6 Henry V

HS Prof. Borgmeier “The Strange Worlds of Shakespeare's Wooden O” WS 2007/08
Henry V, As You Like It, King Lear, The Tempest
Please note: If in the following bibliography there is no explicit mentioning of where an article or a certain book
is located, they are available in the university or departmental library and can be found in the OPAC.
The Folder is in Room 339.
1 Bibliographies and Encyclopaedias ................................................................................... 1
2 Journals and Yearbooks ..................................................................................................... 1
3 General Works on Shakespeare and the Elizabethan (St)Age ........................................... 2
4 General Works on Shakespeare's Histories ........................................................................ 3
5 General Works on Shakespeare's Tragedies....................................................................... 4
6 Henry V. ............................................................................................................................. 4
7 As You Like It ..................................................................................................................... 7
8 King Lear............................................................................................................................ 8
9 The Tempest...................................................................................................................... 13
Bibliographies and Encyclopaedias
Berman, Ronald (1969): A Reader's Guide to Shakespeare's Plays: A Discoursive
Bibliography. Chicago: Scott, Forseman & Co.
KS 742
Campbell, Ascar James (ed.) (1974): A Shakespeare Encyclopaedia(Nachdruck). London:
KS 875
Crystal, David; Crystal, Ben (eds.) (2002): Shakespeare's Words. A Glossary and Language
Companion. London: Penguin.
KS 810
Dobson, Michael (ed.) (2005): The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare. Oxford: Oxford UP.
FH ang Cs 2.34
Grazia, Margreta de (ed.) (2002): The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare. Cambridge:
Cambridge UP.
Hodgdon, Barbara; Worthen, W. B. (eds.) (2005): A Companion to Shakespeare and
Performance. Malden: Blackwell.
KS 823
Kullmann, Thomas (2005): William Shakespeare: eine Einführung. Berlin: Schmidt.
UB: FH ang Cs 2.33
Spevack, Marvin (1968): A Complete and Systematic Concordance to the Works of William
Shakespeare. Hildesheim: Georg Olms.
ang Cs 1/1
Wells, Stanley (ed.) (1990): Shakespeare: A Bibliographical Guide. Oxford: Clarendon P.
KS 745
Wells, Stanley (ed.) (2002): The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Stage.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
Wells, Stanley (ed.) (2003): Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide. Oxford: Oxford UP. KS 830/2
Journals and Yearbooks
Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation. Athens: U of
Georgia. Online access via: <http://lachesis.english.uga.edu/cocoon/borrowers/>
Shakespeare Bulletin. Easton, PA: Lafayette College.
Shakespeare Quarterly. Ed. Shakespeare Association of America, Folger Shakespeare Library
New York.
Z 103
Shakespeare Studies. An Annual Gathering of Research, Criticism, and Reviews. Ed. J. Leeds
Barroll, Cincinatti.
Z 105
Shakespeare Survey. An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production. Cambridge.
Z 102
Shakespeare-Jahrbuch West. Hg. im Auftrag der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft West.
Z 101
Shakespeare-Jahrbuch. Published by the Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft Weimar. Z 100
General Works on Shakespeare and the Elizabethan (St)Age
Alvis, John (ed.) (1981): Shakespeare as Political Thinker. Durham, NC: Carolina Acad. P.
KS Alv
Aronson, Alex (1972): Psyche and Symbol in Shakespeare. Bloomington, London: Indiana
KS Aro
Brennan, Anthony (1986): Shakespeare's Dramatic Structures. London, Boston, Henley:
Routledge & Kegan Paul. KS Bre
Chapman, Gerald W. (ed.) (1965): Essays on Shakespeare. Princeton: Princeton UP.
Clemen, Wolfgang (1977): The Development of Shakespeare's Imagery. London: Methuen.
KS Cle
Dale, Vera K. G. (2003): Shakespeare and the Age That Made Him. Stuttgart: Klett.
E UF 2003/4
Elizabethan Theatre. (Stratford-Upon-Avon-Studies 9). London: Arnold, 1966. Z 106
Evans, Malcom (1986): Signifying Nothing: Truth's Time. Contents in Shakespeare's Text.
Brighton, Sussex: Harvester Press.
Garber, Marjorie B. (1987): Shakespeare's Ghost Writers: Literature as Uncanny Casuality.
