Steve Harding`s Wirral CV: “Helping to put Wirral on the Map” steve

Steve Harding’s Wirral CV:
“Helping to put Wirral on the Map”
November 2011: Awarded by King Harald V to Stephen Harding - Den Kongelige Norske Fortjensorden: Knight of the 1st class.
“For outstanding service to Norway”. Investiture by the Ambassador at a special ceremony in Liverpool, March 2012, and conferred
by the King at the Palace in Oslo, September 2012.
“I have long been an admirer of your tireless advocacy for the case of Wirral's viking heritage, and for the Wirral itself” .. Carla
Phillips, Wirhalh Skip Felag, June 2011
Early: 1955 – born North Wirral, both parents from very old Wirral families. Mother’s side (from Lingham – lyngholm near Meols –
melr) - goes right back to the Stanleys (Earls of Derby) of Storeton Hall (Sir John served in the courts of Richard II and Henry III). And
a 14th century Harding was accused of killing a dog and damaging hedges in Neston - Nestún (found not guilty!) – Cheshire Trailbaston
Proceedings of 1353. 1976 – got interested in Vikings in Wirral and the north west whilst revising for finals degree in Physics at
Oxford – discovered 1. Scandinavian England by F.T. Wainwright on College (Pembroke) library bookshelf, 2. my football team
Tranmere was a Viking name. 3. Ever since Viking times a Harding is someone from Hordaland/Hardanger – the wife of Harald
Hårfagre was a Harding - and the Harding-fele is the national musical instrument in Norway. This was enough to get me interested!
Major Discoveries 1. Battle of Brunanburh – made the suggestion that “Dingesmere” in the Anglo Saxon poem was related to the
Thing of Thingwall “the Things mere”: checked out by Paul Cavill of the English Place Name Society and co-published in 2004 in the
Journal of the English Place Name Society. This, together with the fact that Brunanburh is the old name for Bromborough means the
discussion amongst scholars is not “where the battle took place” but “where in Wirral the battle took place”. Finding covered in the
Times and Independent in December 2004, BBC News at One and Radio 4 and featured in ITV Lost Treasures 1.
2. Rediscovery of old Clinker vessel, possibly Nordic, under pub in Meols: led Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) team that made the
rediscovery, and published in 2007 in the Anglo-Norse Review. Finding covered in the Times, Independent, Daily Mirror, Scandinavian
and American press, BBC News 24, NRK, and Radio 5, and ITV Lost Treasures Series 2.
3. Discovery with Mark Jobling and coworkers of strong (up to 50%) Norse ancestry in Wirral and neighbouring West Lancashire based
on Y-chromosome testing of men with surnames present in these regions prior to 1600. Published in 2008 in Molecular Biology and
Evolution and in 2010 in Viking DNA The Wirral and West Lancashire Project. Finding covered in the Guardian, BBC News, NRK, the
Scandinavian Press and ITV Lost Treasures Series 3.
Projects Instigated 1. Vikings in Wirral project – instigated the “Wirral and its Viking Heritage” book project published in 2000
(with Paul Cavill and Judith Jesch) and “Ingimunds Saga” with Magnus Magnusson also published in 2000
2. Re-introduction of a “St. Olave’s Day” service at St. Olave’s, Chester in 2001 and 2002. Led to the idea of an annual St. Olave’s
pilgrimage, realised in 2008. Part of the 1100th anniversary celebrations for 2002 instigated entirely by myself
3. The Dingesmere project, 2004 – based on my idea of the possible connection with Thingwall
4. The GPR survey of the “Meols Pub Boat”. Working with Wirral Police (PC Tim Baldock) and Geofizz Ltd and Mr. John McRae
5. The genetic survey of Wirral and West Lancashire –I set up team involving Mark Jobling, Judith Jesch and others in 2002, funded by
a prestigious Watson-Crick DNA anniversary Grant of £6000 from the BBSRC.
6. Vikings in Wirral website, e-learning facility for Wirral Schools. Realised, working with the Wirral Learning Grid and Mike
McCartney and launched, December 2006. Featured on the Times Educational Supplement and BBC Radio Merseyside.
