English Focus: “Lord of the Flies”

MYP unit planner
Unit title
English Focus: “Lord of the Flies”
Emilie Bateson and George Salmon
Subject and grade level
English A and Humanities - MYP 5 (Grade 10)
Time frame and duration
8 weeks (November-January)
Stage 1: Integrate significant concept, area of interaction and unit question
Area of interaction focus
Significant concept(s)
Which area of interaction will be our focus?
Why have we chosen this?
What are the big ideas? What do we want our
students to retain for years into the future?
Health and Social Education
To recognize and understand different
forms of government and leadership. To
analyze how power is gained, maintained
and in some cases enforced. To
MYP unit question
How does a totalitarian government differ from a
democratic government?
What makes a good leader? How is power and leadership
What task(s) will allow students the opportunity to respond to the unit question?
What will constitute acceptable evidence of understanding? How will students show what they have understood?
Students will learn about 3 different (but not so different) Totalitarian regimes: those of
Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler. In each section they will learn about the role of the State and of
the Individual. They will discuss the techniques for controlling and influencing all aspects of
society, culture and economics in their respective countries.
Students will read Lord of the Flies and will examine in each chapter how government and leadership is
established and maintained. Recognize and discuss leadership qualities, both good and bad. They will
keep a log in their note books throughout their reading.
Students will answer questions focusing on factual recall of the plot, themes, motifs, characterization,
structural devices, and the influence of the setting/environment.
Students will have weekly vocabulary lessons from chunks of the novel along with discussion questions.
Students will take notes on characterization, themes, foreshadowing, irony and symbolism.
Diagnostic tools:
Students will do chapter reflections.
Discussion Questions with Homework Reading
Vocabulary exercises
Humanities only: Students will do a comparative essay on Totalitarianism in Germany and
Russia, looking to show that Hitler and Stalin although on the face of it quite different,
actually controlled and influenced their countries in similar ways (Criterion A, B, and C)
English: Students will do a half-way through the novel test on themes, symbolism and the roles of
leadership. (Criterion A and C)
Students will do a group presentation on one of themes, symbolism, or characterization in the novel. They
will create a visual representation of the theme with details and support from the novel. (Criterion A and B)
Humanities and English combined: Students will write a final essay exploring the unit question in relation to
the novel and what they have learned in Humanities. (Criterion A, B, and C)
Which specific MYP objectives will be addressed during this unit?
Criterion A: Content (receptive and productive)
understand and analyse the language, content, structure, meaning and significance of both familiar and
previously unseen oral, written and visual texts
understand and apply language A terminology in context
analyse the effects of the author’s choices on an audience
compose pieces that apply appropriate literary and/or non-literary features to serve the context and
compare and contrast works leadership systems, and connect themes within the novel
express an informed and independent response to literary and non-literary texts.
Criterion B: Organization
create work that employs organizational structures and language-specific conventions throughout a variety
of text types (test, representation, final essay)
organize ideas and arguments in a sustained, coherent and logical manner
employ appropriate critical apparatus.
Criterion C: Style and language mechanics
use language to narrate, describe, analyse, explain, argue, persuade, inform, entertain, and express
use language accurately
use appropriate and varied register, vocabulary and idiom
use correct grammar and syntax
use appropriate and varied sentence structure
use correct spelling
Which MYP assessment criteria will be used?
Summative assessment tasks:
Criterion A: Ongoing Graphic Organizer Booklet (Characters, Themes, Motifs, Setting, and Analysis)
Criterion A, B and C (Final Essay based on Unit Question)
Criterion A and B Group Presentation on Themes, Characterization, or Symbolism
Criterion A and C (Novel Test)
Criterion A: demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts
through developed descriptions, explanations and examples
uses a wide range of terminology accurately and appropriately
demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through developed
and accurate descriptions, explanations and examples
Criterion B: effectively address the research question and use methods accurately to collect and
record information consistent with the research question
formulates a clear and focused research question
formulates and follows a detailed action plan to investigate a research question
uses methods accurately to collect and record appropriate and varied information consistent
with the research question
effectively addresses the research question.
Criterion C: synthesize information in order to make valid, well-supported arguments and analyse
and evaluate a range of sources in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values and limitations
completes a detailed analysis of concepts, events, issues, models or arguments
effectively analyses and evaluates a range of sources in terms of origin and purpose,
recognizing values and limitations
thoroughly interprets a range of different perspectives and their implications
synthesizes information to make valid, well-supported arguments.
Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities
through inquiry
What knowledge and/or skills (from the course overview) are going to be used to enable the student to respond to the unit
What (if any) state, provincial, district, or local standards/skills are to be addressed? How can they be unpacked to develop the
significant concept(s) for stage 1?
In Humanities
Students will:
Learn about Benito Mussolini and his rise to power.
They will learn about the effect of WW1 and the Versailles Treaty on Italian Society
They will learn about Stalin and his rise to power.
They will learn how to compare the two dictators and in particular how to compare these two totalitarian
They will learn about Hitler and his rise to power
They will learn how to use new terms such as Fascism, Communism, Nazism, Totalitarianism and
In English
Students will:
Acquire knowledge of the specific terms: Allegorical Stories
Read and understand the selected novel The Lord of the Flies and apply concepts introduced to the novel.