New York: Methuen.
KS Gar 3
Greenblatt, Stephen (1990): Verhandlungen mit Shakespeare. Berlin: Wagenbach.
ang Cs 2/21
Gurr, Andrew (1989): "The State of Shakepeare's Audiences." Shakespeare and the Sense of
Performance. Eds. Marvin and Ruth Thompson Newark, London: University of
Delaware Press. 162-179. folder
Harris, Laurie Lanzen and Mark W. Scott (eds.) (1986): Shakespearean Criticism. Detroit:
Gale Research Company.
KS 883
Holland, Peter (ed.) (2001): Shakespeare and Religions. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. Z 102/54
Laroque, François (1994): Shakespeare: Abenteuer Geschichte. Wiss. Bearb. Raimund
Borgmeier. Ravensburg: Maier.
KS Lar
Matthews, Honor (1969): Character and Symbol in Shakespeare's Plays. A Study in Certain
Christian and Prechristian Elements in Their Structure and Imagery. London: Chatto
& Windus.
KS Mat
Naumann, Walter (1978): Die Dramen Shakespeare's Darmstadt: Wiss. Buchgesellschaft.
KS Nau
Orgel, Stephen (2002): The Authentiv Shakespeare and Other Problems of the Early Modern
Stage. New York: Routledge.
Paster, Gail Kern (2004): Humoring the Body: Emotions and the Shakespearean Stage.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Sted BM
Rutter, Carol Chillington (2001): Enter the Body: Women and Representation on
Shakespeare's Stage. London: Routledge.
Ryan, Kiernan (2002): Shakespeare. 3rd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Schabert, Ina (1972): Shakespeare Handbuch. Stuttgart: Kröner.
KS 805&865
Suerbaum, Ulrich (1985): Shakespeares Dramen. Düsseldorf: Bagel.
KS Sue
Suerbaum, Ulrich (1989): Das elisabethanische Zeitalter. Stuttgart: Reclam.
F KA 1157
Tillyard, E. M. W. (1943): The Elizabethan World Picture. London: Chatto & Windus.
F KA 621
Wells, Stanley (ed.) (1987): The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare Studies. Cambridge:
Cambridge UP.
KS Wel 3
General Works on Shakespeare's Histories
Campbell, Lily Bess (1977): Shakespeare's Histories : Mirrors of Elizabethan Policy.
London: Methuen.
Geisen, Herbert. (1974): Die Dimension des Metaphysischen in Shakespeares Historien.
Frankfurt am Main : Akad. Verl.-Ges.
Hattaway, Michael (ed.) (2004): The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare's History Plays.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
KS HAT 2004/1
Holderness, Graham (ed.) (1992): Shakespeare's History Plays: Richard II to Henry V.
Basingstoke [u.a.] : Macmillan.
KS 1012/4
Iser, Wolfgang (1988): Shakespeares Historien : Genesis u. Geltung. Konstanz : Univ.-Verl.
Jardine, Lisa (1996): Reading Shakespeare Historically. London [u.a.] : Routledge.
KS JAR II (*F BL-N 1243+)
Joseph, Bertram Leon (1971): Shakespeare's Eden : the Commonwealth of England 15581629. London : Blandford Press.
Krippendorff, Ekkehart (1992): Politik in Shakespeares Dramen : Historien, Römerdramen,
Tragödien. 1. Aufl. Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp.
(UB) FH ang Cs 1.34.
Leggatt, Alexander (1994): Shakespeare's Political Drama : The History Plays and the
Roman Plays. Repr.. - London [u.a.] : Routledge.
KS LEG 3, 2. Ex.
Manheim, Michael (1973): The Weak King Dilemma in the Shakespearean History Play.
Syracuse, NY : Syracuse Univ. Press.
Moseley, Charles W. R. D. (1988): Shakespeare's History Plays : Richard II to Henry V ; The
Making of a King. London [u.a.] : Penguin Books.
(UB) FH ang Cs 1.26
Ornstein, Robert (1972): A Kingdom for a Stage : The Achievement of Shakespeare's History
Plays. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press.
Pearlman, Elihu H. (1992): William Shakespeare: The History Plays. New York [u.a.]:
Twayne Publ.