7. The Neston Viking cross reconstruction - this was my vision in 2006 and with Peter Rossiter, Church manager a team was set up in
2007 (including Martin Cooper at the NCC Liverpool and Roger White at Ironbridge Archaeology) – realised in September 2010.
8. Schools link up between Thingwall Primary School and Tingvol Ungdomskole, Norway
9. Meols Park Viking board project – designed and realised in 2010. Forms the start point of the Wirral Viking Heritage Trail. Working
with Roy Shuttleworth and Rt. Hon. Esther McVey MP.
10. Wirral News Viking Blog (April 2010) – with Dr. David Griffiths.
11. Genetic survey of “gamle Norge” – old Norway – to see which of 10 regions of Norway – based on Y-chromosomes from men from
old families from those areas – matches closest to Wirral and West Lancashire. Working with Mark Jobling (researcher Turi King),
Harald Lovvik and Sigurd Aase. Results expected 2012.
12. Initiated twinning/link up between Wert Kirby Chamber of Commerce and Karmoy
13. Struck deal to bring the Draken Harald Fairhair to Liverpool/Wirral in 2013
Awards/Named Lectures
1. Royal Society of Chemistry Medal, 1991
2. DSc University of Oxford, December 2002
Inaugural Professorial Lecture December 2002- sellout,
Ormskirk Advertiser Lecturer (West Lancashire Heritage Association) 2002 and 2003 – both sellouts
St. Bridgets Centre Appeal Lecture (sell-out 259 people)
Wirral Bookfest Lecturer October 2009 (Wallasey), 2010 (Bebington) – 2011 (Birkenhead) - all sell outs.
St. George’s Day Lecturer (West Lancashire Heritage Association), 2012.
Books 1. Wirral and its Viking Heritage (P. Cavill, S.E. Harding & J. Jesch). English Place Names Society (149pp) 2000 {ISBN 0904889-59-9}
2. Ingimund’s Saga: Norwegian Wirral (S.E. Harding, with foreword by Magnus Magnusson). Countyvise (222pp). 2000 {ISBN 1-87120109-8}. 2nd revised hardback edition, 2006, (ISBN-10: 1901231607; ISBN-13: 978-1901231601)
3. Viking Mersey (S.E. Harding), Countyvise 240 pages, 2000 {ISBN 1901231 34 8)
4. Viking DNA. The Wirral and West Lancashire Project (S.E. Harding, M.A. Jobling & T.E. King) Nottingham University Press (166pp).
2010 {ISBN 190728494X}
5. Vikingblod: spor av Vikinger I Nordvest-England (S.E. Harding & S. Vaagan), Genesis Forlag, Oslo. 2011.
6. In Search of the Vikings (edited by S.E. Harding & D. Griffiths), Nottingham University Press (in preparation: mss due 9/2011)
7. In Searcg of the Battle of Brunanburh {P. Cavill and S.E. Harding}, Nottingham University Press (in preparation mss due 12/2011)
Academic Publications 1. Locations and Legends. Article by Steve Harding on the location of names and features in Wirral,
mapping the distribution of some Norse-derived names, and looks at some tenacious Victorian legends. From Wirral and its Viking
Heritage, ed. P. Cavill, S. Harding & J. Jesch, 2000, pages 108-124.
2. Revisiting Dingesmere. Journal of the English Place Name Society, October 2004, volume 36, pages 25-38. Article by Paul Cavill,
Stephen Harding and Judith Jesch suggesting a solution to a mystery concerning the Battle of Brunanburh: Dingesmere = Thing’s mere
or marr.
3. The Wirral Carrs and Holms. Journal of the English Place Name Society, December 2007 volume 39, pages 45-57. Article by Steve
Harding on the distribution of the carrs (ON kjarr) and holms (ON holmr) in Wirral - old Norse names associated with marshland - and
their significance in terms of dialect (and in relation to the total absence of corresponding English names for the same features) and possible relevance to the Battle of Brunanburh.
