Class of 2014 Graduation Project Directions & Guidelines NAME: _____________________ ADVISOR: MENTOR: _____ _______________ TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 2 GRADUATION PROJECT PAGE 2 PURPOSE & PHILOSOPHY The purpose of the graduation project is to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge you have gained and the maturity you have achieved during your high school career. The graduation project gives you a chance to choose your area of study, to combine different disciplines, to satisfy specialized curiosity, and to utilize your talents in a productive manner. The project should be a culmination of your high school experience. The graduation project has three required parts that will be evaluated: 1. Project Contract 2. Informational Paper 3. Portfolio 4. Presentation of Product Please keep in mind that this is a state requirement. You must pass with proficiency all parts of the graduation project, as well as pass your required classes and demonstrate proficiency on the Keysone Exams, in order to graduate and earn your diploma. Although you might feel overwhelmed by the project requirements at this time, be assured that if you *meet deadlines, give it your best effort, and risk a little, you will be successful and know that you have really accomplished something important. *FOLLOWING TIMELINES & MEETING DEADLINES WILL BE EVALUATED AS PART OF EACH SECTION. TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 3 THE 4 REQUIREMENTS 1. PROJECT CONTRACT: The first requirement involves submitting a project proposal, having the proposal accepted. DUE: Thursday, September 20, 2012 to your English teacher. 2. INFORMATIONAL PAPER: The second requirement will be to write a 900 word paper related to the project topic in MLA format. 3. THE PORTFOLIO: The third requirement is basically a collection of all the artifacts and documentation that went into the project in an organized notebook. This should include everything from the starting project contract to the reflection paper at the end. Items in portfolio: 1. Project Contract 2. Informational Paper Completed and Graded, including rubric 3. Resume and Cover Letter 4. Time Log—15 hours minimum 5. Reflection Summary—1-2 pages, double-spaced 4. THE PRESENTATION / PRODUCT: The fourth requirement is a speech which may include a demonstration, video, or power point, and will always include a question and answer period. The presentation, is your chance to discuss your project, research, learning, and growth. Here you will have a chance to present your ideas and knowledge to an evaluation team that may consist of administrators, teachers, board members, or community members. This will also allow you to apply the information you have gained in research in a “hands-on” experience to demonstrate your mastery of the topic, and the learning that has occurred. The product should be nearly completed by the end of summer before your senior year. GRADUATION PROJECT PAGE 4 NOTES ON THE PAPER The project contract and informational paper must be completed during the first/second quarter of your junior year in your English class. It will be evaluated as part of the class grade and will be used as the first step in the graduation project process. It is imperative that you complete the paper in a timely fashion. If you are a transfer student, you will be required to complete the project during your senior year if you have not already completed a graduation project at your previous school. Please note… If you have not completed this and informational paper, it is imperative that you do so immediately. Students who do not complete their informational paper during their junior English course will receive an incomplete in their English class. Students who do not meet the English class deadline will have points deducted from the paper score. Students must still submit a passing paper to move on in the graduation project process. In addition students will risk not graduating on time and will not be permitted to do their presentation until a passing paper is submitted. NOTES ON THE PORTFOLIO The portfolio is a collection of all of the information and artifacts from your project. Students will be provided with pockets folders to use. The portfolio should contain items like what is listed below… (* = Required) *Project contract -Completed & Graded *Informational paper – Completed & Graded *Time logs - 15 hrs. minimum/Journal Entries *Resume then cover letter *1-2 Page Reflection summary double-spaced *Cover letter Pictures Flyers Budget items Mentor Interview Brochures Letters to businesses Job Shadowing info (if part of product) Correspondence with outside agencies The above list consists of many of items that must be included and others that you may include. Note: This is an on-going piece of the Project so the Deadline for the Portfolio is the day of the Presentation. TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 5 NOTES ON THE PRODUCT The aspect of the Graduation Project that differs from most other requirements in high schools is the PRODUCT. The product represents a hands-on experience dealing with some aspect of the paper topic. The product directs the students to use what they learn in the books and take it out into the real world, applying the information to create a product that demonstrates learning and mastery of the topic. √ It can mean to construct – a student researched the history and development of Shaker furniture and now makes a replica chair. √ Or to perform – a student researched three great American choreographers and for a product choreographs and produces a dance for the talent show. √ Or to volunteer – a student researched child abuse and volunteers to participate in a program to assist abused children. Some products are natural outcomes of research, such as building a boat after researching the boat industry. Other products are related, but not necessarily integral to the research. However, it is necessary that the research and project be related, the closer the better. Students