Pierce, Robert B. (1971): Shakespeare's History Plays : The Family and the State. Columbus:
Ohio State Univ. Press.
Schoenfeld, Kerstin (1996): Königtum im Blickpunkt : der multiperspektivische Ansatz in
Shakespeares Historienspielen Richard II und Henry IV. Frankfurt am Main [u.a.] :
(UB) FH ang Cs 3.26
Velz, John W. (ed.) (1996): Shakespeare's English Histories : A Quest for Form and Genre.
Binghamton, NY : Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies.
Watson, Donald G. (1990): Shakespeare's Early History Plays : Politics at Play on the
Elizabethan Stage. London [u.a.] : MacMillan.
Wilders, John (1978): The Lost Garden : A View of Shakespeare's English and Roman History
Plays. London : Macmillan.
KS WIL V, 1.u.2.Ex.
General Works on Shakespeare's Tragedies
Battenhouse, Roy W. (1969): Shakespearean Tragedy: Its Art and its Christian Premises.
Bloomington: Indiana UP.
KS Bat
Charlton, H. B. (1961): Shakespearean Tragedy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
KS Cha III 3
Frye, Northrop. (1967): Fools of Time: Study in Shakespearean Tragedy. Ontario: University
of Ontario Press.
Harbage, Alfred (ed.) (1964): Shakespeare: The Tragedies. A Collection of Critical Essays.
Eaglewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
KS Har 3
Harrison, G. B. (1961): Shakespeare's Tragedies. London: Routledge & Paul. KS Har III 2
Jorgensen, Paul A. (1985): William Shakespeare: The Tragedies. Boston: Twayne.
KS Jor 4
Leech, Clifford (ed.) (1965): Shakespeare: The Tragedies. A Collection of Critical Essays.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
KS Lee II 2
Lerner, Laurence (1968): Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism.
Harmondsworth: Penguin.
KS Ler
McDonald, Russ (ed.) (1994): Shakespeare Reread: The Texts in New Contexts. Ithaca:
Cornell UP
McEachern, Claire (ed.) (2002): The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Tragedy.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
Marsh, Derick, R. C. (1976): Passion Lends Them Power: A Study of Shakespeare's Love
Tragedies. Manchester: Manchester UP.
Mehl, Dieter. (1986): Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
KS Meh
Mucciolo, John M., Steven J. Doloff, Edward A. Rauchut, and Angus Fletcher (eds.) (1996):
Shakespeare's Universe: Renaissance Ideas and Conventions. Hants: Scolar.
Ramm, Dieter (1974): Die Phasenstruktur der Shakespeareschen Tragödien. Frankfurt: Akad.
KS Ram
Reynolds, Peter (1991): "Unlocking the Box: Shakespeare on Film and Video." Shakespeare
in the Changing Curriculum. Eds. Lesley Aers and Nigel Wheale. London and New
York: Routledge. 189-203.
Ribner, Irving (1963): Patterns in Shakespearean Tragedy. Toronto: University of Toronto
KS Will II
Sternberg, Doug (1994): "Tom's a-cold: Transformation and Redemption in King Lear and the
Fisher King." Literature-Film Quarterly 22. 3. 160-169.
Susan Zimmerman (ed.) (1998): Shakespeare's Tragedies. New York: St Martin's.
Henry V
Aaron, Melissa D. (2000): "The Globe and Henry V as Business Document." SEL: Studies in
English Literature, 1500-1900 (SEL) 40. 2. 277-292.
Baldo, Jonathan (1996): "Wars of Memory in Henry V." Shakespeare Quarterly (SQ) 47. 2.
Banerjee, Rita (2006): “The Common Good and the Necessity of War: Emergent Republican
Ideals in Shakespeare’s Henry V and Coriolanus.” Comparative Drama. 40.1. 29-49.
FH lit Z
Berger, Harry Jr. (2003): “Harrying the Stage: Henry V in the Tetralogical Echo Chamber.”
Graham Bradshaw et. al. (eds.): Where Are We Now in Shakespearean Studies? III.
Aldershot: Ashgate. 131-155.
Bohrer, Karl Heinz (2004): “Kriegsgewinnler Literatur: Homer, Shakespeare, Kleist.”
Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Europäisches Denken. 58. 1 [657]. 1-16. FH all Z
Calderwood, James L. (1979): Metadrama in Shakespeare's Henriad : Richard II to Henry V.
