Yusufu Turaki CV: Theology & Social Ethics

Dr. Yusufu Turaki CV
(Ordained Minister with ECWA and full Professor of Theology and Social Ethics)
(Title: The Reverend Professor)
International Bible Society Africa
P.O. 60595—00200
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel. 254-20-2710665; 254-0720467114
E-Mail: Yturaki@afr.ibs.org; byturaki@yahoo.com
1. Place of Birth
Born at Fadan Kagoma, Kaduna State, Nigeria.
2. Marital Status
This section defines my family life and experience:
Married to former Miss Deborah Gwani Jatau (DVM) on the 22nd of July 1978 and have
four children: Nyela, Yimi, Iyakaci and Ladi.
My family is the foundation and home base of my life and ministry career. Raising,
training, nurturing, molding and grooming my family in Christian and Biblical family
values is my primary divine assignment and responsibility as the head of the Family. It
is my duty to both prepare and place my family within the primary context of the
Church and the wider society. My family or any other family forms the basic social and
spiritual unit of the Church and society. It is in the home that the Biblical and social
roles of all family members are taught, nurtured, trained, developed and inculcated.
3. Educational Background
This section defines my educational and academic life and experience through
institutionalized systems of education both nationally and internationally:
(a). Pre-Primary 1952 at Kwoi
(b). SIM Primary School, Fadan Kagoma, 1955-1962
(c). Abuja Secondary School, 1963-1967, West Africa School Certificate, First Division,
Science Major.
(d). Bida Government College, 1968-1969, Higher School Certificate (HSC), Science
(e). Igbaja Theological Seminary, Nigeria, 1970-1974, Bachelor of Theology (Th.B.).
(f). Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, USA, 1976-1978, Masters of Arts in
Theological Studies, Double Major, Theology and Ethics (M.A.T.S.), (Magna Cum
(g). Boston University, USA, 1978-1982, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Social Ethics
Minor in Sociology of Religion.
(h). Post-Doctoral Research
(1) Research Fellow, Yale Divinity School, Yale University, USA, 1994.
(2) Research Enablement Scholar Post-Doctoral Book Research and Writing Project,
Overseas Ministries Study Center, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, 1993-1994.
(3) Research on Theological Education of SIM in SIM Mission Fields in Africa, Asia
and Latin America, 1992-1998.
(i). Leadership Courses and Training:
(1). Citizenship and Leadership Training (Man O' War Bay), Sea School, Victoria
Island, Lagos, 1966.
(2). Theological and Pastoral Training:
(a). Igbaja Theological Seminary, 1970-1974.
(b). Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, 1976-78.
(3). Attended numerous courses, conferences and seminars, both at home and abroad
that relate to leadership training and development.
4. Sporting Experience
This section defines my sporting life, experience and career:
(a). Represented Abuja Secondary School (1964-67) and Bida Government College in
many championship meets as Pole Vaulter, 1967-1969.
(b). Played Basket Ball for Abuja Secondary School, Bida Government College, Northern
Stars (Northern Basket Ball Team, 1967); Kwara State (1972-73).
(c). Basket Ball and Athletics Coach for various schools and Clubs, 1968-1976.
5. Pastoral and Church Leadership Experience
This section defines my pastoral and church leadership experience, and also my
denominational and ecumenical leadership experience, as all these relate to the
denominational and ecumenical circles in both Nigeria and internationally:
(a). Pastor, English Section, ECWA Church, Tudun Wada, Kaduna, 1973.
(b). Chaplain, Government Girls' Secondary School, Kwoi (Formerly SIM/ECWA), 1974
(c). Licensed as Pastor 1975.
(d). Associate Pastor, Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, Dorchester, Boston, Mass., USA,
-79, 1981-82.
(e). Pastor, ECWA Seminary Church, 1983-85.
(f). Ordained 1985.
(g). Pastor, ECWA Church II, Abakpa, Enugu, 2000-to date.
(h). Provided spiritual, academic and leadership training of young pastors and Christian
workers at the Seminary since 1980.
(i). Provided spiritual, administrative and leadership training and guidance to pastors
and church leaders (at various levels: local, area, district and denominational/national
levels), missionaries and Christian workers in ECWA and SIM, and the Association
of Evangelicals in Africa since 1987.
(j). Conference speaker, preacher, teacher and counselor.
(k). (1) Nigerian Denominational Church Leadership Experience as member of the
Executive, 1987-1993; (2) TEKAN/ECWA Fellowship; (3) Nigeria Evangelical
(NEF); (4) Nigerian Ecumenical Church Leadership experience as member of the
Association of Nigeria, Executive Council, 1987-1995 and National Vice-President of
6. Educational, Teaching and Research Experience, 1970-date
This section defines my growth, development and involvement as an educationist as I
undertook these various educational, teaching and research fields both nationally and
(a). As relating General Education: Taught Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Integrated
History, Geography, Christian Religious Knowledge at SIM Kwoi Girls' Secondary
1970, 1974-76.
(b). As relating Theological Education: Lecturer in Theology, Ethics, Pastoral Theology,
Missions and Social Sciences at the Jos ECWA Theological Seminary (JETS) since 1980.