should choose a project & product that is new to them or extends prior knowledge. They can’t, for instance, drag out an old science model from middle school. One major requirement of the graduation project is that it must demonstrate a learning “stretch” physically, emotionally, and/or intellectually. If the purpose of research is to apply the knowledge in a personal way, then the projects will be as diverse, unique, and varied as the students who design them. Listed below are project types that have been successful in other school districts: √ A career-related project: shadow & interview several types of police officers, view several medical procedures, interview people in the airline field and prepare a manuscript on the subject. √ A physical product: painting, model, fashion outfit, computer program, cabinet, go-cart, rebuild a car, etc. √ A written product: short story, book of poetry, novelette, a newspaper article, etc. √ A performance: choreograph a show, musical video, slide show, fashion show, etc. √ A teaching/leadership experience: teach a junior high health classes about teen alcohol abuse, teach about knights and armor to a sixth grade class, organize a fundraising event for charity, etc. √ A physical experience: learn to scuba dive, run a marathon, etc. ***WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT ALL PROJECTS TIE INTO CAREER EXPLORATION FOR A FOCUS ON THE FUTURE.*** GRADUATION PROJECT PAGE 6 ***SPECIAL POLICIES RELATED TO PRODUCTS*** USE OF FACILITIES POLICY – All students are encouraged to find venues outside the school district for activities related to the graduation project. If students wish to use the school’s facilities to complete their graduation project, they need to follow School Board Policy #707 (Use of Facilities) and have the appropriate paperwork to the school by the start of their Senior year. There will be a fee according to School Board Policy #707. If planning a race of some type, you must contact the Leisure Services. No permission will be granted for use of facilities after the conclusion of the first semester of their senior year. STUDENT FUNDRAISING POLICY – All Students who do fundraising for their GRADUATION PROJECT must abide by School Board Policy #229 (Student Fundraising). This policy incorporates a required budget report submitted to the school board for the activity. NOTES ON THE PRESENTATION The presentation represents the ultimate step in the process. It is a self-evaluation and reflection by the student of all that he/she has accomplished and serves as a synthesis of all learning. It entails a speech of eight to twelve minutes before a panel of teachers and community members, followed by a question and answer period. The presentation describes what has been learned from conducting research, writing the paper, and fulfilling the requirements of the project. The presentation should include whom the student contacted, what worked, what didn’t work, and how problems were solved. Of special importance is a description of what was learned from the total experience. Student must display some form of their physical product either a power point, display board, flyer, or the actual item created. Students are evaluated on their preparedness, ability to communicate and think on their feet, and on the overall quality of their research project. The student’s selection of proper attire for the panel presentation is considered very important. Grooming, including combed hair and clean clothes, is decidedly important. The student will be considered an expert in his/her area of research and, therefore, will be expected to be appropriately groomed and dressed to provide a polished, organized, and effective overview of the project. Technology must be checked prior to presentation. Parents/mentors must be pre-approved before they can attend the presentation. If the student is late, they MUST present at the next date available for presentations. If presenting late, students will lose points from their presentation score. GENERAL TIMELINES (NOTE: You will be evaluated on meeting deadlines.) The project will be completed in several phases during the 11th and 12th grade years. The process will begin in the junior English class. Students will complete a graduation project contract that includes a topic selection, , a description of the project and possible sources of information, and two possible alternates. This contract will also be signed by the student, advisor/administrator, and parents/guardian(s). An informational paper will be produced during the junior year based on the topic chosen. In late September of their junior year, the students will be assigned a faculty advisor. An introductory meeting will occur at this time. There will be approximately 6 meetings that will take place before presentations are given. The students will meet with their advisors three times before the end of their junior year and 2-3 times during senior year before the presentation day. Projects will be presented to a panel of judges composed of teachers, administrators and community members. A project rubric is completed by the panel of judges and submitted to the school administration for review. CHECKLISTS… Junior Year ☼ Project Contract ☼ Informational Paper ☼ Advisor Meetings ☼ Secure Mentor ☼ Start Portfolio ☼ Start Product ☼ Facilities Request Form *if applies ☼ Fundraising Request *if applies Summer before Sr. Year ☼ Continue Portfolio ☼ Substantial Progress on Product ☼ Mentor Meetings ☼ Time Logs/Journal Entries ☼ Budget Sheets ☼ Pictures/Artifacts Sr. Year – Fall ☼ Continue Portfolio ☼ Finalize Product ☼ Advisor Meetings ☼ Time Logs ☼ Mentor Interview ☼ Start Planning Presentation ☼ Resume ☼ Cover Letter ☼Pictures/Artifacts Sr. Year –Winter ☼ Extra Advisor or Mentor Meetings ☼ Reflection Summary ☼ Time Logs ☼ Finalize Portfolio ☼ Finalize Presentation ☼ PRESENTATION (Mid March) PAGE 8 TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY ADVISOR Each junior student will be matched to a faculty member by the graduation