AP Biology

AP Biology
Brief Description of Course
AP Biology is a college-level course designed for the academically motivated eleventh or twelfth
grader. The course prerequisites are one year of biology and chemistry with an A or B+ average
in both subjects. The course will focus on eight major biological themes: science as a process;
evolution; energy transfer; continuity and change; the relationship of structure and function;
regulation; interdependence in nature; and science, technology and society. The course covers an
in-depth study of these biological principles using a college text. Also, lab activities will provide
additional integration of the principles throughout the course. Laboratory exercises are an integral
part of the course. To prepare for college level work, the course requires students to complete
activities outside activities outside of normal school hours, such as reports, readings, study
sessions, and lab reports.
Unit Information
*Timeframe, tests, labs, and assignments are subject to change. This is a brief
outline of the information to be covered in this course.
Unit Name or Timeframe:
Inorganic Chemistry (chapters 2, 3, part of 8)
Content and/or Skills Taught:
A. Review of Chemistry I with emphasis on bonding
B. Structure of Water
C. Hydrogen Bonding
D. Effects of Hydrogen Bonding
1. surface tension
2. capiallary action
3. Imbibition
4. specfic heat
5. heat of vaporiztion
6. freezing
E. Solvent Properties of Water
F. Acids, Bases, Buffers and Ph
G. Metabolic Pathways
H. Transforming Energy
I. Laws of Thermodynamics
Major Assignments and/or Assessments:
Questions from readings in Chapter 2 & 3
Understanding and Calculating pH activity
Test on Inorganic Chemistry consisting of multiple choice and essay questions.
Unit Name or Timeframe:
Organic Chemistry (chapters 4,5, part of 8)
Content and/or Skills Taught:
A. Organic Moelcules
B. Functional Groups
C. Four Classes of Macromolecules (include groups, structure, function)
1. Carbohydrates
2. Lipids
3. Proteins (including Enzymes)
4. Nucleic Acids
Major Assignments and/or Assessments:
Questions on readings from Chapter 4 & 5
AP Lab #2
Quiz on Functional Groups
Test on Organic Chemistry consisting of multiple choice and essay questions.
Unit Name or Timeframe:
Cells (chapters 6, 7, 12)
Content and/or Skills Taught:
A. Microscopy
B. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell structure
C. Eukaryotic organelles
D. Cell Surfaces and Junctions
E. Cell Membrane structure
F. Evolution of Membrane Models
G. Movement of Substances across membranes
H. The Cell Cycle
I. Regulation of the Cell Cycle
Major Assignments and/or Assessments:
Questions from chapter readings
Survey of Eukaryotic cells lab
AP lab #1
AP lab #3 part A
Test on cells including multiple choice and essay questions.
Unit Name or Timeframe:
Cellular Energetics (chapters 9,10)
Content and/or Skills Taught:
A. Mitochondria Overview
1. evolutionary evidence of mitochondria as independent cell
2. Big Gulp Theory
B. Stages of Glucose Oxidation
C. Glycolysis
D. Aerobic Vs. Anaerobic Respiration
E. Krebs Cycle
F. Terminal Eletron Transport
G. Electromagnetic Spectrum
H. Pigments
I. Overview of Chloroplast Structure
J. Photosynthesis Stages
1. Light dependent reactions
2. Light independent reactions
K. C3, C4, and CAM pathway
Major Assignments and/or Assessments:
Questions from chapter readings
AP lab #5
AP lab #4
Tests on respiration and photosynthesis separately. Each test with multiple choice and essay
Unit Name or Timeframe:
Heredity (Chapters 13,14,15)
Content and/or Skills Taught:
A. Meiosis
B. Stages of Meiosis
C. Genetic Variation
1. Crossing Over
2. Independent Assortment
3. Random fusion of gametes
D. Mistakes in Meiosis
E. Gametogenesis
F. Mendel’s Contributions to Genetics
G. Allele Interactions
1. complete dominance
2. incomplete dominance
3. Codominance
4. Multiple alleles
H. Gene Interactions
1. Pleiotrophy
2. Epistasis
3. Polygenic Inheritance
I. Sex Linkage
1. Linked genes
2. Sex-linked genes
3. Sex-linked disorders
Major Assignments and/or Assessments:
Questions from readings in chapters 13, 14, 15
Punnett square activities
Pedigree and Karotyping activities- ASIM
AP lab #3 part b
DNA fingerprinting lab- ASIM
Test on heredity including multiple choice questions and essay questions
Unit Name or Timeframe:
Molecular Genetics (chapters 16,17,18,19)
Content and/or Skills Taught:
A. DNA structure
B. DNA function
C. DNA replication
D. RNA types and structure
E. Transcription
F. Translation
G. Gene Regulation
H. Mutations
1. gene
2. chromosome
3. mutagens
I. Viral structure
J. Viral replication
K. Genetics Biotechnology
Major Assignments and/or Assessments:
Questions from readings in chapters 16,17,18,19
AP lab #6
AP lab #7 or ASIM Cat phenotype lab
Unit Name or Timeframe:
Evolutionary Biology (chapters 22-24)
Content and/or Skills Taught:
A.Early Evolutionary Ideas
B. Natural Selection
1. Darwin’s Arguments for natural Selection
2. Ways Natural Selection affects a population
C. Sources of Variation
1. Mutations
3. Sexual Reproduction
D. Balanced Polymorphism
E. Causes for Change in Allele Frequency
1. Natural Selection
2. Mutations
3. Gene Flow
4. Genetic Drift
5. Nonrandom Mating
F. Processes of Speciation
1. Allopatric Speciation
2. Sympatric Speciation
3. Adaptive Radiation
G. Maintaining Reproductive Isolation
1.Prezygotic Mechanisms
2. Postzygotic Mechanisms
I. Patterns of Evolution
1. Divergent
2. Convergent
3. Parallel
4. Coevolution
J. Genetic Equilibrium
K. Hardy-Weinburg Equations
Major Assignments and/or Assessments:
Questions from reading of chapters 22-24.