(c). As relating Educational Administration at JETS: As a pioneering staff, Deputy
Provost and
Provost, 1980-87.
(d). As relating Educational Administration at the ECWA Headquarters, Jos, 1994-98:
(1). As Theological Education Secretary, 1994-95. Reviewed, reorganized and
restructured ECWA Theological Education Programme for over 20 ECWA
Theological Institutions.
(2). As Education Director, 1996-98. Administered both General and Theological
Education Programmes of ECWA and developed educational policies,
philosophy, curriculum, programmes and staff development for all ECWA
Institutions of learning.
(e). As Educational Researcher since 1976: Research and scholarship experience have
gained and undertaken in various fields (see the relevant sections below).
(f). As Consultant in Theological Education and General Education for:
(1). Evangel Fellowship (SIM Related Churches and Mission World-Wide since 1992.
Undertook a Theological Research of the Theological Education of SIM in all SIM
Fields in Africa, Asia and Latin America, 1992-1998.
(2). Consultant to various Church denominations and Theological Institutions on
Education and Training both nationally and internationally.
(3). Research Supervisor of Students from various Theological Institutions since 1983,
both nationally and internationally as reflected in other areas below.
(4). Initiated and consulted on Theological Programmes both nationally and
internationally as
reflected in other areas below.
7. Relevant Academic and Scholarly Research Experience
This section defines a very broad exposure of my academic and scholarly experience and
research in these various academic and scholarly fields of learning in Institutions of
Higher Learning and in specialized research Fields, both nationally and internationally.
Academic and Scholarly Research experience have been gained through intensive
studies and researches in the following fields and areas and some of which have been
followed by written Articles, Reports and Books as presented in sections 11 and 12
(1). General Theology and Social Ethics
(2). Christianity, Islam and African Religions
(3). Religion and Cultural Anthropology
(4). Liberation Theology and Latin America
(5). Black American Church History
(6). Marxism, Marxisms and Christianity
(7). New Testament Scholarship (German Experience)
(8). Theology and Science
(9). Bioethics
(10). Contemporary Socio-Political Problems in Africa
(11). Apartheid (South Africa)
(12). Colonialism in Africa
(13). Polygamy in Africa
(14). Human Rights
(15). Christian Missions in Africa
(16). Social Philosophy and Sociological Theories
(17). Political Theory and Systems
(18). Archival Research - Colonial and Missions Archives Home and Abroad
(19). Social Ethics in Nigeria
(20). Theological Education
(21). Cultural Studies and Worldviews
(21). Bible Translation in African Mother Tongues
(22). Corruption in Nigeria
8. Very Important Research Projects Undertaken
This section defines specifically some very important Research Projects that were an
assignment given to me to undertake as a research scholar.
(1). As Associate Research Fellow, National Institute For Policy and Strategic Studies
(NIPSS), Kuru, Nigeria since 1984-. Researched on Nigerian Ethical Structure, Social
Ethics and Values in Nigeria with Professor ‘Dotun Philips. Gives annual Lectures at
NIPPS on Social Ethics and Politics in Nigeria.
(2). As a Research Scholar, Research Enablement Programme, Overseas Ministries
Centre, New Haven, Con., USA, 1993-94. Researched on The Theory and Practice of
Christian Missions in Africa with specific reference to the Mission Work of the SIM in
Northern Nigeria from 1893-1993.
(3). As a Post-Doctoral Research and Research Fellow, Yale Divinity School, Yale
USA, 1994. Research on
Christianity and the African Traditional Religions and Human Crises: A Theology of
Christian Life and Spirituality.
(4). As Organizational and Constitutional Consultant: (a) Did Organizational and
Studies and Review of the Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA), 1987-1994; (b)
Did Organizational and Constitutional Review of the Association of Evangelicals in
Africa (AEA),
based in Nairobi, Kenya 1989-1993; (c) Did Organizational and Constitutional Review
for the
Living Bible International, now IBS-Nigeria in Nigeria, 1991-92; (4) Developed a
for a Church in Ethiopia, 2000-2001.
(5). As an Archive Researcher:
(a) Did Archival Research on Colonialism in Africa at National
Archives Kaduna 1981;
(b) Did Archival Research on Christian Missions in Africa 1981-94: Missions Archives
Toronto, Canada: 1981, 1985, 1989; Cedar Grove, New Jersey, USA: 1989, 1991;
Charlotte, NC, USA, 1992, 1993, 1994. Researched on Colonial and Missions legacies in
(6). As Theological Education Researcher:
(a). Did pioneering Theological Research for Jos ECWA Theological Seminary (JETS):
Development and formulation of the philosophy and curriculum of Theological
1980, 1983 and 1989.
(b). Did Theological Educational Research for the Evangelical Church of West Africa
1994-1997. Researched on Curriculum Development, Theological Needs, Renewal and
Development of the New ECWA Theological Education Programmes and System.
(c). Developed a University Education in ECWA for ECWA, 1997-98: ECWA University
Project: Proposal on Functional Collegiate System of University Education.
