the controller.
Marketing Program
Product Strategy
Product Line
HoloVision is retailing for $5,899.99 for the ultimate holographic video game console.
Unique Product Quality
The technology used in HoloVision is the first ever used for an interactive video game
console. It contains a mix of different holographic technology such as mid-air projected
holograms, and reflected holographic projections. Mid-air projected holograms are technically
not holograms at all, but a “Heliodisplay”. The heliodisplay is an interactive technology system
that projects and image into the air from the projection system directly beneath the image
(Deveau, 2007). The technical system uses existing surrounding air and a small amount of tap
water to generate an ion medium to which the image can be projected on, essentially water vapor
on a microscopic particle scale (Bernstein, 2003). The system is also interactive because it uses
an optical laser tracking system to tract a players’ hand movement, even down to the players’
fingers. The heliodisplays will be used for the interactive aspects of game play leaving the
reflected holographic technology for the environmental setting. The reflected holographic
technology will be projected from the rear onto a thin, transparent foil. By projecting an image
from behind the semi-transparent foil, it shows the full picture without losing the illusion. The
use of body detecting technology and sensors similar to those used in Xbox Kinect or Nintendo’s
Wii are also contained in the HoloVision console. It tracts the full body motion of a player which
acts as a compass in a game world. All these applications of the latest technology combined
offers a fully interactive gaming experience to keep players visually stimulated, while
maintaining a healthy habit.
Price Strategy
HoloVision is priced at $ 5,899.99, for a holographic videogame console and installation,
priced significantly higher than other gaming consoles. Microsoft’s Xbox 360 Kinect is retailing
for $399.99, Sony’s PlayStation 3 with its Move application is retailing at $449.96, and
Nintendo’s Wii is retailing at $129.99. The costs are much lower than ours; however, that is the
price for the game consul only, in order to play a game, a television and a connecting cable for
the game console are required. A typical 40 inch television is normally retail priced at about
$400, a 6 inch HDMI cable retails around $20. Over all for a low to basic quality gaming
experience a person will spend about $600- $800. The quality of game play and technology used
in our console makes our product truly unique that it doesn’t even have to be used primarily for
just playing video games. The price will also cover the initial research and development costs as
well as the introductory promotional expenses. Our target market will understand that the high
price will signify a high quality technological product, far more advanced than other consoles.
Since there is no other gaming console on the market remotely like ours, it should create much
demand which justifies our pricing strategy.
Promotion Strategy
Key promotion programs feature in store demonstrations, exhibition demonstrations, as
well as advertisements seen on television, online, and in gaming magazines.
In Store Demonstrations
Demonstrations in retail stores specializing in electronics, entertainment systems, and
video games, enable consumers to try out the HoloVision game console and see the aspects of its
gameplay that differentiates it from competing consoles. Demos will be conducted in many retail
stores to increase awareness and purchases.
Exhibition Demonstrations
As our product can be used as both a consumer and business good, demonstrations
introducing our product at an electronics or technology conventions like CES, Consumer
Electronics Show, enables prospective businesses to test our product and see how it will benefit
them. Holographic technology is starting to become a modern way for companies and stores to
advertise and attract business and our product can give different businesses that edge.
Television and online advertisements would introduce our product to the public, showing
off its capabilities and encouraging them to go to local distributors to experience and purchase
the console. Magazines such as Game Informer update subscribers the latest technological and
video game news, advertising our console in magazines such as those would help promote
curiosity as well as talk or “word of mouth” among gamers. The experience of gameplay, its
health aspects, and technological advances will be heavily emphasized in advertisements,
because those characteristics define and differentiate our product from others.
Place (Distribution) Strategy
In the present market, HoloVision is distributed through entertainment or technological
retailers. Retailers such as Best Buy, Game Stop would be ideal to house our product as their
reputation for latest video game technology and services are well known. Through them we can
promote and sell our product, especially through BestBuy. Best Buy stores that sell high end
products, like Magnolia have a consumer base willing to spend more for a better quality product.
They also have financing options which makes our product more appealing to the moderately
price sensitive consumer. We can also can deliver and set up directly to homes and spaces
through orders placed online or over phone. As sales grow, we hope to acquire our own locations
to promote, consult and sell our product.
