Cicero's In Catilinam I: Essay Topics

Cicero Essay Topics
Characterisation of Catiline
How (effectively) does Cicero blacken the character of Catiline?
How effectively does he do this?
What picture of Catiline emerges from the speech?
Presentation of the conspiracy/threat to the state
What techniques does Cicero use to suggest that Catiline poses a severe and immediate
threat to the state? (this involves reference to the character of Catiline, and perhaps also
his self presentation)
How (effectively) does Cicero suggest that the senate ought to support him in quelling
Catiline’s conspiracy?
Cicero’s self presentation
What picture of Cicero do you think emerges from this speech?
How does he want us to view him?
Rhetorical effectiveness
What rhetorical techniques does Cicero use to add impact to his argument?
How does Cicero make his speech entertaining to listen to?
Longer Essay Titles for Cicero In Catilinam I
1. “Cicero was a superb prosecutor.” From your reading of In Catilinam I would you
agree with this statement?
2. “Cicero was more interested in saving the Republic than convicting Catiline.” How
far do you agree with this statement?
3. “Cicero is a literary artist rather than an orator.” Is this a true statement? You must
base your argument in your study of In Catilinam I.
4. “Cicero’s proof against Catiline in In Catilinam I is provided in order to promote his
abilities as a consul.” Is this a fair statement of the section of the text which you
have studied?
5. How does Cicero blacken the character of Catiline? How effectively does he do
6. How effectively does Cicero suggest that Catiline poses a severe and immediate
threat to the state?
7. How does Cicero go about winning over the senate in this speech?
8. What picture of Cicero do you think emerges from this speech?
9. On the basis of this speech, what kind of a person do you imagine Catiline to have
10. How successfully has Cicero made his speech entertaining to listen to?
11. How much of what Cicero says would be allowed in a modern court of law?