(d). Did a Theological Education Research for the Evangel Fellowship (SIM Related
and Mission Fields World-Wide, 1992-1997. Conducted Theological Education Research
Ghana, Ethiopia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Burkina Faso, Benin,
Niger, Kenya and Nigeria. The Research examined and evaluated the state of
Education and Training in the SIM Mission Fields in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
(7). As a Researcher on Ethics, Peace and Justice for the Association of Evangelicals in
(AEA), 1987-1997. Conducted and led researches and organized conferences and
seminars on
various issues on Ethics, Peace and Justice and Human rights in Africa for the AEA's
Commission on Ethics, Peace and Justice.
(8). As a Researcher on Christian-Muslim Relations for the Research Advancement
Grant of the
PEW Charitable Trust Religion Programme administered through Overseas Ministries
Center (OMSC), New Haven, Con., USA, 1996. Research Team led by Prof. David Kerr of
Edinburgh University. The Research was on developing relevant Christian Theological
Education for use in Muslim societies in Africa, Asia and Middle East.
(9). As a Researcher on Morality and Ethics in Nigeria for the Congress on Christian
Ethics in
Nigeria (COCEN), 1990s. Researched on Nigerian Moral and Ethical Values.
(10). As Bible Translator in African Mother Tongues: (a) Hausa; and (b) Gyong since
(11). As a Researcher on Corruption in Nigeria, since 2000. A Booklet has been
produced: The
Ugly Face of Corruption in Nigeria: Is There A Way Out?
9. Administrative and Leadership Experience
This section defines my administrative and leadership experience which was gained
through appointments and positions held in (1) institutional settings; (2) in Church and
Denominational settings; and (3) in Ecumenical settings, both nationally and
(1). School and Student Life: Student leadership in various institutions as: Class Captain
(Monitor), Junior House Prefect, House Prefect, House Captain, Deputy Head Boy,
President of Student Body, Leader of various Clubs and Societies.
(2). Institutional Leadership:
(a). Deputy Provost, Jos ECWA Theological Seminary (JETS), 1980-83.
(b). Provost, JETS, 1983-87.
(c). Professor of Theology and Social Ethics, JETS 1999(3). Church and Denominational Leadership:
(a). Executive General Secretary of the Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA),
(b). ECWA Theological Education Secretary, 1994-95.
(c). ECWA Education Director, 1996-98.
(d). SIM/ECWA Theological Education Consultant, 1992-1998.
(e). ECWA Education Consultant, 1998(4). Nigerian Ecumenical and National Church Leadership:
(a) Member National Executive Committee of CAN, 1987-1995)
(b) National Vice-President, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), 1992-95.
(5). International Ecumenical Christian Leadership:
(a). Executive Secretary, Ethics, Peace and Justice Commission of the Association of
Evangelicals in Africa (AEA), 1987-1997.
(b). Secretary, Executive Committee of AEA, 1988-1997.
(c). Member of various International Christian Organizations.
(d). Consultant on Theological Education to SIM and the Evangel Fellowship (SIM)
Related Churches and Mission Fields World-Wide, 1992-1998
10. International Christian Ministry Experience:
This section defines my international involvement in global Christian ministry,
leadership and experience.
(1). Regional Director, International Bible Society Nigeria (IBS), 1998-2004.
(2). Translation Consultant, IBS Africa, 200311. Governing Boards and Institutional Experience: National and International
This section defines my institutional experience as relating policy formulation, decisionmaking and implementation of goals and objectives of institutions in both national and
international settings; and also it defines my ecumenical and international experience in
global policy formulation and decision-making within the comity of international
Christian organizations:
a. Member of Boards and Committees: Denominational (ECWA) and National
(1). Joint ECWA Seminary Board of Governors, 1980-87
(2). Board of Governors, Jos ECWA Theological Seminary (JETS), 1987-1998
(3). Board of Governors, ECWA Theological Seminary, Igbaja, 1987-98
(4). Board of Governors, ECWA Theological College, Kagoro, 1994-98
(5). Board of Governors, ECWA Theological College, Aba, 1994-98
(6). Board of Governors, ECWA Theological College, Billiri, 1994-98
(7). ECWA Productions Limited Board of Directors, 1987-1990
(8). ECWA Rural Development Board of Directors, 1987-1990
(9). ECWA Medical Board, 1987-1990
(10). ECWA Central Pharmacy Board, 1987-1990
(11).ECWA Christian Education Board, 1987-1990
(12).ECWA ELWA Board, 1987-1990
(13).Evangelical Missionary Society Board, 1987-1990
(14).Kent Academy Board, 1996-98
(15).ECWA Staff School Jos Board, 1996-98
(16).ECWA General Church Council, 1987-1998
(17).Chairman, ECWA Graduate Academic Board, 1992-1998
(18).ECWA Constitution Review Committee, 1987-1989
(19).ECWA University Committee, 1993-1996; 2000(20) Chairman, ECWA University Standing Committee, 1998-1999
(21).ECWA-SIM Partnership Review Committee, 1997
(22).SIM Board Nigeria, 1990-93
(23).Congress on Christian Ethics in Nigeria (COCEN), 1994-2002
(25).Religious Committee of the Federal Ministry of Education, Nigeria, 1992-93