4. The Neston cross: an exercise in community engagement. Article by Roger White, Steve Harding and Martin Cooper in Vikings in
the 21st century (J. Jesch, C. Lee, J. Carroll and C. Callow, eds). University of Birmingham 17-18 December, 2007. Use of the latest
scanning laser technologies to help construct a replica of a remarkable piece.
5. Excavating past population structures by surname-based sampling: the genetic legacy of the Vikings in northwest England.
Molecular Biology and Evolution, February 2008 volume 25, pages 301-309. Article by Georgina Bowden, Patricia Balaresque, Turi
King, Ziff Hansen, Giles Pergl-Wilson, Emma Hurley, Stephen Roberts, Patrick Waite, Judith Jesch, Abigail Jones, Mark Thomas,
Stephen Harding and Mark Jobling.
6. Wirral: folklore and locations: Article by Steve Harding in The Battle of Brunanburh (ed. Michael Livingston), Exeter University
Press, pp351-364, April 2011.
Popular Magazine articles 1. The Norsemen Re-Take Thingwall. Wirral Champion, July 2003, p61 (Report on the 1st Icelandic tour)
2. Heathen and Higgin, Letter by Steve Harding, and Ingimund's Saga, Letter by Anne Beer, Wirral Champion, November 2003, p 70.
3. On the Net: The Vikings. BBC History Magazine, May, 2004, page 71. Chris Moss and Steve Harding review Viking web sites.
4. Viking Wirral and the Battle of Brunanburh. Battlefield, August, 2004, pages 22, 23.
5. Its all in a name. BBC History Magazine, January 2005, volume 6, no.1., page 61. Article by Robin Attar in the Journals section,
reviewing the recent publication in the Journal of the English Place Name Society about Dingesmere and the Battle of Brunanburh.
6. If you are looking for the Vikings - looking no further! Teaching and Learning Magazine, January/February 2006, page 64. Feature
article by Juliet Smith on the forthcoming launch this year of the Web Resource 'Vikings in Wirral'.
7. Vikings nice blokes really, Times Education Supplement Magazine, 19 January 2007 pages 54-55. Feature by Stephen Manning on
the launch of the Web Resource ‘Vikings in Wirral’, with Mike McCartney.
8. Scandinavian Invasion, Tranmere Rovers Official Programme (Tranmere v Chesterfield, 2nd March 2007), p21 &36. Article by Tony
Coombes about Tranmere’s growing band of Scandinavian supporters.
9. Viking Time Travellers. Historic cross at Neston to be restored. Wirral Champion, October 2007. Article on the stone fragments
belonging to 10th Century Viking crosses at Neston.
10. A Viking ship at Meols? Current Archaeology, December 2007, volume 213, pages 4-5. Article by Lisa Westcott about an intriguing
vessel buried under the Railway Inn car park, Meols.
11. Viking boat found? Article in the Anglo Norse Review, Winter 2007, pages 27-30.
12. The Viking Roots of North-west England. Current Archaeology, April 2008, volume 217, page 7. News item about the publication
of the paper in Molecular Biology and Evolution.
13. Norways “colony” of Wirral, Liverpool. Appendix article in Torgrim Titlestad’s book Viking Norway, Saga Bok, Stavanger, 2008,
pages 371-379.
14. Looking for Vikings in north-west England. Two articles in British Archaeology (Nov/Dec 2008, pages 18-25) by David Griffiths and
by Steve Harding and Mark Jobling. Web link.
16. St. Olav’s Viking Walk. The Norseman, January 2009, pages 46-53. Article by Steve Harding and Dan Robinson on the WirralChester “Olsok” Viking walk.
