Document Analysis: SOAPSTone Reading Strategy Guide Name _________________________ Date ____________________ The Funeral Oration of Pericles Document Title Speaker What voice tells the story? Is the speaker identified? What do you know or what can you assume about the speaker? Age, gender, class, education, position in society? How does the speaker’s background affect his or her point of view? Occasion What encouraged the author to write this piece? Is it a persuasive speech, a journal, a declaration, a memory? What is the larger occasion? What is the bigger issue at play? What is the immediate occasion? What was the specific event that inspired the author to write? Audience For what person or group was the source created? Does the speaker identify the audience? What assumptions can you make about the intended audience? What are their values? Pericles “Head citizen” of Athens – ruler during the “Golden Age” of Athens Statesman/politician, well educated Trying to send a message about the city’s glory (role as politician) Immediate occasion: speech about those who have fallen during the Peloponnesian War against Sparta – funeral oration/eulogy Larger occasion: Glory of Athens, and to explain why families have sacrificed their sons in this war. Intended audience = crowd at the funeral, plus those who would hear his words later Audience has come to grieve, and to look to its leader in a time of trouble and sacrifice Speaks directly to citizens and families of the fallen Glory of Athens Those who died in the Peloponnesian War Benefits of Athenian democracy Purpose What goal does the author want to accomplish? What does the author want the audience to think, do, or feel after reading this text? How does the author try to accomplish these goals? Think about word choice, structure of argument… Subject What is the topic of the text? What main ideas are presented in the text? What is the author’s point? Is there more than one subject? What prior knowledge do you have about the topic? TONE What is the author’s attitude? How does the author feel about the topic, occasion, or audience? How does the author’s use of language (word choice, imagery, sentence structure) display the author’s tone? Block _______