AYSE KUCUK YILMAZ 1 COVER PAGE Enterprise Risk Management Implementation Model for Airports in Turkey Ayse KUCUK YILMAZ* PhD Candidate Anadolu University. Iki Eylul Campus. Scholl of Civil Aviation 26470 Eskisehir-Turkey e-mail: akucukyilmaz@anadolu.edu.tr GSM: +90535 462 55 90 Office Phone: +90 222 335 0580-6812 Corresponding Author: Ayse KUCUK YILMAZ Ayse Kucuk Yilmaz. School of Civil Aviation, Anadolu University, Turkey in 2001, Master, Anadolu University Social Science Institute, Civil Aviation Management, 2003. She is an aircraft technician and PhD candidate at Anadolu University-Social Science InstituteCivil Aviation Management Department in Eskisehir, Turkey. She is finished her doctorate dissertation in December 2006 that it is in the approval process. AYSE KUCUK YILMAZ 2 Enterprise Risk Management Implementation Model for Airports in Turkey Ayse KUCUK YILMAZ* PhD Candidate Anadolu University. Iki Eylul Campus. Scholl of Civil Aviation 26470 Eskisehir-Turkey e-mail: akucukyilmaz@anadolu.edu.tr GSM: +90535 462 55 90 Office Phone: +90 222 335 0580-6812 Abstract Enterprise risk management (ERM) is important application in the airports as integral part of the air transportation system. The study is claim that airport management systems must be includes an implementation of ERM. The study is dealing solving with “What kind of ERM model should develop and apply to airports in Turkey” main problem. ERM implementation is not “one-size-fits-all” kind approach to any organizations. So, every organization should develop their ERM implementation model and its process. This paper aimed to developing an ERM framework model for airports in Turkey. The model is developed by collaborative study with DHMI (Turkey Governmental Authority to airport), TAV Airport Holding Co., Celebi Holding and Bayindir Holding., which they are leadership in the airport operators in the Turkey. The verbal model is used in the developing of the ERM model. Current ERM applications are analyzed ERM guidelines/frameworks are reviewed. Current ERM models are re-interpreted and shaping for airports. Also this new model is clings to current ERM framework by publishes COSO. In the study, Questionnaire is applied and face-to-face interviews are made with airport managers to developing the effective and applicable ERM model to airport business. The Istanbul-Atatürk International Airport in Turkey is selected a sample to ERM model as real world situation that it is prior international airport in the Turkey. Index Terms- Air Transportation, Airport, Enterprise Risk Management implementation model. *Correcponding Author: Ayse KUCUK YILMAZ. E-mail: akucukyilmaz@anadolu.edu.tr; GSM: +90 4625590 AYSE KUCUK YILMAZ 3 1. Introduction is Airports cannot be seen as just another industry. programs are required simply to keep pace However, due to fundamental changes in the with the projected growth in air travel market and competitive landscape, pressure and demand, while governments are reducing risks on airports will increase significantly. their funding for airport projects. These Airports have to move towards transparent factors are literally changing the face of the management structures with an explicit focus on world’s airports (Feldman, 1998). Also these the core business and clear accountability. They changes are increase to need for ERM are present of importance and necessity of ERM implementation in the airport business. implementation at airport. Basic pressure and risks based on following factors (Mercer increasing. Tremendous investment Uncertainty and risks are increasing due to these developments and changes. ERM Management Consulting, 2005): implementation is essential for sustainable - Regulatory changes / airport liberalization growth and success of airport business. In the - Significant capital expenditure required to air transportation sector, airports, air traffic cope with air traffic growth control facilities, and government airlines - Growing competition between airports become more commercial-oriented and have - Airlines increasing price pressure on airports been partially or fully privatized in many - Consolidation cases. of network carriers and aggressive growth of low cost airlines - The increasing competition and changes Rising profit expectations of shareholders/ across sectors and the rise of the low-fare privatization carrier are amongst the most significant Airports represent some of the most diverse and complex facilities world. many years. These changes and developments Essentially an airport is itself a small city with all in customer base have significant facilities of the associated functions from receiving aircraft implications as identified by Pitt and Brown to providing chapels. The skills and knowledge (Pitt, 2001). The organizational skills required required of the facilities manager are diverse and of the strategic facilities manager are severely in general represent space planning logistics and tested by the diverse nature of the responses process mapping which are all core ingredients of required in order to satisfy both customer the (airline) and employer (airport owner) (Pitt, contemporary throughout facilities the changes to affect the aviation industry in management discipline (Pitt and Brown, 2000). The airport business experiencing The objective of this study is to developing unprecedented change. The world’s airlines are of ERM Model to the Istanbul-Atatürk undergoing and International Airport in Turkey. Collaborative consolidation, and competition between airports study is carried out with airport’s executives global is 2001). liberalization AYSE KUCUK YILMAZ 4 during the application of ERM model. The model Enterprise Risk Management: Frameworks, emphasizes that ERM is an integral part of the Elements, and management process. Allocation and use of overview of limited resources through an effective and frameworks and will systematic ERM implementation effort are accountants critical in Turkey as well as other developing responsibilities in ERM projects. countries. Implementation of ERM model can b. Enterprise able to provide reasonable assurance to managing Implications, Benefits and Process (2006) risks of airport business. publishes by General Re. According to the Integration the ERM understand Risk provide process help their an and management roles and Management: It’s The paper organized into 4 sections and resource, ERM has come out from behind the begins with the ERM and related researches. curtain. All insurers, to some degree, will Problem and Proposed ERM Model are presents have to begin assessing their risk management in Section 3. Results are explained in Section 4 capabilities and processes. ERM is a good and concluding remarks is given this last section. business practice and companies can turn the new ERM standards set by rating agencies 2. The ERM and related researches ERM literature Many into a competitive advantage. If companies organizations is publishes various studies about look beyond "Checking the box" for meeting ERM. In this study, source samples about ERM rating agency criteria, the real value of ERM given as following; can be realized and result in more profitable a. COSO is business practices down the road. This paper Integrated Framework: The framework defines describes the ERM process, its benefits and essential ERM components, discusses key ERM implication. We will then examine how the principles and concepts, suggests a common rating agencies have taken up ERM as an ERM language, and provides clear direction and important aspect of the rating process. guidance for ERM. Engaged by COSO to lead the c. The study, PricewaterhouseCoopers was assisted by Management is publishes by Virchow, Krause an advisory council composed of representatives & Company. According to the study “ERM from organizations. can be tailored to any utility's operations. In Enterprise Risk Management: Frameworks, today's utility environment operating without Elements, and Integration (2006): Statements on ERM principles in place is taking a gamble Management Accounting (SMAs) present the that nothing will go wrong, or that you will be views of IMA regarding management accounting successfully reactive to factors impacting and financial management issues. In their your business. You wouldn't run your development, the Statements are subjected to a personal household that way, would you? rigorous exposure process. The 2006 SMA on This paper explains the journey into the - five Risk context. Management- the Enterprise vast COSO Principles of Enterprise Risk AYSE KUCUK YILMAZ 5 intricacies of understanding and implementing an guide doesn’t exist about airport ERM. So, ERM program at your utility or organization. To the study is aiming to contribute for this field. fully understand the mindset and process behind 3.Problem and Proposed ERM Model ERM, we must first discuss the founding The study is dealing solving with “What principles of ERM and its application in various kind of ERM model should develop to industries”. airports in Turkey” main problem. ERM d. Enterprise Risk Management: Theory And implementation is not “one-size-fits-all” kind Practice (2006) is publishes by Ohio University. approach to any organizations. So, every In this paper, they explain how ERM creates organization should develop their ERM value for shareholders. In contrast to the existing implementation model and its process. This finance paper literature, we emphasize the aimed to developing an ERM organizational