17. Viking Wirral and Viking Genes. Heswall Magazine, February 2010, pages 24-25.
Lectures 2000 – March 13th - lecture to Heswall Conservation Society; 2001 –February 23rd Launch lecture for both books at
Birkenhead Town Hall, Guests the Ambassador of Iceland, Mayor of Trondheim, Director of Cultural Affairs of Tromdheim, Director of
Cultural Affairs of the Royal Norwegian Embassy and the Mayoress of Wirral; March 10th “Meet the author”, Linghams bookshop ,
Heswall and lecture; April 2nd Birkenhead Rotary Club (lunchtime) “the Viking Story”; May 8th Birkenhead Town Hall “Viking Wirral”;
May 10th Ellesmere Port Library “Viking Wirral”; June 14th/15th Wirral Show, Wallasey; August 11th St. Olave’s Lecture Grosvenor
Museum “Viking Wirral”. 2002 - January 26th, Liverpool: Lecture to Merseyside Young Archaeologists, Merseyside Maritime
Museum, Albert Dock; March 12th, Hoylake, 12noon: Talk to the Inner Wheel Inter Club: "Wirral Viking Heritage", Kings Gap Hotel,
Hoylake (ladies only!); April 18th, Birkenhead, 7.30pm: Lecture to the Birkenhead History Society "Wirral's Viking Past", Williamson
Art Gallery, Slatey Road; Wednesday May 1st, Organised 1100th anniversary Part I. Thurstaston, daybreak at Thor's Stone: 1100th
anniversary celebration with the Mersey Morris Men, the children of Thingwall Primary School (dressed as Vikings), the Mayor and
Mayoress of Wirral and guests from Trondheim Kommune, Norway (the Deputy Mayor, the Director of Cultural Affairs and the Director
of Olavfestdagene), the Mayor of Ellesmere Port and Neston and members of the Wirhalh Skip Fehlag (re-enactment group).
Followed by a Civic breakfast at Leasowe Castle and Reception/Dinner at Birkenhead Town Hall; June 11th, West Kirby, 8pm:
Lecture to Hoylake and District Civic Society "Wirral's Viking Heritage", United Reform Church Hall, Meols Drive, West Kirby; June
28th, Thingwall Primary School, unveiling of the 1100th anniversary mural by the Norwegian Consul for Liverpool; August 10th,
Chester, 10.45am-4.30pm, Lectures at the Grosvenor Museum, Chester, followed by a service, St. Olave's Church Chester, led by
Norway's St.Olave pilgrimsprest Kjell Skartseterhagen (Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim). Dignatories attending include the Lord Mayor
of Chester, the Mayoress of Wirral & her Consort, and the Mayor and Mayoress of Ellesmere Port and Neston; Sept 19th, Thornton
Hough, 12.30pm: Lecture to Heswall & District Rotary Club: "Genetic search for Wirral Vikings", Grange Restaurant; September 27th,
Bromborough, 7pm. Lecture, Bromborough Society: "Wirral's Viking Past", Acre Lane School, Bromborough; November 13th, Hurlston
Hall Golf Club, Ormskirk, 7.30pm. Lecture "Blood of North West Vikings", West Lancashire Heritage Association; December 10th,
University of Nottingham. Inaugural Professoriate lecture "Macromolecular Interactions with Uppsala and Skaus Vikings", 7pm;
December 11th, The Mayer Trust, Bebington Wirral. "Blood of Mersey Vikings", Civic Centre, Bebington, 8pm.
2003 - January 25th, Runcorn Priory, 1pm: Lecture to Merseyside Young Archaeologists; Wednesday February 26th, Nottingham.
Lecture: "Blood of Scouse Vikings", School of Archaeology, University of Nottingham, 4.30pm; Thursday March 13th, Wallasey Library.
"Blood of Wallasey Vikings", Lecture to Wallasey Historical Society; Tuesday March 18th, 7.30pm, Lecture to Friends of Storeton
Woods, Victoria Hall, Village Road, Higher Bebington; Saturday 26th April, 1st Icelandic tour of the Wirral and West Lancashire. A
party of 45 Icelandic tourists is taken round some of the Viking sites, starting off with a lecture at Thurstaston Visitor centre;
Wednesday 30th April, 7.30pm (Wolverhampton) "Up the A41 with Jason Koumas and Sir Gawain: North West Mercia and Scouse
Vikings"; Saturday 10th, Sunday 11th May, The Newark Show: “East Midlands Viking link”; 18th June. 2nd Icelandic tour and lecture
of the Wirral and West Lancashire. 28th June. 3rd Icelandic tour of 45 tourists; November 19th 2003, Athenaeum Luncheon Lecture,
"Viking Mersey", Athenaeum, Church Alley, Liverpool; November 19th. Ormskirk Advertiser Series Lecture "Blood of West Lancashire
Vikings", Hurlston Hall, 7.30pm; December 11th. "Blood of Wirral Vikings", Neston Historical Society, 7.30pm.