AP lab #8
Test on Evolution consisting of multiple choice and essay questions.
Unit Name or Timeframe:
Diversity of Animals I (chapters 26-28)
Content and/or Skills Taught:
A. Fossil Record information
B. Classification system by kingdom and domain
C. Survey of Prokaryotes
1. How genetic markers influence evolutionary relationships in Prokaryotic classification
2. Archeabacteria
3. Eubacteria
4. Ecological Impact
D. Survey of Protista
1. Diplomonad
2. Parabasala
3. Kineoplastia
4. Dinoflagellata
5. Apicomplexans
6. Ciliates
7. Oomycota
8. Diatoms
9. Algae groups- golden, brown, red, etc.
10. Forminiferans & Radiolarians
Major Assignments and/or Assessments:
Questions from chapter readings
Colony transformation lab- ASIM
Protist survey lab- ASIM
Protist Survey lab practical quiz
dichotomous key activities
Test inlcuding multiple choice and essay questions.
Unit Name or Timeframe:
Fungi (chapters 31)
Content and/or Skills Taught:
I. Basic Characterisitcs
II. Reproduction
III. Classification of Fungi
IV. Ecological Importance
Major Assignments and/or Assessments:
Questions from chapter reading
Fungi Survey lab
Test including multiple choice and essay questions
Unit Name or Timeframe:
Plants (chapters 29 & 30)
Content and/or Skills Taught:
I. Plant Morphology
II. Functions
A. leaves
1. Leaf Structure
2. Leaf Diagram
B. Roots
1. Functions
2. Structure
3. Diagram
C. Stems
1. Functions
2. Structure
3. Diagram
D. Flowers
1. Functions
2. Structure
E. Seeds
1. Function
2. Structure
F. Fruit
1. Functions
2. Structure
III. Tissue Systems
A. Vascular Tissue System
1. Xylem
a. Structure
b. fucntions
c. diagram
2. Phloem
a. Structure
b. Fucntions
c. diagram
3. Transpiration
B. Ground Tissue System
C. Dermal Tissue System
IV. Primary vs. Secondary Growth
A. Regions of Primary Growth
B. Regions of Secondary Growth
V. Monocots vs. Dicots
A. Monocot Characteristics
B. Dicot Characterisitics
VI. Plant Reproduction
V. Plant Hormones
VI. Responses to Stimulti
VIII. Plant Classification
A. Origin of Land Plants
1. Morphological and Biochemical tie to green algae
2. Genetic tie to green algae
3. Derived traits of plants
4. Evolutionary origin of plants
B. Nonvascular Plants
1. Characteristics
2. Reproduction
C. Vascular Plants
1. Characteristics
2. Divisions of Seedless Plants
3. Divisions of Seed Plants
a. Gymnosperms
b. Angiosperms
Major Assignments and/or Assessments:
Questions from chapter readings
Seed Identification Activity
Flower Dissection Lab
AP Lab #9
Unit Name or Timeframe:
Animals (chapters 32-34)
Content and/or Skills Taught:
I. Basic Animal Characteristics
II. Criteria for Classification
III. Animal Diversity
A. Parazoans
B. Eumetazoans
1. Body symmetry
2. Germ layers
3. Body Cavity organization
(a) divisions of coleomates
(b) protostomes
(c) deuterostomes
IV. Invertebrate Phyla including characteristics, reproduction, classes)
A. Porifera
B. Cnidaria
C. Ctenophora
D. Platyhelminthes
E. Rotifera
F. Nematoda
G. Nemertea
H. Bryozoa
I. Phoronida
J. Brachipoda
K. Mollusca
L. Annelida
M. Arthropoda
N. Echinodermata
O. Chordata (invertebrate subphyla)
V. Vertebrates
A. Chordate Characteristics
B. SubPhylum Vertebrata
1. Charcteristics
2. Agnatha- hagfish and lampreys
3. Chondrichthyes
4. Osteichthyes
5. Amphibia
6. Reptilia
7. Aves
8. Mammalia
(a) montremes
(b) marsupials
(c) placetals
Major Assignments and/or Assessments:
Questions from chapter readings
Test including multiple choice and essay questions
Unit Name or Timeframe:
Animal Form and Function (selected sections of chapters 40-49)