Berkeley [a.o.] : Univ. of California Press.
Clegg, Cyndia Susan (2003): “Feared and Loved: Henry V and Machiavelli’s Use of History.”
Ben Jonson Journal: Literary Contexts in the Age of Elizabeth, James and Charles. 10.
Crunelle Vanrigh, Anny (2007): “Henry V as a Royal Entry.” SEL: Studies in English
<http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/studies_in_english_literature/v047/47.2crunellevanrigh.html> (21.11.2007)
Davies, Michael (2005): “Falstaff’s Lateness: Calvinism and the Protestant Hero in Henry
IV.” Review of English Studies: The Leading Journal of English Literature and the
<http://res.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/56/225/351> (21.11.2007)
Dawson, Anthony B. (1999): "The Arithmetic of Memory: Shakespeare's Theatre and the
National Past." Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and
Production (ShS) 52. 54-67.
Deats, Sara Munson (2004): “Henry V at War: Christian King or Model Machiavel.” Sara
Munson Deats, Lagretta Tallent Lenker and Merry G. Perry (eds.): War and Words:
Horror and Heroism in the Literature of Warfare. Lanham: Lexington. 83-101.
Dente-Baschiera, Carla (1995): "The Spaces of History: Henry V." Merope 7. 15. 5-18.
Gurr, Andrew (2005): “The Transforming of Henry V.” Graham Bradshaw et. al. (eds.): The
Shakespearean International Yearbook, Volume 5: Special Section Shakespeare and the
Bonds of Service. Aldershot: Ashgate. 303-313.
Gurr, Andrew (ed.) (2005): King Henry V. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ordered
Han, Yongjae (2004): “Henry’s Justifications of War: Violence and Nation in Henry V.”
Journal of Classic and English Renaissance Literature. 13. 1. 25-51. folder (ordered)
Hand, Richard J. (2004): “Shakespeare, Soccer, and Spin-Doctors: Staging a Contemporary
Henry V; Henry V at Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, Wales, UK, November 2002.” College
<http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/college_literature/v031/31.4hand.html> (21.11.2007)
Hapgood, Robert (2004): “Shakespeare’s Thematic Modes of Speech: Richard II to Henry V.”
Catherine M. S. Alexander (ed.): Shakespeare and Language. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. 139-150.
folder (ordered)
Harmon, A.G. (2005): “Shakespeare’s Carved Saints.” SEL: Studies in English Literature,
Hedrick, Donald (2003): “Advantage, Affect, History, Henry V.” PMLA: Publications of the
Modern Language Association of America. 118. 3. 470-487. Access online via
<http://www.mlajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1632/003081203X47778> (21.11.2007)
Hedrick, Donald K. (2003): “War Is Mud: Branagh’s Dirty Harry V and the Types of Political
Ambiguity.” Richard Burt and Lynda E. Boose (eds.): Shakespeare, the Movie II:
Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV, Video, and DVD. London: Routledge. 213-230.
Hoenselaars, Ton (2003): “‘Out-Ranting the Enemy Leader’: Henry V and/as World War II
Propaganda.” Theo D’haen et. al. (eds.): Configuring Romanticism. New York:
Rodopi. 215-234.
Hoenselaars, Ton (2005): “Shooting the Hero: The Cinematic Career of Henry V from
Laurence Olivier to Philip Purser.” Sonia Massai (ed.): World-wide Shakespeares:
Local Appropriations in Film and Performance. London: Routledge. 80-87. folder
Hopkins, Lisa (1999): "The Iliad and the Henriad: Epics and Brothers." Classical and
Modern Literature: A Quarterly (CML) 19.2. 149-171. folder
Jensen, Pamela K: "The Famous Victories of William Shakespeare: The Life of Henry the
Fifth." ordered
Joseph M. Knippenberg and Peter Augustine Lawler (eds.) (1996): Poets, Princes, and
Private Citizens: Literary Alternatives to Postmodern Politics. Lanham, MD : Rowman &
Littlefield. 235-269. ordered
Kilpatrick, Jacquelyn (1998): "Kenneth Branagh's Henry V." Creative Screenwriting (CrSc)
5.2. 24-29. ordered
Lane, Robert (1994): "'When Blood Is Their Argument': Class, Character, and Historymaking
in Shakespeare's and Branagh's Henry V." ELH (ELH) 61.1. 27-52. ordered
Leahy, William (2003): “‘Thy Hunger-Starved Men’: Shakespeare’s Henry Plays and the
Contemporary Lot of the Common Soldier.” Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New
Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies. 20. 2. 119-134. folder
Loehlin, James N. (1999): "On Your Imaginary Forces Work: Shakespeare in Practice." Milla
Cozart Riggio and Michael Kahn (eds.). Teaching Shakespeare through Performance.
