Grade 10 History Final Thesis Essay Booklist (revised May 2013)

Books for the Grade Ten History Research Assignment
What is your question?
Below are a topics and questions to consider . . . or come up with your own.
Under each topic you will find a list of books to explore; use the table of contents
and index in a book to find information easily.
Ask us for help in locating books on the shelves . . .
Does Canada deserve its reputation as a peace keeper?
Has Canada benefited from closer economic ties with the U.S.A.?
Has Canada’s foreign policy been independent of the USA’s foreign policy?
Have immigration policies and patterns benefited or hindered Canada’s
Does Canada need multiculturalism?
What efforts have Canadian governments taken to limit the influence of American
culture? Have they been successful?
How has the changing role of women since the 50’s affected the lives of
Canadians in general?
Do the social and/or political changes of the sixties and seventies affect the lives
of Canadians today?
Should the Avro Arrow have been cancelled?
Has the Canadian government helped or hindered aboriginal people?
How have events in Quebec affected Canada as a whole?
Why was it difficult to agree on a new flag?
Canadian Military
 Peacekeeping
 Suez Crisis
 Korean War
 Vietnam War
 Gulf War
 Iraq
 Afghanistan
 Arctic Sovereignty
Sample Question: Does Canada deserve its reputation as a peace keeper?
The kids book of Canada at war
355.00971 MACL
Canadian battles: Canada's role in
971 LEA
Canadian sources: investigated: 1914 to present p. 254
971 CAN
Breaking the silence: veterans' untold stories from the
great war to Afghanistan
355.00922 BAR
Fifteen days: stories… from inside the new Can. army
958.1047 BLA
Nato: a beginners guide
355 MED
Canadian Military (continued)
Battle Lines
355.00971 BAT
Who Killed the Canadian Military
Canada's wars: an illustrated
355.00971 WEB
The book of war letters: 100 years of
355.0092 BOO
Pearson’s prize: Canada and the Suez crisis
962.053 PEA MEL
The Suez Crisis
956.044 VAR
Lester B. Pearson
971.0643 PEAS
Canadian sources: investigated: 1914 to present p. 132
971 CAN
In the eye of the storm: a history of Can. peacekeeping
341 .58 GAF
Canadian peacekeepers: ten stories of
355.357 LEA
The ghosts of Medak Pocket: the
949.703 OFF
Canada in Sudan
962.4043 PIG
War and peacekeeping
355.00971 BOR
Korean War
The Korean War
951.9042 EDE
The Korean War
951.9042 BUR
The Korean War: Strategic Battles
951.904 BLO
Life as a POW
951.904 MAR
Korea divided: the 38th parallel
951.904 MAT
The Korean War
951.904 KOR
The Korean War
951.9042 MAL
Living Through the Korean War
951.904 LIV
North Korea
951.93 NOR
Deadlock in Korea: Canadians at war
951.9042 BAR
Thunder in the morning: the Royal Canadian
Navy in Korea 1950-1955
951.9042 MEY
Gulf War
The Gulf War of 1991 /
956.70442 FIN
The Persian Gulf War /
956.70442 PRI
The Persian Gulf War /
956.70442 PRI
Contact Charlie: the Canadian Army, the Taliban and
958.104 WAT
The unexpected war: Canada in Kandahar
958.104 STE
Canada in Afghanistan
958.1047 PIG
The War in Afghanistan – 2001 to Present
958.1047 BAL
Arctic Sovereignty
Canada’s Arctic sovereignty: resources,
971.9 PAR
Who owns the Arctic?: Understanding Sovereignty
341.4 BYE
Arctic front: Defending Canada in the
971.9 ARC
Polar Imperative
971.9 GRA
Canadian and U.S. Economies
 St. Lawrence Seaway
 Auto pact
 Security Perimeter
Sample Question: Has Canada benefited from its economic ties with the U.S.A.?