(26).Religious Advisory Committee of Kaduna State Government, 1992-93
(27).Christian Pilgrims' Welfare Board, Plateau State, 1992-93
(28).Jos-Bukuru Theological Society, 1980-1989
(29).ECWA Education Advisory Board, 1994-98
(30).Christian Association of Nigeria: Executive Committee (CAN), 1987-95
(31).Chairman, Armanah Rescue Mission, 1995-2000
b. Member of the following International Organizations:
(1). Executive Committee of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA), 1988-97
(2). Executive Committee (1993-98) and Council of Africa Theological Initiative (ATI),
(3). World Evangelical Fellowship Religious Liberty Commission, 1994-97
(4). World Evangelical Fellowship Theological Commission, 1996(5). International Association for Mission Studies (IAMS), 1994(6). International Bible Society-Nigeria, 1982(7). Advisory Board International Bible Society Africa, 1996-1997
(8). International Council of International Bible Society, 1997
(9). Evangel Fellowship/SIM Related Churches World-Wide, 1987-1996
(10).Chairman, Association of Evangelicals in Africa Commission on Ethics, Peace and
Justice, 1997
(11).International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education
(IAPCHE), 1989(12).Advisor to Accrediting Council of Theological Education of Africa (ACTEA), 1995(13).World Evangelical Fellowship Task Force on Missions Commission, 1998-
(14).Committee of Recommendation MA Christian Studies of Science and Society, Vrije
Universiteit, Amstredam, The Netherlands, 2002
11. Unpublished Works and Writings
This section defines my academic and scholarly out-put in writings as a result of
undertaking research, accepting invitations to attend conferences, seminars, workshops,
lectureships, or taking any subject of personal interest. The section also defines the
types and nature of researches, conferences and subjects undertaken, that span the
period from 1976 to 2003 and international coverage of the conferences around the
(1). A Research Design on "A Framework For the Politics of Legitimacy in Nigeria",
(2). A Research Design on "The Political Transformation of Nigeria: An Ethical
Evaluation", 1980.
(3). "The Institutionalization of the Inferior Status and Socio-Political Role of the
Non-Muslim Groups in the Colonial Hierarchical Structure of the Northern Region
of Nigeria: A Social-Ethical Analysis of the Colonial Legacy." Ph.D. Dissertation,
Boston University, 1982.
(4). Joint Proposal with Professor ‘Dotun Phillips, "Research Proposal on An Evaluation
of Nigeria's National Ethical Structure", 1984. National Institute for Policy and
Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Kuru, Nigeria.
(5). "The Problem of Values in Society and Standards of Value Judgment in Nigeria", A
Paper Presented at NIPSS 1984 and the University of Jos, 1986.
(6). "Is Religion a Cohesive or Divisive Factor in Nigeria? A Christian Perspective",
Annual Religious Studies Conference, University of Ibadan, 1985.
(7). "Christian Social Ethics in Africa" Background Paper, Evangelical Committee for
Africa, Africa Update 1986, Wheaton, May 5 - 7, 986, USA.
(8). "The Christian and Politics in Modern Nigeria", Christian Association of Nigeria,
Port Harcourt, 1988.
(9). Christianity and Human Rights: A Theological Foundation for International Peace
and Justice", Pan-African Conference on Human Rights, Organised by Africa's
Triple Heritage of Professor Ali A. Mazrui with the University of Jos, Jos, 1986.
(10). "Religion, Values and Ethics in Nigerian Society", Nigerian Association for the
Study of Religion Conference, University of Jos, 1989.
(11). "The Activities of Christian Missions in Northern Nigeria", 1981. Unpublished
(12). "The Quest for Moral Training of the Nigerian Child: A Social-Historical and
Ethical Analysis of Colonial Educational Policies of Northern Nigerian", 1990. The
Association of the Nigerian Bible Knowledge Teachers, Jos ECWA Theological
Seminary, Jos.
(13). "The State of Education in Southern Zaria, 1900-1986: A Socio-Historical Analysis
British Colonial Educational Policies, 1986. Speech and Prize Giving Day, Balewa
Memorial College, Samaru Kataf.
(14). "The Church and Social Issues in Nigeria", Conference on International Debt
Institute of Church and Society, Jos, 1990.
(15). "Biblical Perspectives on Leadership Role in Nation Building", 1991. Theological
College of Northern Nigeria, Bukuru.
(16). "The Unique Christ for Salvation in a of World Religions and Cultures", Byang H.
Kato Memorial Lectures, ECWA Theological Seminary, Igbaja, Nigeria, 1992.
(17). "Jos ECWA Theological Seminary as a Theological Model of Renewal" Seminar on
Education for the Third World Church Leaders, Overseas Ministries Study Center
(OMSC), New Haven, USA, 1989.
(18). "Africa Area Study; Lausanne Communications Committee for World
Evangelization, 2nd Annual World Briefing Sept. 17 - 20, 1993, Charlotte, USA.
(19). "Missions Working Together in the 1990's: An African Response to Missions in
Africa", Missions Conference, Managing Diversity: The Mission leadership
Challenge of the 1990's, Houston, Texas, USA, September 20-24, 1993.
(20). "The State and Citizenship in Africa", Pan-African Christian Leadership Assembly
(PACLA II), Nairobi, Kenya, November 1994.
