New Jersey's Violence Awareness Week October 15-21, 2013 Information on school violence prevention will be provided to the school community through school wide initiatives, as well as individual and group counseling. School-wide Activities Violence Prevention Billboard Contest: Students will create a poster in the Graphic Arts Class that expresses the importance of speaking up against violence and being drug-free. The contest will be announced 3-4 weeks in advance of Violence Prevention Week so that those who want to participate have time to create a design. Display of all the submissions will be posted around the school during Violence Prevention Week. Top three posters will be constructed into canvassed banners and displayed in the Main Lobby of Franklin High School. TAG (Teens Achieving Goals) Presentation: Ms. Ginan Arnone will provide a presentation in health classes regarding Abusive Relationships. Connections Students Student Mentors will create a booth for Safe Halloween. Booth will include safety practices, prevention materials and drug free tattoos Facts and Prevention: Provides to Students and Staff via WANT TV, Prevention Posters displayed throughout Cafeteria. Announcements: Announcements read over the PA system each day pertaining to domestic violence, abusive relationships, bullying, stalking, homicides, and what can students do to stop violence in schools including introduction of the SPEAK UP Campaign. : Hey students – are you concerned about violence at school? Do you know another student with a weapon or threatening to hurt someone? Well, there is something you can do about it. Just call 1-866-SPEAK-UP to report a weapon threat. The call is free and completely anonymous. If you know about a student carrying a weapon or threatening violence, don’t take chances, call 1-866SPEAK-UP. That’s 1-866-SPEAK-UP. It could be the most important call you’ll ever make. October 15-21, 2013 is National Safe Schools Week. Over one million high school students in America take a weapon to school at least once every 30 days. • 1.3 million high school students are threatened or injured with a weapon on school property at least once every year • 81% of school attackers tell someone of their plans beforehand • 70% of youth said they would report another student who brought a weapon to school • 83% said they would report another student if they could do it anonymously • Over 50% said they would definitely or probably report even if people might think they were a snitch or a tattletale • Only 3.3% said they would never report a weapon threat • 52% of students know of an incident where someone brought a weapon to school. Of those, 61% did nothing about it. • Over 75% of students in homes with guns know where a gun is hidden Freshman Boys Circle Groups Topics: Conflict Resolution Facilitated by Student Assistance Coordinator Jason Marchitto Girls Circle Groups Topics: Violence Prevention Stress Management Facilitated by Student Assistance Coordinator Stacy Hale Ms. Little Drama Department Anti-bullying presentations: Dates TBA School Violence poem posted in cafeteria and students “pledge against violence” by putting painted thumbprint and signing their name Public Service Announcements regarding Violence Prevention on WANT TV Suggestions for Classroom Based Activities HEALTH During this week the Health classes are suggested to implement the following lessons: 10th grade – Discussion on Adolescent Driver Safety. Focus discussion can be on “Road Rage” – Drivers Manual 12th grade – Discussion can center on Abusive Relationships and Domestic Violence issues. Discussions can be centered on the major risk factors for violence and the amount of violence in dating. Students will identify methods for resolving conflicts. Discussions can be based on characteristics of a healthy versus unhealthy relationship, including ways to express feelings in a positive manner. ENGLISH Students can identify effective methods for resolving conflicts. Students can role-play different scenarios using conflict resolution methods. . High School English students can practice HSPA persuasive essay writing by brainstorming ways to reduce school violence. Essays can be addressed to the administration and local community politicians, organizations, law enforcement etc. JOURNALISM Journalism classes can utilize the survey section of the curriculum, by infusing the headlines of various media outlets to determine if violence in the media attract consumers, recording how many violent articles appear on page one of each local newspaper. MATH Math students can use open-ended problems containing current statistical information on violence in America’s high schools and teen violence. Math students can work in cooperative groups to promote teamwork, respect and trust. They canl also use the library to research bullying, checking statistics and suggesting methods to combat bullying in school. HISTORY The Social Studies students can develop and display posters involving the following subjects: Acts of subtle bias (stereotyping, jokes, rumors), acts of bigotry and prejudice (ridicule, social avoidance), act of discrimination (social exclusion, harassment), acts of violence (assault, terrorism, threats), acts of extreme violence (murder, rape and arson), and genocide. SCIENCE Science students can present and discuss fact sheets provided by the Department of Health and Human Service and Centers for Disease Control. These sheets will culminate in discussions about violence prevention, youth violence, child maltreatment and a timeline of violence as a public health issue. SPECIAL EDUCATION Special Education students can read various articles based on involvement in uncomfortable situations, discussing decisions on how to react. BUSINESS Business students can research and create posters or web-pages on preventing school violence. They can discuss violence in their personal and school lives by utilizing using clipart, text and borders, graphically design a poster or flyers related to School Violence Awareness Week. SCHOOL VIOLENCE POEM When we walk down the halls We see angry kids punching walls, Some just smile while others frown I just walk on holding my head down. You go to the same table With our usual friends and some old label, Either you're cool or not You’re called a nerd if you know a lot. If they don’t fit in They revert to paper and pen, They write out their sadness Till they hit someone in madness. This is our fear, Others get hurt from the rumors they hear, Bullies’ make fun of her or him While I try to stand up for both of them. This is our everyday fight To be safe and do what’s right, Our school’s safety is what keeps us here And our school’s staff, tell us not to fear. Without the safety in schools And having to obey the rules, We would all end up fearing the worst Wondering who would get hurt first. Students want to feel protected With the outbursts of others, many are affected, Some walk the halls hoping for the best While others hide from the rest. Some students are afraid to walk alone, Some are afraid to walk home, They pretend not to be Hiding their fear so know one else will see. This is our everyday war Wondering if in school here can be more, Maybe if we work together We can make our community better. Thank you for your time And for reading this sad little rhyme, I hope you understand It’s true and we students could use a hand.