Sample acknowledgement and rejection letters



The following sample letters of rejection have been developed to be adapted to your situation and style when sending letters to unsuccessful candidates under the following circumstances:

Sample 1 Acknowledgement Letter

Sample 2 General rejection

Sample 3 Not on short list

Sample 4(a) After interview

Sample 4(b) After interview




Sample 1

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your application for our recently advertised position in

______________, Position Number ___________. The search committee will begin to review applications shortly. I will write to you again to notify you of the status of your application.

Thank-you for applying for this position in the Faculty of Arts and Science at the University of



Sample 2



Thank-you for applying for our recently advertised position in _______________. I am now writing to advise you that the Search Committee has reviewed all the applications and, regretfully, your candidacy was not successful.

We received many excellent applications, including yours, and the Committee's review was not an easy one. I thank you for your application and extend my best wishes for your future career.


FAS Supplemental Guidelines to Section II Last modified: October 15, 2009

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Sample 3



I am writing to inform you of the status of the search for the position in _______ for which you applied.

The Search Committee has completed its preliminary review of the applications received and a short list of candidates has been prepared for further consideration. I regret to have to inform you that you have not been short-listed. Although we are not yet near to making a final selection, I thought that I should apprise you of the status of your application to assist you with your own planning.

Thank-you for the interest you have shown in our department and in the University of

Toronto. I wish you every success in your future career.

Sample 4(a)



Thank-you for coming in to meet the Search Committee and members of our department with respect to your application for the position in ___________. We very much enjoyed meeting with you, and in particular your lecture/seminar on ________. However, I must regretfully inform you that after thorough and careful consideration of the qualifications of each of the persons interviewed, the Committee has recommended to the Dean that an offer be made to another candidate.

Thank-you again for your interest in the Department and please accept our very best wishes for your future career.

Sample 4(b)



Thank-you for coming in to meet the Search Committee and members of our department with respect to your application for the position in ___________. We very much enjoyed meeting with you, and in particular your lecture/seminar on ________. However, I must regretfully inform you that after much consideration of the applications received, the Committee has decided that your qualifications do not closely enough meet our requirements for the position.

I thank you again for your interest in the Department and offer my best wishes for your future career.

FAS Supplemental Guidelines to Section II Last modified: October 15, 2009

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