Fur trade to free trade: putting the
382 .710971 WHI
Parcel of rogues: how free trade is
382 .0971 073
Free trade
382.71 FRE
Trade and international relations /
382.0971 PET
Trade and global impact
382.0971 MAT
The economy: from farms to cyber world
330.971 WRI
Economy /
330.971 ECO
Canadian sources: investigated: 1914 to present p. 212
971 CAN
Canada Past Present Future: Economy
330.971 ECO
Canada’s Foreign Policy
 Cold War
 Canada vs. Russia Hockey Series
 (Nuclear) Arms race
 United Nations
 Korea
 Cuban Missile Crisis
 Vietnam
 Iraq
 Afghanistan
Sample Question: Has Canada’s Foreign Policy been independent of the USA’s foreign
Canadian-American relations /
327.71073 LES
Canada and the United States
327.71073 CAN
Canada and the United States:
303.482 THO
Canada U.S. relations /
327.71073 CAN
Yankee go home?: Canadians and
327 .71073 GRA
Canada vs United states
303.482 PEA
Cold War
Cold War
909.825 CRA
The Cold War
909.825 TAY
The Cold War
909.825 COL
The Cold War
909.825 HAR
The Cold War
327.09 ADA
The Cold War
909.825 BOD
The Cold War
909.825 GRA
Canada and the Cold War /
327.12 WHI
The big chill: Canada and the Cold War
327 .71 BOT
Warming up to the Cold War: Canada and
327.71 TEI
Canada and the nuclear arms race
355.033 CAN
The Cuban Missile Crisis
972.91064 CUB
Canada’s Foreign Policy con’t
The Cuban Revolution
972.91064 PRE
The Cuban Missile Crisis: to the brink
973.922 FLE
The Cuban Missile Crisis /
972.91064 CAR
The Cuban Missile Crisis /
973.922 CUB
One Minute to Midnight
973.922 DOB
The Cold War
909.825 COL
Canada and the United Nations
341.2371 CLI
United Nations
341.23 TAR
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
959.7043 MUR
The Vietnam War
959.7043 WIL
The Vietnam War
959.7043 WIE
The Vietnam War
959.7043 MAR
The Vietnam War
959.704 GRA
Vietnam War
959.7043 DAU
The Vietnam War
959.7043 GIF
Fighting the Vietnam War
959.704 FIT
The Vietnam
959.7043 GIF
Quiet complicity: Canadian
327 .71 0597 LEV
Vietnam: The 17th Parallel
959.704 COT
Canadian sources: investigated:
1914 to present p.160
Lester B Pearson: The Geek Who Made Canada Proud
Unknown Warriors: Canadians in the Vietnam War
971 CAN
(p.43) 971.0643 PEA GIB
959.7043 GAF
 Immigration policies
 Changing patterns
 Employment
 Trudeau’s Multi-cultural policy
 Refugees
 Multiculturalism
Sample Questions: 1) Have immigration policies and patterns benefited or hindered
Canada’s development? 2) Does Canada need multiculturalism?
325.71 IMM
Immigration in Canada: history
325 .7109 IMM
Pier 21: An illustrated history of Canada’s gateway
325.71 THO
How the Blacks created Canada
971.00496 FRA
How the Chinese Created Canada
971.004951 MA
How the Italians Created Canada
971.00451 IS
Canadian sources: investigated: 1914 to present
971 CAN
The immigration experience
325.71 FIN
Strangers at Our Gates
325.71 KNO
Coming to Canada
971.004 HUG
Kids Book of Black Canadian History
971.00496 SAD
Kids Book of Canadian Immigration
325.71 HOD
Piece by Piece: Stories About Fitting Into Canada
304.871 PIE
Land Newly Found: Eyewitness Accounts of the Canadian Immigrant Experience
304.871 HIL
The Immigrant Years: From Europe to Canada 1945 – 1967
The Changing Role of Women
 1950’s
 Women in the work force
 1970’s Feminism “Women’s Liberation”
 Abortion
 Daycare
Sample Question: How has the changing role of women since the 50’s affected the
lives of Canadians in general?
Canadian sources: investigated:
1914 to present p. 180
971 CAN
Unfolding power: documents in 20th
305.42 STA
Toronto women: changing faces
305 .4 0971 3541
Women's issues
305.4 MOR
Ten thousand roses: the making of a
305.42 REB
Women changing Canada
305.40971 COO
Labour and Social Reform
331.80971 BAR
The 1960’s and 1970’s
 Counter-culture
 Hall-Dennis Report
 Human rights (minority, women, gay and lesbian)
 Trudeau
 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Sample Question: Do the social and/or political changes of the sixties and seventies
affect the lives of Canadians today?