(21). "The Church and Social Issues in Africa: A Historical Overview", A Paper
presented at the National Conference on "The Church and the Political Crisis in
Nigeria", African Centre for Democratic Governance, August 21-23, 1996, Jos,
(22). "Critical Issues Facing Theological Institutions in West Africa: The Nigerian
Experience", A Paper presented at the Consultation on Institutional Development
for Theological Education in West Africa, Presbyterian Women's Centre, Abokobi,
Ghana, December 11-17, 1995.
(23). "The Church Developing Religious Liberty", A Paper presented at the Consultation
on Religious Liberty in an African Context, Moshi, Tanzania, August 1995.
(24). "Pilgrimage as a Channel of Interdenominational Interaction and Unity Among
Christians". A Paper presented at the Seminar on Christian Pilgrimage, Directorate
of Pilgrims Affairs (Christian), Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Abuja, Nigeria,
June 14-15, 1995.
(25). "Socio-Political Context of Christian Presence in Christian-Muslim Relations,
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, May 1-5, 1997.
(26). "The Ethical Mandate: Quest For Spiritual and Moral Transformation of Nigeria".
A Paper presented at the National Church Leaders Prayer Conference on Hope for
a Nation in Need, Lagos, May 20-23, 1997.
(27). "The Creation/Evolution Controversy: A Position Paper". A Paper presented at the
Conference on Christianity and Science, University of Jos, December 18-21, 1980.
(28). "Health and Adolescence". A Paper presented at the ECWA Women Fellowship,
Jos, October 17, 1980.
(29). "Discipline: A Biblical and Management Approach". March 1986, Jos.
(30). "The Position of Man and Woman in the Home and Society: A Biblical Approach".
March 1988, Jos.
(31). "The Biblical Basis For Human Rights and Human Dignity". March 1988, Civil
Liberty Organization, Lagos.
(32). "The Ethical Foundations for Good Governance and Leadership in Nigeria",
Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) National Seminar on Democracy, Good
Governance and National Development in Nigeria: Actualizing the People's
Mandate, ECOWAS Secretariat, Asokoro, Abuja, May 25-26, 1999.
(33). “Ethical and Cultural Foundations of Good Governance and Leadership in
Nigeria”, National Institute For Policy and Strategic Studies, April 2001, 2002,
(34). “The Politics of Religion and Federalism: Causes of Religious Conflict and
Recommendations of Dealing with Them”, National Round Table on
‘Democracy and nation Building: The Challenge of Our Time, ECOWAS
Secretariat, Abuja, April 7-10, 2002.
(35). “The Social, Economic and Political Status of Christians in the Northern States of
Northern Christian Elders Forum Conference, Abuja, 2002.
(36). “The Contribution of Evangelical Theology in Africa: Strength and Weaknesses”,
World Evangelical fellowship (WEF) Missiological Consultation, Fos do Iguazu,
Parana, Brazil, October 10-15, 1999.
(37). “Towards A Theological Method in Africa”, World Evangelical Fellowship (WEF)
Missiological Consultation, Fos do Iguazu, Parana, Brazil, October 10-15, 1999.
(38). “African Christian Theology”, Cyprus 2000, World Evangelical Theological
Commission, Lanarca, Cyprus, 21-25 February, 2000.
(39). “Towards A Christian Ethic of Political Authority in Africa”, International
Conference of Reformed Churches of South Africa, Pretoria, 8-12 December 1999.
(40). “A Memorandum to the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Religious Riots in
Kaduna State”, March 29, 2000.
(41). “Sharia: The Socio-Political Implications For Christians”, CAN Seminar
Kaduna, February 2000.
(42). “The Shari’a Debate in the Northern States of Nigeria: Implications for
Muslims, Christians and Democracy in Nigeria”. Conference on the Shari’a
Debate and the Shaping of Christian and Muslim Identities in Northern
Nigeria, July 10-12, 2003, University of Bayruth, Germany.
12. Published Works and Writings
This section also defines similarly my academic and scholarly out-put in writings which
have been published as a result of undertaking research, accepting invitations to attend
conferences, seminars, workshops, lectureships, or taking any subject of personal
interest. The section also defines the types and nature of researches, conferences and
subjects undertaken, that span the period from 1976 to 2003 and international coverage
of the conferences around the world.
(1). "Towards a Conception of a National Ethic: Method in Social Ethics ", A Paper
Presented at the University of Jos, 1983. Serialized by two National Dailies, New
Nigerian and the Nigerian Standard. A Paper Presented at the University of Jos,
(2). Joint Proposal with Dr. Jacob K. Olupona, "A Proposal for Nigerian Institute for the
Study of Religion, Ethics and Society", 1982. Published by two National Dailies,
New Nigeria and the Nigerian Standard, 1983.
(3). "The Search for a Viable Social order: Beyond the Colonial Legacy", 1986. Serialized
by the Nigerian Standard, 1986.
(4). "Biblical Mandate for Development", Published in Afrethics, AEAM Issue, No.8,
(5). An Introduction to SIM/ECWA History in Nigeria, 1893-1993. Jos, Nigeria:
Published by Challenge Publications, 1993.
