SYLLABUS Catalogue Statement of Course BST 1010-ONLINE LIFE OF CHRIST Hours: 3 Description: A course designed to introduce the student to the story of Jesus as recorded in the four Gospels. His life, claims, and teachings will be examined in order to consider their relevance for today. Course Rationale: The development of faith is a fundamental goal of the Christian College. Christian faith is based on the revelation and reality of Jesus Christ, therefore, His life and teachings are of utmost importance to building a foundation for Christian faith. Semester and Year: Fall 2006 Instructor: Jeff Hayes Texts: Days: Online Phone: 638-7256 email: Cosby, Michael. Portraits of Jesus. Westminster John Knox Press, 1999. Drane, John. Introducing the New Testament Fortress Press 2001 Strobel, Lee. Case for Christ: Student Edition. New Revised Standard Version of the Bible I. Course Objectives: The student who completes this course will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II. Name in writing the basic events of the life of Jesus as presented in the Gospels Identify and communicate the meaning of key terms and themes found in Gospel writings. Identify and articulate in writing the background material of the Gospels and their writers Discuss and interpret the meaning of selected teachings of Jesus and apply them to contemporary situations without the use of notes or texts. Employ inductive methods of biblical study informed by cultural, historical and literary criticism. Methodology: One method of biblical study used in this course will be an inductive study of the synoptic gospels requiring the completion of four Portrait of Jesus assignments. 2. There will be one final exam and three mini quizzes. The exam will be comprehensive. 3. Students will write several introductory and summary essays and/or book reviews on assigned topics. 4. Students will respond as requested to weekly discussion forums. 5. Additional weekly assignments may be posted to reinforce course content. 1. III. 1. Basis for Evaluation: (Assessment) Basic Assessment Rubric The grading theory for this class is based on the concept that a grade of C represents average acceptable student work. The work of the student must justify either a higher or lower grade. Work and participation that is marked by thoroughness, clarity of thought and expression, and mastery of detail will be graded as a B Outstanding work, which is marked by originality of thought and creativity, will be graded as an A. Inferior work which is deficient in content sloppy, marked by poor grammar, or which is lacking in required elements of the assignment will be graded as a D. Work which is unacceptable in quality or fails to meet minimum standards of the assignment will be graded as an F. Warner Southern College has adopted the following grading criteria: A = Superior Performance A- = Excellent Performance B+ = Very Good Performance B = Good Performance B- = Favorable Performance C+ = Above Average Performance C = Average Performance D = Poor Performance F = Failing Performance 2. Criterion for Final Grade determination: The following criteria will be used to determine the final grade. In order to award a particular grade, a student must have demonstrated that they have met all criteria required for that grade level. A final Superior Grade (A) will be warranted if: Student earns at least a 95% or higher on the final exam Student completes assignments on time Consistently earns “superior marks” on weekly postings. Consistently earns “superior marks” on weekly assignments Student earns Superior marks on the final two course essays. Notes: Superior marks will indicate a quality of work and thought well beyond the minimum expectations. Students will show careful attention to details of communication and submitted assignments will show clear evidence of time spent in reading, reflective thought and preparation. The final two essays in week 8 will reflect clear integration of learning from reading, self-study, and critical thought. A final excellent grade (A-) will be warranted if: Student earns at least a 90% or higher on the final exam Completes course assignments in a timely manner. Consistently earns “excellent marks” on weekly postings. Consistently earns “excellent marks” on weekly assignments Student earns at least an excellent mark on the final two essays. A final “very good” grade (B+) will be warranted if: Student earns at least a 87% or higher on the final exam Completes course assignments in a timely manner. Consistently earns “very good” on weekly postings. Consistently earns “very good” on weekly assignments Student earns at least a very good mark on the final two essays. A final “good” grade (B) will be warranted if: Student earns at least a 83% or higher on the final exam Completes course assignments in a timely manner. Consistently earns “good” on weekly postings. Consistently earns “good” on weekly assignments Student earns at least a good mark on the final two essays. A final “favorable” grade (B-) will be warranted if: Student earns at least a 80% or higher on the final exam Completes course assignments in a timely manner. Consistently earns “favorable” on weekly postings. Consistently earns “favorable” on weekly assignments Student earns at least a favorable mark on the final two essays. A final “above average” grade (C+) will be warranted if: Student earns at least a 77% or higher on the final exam FREQUENTLY completes course assignments in a timely manner. Consistently earns “above average” on weekly postings. Consistently earns “above average” on weekly assignments Student earns at least an above average mark on the final two essays. A final average ( C ) grade will be warranted if: Student earns at least a 70% on the final exam May not complete course assignments in a timely manner, but does complete them. Consistently earns “average” on weekly postings. Consistently earns “average” on weekly assignments Student earns at least an average mark on the final two essays. A final grade of “poor” (D) will be warranted if: Student earns at least a 60% on the final exam Student is missing more than 1 week of course assignments. Consistently earns “poor” marks on assignments or postings. Student earns a “poor” mark on one of the final two essays. A final grade of “failing” (F) WILL BE WARRANTED