Content and/or Skills Taught:
I. Digestive System
A. Types of Digestion
B. Main stages of Food Processing
C. Human Digestive System- Structures and Functions
D. Enzymatic Action in Small Intestines
1. Carbohydrate Digestion
2. Protein Digestion
3. Nucleic Acid Digestion
4. Fat Digestion
E. Digestion in other Organisms
II. Respiratory System
A.Structures in the Human Respiratory System
1. nose
2. Pharnyx
3. Trachea
4. Bronchi
5. Lungs
B. Respiratory Pigments and transport gases
C. Respiration in other animals
III. Circulatory System
A. Basic Functions
B. Open and Closed Systems
C. Strucutres of Mammalian Cardiovascular System
1. Structures
2. Regulation of Heart Beat
3. Blood Vessels
4. Blood Composition
5. blood Pressure
D. Human Lymphatic System
IV. Nervous System
A. Nerve Cells
B. Steps in Nerve Transmission
C. Types of Neurons
D. Chemical Changes in a Unstimulated Neuron
E. Chemical Changes in a Stimulated Neuron
F. Central Nervous System Vs. Peripheral Nervous System
V. Excretory System
A. Purpose
B. Excretory Organs of Various Organisms
C. Human Excretory System
1. Kidney Structure
2. Kidney Function
3. Nephron Operation
D. Hormones Involved in Osmoregulation
E. Ectotherms Vs. Homeotherms
VI. Reproduction and Development
A. Human Reproductive Anatomy
B. Gametogenesis
1. Oogenesis
2. Spermatogenesis
C. Hormonal Control
1. Female Hormones
2. Menstrual Cycle
3. Male Hormones
D. Embryonic Development
E. Factors that Influence Development
VII. Animal Behavior
A. Instinct
B. Fixed Action Patterns
C. Imprinting
D. Associative Learning
E. Operant Learning
F. Habituation
G. Observational Learning
H. Communication in Animals
1. chemical
2. visual
3. auditory
4. tactile
I. Social Behavior
J. Forging Behavior
Major Assignments and/or Assessments:
Questions from chapter readings
Label diagrams of each system
"In the Womb" video
Sea Urchin Embryology lab
AP lab #10
Fetal pig dissection (if time permits)
AP lab #11
Systems are grouped and tests consists of multiple choice and essay questions
Unit Name or Timeframe:
Ecology (chapters 50-55)
Content and/or Skills Taught:
I. Population Dynamics and Growth Patterns
A. Levels of the Biosphere
B. Limiting Factors
C. Ecology
D. Characteristics of a Population
II. Ecosystems and Communities
A. Energetics
B. Energy Transformations
C. Species Interactions
1. contest competition
2. scramble competition
3. types of symbiosis
D. Succession
E. Food chains and Food Webs
III. Biosphere and biomes
A. types of habitats
B. Kinds of Biomes
C. Biogeochemical Cycles
D. Disruption of Chemical Cycles by the Human Population
Major Assignments and/or Assessments:
Questions from chapter readings
Population Pyramid Activity
"The Inconvenient Truth" documentary
Test consists of multiple choice and essay questions
Publisher: Benjamin Cummings
Published Date: 2005
Author: Neil Campbell
Second Author: June Reece
Other Course Materials
Material Type:Audiovisual Materials
Throughout the study of various biology topics, I use visual aidess such as videos and DVD’s to
reinforce concepts.
Additional Information
Requirement:Alabama Science In Motion Laboratory Materials
How Course Meets Requirement:
Throughout the year I supplement the AP lab list with additional labs provided by Alabama
Science in
Motion. It is a state funded program where teachers are trained on a wide variety of biology and
physiology labs. Then the teacher may request the lab kits to be delivered to her school for use. It
provides our school with materials and college level equipment that we could not offer on our
Anne Stephenson