benefits of risk management. They framework model for airports in Turkey. The show how a firm should choose its risk appetite model is developed by collaborative study and measure risk when implementing enterprise with DHMI (Turkey Governmental Authority risk management. They also provide an extensive to airport), TAV Airport Holding Co., Celebi guide to the implementation issues faced by firms Holding and Bayindir Holding., which they that implement ERM. are leadership as the airport operators in the e. Enterprise Specialty Turkey. The verbal model is used in the Guide (2006) is publishes by Society of developing of the ERM model. For this aim, Actuaries. has Current ERM applications are analyzed and undertaken an initiative to educate the public, and ERM guidelines/frameworks are reviewed. especially industry leaders who are in need of Current ERM models are re-interpreted and guidance in matters involving risk assessment shaping for airports. Also this new model is and control, about actuaries' unique set of skills clings that are particularly relevant in today's climate of publishes COSO. The Risk Management: Society of Actuaries to current ERM framework by risk quantification, classification and mitigation. In the study, Questionnaire is applied and This Specialty Guide on ERM is a work in face-to-face interviews are made with airport progress, begun in the spring of 2004 by managers to developing the effective and members of the ERM Working Group of the applicable ERM model to airport business. Society of Actuaries Risk Management Section to The Istanbul-Atatürk International Airport in serve as a fundamental resource for a basic Turkey is selected a sample to ERM model as understanding of ERM, as well as a guide to real further study of the subject. international airport in the Turkey. Many resources, guidelines and surveys are publishes in ERM literature. But any research or world situation that it is prior AYSE KUCUK YILMAZ 6 As illustrated in figure-1., new ERM model is - Analysis of organizational capabilities, consist to 32 steps: 6 main steps and its sub-step. abilities according to the desired ERM They are listed following; model and its implementation efforts. i. Analysis of internal environment and - Training and education about fundamental determination of requirements of ERM ERM concepts, conceptual framework, - Declaration of organizational objectives and process and practice steps for managers aims and related other staff in airports. - Determination of external and internal - pressures (with their risks) Building of organizational risk profile and determination of risk tolerance line. - Analysis of internal audit structure iii. - Analysis of information systems committee - Determination of organizational resource and a. establish a suitable ERM function their allocation b.Place of the ERM Committee (CEO, CRO, Determination of organizational strategy and CFO, CIO, etc.) in organization chart. its relationship with ERM iv. Supporting of ERM by the current managerial and determination of ERM framework approaches, - - - applications and functions: strategic management and planning, corporate governance, line management, portfolio Establish of ERM strategy; Establish of of ERM function and Establish of ERM information system Establish suitable ERMIS (Enterprise Risk Management Information System) - management, value management, etc. ii. Establish Establish Documentation procedures and format - Establish reporting format and line (top- substructure requirements about ERM down, across, down to top, external and - internal parties) Definition of organizational ERM vision, mission and strategy that they are guide and - - the best ERM framework to airport by analysis other Determination of current ERM and risk ERM models in the guidelines and reports - the different analysis techniques Determination of useful ERM guidelines and Decision making and establish of the suitable ERM framework - Determination of the risk identification reports, best practices; Decision making of tools, methods and models ; Definition of which guides are using to developing ERM current and possible risks to airport model - of shaped to ERM model perceptions, ERM and risk culture by using of - Benchmarking - Develop a common risk language and ERM terminology Determination of the risk assessment tools, methods and models - Assessment of the risk analysis result as their impact and severity AYSE KUCUK YILMAZ - 7 Classification of risks in the four main detailed steps are developed as arranged in categories: strategic, financial, operational order. Verbal models use words to represent and threat risks, some object or situation that exists, or could - Risk mapping and Risk prioritization exist, in reality. Verbal models