committee prior to the first meeting with the students who are beginning projects. The professional staff member is to be referred to as the project’s faculty advisor and will fulfill the following roles as the students complete the project: ☼ Meet with the student approximately 5-6 times during the project. ☼ Assist the student in maintaining the portfolio. ☼ Supervise overall student progress with careful attention to time logs and checklist maintained by the student. ☼ Make suggestions as to where the student might find people with expertise in the project area to serve as a mentor. The student will still be responsible to report to his/her project advisor regarding monitoring and supervision. THE MENTOR The student is encouraged to contact at least one individual as an additional resource person for knowledge, information, and guidance. This person will be referred to as a mentor. The mentor may attend the student’s final presentation with prior approval. The mentor may be a neighbor, friend, another teacher, or volunteer coordinator. Depending on the subject, there may be more than one mentor involved at different stages. IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR MENTOR BE SOMONE OTHER THAN YOUR PAREN/GUARDIAN. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE MENTOR: 1. 2 Documented Mentor Meetings (See attachment forms) 2. Letter of Recommendation/Completion (See sample attached) 3. Thank you letter from student to the mentor(s). PAGE 9 GRADUATION PROJECT FACULTLY ADVISOR MEETINGS JUNIOR YEAR Meeting #1 = Week of September 24-28, 2012 Vo-Tech Students September25 The advisors primary objective will be to help the student choose a project that will both challenge and stretch the abilities of that student. See advisor prior to make an appointment. At this meeting, the advisor will… ☼ Review the student’s junior project contract. ☼Discuss paper requirement & progress. ☼ Review possible project ideas & give suggestions. Meeting #2 = Week of October 22-26, 2012 Vo-Tech October 23, 2012 PAPER DUE: November 1, 2012 At this last meeting, the advisor will… ☼Assist the student in planning to complete their GRADUATION PROJECT over the summer. ☼Provide feedback and direction on the project. ☼Provide ideas for mentors for the GRADUATION PROJECT (if not done already). ☼ Review project paper from English for completeness—if incomplete develop a plan for completion. Meeting #3 = Week of April 15-19, 2013 Vo-Tech April 16, 2013 The purpose of this meeting is for the student and advisor to meet to discuss/plan their progress on the project prior to the summer months. The advisor will... ☼ Critique and give feedback on the plan/progress of the project. SENIOR YEAR Meeting #4 = Beginning of October ☼ Review plan for completion and deadlines. Meeting #5 = Mid November ☼ Present resume cover letter Meeting #6 = End of January beginning of February This meeting is the final check to make certain that the student has completed the Product and is finalizing the Presentation of the GRADUATION PROJECT. The advisor will… ☼ Check the project for completeness and go over the speech preparation portion of the graduation project information packet. The student will show his or her advisor any visuals, props, etc. that will be used during the presentation. If props are incomplete, plan another meeting. Bonus Meetings = Date TBD in January/Early February This meeting will have a similar agenda to Meeting #4. ***GRADUATION PROJECTs will be presented in mid March 2014. A schedule of day and times will be posted on the office window the week before the presentations. PAGE 10 TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTATION PREPARATION – Q & A HELP STEP 1: What are you going to talk about? Answer the following questions. √ How do your paper and product connect? √ What emotions did you experience as you worked through the paper and product? (anger? excitement? pride? frustration?) √ What problems did you encounter? money? time management? Skill deficiencies? Explain. √ What personal growth did you gain from the paper and product? √ What self-knowledge did you gain? What knowledge of your topic did you gain? √ How did the overall project affect your plans for your future? Explain. √ What project advice would you pass on to next year’s seniors? Explain. STEP 2: How are you going to say this? Use the answers to the questions above as references. √ Organization–jot your ideas on separate 3x5 cards and arrange them into an order that is logical and pleasing. √ Slip blank cards into spaces where a visual aid is needed or would be appropriate. √ Add blank cards for the introduction and the conclusion. √ If you have a project that can be displayed, jot your ideas for that display on another card, i.e., photographs. √ Plan your introduction, it should… a. Grab attention b. Make topic clear. (Be sure to mention both paper and product.) c. Take no more than 60 seconds. Consider using quotations, readings, dramatics, jokes, surveys, or other audience participation sets, games, audio-visual devices, demonstrations, or questions. √ Plan your conclusion. A good conclusion should… a. Restate topic b. Leave the audience thinking c. Take no more than 30 seconds √ Plan the display of your project. Will it be an on-going, integral part of you speech, such as a slide show? Part of your introduction? Happen after you conclusion? Will you wear it? Sit on it? Serve up samples? Avoid passing items around during your speech–this causes too much distraction. √ Plan your visual aids—Check technology √ Make sure your teacher-advisor knows what AV equipment you will need. √ Look at each idea card and fill in details, colorful anecdotes, and factual information. √ Place all cards back in order and begin practicing your speech. PAGE 11 GRADUATION PROJECT STEP 3: Speech techniques to remember: √ Eye contact–This is extremely important. Practice often enough that you rarely need to look at your cards. Remember this is a friendly audience. Look at them. True communication happens with