(6). The British Colonial Legacy in Northern Nigeria: A Social Ethical Analysis of the
Colonial and Post-colonial Society and Politics in Nigeria. Jos, Nigeria: Published by
Challenge Publications, 1993.
(7). "The Unique Christ for Peace and Justice", World Evangelical Fellowship
Theological Commission Consultation, Manila, Philippines, 1992, and Published by
Bruce J. Nicholls, Ed. The Unique Christ in our Pluralist World. The Paternoster
Press, 1994.
(8). "Towards a Conception of Christian Social Ethics in Africa: A Methodological
Approach." Published in Cultural Diversity in Africa: Embarrassment or
Opportunity. Potchefstroom University, Republic of South Africa, 1991.
(9). "Culture and Modernization in Africa: A Methodological Approach", Published in
Cultural Diversity in Africa: Embarrassment or Opportunity", Potchefstroom
University, Republic of South Africa, 1991.
(10). "Methodology and Assumptions in Social Sciences (Sociology): A Christian
Approach". Published in Christian Education in the African Context: Proceedings of
the African Regional Conference of the International Association for Christian
Higher Education, Harare, Zimbabwe, 4 - 9 March 1991.
(11). The Future of South Africa in the African Context: An African Response to the
Question of Apartheid, Published by Institute for Reformational Studies,
Potchefstroom University, RSA. 1992.
(12). "The Quest for Cooperation, Renewal and Relevance in Theological Education" A
Paper Presented at the Theological Forum, Lausanne II, Manila, Philippines, 1990
and Published by African Journal of Evangelical Theology, Nairobi, Kenya 1991.
(13). "Human Dignity and Identity and Reconciliation", Pan-Africa Conference on Africa
Beyond Liberation: Reconciliation, Reformation and Development, Potchefstroom
University, RSA. 1992, and Published by Institute for Reformational Studies,
Potchefstroom University, RSA, 1992.
(14). "Christian Worldview Foundations", International Association for the Promotion
Christian Higher Education, Potchefstroom University, RSA. 1992, and Published by
Institute for Reformational Studies, Potchefstroom University, 1992.
(15). "The Church in the African State Towards the 21st Century: The Nigerian
Experience". A Paper presented at the West African Sub-Regional Consultation on
"The Church in the African State Towards the 21st Century, 2-7, 1996, Accra Ghana.
Published By Journal of African Theology, 1997.
(16). "Understanding Folk Elements in Christian Expressions of African Religion: A
Methodological Approach", Consultation on Christian-Muslim Relations And
African Islam in Global Context, University of Essex, Colchester, England, 4-7
January 1994. Published in a Book printed by William Carey Library, 1997.
(17). Tribal Gods of Africa: Ethnicity, Racism, Tribalism and the Gospel of Christ. Jos:
Crossroad Media, 1997.
(18). Book Review: Of God and Maxim Guns: Presbyterianism in Nigeria, 1946-1966 by
Geoffrey Johnston. Waterloo, Ontario Canada: Wilfred Laurier University Press,
1988. Book Review published by International Bulletin of Missionary Research,
OMSC, New Haven, Con., USA, 1990.
(19). Book Review: West Africa: Christ Would be an African Too by John Pobee.
Geneva: WCC Publications, 1996. Book Review published by International Bulletin
of Missionary Research, OMSC, New Haven, Con., USA, 1997.
(20). Book Forward: Tongues: To Speak or Not to Speak by Chris S. Abashiya. Jos:
Midland Press Limited, 1993.
(21). Book Preface: The Liberating Message: A Christian Worldview for Africa by B.J.
van der Walt. Potchefstroom University, South Africa, 1994.
(22). Christianity And African Gods. IRS, Potchefstroom University, 1999.
(23). Theory and Practice of Christian Missions in Africa: A Century of SIM/ECWA
History and Legacy in Nigeria 1893-1993, Vol. One. Nairobi, Kenya, IBS, 1999.
(24). Is Democracy the Ideal Universal Political System? Published in Philosophia
Reformata Vol 66 (2001), No. 1. Netherlands.
(25). Foundations of African Traditional Religions and Worldview. Nairobi, Kenya, IBS,
(26). The Unique Christ For Salvation: The Challenge of the Non-Christian Religions
Cultures. Nairobi, Kenya, IBS, 2001.
13. Cross-Cultural and International Experience
This section defines my cross-cultural experience of various ethnic groups in Nigeria
and international experience through travels to attend conferences, seminars,
workshops and visits to different countries and continents. This afforded an opportunity
of meeting and visiting many and various people groups, cultures, worldviews, religions,
countries, continents; and historical and geographical experiences that have enriched
one’s experience of the world:
(1). Travelled widely and lived in North America and have visited many countries in
Europe: United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy,
Liechtenstein, Germany; Asia: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, South Korea
Korea, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand; Middle East: Israel, Egypt, Dubai; Latin
America: Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay and Panama; Africa: Benin, Niger,
Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Togo, Cote d'Ivoire,
Algeria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Congo DR, Zimbabwe, Malawi,
South Africa; North America: USA, Canada.
(2). Attended many national and international Conferences and Seminars too numerous
to enlist as from 1976 to date. (See sections 11 and 12 as some places and countries
were mentioned in relationship to my writings and publications).