may range - Selection and application of agreeable risk from a simple word presentation of scenery responses described in a book to a complex business Establish continuously monitoring and review decision problem (described in words and function numbers). A firm's mission statement is a - v. Data flow and feedback; Analysis of model of its beliefs about what business it is ERM implementation performance in and sets the stage for the firm's - Update and improving of the ERM system determination - Provide effective and well-timed data flow (Encyclopedia of Management, 2006). and feedback line and the determination of - of goals and objectives The study is prepared according to the their context Istanbul-Atatürk Assessment of the organizational ERM Turkey. The implementation of the ERM application performance in respect of the both model is not a "one-size-fits-all" analysis. So, system and the related managers & staff the model is tailored according to the vi. Provide continuous improvement & International Airport in qualifications and various parameters of the development about ERM Process Turkey Airports and especially to the - Provide continuity both ERM system and its Istanbul-Atatürk International Airport. All improving; Restart to ERM process over loop efforts achieved with coordinated studies with to new and developing risk and environment airport managers in the Turkey as following This model is ERM framework to steps: implementation in the airport. It has serial steps. - Turkey airports are analyzed about ERM Every sub-step is sufficiently explaine to “what infrastructure and capabilities, objectives and should do related main steps”. wants related ERM. Main research problem is creation of new and suitable ERM framework model and its appropriate adaptation for airports. This study is focus on this problem and its solution. Verbal model is used to developing of new ERM model. As a known, verbal models tell the real system or process with words. In these kinds of the models components and relationships are define with words. In this study, main and - The model tailored according to the determinations. - Basic ERM framework and process is prepared according to the general ERM context. - ERM model integrated with organizational ERM process. - ERM Information Management System (ERM-IMS) developed as shown figure 2. AYSE KUCUK YILMAZ 8 ERM information management systems are system. Their system is analyzed during the designed to overcome the problem of aggregating study preparation process. Sydney airport has data across the organization. The design of an integrated risk management system. Finally, information an ERM practice has very narrow airport system depends on the risk measurement methodology that a firm chooses. business samples across the world. The current and likely future improvements in The Istanbul-Atatürk International Airport risk management information systems make is selected as research sampling in this study feasible new ways of collecting aggregate data on which there is biggest and prior airport in the firms’ risk-taking activities. The problem of Turkey designing an information system for risk The study is separate and superior from management is a problem of aggregation other frameworks in the ERM guides and (Gibson, 1997). reports since the study focused critical 4. Results elements for the airports. They are; The model is based on author doctoral - External and internal pressures to the airport dissertation about “Enterprise Risk Management management Implementations and The Model Suggestion to - Airport risks as enterprise wide: strategic, the Airports in the Turkey”. Developed ERM financial, model is generally implemented in International categories Istanbul Airport because of the scope of this - ERM committee structure study, characteristics of the subject and time for - ERM implementation process and their giving steps results. The model implementation operational and threats risk executed with high level airport managers as - Critical success factors coordinated - Integration of ERM to organizational studies. The model and implementation results are presented to these managers. They are started efforts related in establish ERM framework in their airports since 2006. This can be considered as study’s contribution to airport sectors. Any framework model not exists in the world structure Completed and achieved studies within this research period are given following order: a. A questionnaire as a qualitative research technique is prepared to investigate perception and approach of ERM across and Turkey according to the airport ERM organization and their personnel. implementation. Also, the any conceptual and questionnaire, theoretical study doesn’t exist in Turkey about