the eyes. A speech without eye contact is only half a speech. √ Posture–Stand proud. You have a right to be. You have accomplished a great deal. Avoid… √ Don’t grip the podium–white knuckles are so unattractive. √ Don’t lock your knees–you’ve come too far to faint now. √ Don’t twitch, wiggle, shake. √ You want your audience to pay attention to what you are saying. √ Voice–Your voice needs to… Be loud enough to be heard. Vary appropriately in pitch and tone. √ Gesture–Use your hands to help make your point. Gestures should be natural and spontaneous, not choreographed and mechanical. √ Props–Plan and practice using any props you will need. STEP 4: Prepare for questions. Of course, there is no way to know for sure what the panel members will ask you, but you can make some educated guesses and that process will provide you with the confidence and clear headedness to take on any questions. Answer the following brainstorm questions: √ If you were a judge listening to your speech, what would you want to know? √ What would you like people to ask? √ What unusual qualities does your project have that might spark interest? √ What part of your paper might make people curious? √ What controversial topics, if any, do you touch on? √ What prompted you to choose this topic? √ Who helped? √ How did you finance it? √ How much time did you spend? √ Does the project double as credit for another class? Your Graduation Project Presentation should be the peak ACADEMIC performance of your high school career. Your audience will be small and supportive. You will be well-prepared. This is your chance to show off, to shine. Enjoy. PAGE 12 TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ATTACHMENTS Project Contract Required Due September 20, 2012 to English teachers Advisor Meeting Progress Reports (6) (Required) Mentor Meeting Progress Reports (Optional) Mentor Letter Sample (Optional) Major Time Logs/Journal Entry Pages (3) Suggestions for Improvement (1) Rubric for Evaluation (1) Job Shadow Forms (Optional) Overview of Job Shadow Guidelines for Job Shadow Parent Consent and Release Form Job Shadow Experience Notes Job Shadow Mentor Evaluation of Student PAGE 13 GRADUATION PROJECT STUDENT NAME: PROJECT CONTRACT DUE Thursday, September 20, 2012 to English Teacher _________________________________________________ TOPIC OF PAPER: __________________________________________________ TOPIC OF PRODUCT: _____________________________________ ESTIMATED COST: ______________ ESTIMATED HOURS: __________ Describe your plan for completing the project you propose: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ Give 2 Alternative products to the one listed above, just in case you face difficulties: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ -------------------STUDENT, ADVISOR, & ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL--------------Student Signature: __________________________________ Date:___________ Advisor Signature: Administration Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________________________ Date: ___________ _________ --------------------------------PARENTAL/GUARDIAN APPROVAL-------------------------As a parent/guardian of the above named student, I am aware that he/she needs to complete and pass all three aspects (paper, portfolio, & product/presentation) of the Graduation Packet in order to graduate (as outlined in the Graduation Project Packet for Class of 2014). I have read the above information and understand what my student is attempting. I agree to release the school district and its employees from all claims arriving from financial obligation incurred, or damage, injury, or accident suffered while my son/daughter participates in the project that he/she has chosen. Parent Signature: ______________________________________Date: _________ PAGE 14 TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Advisor Meeting #1 – Progress Report (Week of September 24-28, 2012 Vo-Tech September 25, 2012) Student Name: ________________________________________ Advisor Name ____________________________________ Things to accomplish at this meeting: ______ Review the project contract ______ Review the topic and alternates with student ______ The student and advisor will discuss ideas for the product. ______ The student and advisor will review graduation project instruction booklet. ______ The advisor will sign the graduation project contract. ______ Discuss project paper requirements/deadlines with student. Student’s Comments/Advisor’s Comments: Goals to be accomplished for next meeting—October 22-26, 2012 Vo-Tech October 23, 2012 The student should have a rough draft of paper and a timeline of their project/plan that will be discussed at the next meeting. Student Signature: ______________________________Date: Advisor Signature: _____ __ ______________________________Date: ________ PAGE 15 GRADUATION PROJECT Advisor Meeting #2 – Progress Report (Week of October 22-26, 2012 Vo-Tech October 23, 2012) Student Name: __________________________________ Advisor Name: _______________________________ Things to accomplish at this Meeting: ______ The advisor will provide feedback on the project and give direction where needed (Mentor Suggestions, Paper Completion, Plan for Completion, etc.) ______ Review project paper outline/rough draft. Student’s Comments/Advisor’s Comments: Goals to be accomplished for next meeting Week of April 15-19, 2013 Vo-Tech April 16, 2013 The student should be prepared at the next meeting to discuss progress and show the advisor any work completed. Student Signature: Advisor Signature: ______________________ Date: _______ ____________________Date: ______ PAGE 16 TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Advisor Meeting # 3 – Progress Report (April 15-19, 2013 Vo-Tech April 16, 2013) Student Name: _________________________________ Advisor Name: ________________________________ Things to accomplish at this meeting: ______ The student will propose timeline plans for working on /completing project over the next few months. ______ The advisor will provide feedback on the progress and give direction where needed. ______ The advisor will discuss the connections between informational paper and project. Student’s Comments/Advisor’s Comments: Goals to be accomplished for next meeting—October, 2013 The student should have the project phase complete at the next meeting and begin preparing for the presentation phase. Student Signature: Advisor Signature: ________________________Date: ________ ______________________Date: ________ PAGE 17 GRADUATION PROJECT Advisor Meeting #4 – Progress Report (Beginning of October, 2013) Student Name: _____________________________________ Advisor Name: ______________________________ Things to accomplish at this meeting: ______ The advisor will check completeness of the project. ______ The advisor will review the speech preparation documents found in the graduation project instructional packet. See pages 10-11 ______ The advisor will remind the student to complete the reflection page to place in the portfolio. 1-2 pages double spaced. _______ The advisor will discuss presentation guidelines. See page 6. Student’s Comments/Advisor’s Comments: Goals to be accomplished for next meeting-Mid November, 2013 Student Signature: Advisor Signature: ___________________Date: _____________________Date: ________ _____ PAGE 18 TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Advisor Meeting #5– Progress Report (Mid November, 2013) Student Name: _______________________________ Advisor Name: _________________________________ Things to accomplish at this meeting: ______ The advisor will check completeness of the project. ______ The advisor will review the speech preparation documents found in the graduation project information booklet. ______ The student will discuss with his/her advisor all visuals, props, etc. that will be used during the presentation. ______ The advisor will review all the documents that are for the portfolio (Contract, Progress Reports, Time Logs). ______ The advisor will remind of resume requirements. ______ The advisor will remind of cover letter requirements. Student’s Comments/Advisor’s Comments: Goals to be accomplished for next meeting—January/February, 2014 Student Signature: ________________________Date: ___________ Advisor Signature: __________________________Date: __________ PAGE 19 GRADUATION PROJECT Advisor Meeting #6– Progress Report (End of January 2014) Student Name: _______________________________ Advisor Name: _______________________________ Things to accomplish at this meeting: (Final Check) ______ The advisor will check completeness of the project. ______ The advisor will review the speech preparation documents found in the graduation project information booklet. ______ The student will show his/her advisor all visuals, props, etc. that will be used during the presentation. ______ The advisor will make sure that all documents are present and in the portfolio (Contract, Progress Reports, Time Logs). ______ The advisor will remind the student to complete the reflection page to place in the portfolio. ______ The advisor will discuss appropriate attire for presentation. ______ Rough draft of resume/cover letter. _______ GRADUATION PROJECT evaluation form review. Student’s Comments/Advisor’s Comments: Goals to be accomplished for next meeting—Additional meeting if necessary Student Signature: _________________________Date: ___________ Advisor Signature: __________________________ Date: __________ PAGE 20 TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Mentor Meeting #1 – Progress Report (OPTIONAL) Student Name: _____________________________________ Mentor Name: _______________________________ Things to accomplish at this meeting: ____ Review packet for directions _____ Develop plan for product _____ Discuss job opportunities & career potential _____ Communicate with advisor _____ Other items: Student’s Comments/Advisor’s Comments: Goals to be accomplished for next meeting Student Signature: Mentor Signature: PAGE 20 _____________________Date: ___________________Date: _______ _______ TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Mentor Meeting #2 – Progress Report (OPTIONAL) Student Name: _____________________________________ Mentor Name: _______________________________ Things to accomplish at this meeting: ____ Review packet for directions _____ Develop plan for product _____ Discuss job opportunities & career potential _____ Communicate with advisor _____ Other items: Student’s Comments/Advisor’s Comments: Goals to be accomplished for next meeting Student Signature: Mentor Signature: _____________________Date: ___________________Date: _______ _______ PAGE 22 GRADUATION PROJECT Bonus Mentor Meetings – Progress Report (OPTIONAL) Meeting # ______ Student Name: ____________________________ Mentor Name: ________________________________ Things to accomplish at this meeting: ____ Review packet for directions _____ Develop plan for product _____ Discuss job opportunities & career potential _____ Communicate with advisor _____ Other items: Student’s Comments/Advisor’s Comments: Goals to be accomplished for next meeting Student Signature: _______________________Date: Mentor Signature: ________________________Date:_________ ______ PAGE 23 TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Sample Mentor Letter of Recommendation/Completion Current Date, 2013 To Whom It May Concern, I am writing this letter of recommendation for Student’s Name, who completed his/her work for his/her graduation project under my care at name of business. I was his/her mentor for the project, and he/she did a describe what the student did and give them an evaluation job at learning the trade of name of trade. If you have any further questions or would like to discuss the student’s progress please feel free to contact me at the address at the bottom of the page. Sincerely, Mr. Businessman 101 Education Drive Titusville, PA 16354 814-827-2715 PAGE 24 GRADUATION PROJECT MAJOR TIME/JOURNAL LOG (REQUIRED) All entries in the time log should be done