(3). Visited and lectured at many national and international universities, seminaries and
institutions of higher learning and many Churches and Christian Organizations too
numerous to enlist as from the 1980 to date. (See sections 11 and 12 as some of these
institutions were named in relationship to my writings and publications).
(4). Gained Cross-cultural and international experience through working closely with
international Christian organizations and agencies, such as:
(a). SIM International since 1970.
(b) Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA) since 1987.
(c) World Evangelical Fellowship since 1987.
(d). Living Bibles International and International Bible Society since 1980.
(d). Africa Theological Initiative since 1992.
(5). Gained Cross-cultural national experience in Nigeria:
(a). Lived among the Yoruba, Hausa, Fulani, Igbo and minority ethnic communities.
Lived in Suleja (Abuja), Niger State, 1962-67, 1971,1972; Bida, Niger State, 1967-69;
Gusau, Zamfara State, 1968, 1979, 1970, 1972; Igbaja, Kwara State, 1970-74; Jos,
Plateau State, 1980-1989 and Enugu, Enugu State, 1998 to date; born at Fadan
Kagoma; Kaduna State, lived in Kaduna, 1973, Kaduna State.
(b). Travelled to all Nigerian states, except Bayelsa as the General Secretary of
ECWA, National Vice-President of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and
as a Research Scholar, Lecturer and Conference Speaker.
(c). Worked with the Kaduna State Government as Education Officer, 1974-79 and had
a good knowledge of the inner workings of government and government officials and
General Orders.
(d). My Professional Training places me (1) right at the centre of the Nigerian social
environment with a very good grasp of Nigerian peoples, cultures, social and
religious values, politics and the state of economy and (2) I have been able to
acquire knowledge and good grasp of international relations and politics and the
socio-political and religious and cultural settings of the world community.
My studies, research and writings since 1976 have broaden my experience of national
international cultures, religions, worldviews, politics, economies and international
(6).Gained Ecumenical Experience with Churches, Denominations and Church and
Christian Organizational Leaders and have worked extensively among the
Nigerian churches, denominations and Christian organizations. My work with
CAN as the National Vice-President and as a member of the Executive Committee
of CAN, has given me a good grasp of ecumenics, church relations and state
relations and inter-faith and religious relations, dialogue and Christian-Muslim
relations. This has afforded the opportunity of meeting, knowing and interacting with
denominational and Christian leaders in Nigeria and internationally.
(7). Living in Nairobi, Kenya since October 2004.
16. Personal Background and Experience
This section summarizes and defines my personal background and experience as
presented from sections 1-15:
(1). Family Experience
I hold to both a Christian belief and a philosophy that place the family as the foundation
of (1) the Church; (2) human society; and (3) the nation. Developing and nurturing
strong families should be made the centrepiece of both Church and State policy. The
Church should be able to mobilize the Nigerian Church, the Nigerian State and the
Nigerian society and peoples of other faiths to promote and defend family and human
(2). Educational, Academic and Scholarly Experience
My career in educational, academic and scholarly experience is vast and this will no
doubt play a very significant role in shaping my general approach, deliberations and
administrative and policy formulation and decision-making, and the over-all
performance in out-put and out-reach.
(3). Pastoral and Church Experience
Ministerial formation, molding and conditioning are prerequisites to performing
effective and meaningful pastoral duties and responsibilities and these take years of
training, nurturing and cultivating of a pastoral heart and character. Furthermore,
acquiring church experience demands devotion, commitment and love of Church. These
qualities are indispensable to any effective and enduring church leadership within the
Church. An experienced pastor and church leader who has risen within the ranks of
church ministers and leaders can be best suited to interact, share and do business with
the Nigerian Church leaders as well as leaders of other faith.
(4). Teaching Experience
A good and seasoned teacher focuses on training, inculcating, nurturing, molding and
shaping the lives of the future generation and grooming future leaders for tomorrow. A
teacher who does so with passion, devotion and with a sense of obligation and
commitment knows how to tackle the problems of social and spiritual life, morality,
ethics and discipline. My greatest gift in my career is in imparting spiritual, moral and
ethical values and in preparation and grooming of young church leaders and educators
for the next generation. My passion and devotion throughout my Seminary teaching
career has centred on training, grooming and raising future leaders, pastors,
theologians, educationists for the Church and society. Positioning the Church to achieve
that guarantees the enduring destiny and legacy of the Church and ensuring its
continuity and survival into the future.
(5). Education Administration Experience
One can be an excellent academician or a scholar, but that is not the end of the matter. It
takes administrative skills and policy formulation in establishing an enduring and
effective education system for a church or society. The ability and skills of developing
and instituting education programmes and institutions require the arts and skills of
administration. I have acquired wealth of experience in education pioneering and
institutional development in many institutions which I headed. The Church has had an
enviable role of being the most power pioneer in the fields of education, medical work,
literature work and social and human development in our national history. The need for
doing the same today by far outweighs our historical legacy. The present Nigerian
Church needs to recapture this historical legacy which is a sure moral and spiritual
foundation of the Church and society.
