Revised October 2001 GRADUATION CHECKOUT FORM This check-out form, degree plan, transcript, and any other pertinent documentation must be attached to the copy of the Graduation Application. ADVISOR REVIEW Based on my review of the attached degree plan, transcript, and/or other pertinent documentation, I hereby confirm that by the end of the _______________ semester, _____________________________ will have met program requirements to graduate with the ______________________ degree/certificate. __________________________________ Advisor Signature __________________ Date DIVISION CHAIR CONCURRENCE I have reviewed the above student’s degree plan, transcript, and/or other pertinent documentation and thereby concur with the advisor’s recommendation. __________________________________ Division Chair Signature __________________ Date COORDINATOR OF ADMISSIONS & RECORDS REVIEW Based on the recommendations above and my review of all pertinent documentation, State of Alabama laws, Department of Postsecondary policy, accreditation standards, and institutional policy, I certify that ______________________ is eligible to earn the _____________________ degree/certificate at the end of the ___________ Semester _________ . __________________________________ Coordinator of Admissions & Records Signature __________________ Date _____________ Final Cum. GPA APPROVAL OF DEAN OF INSTRUCTION The above named student is approved for graduation. __________________________________ Dean of Instruction Signature __________________ Date OFFICE USE ONLY Date Degree Earned:_____________ Honors:_______________________ Comments: ____________________________________________________________