on these forms which you can get from your advisor. Each entry should include all the requested information and be at least one full paragraph in length. Please pay attention to spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Be specific. The graduation project requires 15 hours of participation which includes planning through completion. Name: ________________________Date: _________ Time: _____________________ Total Hours: _______ Student Signature: Parent Signature: _______________ Date: _____________Date: _______ _______ Description of all activities and approximate amount of time spent on each: EXAMPLE: 3/4/13 Today, I called 3 local businesses that deal with technology in order to set up Job Shadows. I talked with two managers and left a message for the other to call me back. The businesses were USA Choice, CS Online, and Verizon. Verizon is the hard one to get through to someone. ENTRY: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ TIME SPENT:________________________________________________ ENTRY: _________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ TIME SPENT:________________________________________________ ENTRY: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ TIME SPENT:________________________________________________ ENTRY: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ TIME SPENT:________________________________________________ Reflection on Activities: PAGE 25 GRADUATION PROJECT MAJOR TIME/JOURNAL LOG (REQUIRED) All entries in the time log should be done on these forms which you can get from your advisor. Each entry should include all the requested information and be at least one full paragraph in length. Please pay attention to spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Be specific. The graduation project requires 15 hours of participation which includes planning through completion. Name: ________________________Date: _________ Time: _____________________ Total Hours: _______ Student Signature: Parent Signature: _______________ Date: _____________Date: _______ _______ Description of all activities and approximate amount of time spent on each: EXAMPLE: 3/4/13 Today, I called 3 local businesses that deal with technology in order to set up Job Shadows. I talked with two managers and left a message for the other to call me back. The businesses were USA Choice, CS Online, and Verizon. Verizon is the hard one to get through to someone. ENTRY: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ TIME SPENT:________________________________________________ ENTRY: _________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ TIME SPENT:________________________________________________ ENTRY: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ TIME SPENT:________________________________________________ ENTRY: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ TIME SPENT:________________________________________________ Reflection on Activities: PAGE 26 GRADUATION PROJECT SUGGESTIONS FOR STRENGTHENING YOUR PROJECT This list is not inclusive but will help those who want/need to do more… ☼ MEET ALL DEADLINES!!! ☼ Tie in Career Exploration with another Product. (Ex: Job shadow and build something) ☼ Develop a 10 or more question career interview and interview several people in fields that relate to your topic. ☼ Tie in some community service/volunteer work that is related to your topic. ☼ Meet with your advisor more times than needed, and document the meetings. ☼ Meet with a mentor and document the meetings. ☼ Use the provided pocket folder for a nice neat portfolio. ☼ Develop a power point presentation and plan for its use during your speech. (DO NOT read to your audience.) ☼ Create a pamphlet of information to give out that summarizes information from your learning/career experience for the evaluators (Ex: Someone learned to ski & created a travel brochure of ski areas close to Venango County). ☼ Obtain several mentors who help through the project and that write in applying for jobs or college admission. Letters of Recommendation for use ☼ Meet with the principal, other faculty members, or outside people/agencies to develop other ideas for advancing the project and document it. PAGE 27 TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL JOB SHADOW OVERVIEW What is a job shadow? It is observing a job that is of high interest to you. You could spend part of a day or an entire day gathering information at the work site. The timeframe depends on how much you can gain from the professional you are observing. Job shadowing will help you gain first hand information about a job or career, either by participating or by observing job activities. This experience can help you make decisions about your career. Things to remember… * If you are choosing job shadowing as your primary focus for the GRADUATION PROJECT, you must complete the THS Job Shadow Agreement Form, the Field Trip Permit and Statement of Insurance Coverage, and the Shadow Program Thank You Note. Complete the Agreement and Permit/Coverage forms and submit them to the guidance office before arranging you job shadowing experience. The thank you note is to be sent out at the conclusion of the shadowing experience. * Make sure you complete and turn in an educational trip form 72 hours prior to your shadowing experience to the high school office. * Dress appropriately. * Greet employers and staff with a handshake and a smile. * State your name and purpose of the visit. * It is the student’s responsibility to have the mentor complete the evaluation. * Complete the Job Shadow Notes and Interview. * Thank all the staff for their time and cooperation. * Send a “THANK YOU” note after your visit and retain a copy for your portfolio. PAGE 28 GRADUATION PROJECT JOB SHADOW GUIDELINES *6 CRITERIA: The following 6 criteria must be met to be certain the student is not considered an employee within the meaning of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the PA Minimum Wage Act. 1.The shadowing, even though it may include the actual operation of the facilities of the business, is similar to that which would be given at the school or the Career Center. 