unstructured question sets, is applied to major ERM. In this concept, suggested model is airports. Questions of questionnaire are prepared as these deficiencies. prepared to demonstrate risk and ERM However Fraport A.G. has successful ERM perceptions with other substructure elements to answer including structured This and AYSE KUCUK YILMAZ 9 of effective ERM. Also, the questionnaire is knowledge and experience in application of prepared the active principles of ERM. ERM simply to determine the situation and dimensions of governance since ERM interrelated enables with strategic effectively in environments filled with risks, management, strategic planning, organizational and in volatile markets such as Turkey objectives and mission of enterprise. (Kucuk Yilmaz, 2006). b. corporate governance, Applicability analysis of ERM is achieved management to operate more Acknowledgements for all airports in Turkey. Results of this analysis The study is basically based on: “Ayse used to determination of current situation of ERM Kucuk Yilmaz, ‘Enterprise Risk Management substructure. Implementations and the Model Suggestion to Also, main requirement and deficiencies are determinates with this study. c. New ERM framework model is created for the Airports Dissertation, in the Turkey’, Anadolu Doctoral University, Social airports and integrated general ERM process. The Science Institute, Civil Aviation Management model offered to airport managers to establish Branch, Eskisehir, Turkey, 2007”). The their system. Author would like to thank the airport ERM age started in the Turkey’s air managers who assisted with this research: transportation sector: airports and airlines. This is TAV CEO Sani SENER and other TAV an important development for Turkey civil managers; high level managers of the Celebi- aviation sector. Ic Holding, at Turkey. The fact that the nature and importance of air References transport is changing has long been recognized. AMEC 2005: Risk Management within d. In Turkey, ERM implementation is apply by AMEC, Canadian Risk Management TAV Airport Holding Co. since 2006. as full Conference Montreal September 19, 2005 ERM concept. TAV is unique sample related to Barton, Thomas L., William G. Shenkir, Paul ERM in the Turkey. However, other airport L. managers are willing to increase the awareness Management for ERM at level of corporate. Their efforts are Companies Implement Risk Management”, improving across their organizations in this field. Financial Times Prentice Hall, February 08, Turkey’s air transportation sector and airports do 2002. pay attention to the ERM implementation with Walker, “Making Pay Enterprise Off: How Risk Leading Casualty Actuarial Society Enterprise Risk start of the study. Having in mind the compliance Management efforts to entrance to the European Union, airport Enterprise Risk Management, May 2003. managers have to start their practice towards the COSO, ERM Framework, www.erm.coso.org., establish and implement of ERM and it will require strong effort inevitable for gaining new 2004. Committee, Overview of AYSE KUCUK YILMAZ 10 Feldman, David. Global Airport Management: Pitt, Michael. Strategic direction in the airport Strategic Challenges in an Emerging Industry business: enabling or disabling? , Facilities, Mercer Management Consulting, Inc., 1998 Volume 19. Number 3/4. 2001. pp. 150±156 Gibson, Michael. Information System of Risk Management, Bank for International # MCB University Press . ISSN 0263-2772. Pitt, M. and Brown, A. (2000), ``Challenges Settlements, in strategic facilities management: developing http://www.bis.org/publ/ecsc07f.pdf, 1997. the airport business'', Facilities Management, Kucuk Yilmaz, Ayse. “Enterprise Risk May 2000. Management Implementations and The Model PricewaterhouseCoopers, “The Importance of Suggestion for The Airport Business in the Enterprise Risk Management, Framework Turkey”, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, for Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey, 2007. September 29, 2004. Kucuk Yilmaz, Ayse. “ERM Perceptions at Airport in Turkey”, ICRAT Conference, Beograd, Serbia-Montenegro, 2006. Mercer Management Consulting, Risk Management”, Encyclopedia of Management, Models and Modeling, http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/manage Profitable Growth Strategies in the Airport Business, GARS Conference Vienna, October 24, 2005. Nocco, Brian W. and René M. Stulz, Enterprise Risk Management: Theory and Practice, July 2006. Enterprise ment/Mar-No/Models-and-Modeling.html, Mar-No, 2006. AYSE KUCUK YILMAZ 11 Fig.-1. Schematic representation of the ERM Implementation Model. (Kucuk Yilmaz, A. 2007). Fig.-2. Schematic representation of the ERM Information System (ERM-IS), (Kucuk Yilmaz, A. 2007).