Canadian sources: investigated: 1914 to present p. 148
971 CAN
Canadian sources: investigated: 1914 to present p. 168
971 CAN
Canadian sources: investigated: 1914 to present p. 180
971 CAN
Canadian sources: investigated: 1914 to present p. 230
971 CAN
There's a riot going on: revolutionaries, rock stars,
and the rise and fall of the 60’s
306.48426 DOG
The Charter of Rights and the
342 .71 MAN
Tommy Douglas
971.24 DOU PEZ
The 1960’s and 1970’s cont’d
Tommy Douglas: building the new
971.2403 DOU MAR
Tommy Douglas
971.24 DOU WAI
Labour and Social Reform
331.80971 BAR
Canadian Media
 Massey Report
 CRTC and Canadian Content Rules
 Magazines
 Canadian Popular Culture
Sample Question : What efforts have Canadian governments taken to limit the
influence of American culture? Have they been successful?
Canadian sources: investigated 1914 to present p.112
971 CAN
Popular culture /
306.0971 BAR
Canadian literature /
819.09 CAN
Canada Past Present Future: Entertainment
790.0971 ENT
Canada Pat Present Future: Trends
306.0971 TRE
 Avro Arrow
 Space race
 Canada Arm
 Candu Reactor
Sample Question: Should the Avro Arrow have been cancelled?
Avro Arrow: the story of the Avro Arrow
358.43 AVR
Storms of controversy: the secret Avro
358.4383 CAM
Canadian sources: investigated:
1914 to present p. 126
971 CAN
Canadian sources: investigated:
1914 to present p. 220
971 CAN
Aboriginal Peoples
 Indian Act
 Reservation system
 Self government
 Dene Land Claim in B.C.
 Hunting and fishing rights
 Residential schools
 Nunavut
 Oka
 Caledonia
 Metis Rights
 The Canadian Charter and Native Rights
 The rights of Aboriginal Women
Sample Question: Why have many Canadian aboriginal communities not flourished?
Canada's modern-day aboriginal peoples
971.95 SAN
Indigenous peoples /
305.8 IND
The unjust society /
323.1 CAR
Last steps to freedom: the evolution of
305 .8 00971 BOY
A national crime: the Canadian govern and
the residential school system
970.5 MIL
Canada's first nations: a history
971 .00497 DIC
Aboriginal treaties /
970.5 GRA
Aboriginal peoples: building for the
971 .00497 REE
Aboriginal Beliefs, Values, and Aspirations
970.4 ABO
Aboriginal Peoples in Canada
970.4 REE
First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples
970.4 ROB
Oka: a political crisis and its legacy
970.5 SWA
An illustrated history of Canada's native people
ask a teacher librarian
Elijah Harper /
971.27092 HAR
Broken circle: the dark legacy of Indian residential schools
371.829 FON
Nation to Nation: Aboriginal Sovereignty
323.1197071 NAT
Indian School Days
371.9797 JOH JOH
Canadian sources: investigated: 1914 to present p. 236
971 CAN
Aboriginal Peoples cont’d
Aboriginal Peoples in Canada
970.4 REE
Native Peoples: The Canadian Experience
971.00497 NAT
Indigenous Peoples
305.8 IND
Quebec and Canada
 Duplessis
 Quiet Revolution
 October crisis
 PQ
 Rene Levesque
 Bill 101
 Referenda
 Constitution
 Meech Lake
 Charlottetown
Sample Question: How have events in Quebec affected politics in Canada as a whole?
The Language of Canadian Politics
320.971 MCM
Citizenship and Government
320.971 HOM
Canadian sources: investigated: 1914 to present p. 174
971 CAN
Canadian sources: investigated: 1914 to present p. 198
971 CAN
Nationalism and French
971.4 LES
Nationalism and French Canada
971.4 LES
Nationalism and French
971.4 LES
971.4 FER
René Lévesque : portrait of a Québécois
971 .404 0924
René Lévesque
971.4 LEV POL
René Lévesque : charismatic leader
971.404 LEV PAU
Canadian Political Parties
324.271009 CAN
The Last Act
342.71029 GRA
The October Crisis
971.404 DOW
The October Crisis, 1970: an insider's
971.404 TET
The assassination of Pierre Laporte
971 .404 VAL
Quebec and Canada cont’d
Quebec since 1945: selected readings
971 .404 QUE
The Quebec decision:
342 .71039 QUE
Canada, Quebec, and the uses of nationalism
320 .971 COO
(Quebec and Canada con’t)
French-English relations
971 GOL
The Bloc
324 .271 098 COR
Confederation in crisis /
342 .7103 CON
The Canadian Flag
Sample Question: Why was it difficult to agree on a new flag?