2.The shadowing is for the benefit of the student. 3.The student(s) does not replace the regular employees, but observes and participates in working occupational activities under close supervision. 4.The business derives NO IMMEDIATE ADVANTAGE from activities of the students and on occasion operations may actually be impeded. 5.The students understand that they are NOT ENTITLED to a job at the conclusion of the shadowing program. 6.The business and the students understand that no wages will be paid for the time spent in observing and participating. *SHADOWING PRE-REQUISITES 1.It is strongly recommended that students seek a job shadow experience with someone outside their immediate family and complete the required job shadowing agreement. 2.Student apparel is determined by the company where the job shadow is taking place. If the student is in question about what to wear ,the student should contact the faculty advisor for recommendations. 3.Transportation is the responsibility of the student and the parents. The student must be covered by automobile insurance for all travel according to PA State Law. 4.The student is to be in attendance on the day of the job shadow for the FULL PERIOD OF TIME expected by the company…no early dismissal, no absences. If a student cannot complete the shadow because it is impossible to attend, the student must call the school office and the company for which he/she is shadowing to report the problem. 5.The student must agree that all “Trade Secrets” shall remain exclusively the property of the business site at all times. The student must also agree to maintain the utmost confidentiality as regards to private business information acquired and incidental observations made while visiting the host company. 6.The student will agree to adhere to the company policies; the student may be asked to leave the company property for the same reasons as those for regular employees. *SCHOOL RESPONSIBILITIES: The school will verify that all preliminary paperwork and prerequisites for participation have been met before the day of the scheduled shadow experience. *BUSINESS MENTOR / HOST RESPONSIBILITIES: In addition to the 6 criteria listed before (pertaining to the PMWA and FLSA), the business partner will not discriminate in employment, educational programs, or activities, based on race, sex, handicap, or because the person is a disabled veteran. This policy of non-discrimination extends to all other legally protected classifications. Publication of this policy is in accordance with state and federal laws including Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. PAGE 29 TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL THS SHADOW PROGRAM Job Shadow Agreement ** Required for ALL Job Shadowing** If I am placed in a shadow position for a full day or half day, I agree to the statements below. Circle YES or NO for each of the following statements: I will arrive to school on time and sign out of the office at my designated time. YES NO I will call the employer if an emergency occurs and I cannot attend. YES NO I will dress accordingly for that day and not wear jeans or sneakers. YES NO I will prepare a list of questions for the employee and show Mrs. McHenry or Mr. Houck before the day of my visit. YES NO I will complete the questionnaire about the visitation within a week of the visit. YES NO I will compose, type, and send a thank you note to the employer within a week of the visit. YES NO _____________________________________________ STUDENT’S SIGNATURE ______________________ DATE Print Your Name _______________________________________________ Grade _________ DL Teacher ______________________ Career Goal _________________________________________________________________ List a person and the business that you would like to shadow if you know someone in this field. (Any information you can give us will be helpful in placing you in your desired position). Have you had any shadowing experiences before this year? YES If your answer is yes, please explain. Turn into Guidance Office prior to experience. NO PAGE 30 GRADUATION PROJECT SHADOW PROGRAM FIELD TRIP PERMIT AND STATEMENT OF INSURANCE COVERAGE ** Required for ALL Job Shadowing** DATE: ___________________________________ NAME:_______________________________________ has my permission to go to ________________________________ for career exploration on ___________________________________. Students participating in this activity must be covered with the school approved School Insurance or the equivalent accident insurance policy. The Titusville Area School District will in no way assume responsibility for the payment of medical bills incurred as a result of participation in this activity. Students are placed in safe environments where accidents rarely occur; however, if the student would happen to be injured during the shadowing experience, the visitation site will in no way be responsible for any injury that may occur. I certify that my child is covered by an accident insurance policy approved by the School Board or an equivalent accident insurance policy, which will remain in force for the remainder of this year. Check one of the following: ______ SCHOOL INSURANCE ______ PRIVATE INSURANCE NAME OF COMPANY _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature ____________________________________ Date Turn into Guidance Office prior to experience. PAGE 31 TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL JOB SHADOW EXPERIENCE NOTES AND INTERVIEW(OPTIONAL) Provide a summary of your job shadow experience by answering the following questions with a QUALITY response. Take your folder with you when you shadow and seek information directly from your mentor by interview or from using observations. ***DO NOT FORGET TO HAVE YOUR MENTOR FILL IN THE EVALUATION FORM. What type of work did you observe during your experience? What duties are performed throughout the