New York: Modern Language Association of America. 286-294. ordered
McAlindon, Tom (2003): “Natural Closure in Henry V.” Graham Bradshaw et. al. (eds.):
Where Are We Now in Shakespearean Studies? III. Aldershot: Ashgate. 156-171. folder
McInelly, Brett C. (2004): “Shakespeare Teaches Writing: Persuasive Speeches in Henry V.”
Patricia M. Gantt and Lynn Langer Meeks (eds.): Teaching Ideas for 7-12 English
Language Arts: What Really Works. Norwood: Christopher-Gordon. 83-94. folder
Mebane, John S. (2007): “‘Impious War’: Religion and the Ideology of Warfare in Henry V.”
<http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/studies_in_philology/v104/104.2mebane.pdf> (21.11.2007)
Mittelbach, Jens (1999): "Die Figur des Königs in Shakespeares Henry V: Der Mensch als
Herrscher und der Herrscher als Mensch." Baumann, Uwe (ed.). Basileus und Tyrann:
Herrscherbilder und Bilder von Herrschaft in der Englischen Renaissance. Frankfurt,
Germany : Peter Lang. 329-346. folder
Plaw, Avery (2005): “Prince Harry: Shakespeare’s Critique of Machiavelli.” Interpretation: A
Journal of Political Philosophy. 33. 1. 19-43. folder
Rackin, Phyllis (2003): “English History Plays.” Stanley Wells and Lena Cowlin Orlin (eds.):
An Oxford Guide to Shakespeare. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 193-211. KS 830/2
Reynolds, Peter. "Shakespeare and Image Theater: Henry V." ordered
Ross, A. Elizabeth (1996): "Hand Me Down Heroics: Shakespeare's Retrospective of Popular
Elizabethan Heroical Drama in Henry V." John W. Velz (ed.). Shakespeare's English
Histories: A Quest for Form and Genre. Binghamton, NY : Medieval & Renaissance
Texts & Studies. 171-203. ordered
Scott-Kilvert, Ian (1975): Shakespeare: Henry V. London : British Council. KS SCO
Shaughnessy, Robert (1998): "The Last Post: Henry V, War Culture and the Postmodern
Shakespeare." Theatre Survey: The Journal of the American Society for Theatre Research
(ThS) 39.1. 41-61. ordered
Tracy, Thomas (2004): “Order, Authority, Shakespearean History, and Jonsonian Comedy.”
Ben Jonson Journal: Literary Contexts in the Age of Elizabeth, James and Charles. 11.
van Oort, Richard (2006): “Shakespeare and the Idea of the Modern.” New Literary History:
A Journal of Theory and Interpretation.” 37. 2. 319-339. Access online via
<http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/new_literary_history/v037/37.2oort.html> (21.11.2007)
Walch, Günter (2004): “Henry V as Working-House of Ideology.” Catherine M. S. Alexander
(ed.): Shakespeare and Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 198-205. folder
Wood, Andelys (1998): "Henry V at the Globe, 1599/1997." Kentucky Philological Review
(KPR) 13. 49-53. ordered
As You Like It
Alulis, Joseph (1996): "Fathers and Children: Matter, Mirth, and Melancholy in As You Like
It." Shakespeare's Political Pageant: Essays in Literature and Politics. Ed. Joseph
Alulis et al. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 37-60.
Barnaby, Andrew (1996): "The Political Conscious of Shakespeare's As You Like It." Studies
in English Literature 36.2. 373-395.
Barber, C.L. (1988): "The Alliance of Seriousness and Levity in As You Like It". William
Shakespeare's As You Like It. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea.5-21.
Bono, Barbara (1988): "Mixed Gender, Mixed Genre in Shakespeare's As You Like It".