Canadian sources: investigated: 1914 to present p.154
971 CAN
A flag for Canada /
929.92 ARC
Canada's Maple Leaf: the story of our
929 .92 0971 OWE
Canada's flag: a search for a country
929 .92 MAT
Prime Ministers and Significant Politicians
Canada’s Prime Ministers
971.0099 CAN
Canada's prime ministers, governors
971.0099 COU
Prime ministers: ranking
971 .0099 GRA
Time of transition
971.0633 BAL
Contemporary Canada /
971.064 CLI
Pearson: His life and world
Lester B. Pearson: the geek who
971.06 BOT
971.0643 PEA GIB
Pearson’s prize: Canada and the Suez crisis
962.053 PEA MEL
Lester B. Pearson
971.0643 PEA HUG
Lester B. Pearson
971.0643 PEA COH
John Diefenbaker: the outsider
971.0642 DIE BOU
John Diefenbaker: an appointment with
971.0642 DIE SLA
Kennedy and Diefenbaker: fear and
327 .71073 NAS
The Trudeau era
971.0644 BAL
Prime Ministers and Significant Politicians cont’d
Pierre Elliott Trudeau: the prankster…
971.0644 TRU PHI
Pirouette: Pierre Trudeau and Canadian foreign policy
327 .71 GRA
Pierre Elliott Trudeau
971.0644 TRU GWY
Pierre Elliott
971.0644 TRU RIC
Pierre Elliott Trudeau : the fascinating …
971.0644 TRU SAU
With a bang, not a
342 .71 TRU
The life of Pierre Elliott
971.0644 TRU ENG
Citizen of the world: the life
971.0644 TRU ENG
Kim Campbell: the keener who broke
971.0647 CAM GRA
Jean Chrétien: the scrapper who climbed
971.0648 CHR HEN
Tommy Douglas
971.24 DOU PEZ
Tommy Douglas: building the new
971.2403 DOU MAR
General Canadian Histories
Canada’s Political Parties: The Bloc Quebecois
324.271 BAL
Canada’s Political Parties: The Liberal Party
324.27106 BAL
Canada’s Political Parties: The Conservative Party
324.27104 BAL
Canada’s Political Parties: The Green Party
324.271 POU
Canada’s Political Parties: The New Democratic Party
324.27197 ROS
Canada: our history: an album through
971 ARC
Canada: an illustrated history
971 HAY
The Penguin history of Canada
971 BOT
971 CAN
Canada since 1945
971.63 BOT
Profiles of Canada
971 PRO
A brief history of Canada
971 RIE
A short history of Canada
971 MOR
Canada: pathways to the present
971 SAY
General Canadian Histories cont’d
A little history of Canada
971 NEL
The Illustrated history of Canada
971 ILL
The truth about Canada : some important,
971.07 HUR
Influential and intriguing Canadians
920.071 GIB
Canada's road to independence
971 CAN
Canada in the global age
971.06 CRA
Redefining Canada: a
971.06 NEL
Canada's changing society, 1984-
971.0647 NEL
Years of change, 1967-1985
971 .0644 BLI
Canada Past Present Future Political issues
971 POL
Canada Past Present Future: Disasters
971.06 DIS
796.0971 SPO
100 photos that changed Canada
971.0022 ONE
Canada through the Decades Series
The 1950s
971 .063 HAC
The 1960s
971 .0642 SHI
The 1970s
971 .0646 CRA
The 1980s
971 .0646 PAR
The 1990s
971 .064 SEI
Primary Sources
Great Canadian speeches: words
819.5 GRE
First drafts: eyewitness accounts from
971 FIR
Canada, a portrait in letters, 1800-
971 GRA
General World Histories
Issues today
909.83 ALL
1991 to the 21st Century
909.82 KER
1945 to the Cold War
909.82 MOR
1960-1980: the twentieth century
909.826 NIN
1980-2000: the twentieth century
909.828 NIN