Dear Fellow Teacher,
Ensure that students, teachers and parents have easy access to the Online Resource Center (ORC) by:
1. Placing a shortcut on the desktop of all computers in the school.
2. Placing a link to the ORC on the school website.
The Tools & Websites page is the landing page for each grade. It provides links to commonly used application
tools, 21st Century collaboration and presentation tools and the best curriculum area learning sites on the web.
The commonly used applications are Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Google. There are also links
to the 21st Century Tools: KIDBLOG, Prezi, and Glogster. For links to all of the 21st Century tools visit the
21st Century page.
The curriculum area websites support the national core standards for Language Arts, Social Studies,
Mathematics and Science. All of the web sites should be introduced to students. They will be used:
1) as directed by teachers for review
2) in the home for additional practice
3) as the educational choices if students earn “choice time”
Suggestions for all teaching levels:
Basic/Emerging, Proficient & Exemplary Levels:
1. World Map Puzzles: Demonstrate, make it competitive, record top 3 scores
2. Thinking Blocks: Complete a problem as a class, then assign 5, record scores
3. Grammar Gorillas: Demonstrate
Proficient & Exemplary Levels:
1. Typing Tests: Click Tests, set to 3 minutes, click Start Test, then click the
yellow Start
2. KIDBLOG: Set up a class (click below for getting started guide)
3. Cyber Ethics (Socrates Institute): Have students read the page (or review as
a class), then post a related classroom Blogs e.g.,, “Examples of Cyber Crime”
Exemplary Level:
1. Prezi: Find a relevant Prezi to show to your class (click below for guide)
2. Prezi: Create a Cyber Ethics Prezi to show to your class
3. Glogster: Create a class Glog
Classroom White Board Suggestions & Links:
1. Map Puzzles, Thinking Blocks and others are ideal for classroom activities
2. Click on the Interactive Whiteboard activities
3. Visit the Teacher Page for more Whiteboard websites
If you have questions, problems or suggestions, please email, text or call your Coach ASAP!
Have fun!
A Summary of Websites follows on the next page
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Summary of 4th Grade Websites
Coaching Guide Column
1. Free Typing Game: The premiere site to play free typing games, lessons and tests. Typing Tutor is the
best way to learn to type. No downloads, installations or registration required.
2. Google Images: search the Internet for images
3. MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel: Opens a MS blank documents
4. Prezi: Make presentations zoom; import media, pan and zoom, present online and offline, work
together, add storyline, and more
5. The Socrates Institute: Educational program addressing the problem of juvenile cybercrime
21st Century Column
1. Interactive whiteboard activities: Scholastic, “Prefect activities to use with any Interactive
Whiteboard”. Language Arts, Social Studies, Science & Math.
2. KidBlog: Simple, yet powerful tool allow students to publish posts and participate in discussions within
a secure classroom blogging community. Teachers maintain complete control over student blogs.
3. Voki: create a speaking character and add your voice. Customization includes character style,
customization, voice, and background.
4. Glogster – a visual network allows graphics, sound, and educational learning experiences
5. Tagxedo: turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, into a visually stunning
word cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the
body of text.
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Language Arts
1. Sheppard Software – Language Arts Games provides exercises via Grammar Tutorial, Verbs in Space,
Adjective Adventure, Noun Explorer, Comma Chameleon, and Magical Capitals.
2. Miss Maggie: Clean up Your Grammar is the theme, with a little help from colorful animations,
students learn the difference between nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
3. Fun Brain – The Grammar Gorillas helps to identify parts of speech. Click on the right word in the
sentence, and get a banana. A gorilla with a banana is a gorilla with appeal.
4. Scholastic – Story Starters is a quick writing activity to try every day. Generate a creative story starter,
pick a format (notebook, letter, newspaper, postcard) and print the story for a surprise.
5. Houghton-Mifflin - Wacky Web Tales provides a fun way to learn parts of speech, geared specifically
for grades 3 and above.
Social Studies
1. Owl & Mouse – practice map skills with various types of maps, map quizzes available
2. Sheppard Software – various games include USA Holidays, Landmarks, Government, Seasons,
National Parks, City and State, Regions, and History word games and paint activities
3. Sheppard Software - provides a Social Studies section on U.S. Presidents, broken down into several
time periods, students will see how U.S. Presidents have changed over time
4. National Geographic for Kids – students learn about people and places in different countries using
videos and pictures
5. Sheppard Software – provides various Geography Games gaining a mental map of the world’s
continents, countries, capitals, and landscapes.
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1. Math Slice – everything from counting, telling time, addition, roman numerals and MUCH more
available in online exercises and printable sheets
2. Thinking Blocks – Model Your Math Problems is designed to help students solve math word problems
accurately and efficiently using brightly colored blocks.
3. Sheppard Software – colorful animation provides exercises in early math, basic operations, mixed
operations, time, place value, money, measuring fractions, decimals, algebra, and geometry
4. Johnnie’s Math Page – Provides various exercises in early math skills, geometry, multiplication,
fractions, statistics, measurement, probability, and more in online platform and printable worksheets
5. Math is Fun – practical step-by-step illustrated explanations; exercises online or printable worksheets
1. National Geographic for Kids – provides video on various kinds of animals
2. Kids Health - How the Body Works, choose body part to watch movies, take quizzes, read articles,
solve Word Finds, and do other activities
3. Science Kids - Learn about the world of science by enjoying fun science experiments, cool facts, online
games, free activities, ideas, lesson plans, photos, quizzes, videos & science fair projects.
4. Kids Biology – Explore this interactive website and learn about the cell, the most basic unit of life. Or
discover the different organs and systems found in your body. Learn how your body utilizes food to
make energy and to help you grow, and much more.
5. Star Child – a learning center for young astronomers, 2 levels of animation
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Summary of Projects on 4th Grade Websites Page
Curriculum-Based Projects Level 1
1. About Me- Basic skills in word processing using MS Word for Language Arts; template is provided
and a link to Google Images.
2. Bio Poem – Simple text formatting in MS Word for Language Arts; the student writes about
him/herself in a poem format using a template and a link to Google Images.
3. Animal Book – Title, text, and clip art is introduced in MS PowerPoint for Science; a template is
provided along with a link to National Geographic web site.
4. 50 States – Title, text, and clip art continues to be used in MS PowerPoint for Social Studies;
student creates a presentation using a template and a link to The US 50 web site.
5. Intro to Charts – For Math class this MS Excel template is provided along with a link to Google
Curriculum-Based Projects Level 2
1. Bright Ideas – An exercise in essays/narratives using MS Word for Language Arts. A template is
provided along with a link to Houghton-Mifflin’s Bright Ideas for Writing.
2. President Bio Card – Researching tables of information provides an exercise in MS Word for
Social Studies; a template is provided and a link to POTUS (Presidents of the United States).
3. Animals Prezi – This combination lesson in animals utilizes Prezi for 21st Century learning and
Science. Using Prezi for this presentation, students will also use information from National
Geographic for Kids.
4. 5 Cool Things – Using MS PowerPoint students will create a presentation for Social Studies on
Hawaii. A template is provided and a link to the Hawaii page at AtoZ Kids Stuff.
5. Weather – Learning about weather is the basis for creating a MS Excel spreadsheet for Science. A
template is provided as well as a link to The Weather Channel web site.
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