(6). Research Experience
Research skills, production and problem solving are what make a scholar. The skills of
identifying problems and the skills of solving them are the pillars of human
development and growth towards creating a better society. That things can become
better, or can be done better, or that things can be improved upon, or that they can be
examined, evaluated, assessed, or that they can be defined or looked at differently, all
these spell out our human passion for seeking for a better place or society. The Church
needs people who have these passions and the quest of putting things right. The span of
my entire career has been devoted to researching in the fields that are of great benefit to
the Church, society and our nation. My writings and books reflect deeply my passion for
the Nigerian Church, society and nation.
(7). Institutional Development Experience
In institutional development, special skills are required: institutional analysis, policy
formulation, setting institutional goals and objectives and managerial skills. Each
institution requires different managerial skills. Managerial skills are required as
necessary in mobilizing both human and material resources to achieve institutional
goals and objectives. In my career, I have held five different institutions/offices as the
chief administrative officer; three with national outlook; and two with international
(8). Church Administration and Leadership Experience at both National and
Principles of Church administration and leadership are indispensable in the Church.
They are acquired through many years of experience within Church settings. I had an
opportunity of being the Chief Administrative Officer of one of the bigger
Denominations in Nigeria, namely ECWA. The period thus served, gave me an
opportunity to develop and used administrative and leadership skills in consolidating
and laying down a solid foundation for the growth and the development of my
denomination. The records of achievement, reforms, policy formulation, purposeful
leadership direction and vision and impact within the ECWA Church and beyond are
verifiable within circles of ECWA and even beyond. The Church needs persons with very
strong background and enviable records of good performance in the arts of church
administration and leadership skills and qualities.
(9). Cross-Cultural National and International Experience
An effective and meaningful cross-cultural and international experience provide for a
better acquisition of social skills and people skills. Knowledge of culture, worldviews,
traditions and customs creates a balanced person within the context of plurality and
diversity. The power of communication and influence are conveyed through this
medium of cultural and international experience, knowledge and skills. Better relations,
dialogue, interactions are based upon a good knowledge of other people in terms of their
culture, religion, worldview and mindset. My career and writings have reflected deeply
my great interest and involvement in issues of cross-cultural and international
experience. Cultural depth and international experience make a good ambassador and
such a one can represent the Nigerian Church anywhere both nationally and
(10). Ecumenical Working and Leadership Experience at both National and
Missions and churches working together to achieved the purpose for which our Lord
established the Church is the secret of unity and strength. I have had a special interest in
the studies of ecumenics, especially as it relates to the history of the Nigerian Church.
Besides having undertaken researches into Nigerian Church Ecumenics, I have also
become involved in ecumenics itself in Nigeria, especially my involvement with CAN
and Nigerian Evangelical Fellowship (NEF) and other similar groups. As member of
CAN’s National Executive Committee and also as its Vice-President in the 1990s, I have
had the privilege of knowing the inner workings of CAN and the nature of the Nigerian
Church Ecumenics, especially in the Church’s response to the State, Islam and
Traditional Religions. An enduring and effective leadership legacy in the Church must
rests upon thorough ecumenical knowledge and ecumenical skills and personal
knowledge of the leadership of various churches and denominations and in their
collective and biblical response to other faiths, the state and society.
(11). Inter-Religious and Islamic Experience
Nigeria is a multi-cultural, multi-religious and multi-ethnic society. Inter-faith and
intra-faith relations, dialogue, mutual understanding and respect, the brotherhood of
mankind, the rights and dignity of man/woman, principles and values of equality,
justice and freedom and also what makes for conflict and violence, are all essential
ingredients for inter-faith and inter-religious relations. The primary role of the Church
is promotion and defense of peace, justice, truth and all other human values and
religious liberty and freedom of all humans, regardless of race, faith and sex. The
prevalence and influence of Islam and Traditional Religions within the Nigerian society
have defined in great measure the significant role and function of the Church within our
national life beyond what we can imagine. Research and writings have been done
extensive on Islam and Traditional religions in terms of their relationship to Christianity
and the Church. The Nigerian Church must be in the vanguard as the champion of
Nigerian unity, peace, justice and freedom and seeking for peaceful co-existence and
dialogue with other faiths. This requires skills in inter-religious conflict resolution and
(12). Government and Political Experience
The search for good governance and leadership in Nigeria is the foremost national
political value. The yearnings and expectations of Nigerians cannot be met, unless
Nigerians entrench and imbibe good national values, ideals and standards that can
promote our unity, peace and justice for all. Questions of the role and function of the
Nigerian State and Government, citizenship and nationhood have continued to haunt
Nigeria since independence. In my entire career I have devoted a lot of time and
resources to researching and writing on the making of Nigeria. It is the divine
responsibility of the Nigerian Church to define the role and function of the State,
Government, governance, leadership, citizenship, and all human values that are
sometimes unfairly subjected to political, economic and state policy control that in
consequence dehumanize humanity. The Church is the champion of human values,
equality, freedom, justice and rights. My research work has focused on political
theology, Biblical teachings on God’s mandate for all humans and human institutions,
Church-State relations and the role of the Church in society. Have researched and
written extensively on social ethics, morality, politics, governance, leadership, etc. The
role of the Church in relationship to the State and society is prophetic and the Church is
that prophetic voice.