IF: Student does not complete the final exam with at least a 60% Student is missing more than 2 weeks of course assignments. Student plagiarizes any of their assignments or essays or violates the academic honesty policy. Student does not submit one of the final two essays or receives a failing mark. V. Features and Expectations of the Course: a) Academic Honesty Statement: Students must observe standards of academic honesty as described in the Warner Southern College Catalog. These standards include (but not limited to) refraining from any form of cheating, plagiarism, conspiracy to commit academic dishonesty, bribery, forgery, and furnishing false information. A more complete description of these standards is printed in the College Catalog. b) Final Essays and Reports are to be typed and submitted as WORD DOCUMENTS using a 12 point Times New Roman font with standard 1-inch margins. All cited material will follow the MLA Parenthetical Author page Citation method. c) VI. HOW TO POST - Students should generally complete their work offline in a word processor and then cut and paste their responses into the designated areas on the Virtual Classroom. Students should keep their own electronic and hard copy of all work submitted to the Virtual Classroom in event of a catastrophic loss of course information. WEEKLY SCHEDULE – (Note: Subject to change as posted on the Virtual Classroom) Week One: Begins Monday August 28 and Ends Sunday September 3. Reading: 1. Portraits of Jesus (POJ): Chapter One (7 pages) and Chapter Two 2. 3. Introducing the New Testament (INT): Chapter 1 (37 pages) NRSV Bible: Entire Gospel of Mark (note: read it through completely in one sitting) Assignments: 1. Jesus Quiz (based on current knowledge alone) : Due on Tuesday August 29. 2. Jesus World Quiz (based on reading in (POJ) and (INT): Due: before end of Week One 3. Post a Journal Reflection on the Gospel of Mark – See instructions online Due: Before end of Week One 4. Post a Portrait of Jesus Assignment based on (POJ) Chapter 2 and the Gospel of Mark. Choose 5 stories to reflect on. See Portrait of Jesus Instructions online. Due: Before end of week one. 5. Read and Respond to the Weekly Discussion Forum. Please read and follow the instructions each week. Due by end of week one. Week Two Reading: 1. (POJ) Chapter 3 2. NRSV Bible: Entire Gospel of Luke (read in one sitting) Assignments: 1. 2. 3. Post a Journal Reflection on the Gospel of Luke – See instructions online Due: Before end of Week Two. Post a Portrait of Jesus Assignment based on (POJ) Chapter 3 and the Gospel of LUKE. Choose 10 stories to reflect on. See Portrait of Jesus Instructions online. Due: Before end of Week Two. Read and Respond to the Weekly Discussion Forum. Please read and follow the instructions each week. Due: Before end of week two. Week Three Reading: 1. (POJ) Chapter 4 2. NRSV BIBLE: Entire Gospel of Matthew (read in one sitting) Assignments: 1. 2. 3. Post a Journal Reflection on the Gospel of Matthew – See instructions online Due: Before end of Week three. Post a Portrait of Jesus Assignment based on (POJ) Chapter 4 and the Gospel of Matthew. Choose 10 stories to reflect on. See Portrait of Jesus Instructions online. Due: Before end of week three. Read and Respond to the Weekly Discussion Forum. Please read and follow the instructions each week. Due: Before end of week three. Week Four Reading: 1. (INT) Chapter 10 and 11 (50 Pages) 2. Case for Christ(Student Edition) Begin reading Assignments: 1. 2. 3. Essay: Write a compare and contrast essay describing the literary and thematic differences that you noticed while reading each of the three synoptic Gospels. Cite specific examples from the Gospels to illustrate your observations. Length: Minimum 3 pages 12 pt font Times New Roman 1” margin Due: Before end of Week Four. GOSPEL RELATIONSHIPS LESSON – complete this lesson online before end of Week Four GOSPEL RELATIONSHIPS QUIZ (based on reading/lesson)– complete this quiz online before the end of week four 4. Read and Respond to the Weekly Discussion Forum. Please read and follow the instructions each week. Due: Before end of Week Four. Week Five Reading: 1. Case for Christ(Student Edition) – Finish reading this in its entirety. 2. Gospel of John - Read this in its entirety. Assignments: 1. 2. 3. Week Six Reading: 1. Book Review: Write a Critical Book Review of Case for Christ following this outline: 1)Briefly give an overview of its entire contents 2)choose and discuss two significant ideas from the book in more detail 3) Describe the strengths, limitations and weaknesses of this book. Length: Minimum 3 pages 12 pt font Times New Roman 1” margin. Due: Before end of Week Five. Post a journal reflection on the Gospel of John – See questions online Due: Before end of Week Five. Read and Respond to the Weekly Discussion Forum. Please read and follow the instructions each week. Due: Before end of Week Five. (INT) Chapters 2 and 3 (28 pages) Assignments: 1. Read and Respond to the Weekly Discussion Forum. Please read and follow the instructions each week. Due: Before end of week six 2. Take the revised Jesus Birth Quiz! Due: Before the end of week six Week Seven Reading 1. (INT) Chapters 4 and 5 (35 pages) Assignments: 1. Read and Respond to the Weekly Discussion Forum. Please read and follow the instructions each week. Due: Before the end of week seven. 2. Post a Portrait of Jesus Assignment. Complete all of the questions from Section Five pages 182188. See Portrait of Jesus Instructions online. Due: Before the end of week seven. Week Eight Reading 1. (INT) Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9 (55 pages) Assignments: 1. 2. 3. Final Reflection Essay: Compose a three-page personal opinion essay describing what you take away from this course related to understanding of the gospels and the person and nature of Jesus. Due: Before end of week eight a) In writing, summarize the major themes and teachings of Jesus as presented in the reading for this week. b) Pick two themes that you feel are particularly relevant to the 21st century, describe in detail Jesus teaching on these themes. Describe how these teachings if applied to modern life might effect change on our society today. Due: Before the end of week eight. Take Final Comprehensive Online Exam – Due: Before the end of week eight.