William Shakespeare's As You Like It. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea. 131148.
Brown, John Russell (1970): Shakespeare's Dramatic Style: Romeo and Juliet, As You Like
It, Julius Caesar, Twelfth Night, Macbeth. London: Heinemann.
Carlson, Susan (1987): "Women in As You Like It: Community, Change, and Choice". Essays
in Literature 14.2. 151-169.
Clarke, Kate and Elizabeth Goodman (1996): "Reading As You Like It ." Shakespeare, Aphra
Behn and the Canon. Eds. W. R. Owens and Lizbeth Goodman. London: Routledge.
F BG 1241
Colie, Rosalie (1988): "Perspectives on Pastoral: Romance, Comic and Tragic". William
Shakespeare's As You Like It. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea. 47-62. Ordner
Daley, Stuart A. (1994): "Calling and Commonwealth in As You Like It: A Late Elizabethan
Political Play". Upstart Crow 14. 28-46.
Dusinberre, Juliet (1993): "As Who Liked It?". Shakespeare Survey 46. 9-21.
Z 102
Dusinberre, Juliet (2003): “Rival Poets in the Forest of Arden.” Shakespeare-Jahrbuch. 139.
Z 101
Erickson, Peter (1988): "Sexual Politics and Social Structure in As You Like It". William
Shakespeare's As You Like It. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea. 113-130. folder
Fendt, Gene (1995): "Resolution, Catharsis, Culture: As You Like It". Philosophy and
Literature 19.2. 248-260.
Ford, John R. (1998): "The Condition of My Estate: Conjuring Identity and Estrangement in
As You Like It. Upstart Crow 18. 56-66.
Gay, Penny (1999): As You Like It. Plymouth: Northcote House.
Hopkins, Lisa (2002): “Orlando and the Golden World: The Old World and the New in As
You Like It.” Early Modern Studies: A Journal of Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century
English Literature. 8.2. Access online via <http://extra.shu.ac.uk/emls/08-2/082toc.htm>
Ikeda, Mayumi (1982): "The Language of Shakespeare's Comedy: His Art of Characterization
in As You Like It". Hiroshima Studies in English Language and Literature 27. 75-76.
Jackson, Russell (2005): “Filming As You Like It: A Playful Comedy Becomes a Problem.”
Pierre Kapitaniak und Yves Peyré (Hg.): Shakespeare et le jeu: Actes du Congrès.
Paris : Société Francaise Shakespeare. 61-74.
ordered, but not available
Marshall, Cynthia (ed.) (2004): As You Like It. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
McFarland, Thomas (1988): "For Other Than for Dancing Measures: The Complications of
As You Like It". William Shakespeare's As You Like It. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York:
Chelsea. 23-45.
Montrose, Louis Adrian (1988): "'The Place of a Brother' in As You Like It: Social Process
and Comic Form". William Shakespeare's As You Like It. Ed. Harold Bloom. New
York: Chelsea. 81-112.
Nevo, Ruth (1988): "Existence in Arden". William Shakespeare's As You Like It. Ed. Harold
Bloom. New York: Chelsea. 63-79.
Parry, P.H. (1998):"Visible Art and Visible Artists: Reflexivity and Metatheatricality in As
You Like It." Forum for Modern Language Studies 34-2. 1-15.
ZZ 97/121
Reynolds, Peter (1988): William Shakespeare: As You Like It: A Dramatic Commentary.
London [u.a.]: Penguin.
UB: FH ang Cs 3.12
Song, Hong-han (1992): "Shakespearian Comic Catharsis in As You Like It and Twelfth
Night". The Journal of English Language and Literature 38.4. 767-781.
Tvordi, Jessica (1999): "Female Alliance and the Construction of Homoeroticism in As You
Like It and Twelfth Night". Maids and Mistresses, Cousins and Queens: Women's
Alliances in Early Modern England. Ed. Susan Frye et al. New York: Oxford Up. 114130.
Waddington , Raymond B. (1982): "Moralizing the Spectacle: Dramatic Emblems in As You
Like It". Shakespeare Quarterly 33.2. 155-163.
Z 103
Watson, Robert N. (2003): “As You Liken It: Simile in the Wilderness.” Shakespeare Survey:
An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production. 56. 79-92.