Financial Data and Projections
Because HoloVision is being introduced to the market for the first time, financial data
and projections will be constructed from the current video game market.
Sales revenue
The Worldwide Market Forecasts for the Video Game and Interactive Entertainment
Industry report notes that the industry has been flat to declining mainly because of declining
sales in the console segment. So videogame consoles like Microsoft’s Xbox 360, Sony’s
PlayStation 3, and Nintendo’s Wii are not being purchased but the video games played on the
consoles are. However, it is speculated that new console systems from these companies should
have the console segment of the market “regain momentum” between 2014 and 2015. By
introducing our new console, HoloVision, the gaming industry will see a significant rise in sales.
Five Year Projections
Five year projections for Jamile and the Holograms Inc. appear in the table on the next
page. These projections reflect the expected growth in number of HoloVision consoles to be
Financial Element
Consoles sold
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Net Sales
1,769,997 3,185,994 5,734,789 10,322,620 18,580,716
Gross Profit
1,185,897 2,134,614 3,842,305 6,916,149
Operating profit (loss) $1383.54
1,344,799 2,420,639
Organization Chart
Jamile and the Holograms Inc.’s present organization appear below in Figure 1. It shows the 5
people who report directly to the President. Below those who correspond with the President/CEO
are the full time and part time employees of the company; engineers, technicians etc. As the
company grows, Jamile and the Holograms Inc., will search for people with special expertise to
add to the staff.
Figure 1
Implementation Plan
Introducing HoloVision to the market is going to be fairly difficult because of the price of
the product. Therefore marketing and promotions of the product is going to be a key factor in
getting consumers to gain interest in the product. Because the number of retailers that offer
gaming consoles are so small, to increase our sales as projected in our five year plan we will
need to gain new customers each year. We will do this by improving our product by making
updates based on our current customers’ feedback. There will be surveys available for our
customers to take to rate our products and sections where they can comment and suggest
improvements. With feedback and improvements made our sales should increase.
There is nothing on the market such as our product. We will expand technology and bring
a new light to gaming consoles. This is the first time the people of the world will see any console
like this. When someone uses our product, it will feel like they're virtually in the game. This
creates exercise and entertainment at the same time. Our product will motivate people to have
fun while being active. There is a problem with being overweight all throughout the world’s
industrialized countries and this product will help provide an outlet. Though this product is more
expensive than other consoles, its innovative technology is worth every penny. We envision our
product to someday be in every household across the world. HoloVision and its applications will
eventually be essential in all of our lives. Our product will top the charts and have an extremely
successful run. We will update our consoles at every opportunity in order to stay on top in
technological innovations.
Works Cited
Bernstein, D. (2003, December 18). Making Something out of Nothing. New York Times.
Deveau, D. (2007, March 22). Sci-fi Projections. CBC News.
Entertainment Software Rating Board. (2010). Video Game Industry Statistics. Retrieved from
Entertainment Software Rating Board:
Gaudiosi, J. (2012, July 18). New Reports Forecast Global Video Game Industry Will Reach $82
Billion By 2017. Forbes.
Hingley, M. (2012, August 10). Gaming Console Market Share and Forecast Q2 2012.
Retrieved from ITCandor:
Contribution Page
I. Executive Summary –Rachael Collazo
II. Company Description- Tanisha Greene
III. Strategic Focus and Plan – Tanisha Greene, Jamile Bama, Anthony Ratliffe
A. Company’s Mission
B. Company’s Goals
IV. Situation Analysis
A. SWOT Analysis- Tanisha Greene
B. Industry Analysis- Tanisha Greene
C. Competitor Analysis- Rachael Collazo
D. Company Analysis- Jamile Bama
E. Customer Analysis- Anthony Ratliffe
V. Market Product Focus
A. Target Market(s)- Anthony Ratliffe
B. Points of Difference- Brittany Browne
C. Positioning- Brittany Browne
VI. The Marketing Program- Rachael Collazo
A. Product Strategy
B. Price Strategy
C. Promotion Strategy
D. Place Strategy
VII. Financial Data and Projections –Rachael Collazo
VIII. Organization Chart – Tanisha Greene
IX. Implementation Plan – Brittany Browne
X. Evaluation and Control – Anthony Ratliffe