Civic Engagement Project & Paper Guidelines

SOCI-201 Social Problems, Professor Tim Dunn
Civic Engagement OR Research Project – 25 Points
Final Paper DUE Dec. 4 ( T/Th Class) Dec 5 (MWF Class) —4 ½ -5 pages – 25 Points
Topic Statement Due Nov. 5 (MWF class) Nov. 6 (T/Th Class) (see syllabus for guidelines on that)
Guidelines Assignment / Exercise and Paper:
A. Find an organization that addresses the social problem (broadly speaking) in which you are interested. Get
some information on its mission, goals, activities, etc. Write that up briefly (1 page). Do not just copy and paste
from web sites, etc. Use your own wording! I will give some tips on where to look for information (on web & locally
– &
B1. Volunteer this semester with the organization from A. above or any other similar one. Volunteer at least 5
hours, or if fewer than 5 hours do some library research and find 1-2 academic journal articles (# articles depends
on # hrs. volunteered) & info. from them in your paper (use citations for articles used, like in RDPs). Provide info.
on when you volunteered and the name and phone number for someone from the organization who oversaw your
volunteer work. Your paper should be a 2-3 page Detailed Description of what you did and saw or heard (&
if you volunteered less than 5 hours, relevant information from academic articles), and 1-2 page Critical
Reflection (noted by heading) on your work, info., and the organization as well (i.e., identify problems or shortcomings and suggest other things that you or the organization could or should have done & why). Also, at some
point in paper, use / apply specific info. &/or concepts from at least 2 class readings (& cite them) in your paper for
a least 2 paragraphs to discuss or analyze your experience.
B2. Research & Outreach: If you cannot volunteer, create something to promote awareness about a
social problem issue AND an organization that addresses it, (e.g., Power Pt presentation, a brief sample newsletter
article or letter, a poster or art work, a web site). Then show it to at least 5 people and have a brief conversation and
get their feedback . Also do additional library research and get 2 academic journal articles on your topic and use
info. from them in your paper (use citations for articles, like in RDPs). Write up a Detailed Description (2-3
pages) of what you did and thought process, people’s reactions, and relevant information on topic from the
articles. Also, write 1-2 page Critical Reflection (noted by heading) on what you did and people told you, the
article info., on the organization, and larger meaning of the issue. Also, at some point in paper, use / apply specific
info. &/or concepts from at least 2 class readings (& cite them) in your paper for a least 2 paragraphs to discuss or
analyze your creation and experience.
Note: You must turn in a hard copy of your creation – not just a web link (unless it’s a video). Note: if doing
Power Point, do not just copy and paste from other sources or power points; create original text /material,
also, must have minimum of 8 slides.
C. Works Cited / Bibliography Page: List any class assigned reading(s) and any other articles you may be using.
Format: List articles in alphabetical order, by author last name
Author Last Name, First Name. Year [or full date if given]. "Article Title." Journal Name / Book
Name, Volume #, Number [issue] #, pg #'s of article.
Where to Find Academic Articles on a topic:
Here is link to SU Lib. web site article data base. Go to Su Library Web Site
Then Click on “Research Port” on left side of page, under “Research and Instructional Services”. Once on “Research
Port” page, and in “Databases by Subject Category” Click on “See all Categories” and then go down list to
Sociology and Click on Sociology subject and then try keyword search on either JSTOR or Academic Search
Complete. They are best sources for full text articles. Also, see SU Reference Librarians for help.
Also, here is a more direct link, but may only work from SU networked computer: