1. Title of essay: “ Without language and communication, socialization cannot take place. ” 2. Defining terms: socialization language communication body language 3. Primary education (family, environment, friends) 4. Important things: the 5 W’s: WHO? Childrens WHAT? Socialization WHERE? Starts in the family and continues for the rest of one’s life WHY is this topic important? (is important for social integration, for growing mature…) WHEN? The beginning of 21 century 5. Relevant examples for importance of socialization for development 6. Causes and effects 7. Conclusions WITHOUT LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION, SOCIALIZATION CANNOT TAKE PLACE Socialization refers to the process through which an individual becomes a social being from a natural being. By the process an individual learns expectations, habits, skills, values, beliefs, and other things necessary for effective participation in social life from birth and throughout life. People learns how to behave in ways that are approved by other people and consequently are recompensed in a positive fashion, learns the basic knowledge and skills for social life, learns the norms and rules necessary for his adaptation to and converting the society, and becomes a useful member of the society. Socialization is continuous. It takes place throughout life, starting as soon as the infant leaves the womb and continuing until death. For the baby, the socialization agents are the parents, who begin very early to communicate accepted and expected modes of behavior to the child. Brothers and sisters also become socialization agents. Later, colleges become socialization agents. Even if they are school friends, or members of a delinquent gang, or teammates on the football team, their influences become very important. Also, indirect influences such as letters, books and the mass media constantly have a role in the socialization process. Primary socialization means the first socialization an individual experiences in childhood. It begins very early in childhood through which a child learns the basic education about life, learns how to use language correctly, forms the tendency of following the disciplines and rules, experiences relationship with other human being, and forms the norms of morals and values judgment. Primary socialization usually takes place in the family. Parent-child interaction is extremely important, because it forms the basis of later relationships and potential conflicts with other people. In fact, the foundation of an individual’s personality is established during these early years. Language is an important instrument of an individual’s socialization. Language is indispensable. In different stages of an individual’s development language is absolutely necessary. Communication cannot take place without language. In an individual’s primary socialization, parent-child interaction is extremely important, through which the child experiences his or her relationship with another human being. Knowing how to communicate with other people we are able to think and behave in various and complicated ways. As a result, our interaction and socialization are also complicated and abstract. Language means more than simply the verbal kind. Our facial expressions, gestures, eye movements, type of clothes, and physical posture, which sometimes are called body language, are all an important part of our interaction and communication with one another. Socialization involves both verbal and nonverbal signals as part of the complicated process of interaction. The two forms of language, verbal and nonverbal, are the prime vehicle through which we become socially oriented individuals. The language which a child learns is closely related to the concepts he learns as part of his socialization. As a child you learn how to use symbols and words. The words are meanly formed at first, and probably only the parents could understand them, but they are the beginning of language, something behind primitive communication. . Language allows them to replace behavior with ideas; they can now say they are hungry rather than acting it out by crying or indicating at food. Language allows them to think, makes possible the internalization of attitudes of others, and allows individuals to control their responses to others. Speciasilists suggests that the use of symbolic communication continues to develop as a child grows, and through language, childrens are able to think, to develop shared social meaning, to take themselves as objects, and to evaluate their own behavior as they think others do. In conclusion, language makes possible the development of mind and self. Language is one of the most important mean of socialization, and also is the content of socialization. Language has a very important role in the process through which a natural being becomes a social being. In the process of socialization human beings not only use language to express the content of socialization and value orientation, cultural perspective and moral concepts which are different content of socialization, but also make these content reflected in the language material and make the language something that reflects the society. Language reflects one’s values, thoughts, perspective, subject attitudes and potential experience. In many countries, early in the primary school, an child will begin to learn a second language. In the process of learning a second language, the childrens not only learn the language knowledge, such as grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, but also learn the language knowledge of a different nation and its culture. To the individual learning and understanding the culture of different nations is one of the main contents of his or her socialization. Language is a social process and its use implies social understanding and a variety of social skills. In addition to being a means of communicating information, it is an important means of establishing and maintaining relationships with other people.From birth, an individual is living in the social environment and almost inevitably implicated in a network of social interactions, either verbal or non-verbal. Socialization is extremely critical for human beings, without it life would be boring, uninteresting. We have learned at the antropology class, last semester, about some true and unhappy cases. One of this was about a girl named Anna who was born to a mentally impaired woman that lived with her father. She was sent in lots of places but was then returned home due to financial limitation. She was then forced into the attic and was given only enough milk to live on and lived there until she was five. She was not given no affection, no smiles, no hugs, or anything else, just coldness. Luckily, social workers saved the girl and sociologist Kingsley Davis went to see the girl immediately once he heard of the tragedy. The girl was completely unresponsive, he reported and she did not laugh and speak. However, with some help and guidance the girl did learn how to walk, speak a little, and even care for herself. However, she died at the young age of 10. This is an example of how absence of socialization can harm someone both physically and mentally.