day? ____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ What educational requirements & training are necessary for a person to get this job? _ ____ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ List at least 3 very important job skills that employers really look for when hiring someone for this position and explain why they are necessary. _______________________ What advancement opportunities are available within the company for someone who is in the job being shadowed? How does one qualify for advancement? ___________________ ______________________________________________________ What 3 things does your mentor really enjoy about the job? _________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ _ _ PAGE 32 TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL What 3 things does your mentor dislike about the job? _____ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ What safety measures are in place to protect employees who do this job? _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ What surprised you about this job shadowing experience? _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ What was the most important lesson you learned from this job shadow? ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ After your job shadow, would you still consider a career in this field? Why/why not? ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ *Develop other questions and/or make further comments about your experience and attach those notes and documentation to this page. Possible topics may include (but not limited to): Stress levels, Hours w/ Pay or w/o Pay, Sick Pay, Leaves of Absence, Health Benefits, how the job affects family life, etc. PAGE 33 GRADUATION PROJECT Shadow Program Draft Thank You Note ** Required for ALL Job Shadowing** Name: _______________________________________ Written below is a rough-draft thank you note. This gives you some ideas on what to write. If you choose to use the format provided, fill in the blanks with information pertaining to your visit. After the teacher reviews this draft, it will be typed on a special thank you note, signed by you, and placed in the mail. Remember to personalize your note. Include specific experiences that you enjoyed during your visit. Her are some ideas for you to use: Thank you so much for the opportunity to visit your _______________________________ (office, business, department, etc.) on_________________________________ (use the date and time and length of the visit.) I particularly enjoyed _____________________ (list what you saw, leaned, did etc.) This made me even more eager to become a _______________________________ (what ever professional you shadowed.) Thank you also for _____________________________ (the delicious lunch, treating me to lunch, or simply lunch if applicable.) RETAIN A COPY FOR YOUR PORFOLIO! PAGE 34 TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL JOB SHADOW MENTOR EVALUATION OF STUDENT (OPTIONAL) NOTE: This form may replace the Letter of Recommendation for Mentors when job shadowing. Date(s) of Shadow: __________ Time(s): Student Name: _________________________ Company Name: Mentor Name (Print): Mentor Title/Position: _____ _______________________ __________________ _______ Phone: _______ Email: ______________ Please rate the student in each category by marking the appropriate box: (Consider “average” to be average for your business employees) On Time ☼ Exemplary ☼ Above Average ☼ Average ☼ Below Average ☼ Poor Appearance ☼ Exemplary ☼ Above Average ☼ Average ☼ Below Average ☼ Poor Attitude ☼ Exemplary ☼ Above Average ☼ Average ☼ Below Average ☼ Poor Communication ☼ Exemplary ☼ Above Average ☼ Average ☼ Below Average ☼ Poor Preparation ☼ Exemplary ☼ Above Average ☼ Average ☼ Below Average ☼ Poor Employment Potential ☼ Exemplary ☼Above Average ☼ Average ☼ Below Average ☼ Poor What recommendations do you have for this student in order to improve his/her employment potential & opportunities? ___________ ______________________________________________________ Mentor Signature: _______________ Date: _ PAGE 35 TITUSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Student Name __________________________________ PASS / FAIL Graduation Project Informational Paper: Grading Rubric Submission --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Paper Copy – Handed in to the Classroom Teacher SafeAssign – Paper submitted to SafeAssign in BlackBoard E-Mailed – Through Message Tool in BlackBoard Paper ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title Page ___ Name Content _______/ 10 points ____ Date ____Title _____Introduction _____ Topic Sentence/Paragraph that reveals the subject of the paper _____Body Focus: Support of the topic sentence, conventions, and organization _______/10 points _______/40 points 40 Points/Excellent ___________________________________________________________ 30 Points/Good ______________________________________________________________ 20 Points/Poor _______________________________________________________________ 10 Points/Low _______________________________________________________________ Word Count _________ - _______ Deduction *must be at least 900 words – One letter grade (10 points) deduction for every 100 words below 900 Conclusion ______/ 10 points Restatement of your topic sentence In-Text Citation ______/ 15 points (first entry from work cited page) *A failing grade will automatically be given to a paper if over half of the paper does NOT include in-text citations. Works Cited Titled, Alphabetized, Properly Formatted, Three Sources) *A failing grade will automatically be given to a paper that lacks a works cited page. TOTAL---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______/ 15 points -________/100 points If a paper does not include in-text citations and a work cited page, the paper will not be scored, and will be returned to the student for revision. The paper will then be considered late and the student will lose points. GRADUATION PROJECT PAGE 36 GRADUATION PROJECT PRESENTATION EVALUATION FORM