Z 102 / 56
Whall, Helen M. "As You Like It: The Play of Analogy". Huntington Library Quarterly 47.1
(1984): 33-46.
Woodbridge, Linda (2004): “Country Matters: As You Like It and the Pastoral-Bashing
Impulse.” Evelyn Gajowski (Hg.): Re-Visions of Shakespeare: Essays in Honor of
Robert Ornstein. Newark: University of Delaware Press. 189-214.
King Lear
Adelman, Janet (ed.) (1978): Twentieth Century Interpretations of King Lear: A Collection of
Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
Aggeler, Geoffrey (1993): "'Good Pity' in King Lear: The Progress of Edgar." Neophilologus
77.2. 321-331.
Aldama, Frederick Luis (2006): “Race, Cognition, and Emotion: Shakespeare on Film.”
College Literature. 33.1. 197-213.
Access online via
<http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/college_literature/toc/lit33.1.html> (08.10.2007).
Armstrong, Philip (1995): "Spheres of Influence: Cartography and the Gaze in Shakespearean
Tragedy and History." Shakespeare Studies, Cranbury 23. 146-186.
Armstrong, Philip (1994): "Uncanny Spectacles: Psychoanalysis and the Texts of King Lear."
Textual Practice 8.3. 414-434.
Bartlett, Bruce R. (1999) "Bearing the 'Waight': Double-Entendre in Richard III, Othello, and
King Lear." Shakespeare Newsletter 49.1.240. 7-8.
Bell, Millicent (2004): “Naked Lear.” Raritan: A Quarterly Review. 23.4. 55-70.
Bennett, Susan (1998): "Godard and Lear: Trashing the Can(N)non." Theatre Survey: A
Journal of the American Society for Theatre Research 39.1. 7-19.
Berger, Thomas L. (1999) "The (Play) Text's the Thing: Teaching the Blinding of Gloucester
in King Lear." Teaching Shakespeare through Performance. Eds. Milla Cozart Riggio
and Michael Kahn. New York: MLA. 196-219.
Bergeron, David M. (1993): "Deadly Letters in King Lear." Philological Quarterly 72.2. 157176.
Berley, Marc (Hg.) (2003): “The 'Idea' of King Lear.” Reading the Renaissance: Ideas and
Idioms from Shakespeare to Milton. Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne UP. 27-56.
Boose, Lynda E. and Richard Burt (eds.) (1997): Shakespeare, the Movie: Popularizing the
Plays on Film. London: Routledge.
Breen, John. "Gloucester's Proclamation." Notes and Queries 41.239.4 (239): 493-494.
Broehrer, Bruce Thomas (1990): "King Lear and the Royal Progress: Social Display in
Shakespearean Tragedy." Renaissance Drama 39.1. 42-46.
Brönnimann, Werner (2003): „Der gestiefelte König und die Spuren des Autors in King
Lear.“ Shakespeare-Jahrbuch. 139. 101-115.
Cantor, Paul (1996): "Nature and Convention in King Lear." Poets, Princes, and Private
Citizens. Eds. Joseph M Knippenberg and Peter Augustine Lawler. Lanham et. al.:
Rowman & Littlefield. 213-233.
Carpenter, Peter (1991): "King Lear, Macbeth, and the Use of Memory." Critical Survey 3.2.
Cavanagh, Dermot (1991): "'Bereaved Sense': Problems of Definition in King Lear." Critical
Survey 3.2. 157-162.
Collington, Philip D. (2006): “Sans Wife: Sexual Anxiety and the Old Man in Shakespeare.”
Campbell, Erin (ed.): Growing Old in Early Modern Europe: Cultural
Representations. Aldershot, England: Ashgate.
Collins, Michael J. (1997): "Teaching King Lear." Teaching Shakespeare into the TwentyFirst Century. Eds. Ronald E. Salomone and James Davis. Athens, OH: Ohio UP. 166171.
Cootey, Jason (2003): “Walking Off the Dover Cliff.” Journal of the Wooden O Symposium.
3. 112-123.
folder (ordered)
Crane, Mary Thomas (2004): “The Physics of King Lear: Cognition in a Void.” 3-23 IN:
Bradshaw, Graham (ed. and preface), Bishop, Tom (ed.), Turner, Mark (ed.), Elton,
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