Learn how to use the newly acquired terminology to deconstruct the texts
Be able to confidently express their opinions both in a written and oral form
Work collaboratively
Increase their knowledge of general vocabulary in order to understand and to enhance their written
Plan, draft, and edit their written and oral work
Use research skills to accurately find information
Perform a presentation which explores one of the themes in the novel.
Understand the unit question and respond to it in discussion and a unit reflection.
Approaches to learning
How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general approaches to learning skills?
accepting others—including analyzing others’ ideas, respecting others’ points of view, using ideas
literacy—including reading strategies, using and interpreting a range of content-specific
being informed—including the use of a variety of media
informing others—including presentation skills using a variety of media
formal writing skills—research, writing essays and reports
viewing skills—interpreting and analysing visuals and multimedia; understanding the ways in which
images and language interact to convey ideas, values and beliefs; making informed choices about
personal viewing experiences
self-evaluation—including the keeping of learning journals and portfolios, reflecting at different
stages in the learning process
planning—including storyboarding and outlining a plan
inquiring—including questioning and challenging information and arguments, developing
questions, using the inquiry cycle
Learning experiences
How will students know what is expected of them? Will
they see examples, rubrics, templates?
How will students acquire the knowledge and practise
the skills required? How will they practise applying
Teaching strategies
How will we use formative assessment to give students feedback
during the unit?
What different teaching methodologies will we employ?
How are we differentiating teaching and learning for all? How have
we made provision for those learning in a language other than their
mother tongue? How have we considered those with special
Do the students have enough prior knowledge? How will
we know?
Students will be assessed using the IB MYP
Humanities criteria. They all know where to find
the criteria on my teacher’s website and the
criteria will be discussed prior to assessments.
Students will be assessed using the IB MYP
Language A criteria. The criteria will be
discussed with them prior to assessments to
students know what is needed to achieve a
certain level.
Feedback will be given to students throughout
the unit in the form diagnostic tools, formative
and summative assessments. For reporting
purposes, a students’ best and most recent
result will be used.
Students will see examples where appropriate.
Teacher will model examples of textual support
taken from the novel. Teacher will also model a
character analysis for the first formative
assessment. Students will be exposed to
examples of essays and literary analysis, both
in written and oral form.
Prior knowledge will be assessed using various
methods: a KWL chart, simple diagnostic texts,
educational needs?
Formative assessment will be used to provide feedback
to students by the way of discussions, written and oral
comments, peer assessment and teacher - student
The teacher will keep track of the students’ learning
process and progress throughout the unit with
monitoring of tasks and presentations.
Class discussions and debates will inform the teacher of
student progress and understanding. The teacher will be
able to address any areas of uncertainty or confusion.
Students will take notes, brainstorm, create visual
representations, keep a reflective journal, discuss
themes and ideas, question, debate, evaluate, write and
Students with language difficulties will be given
opportunities to reinforce their understanding through
the viewing of representations of Lord of the Flies.
Students will also be given opportunities to express their
ideas visually and may be given extra time to complete
Knowledge will be acquired though the following
Students will learn about allegorical stories
through PowerPoint presentation and
Students will read the The Lord of the
Flies. They will also learn background
information of the period in order to put the
novel into context. Students will create a
visual representation for the
historical/cultural context, illustrating the
main points of the background to
demonstrate their understanding.
Students will answer discussion questions
and have student led discussion around
themes, plot and writing techniques.
What resources are available to us?
How will our classroom environment, local environment and/or the community be used to facilitate students’ experiences during
the unit?
World History textbook
Powerpoint presentations
Personal research (internet, library resources)
Documentary: Hitler and Stalin, Twin Tyrants.
Lord of the Flies- William Golding
Lord of the Flies Teacher’s Guide
PowerPoint Literary Essays and Organization
PowerPoint Made by teacher and based on:
Web Research on William Golding
Lord of the Flies Movie
Computers with internet and Microsoft Office for research and presentation purposes
Worksheets and information collected over teaching career provided in Unit Folder
Unit reflection sheet created by Emilie Bateson
IB MYP assessment criteria and grade boundary poster
Ongoing reflections and evaluation
In keeping an ongoing record, consider the following questions. There are further stimulus
questions at the end of the “Planning for teaching and learning” section of MYP: From
principles into practice.
Students and teachers
What did we find compelling? Were our disciplinary knowledge/skills challenged in any way?
What inquiries arose during the learning? What, if any, extension activities arose?
How did we reflect—both on the unit and on our own learning?
Which attributes of the learner profile were encouraged through this unit? What opportunities were there for student-initiated
Possible connections
How successful was the collaboration with other teachers within my subject group and from other subject groups?
What interdisciplinary understandings were or could be forged through collaboration with other subjects?
Were students able to demonstrate their learning?
How did the assessment tasks allow students to demonstrate the learning objectives identified for this unit? How did I make
sure students were invited to achieve at all levels of the criteria descriptors?
Are we prepared for the next stage?
Data collection
How did we decide on the data to collect? Was it useful?
To be completed at end of unit by teacher...
Figure 12
MYP unit planner