2004 - January 23rd, "Vikings in Lancashire" Formby Civic Centre, 8pm; Saturday April 3rd, 10am-3pm. Battlefields Trust Event
"Viking Wirral and the Battle of Brunanburh". Starts with cup of coffee and talk at Thurstaston Visitor Centre, followed by tour, led
by Professor Steve Harding and Brenda Rampling of the Trust; Sunday April 4th, 1pm. Poulton Hall, Bromborough, Wirral. Talk and
unveiling of the Viking Sculpture "The Brunanburgh Viking" by Steve Harding. The sculpture, was created by Wirral sculpturess Sue
Sharples and was commissioned by the Lancelyn-Green family, who date back on the Wirral to the 11th century. The unveiling
marked the opening of the Gardens. 2005 - January 20th, "Merseysides Viking Heritage: DNA analysis in Archaeology" (Merseyside
Archaeological Society). Liverpool University Department of Continuing Education, 7.30pm.; April 2nd, Melrose Hall, Hoylake,
Wirral, 10.30am (after AGM of Friends of Hoylake and Meols Gardens and Open Spaces). "Wirral's Viking Seaport and Norse Heritage".;
Wednesday evening, October 12th, Thorsteinn's farmstead - Thurstaston. West Wirral Rotary Club Charter Anniversary Dinner: “Viking
Genes About!” 2006 - Monday September 11th: Presentation of 1453/4 ancient Charter to "The Wro" (Old Norse "vra" - "corner") wine
bar; Tuesday December 12th: "Vikings in Wirral" web resource for Schools and Adult Education is being officially launched by the
Wirral Learning Grid with Mike McCartney (Wirral's Cultural Ambassador) at the Belmont Suite, Tranmere Rovers (7-9pm). The new
hardback edition of Ingimund's Saga will also be launched. 2007 -Tuesday 27th February, University of Chester History Society
“Vikings in Wirral” (7.30pm) Parkgate Road Campus, Lecture by Stephen Harding; Saturday July 28th. Short talk and organised
WIRRAL VIKING CHURCHES HERITAGE WALK between St. Bridget’s West Kirby and St. Mary and St. Helen’s in Neston. 8 miles (12km);
Monday, 22nd October. North Wirral Rotary Club, Thurstaston: Vikings in Wirral; Tuesday 27th (Lancashire Day), David Lloyd Leisure
Centre, Knowsley. Lecture as part of celebration of the publication of the final results of the 5-year Viking genetic survey of Wirral
and West Lancashire. Thursday 29th November – Sunday 2nd December. Helped co-organise and gave talk to ICE2007: Celebrating
Liverpool and Merseysides Cultural links with the Nordic Countries; Tuesday 18th December, “The Neston Viking cross – an example
of community engagement” joint lecture with Roger White, Vikings in the 21st Century, University of Birmingham. 2008 - Tuesday
5th February 2008, St. Bridget’s Community Centre, West Kirby, 7.30pm. First Tuesday St. Bridget’s Centre Appeal Lecture: Using
Modern Genetics with Old Surnames to Excavate Wirral’s Viking Past. A lecture on the the Wirral and West Lancashire Viking DNA
Project 2002-2007 – attended by 259, filling the church to standing capacity only; Wednesday April 23rd, National Science Building
(Askja), University of Iceland, Reykjavik. Seminar by Prof. Stephen Harding 4pm: FISHING FOR ICELANDIC GENES IN OLD LIVERPOOL:
The Saga of Norwegian Settlers in Merseyside around 900 AD.; Wednesday 4th June. AGM Talk, ITPAS (Irby, Thurstaston and Pensby
Amenity Society), St. Chad’s Church, Irby 7.15pm. A Viking Heritage Trail for Wirral – a lecture by Steve Harding; Saturday July 26th
2008. Short talk and lead Olsok08: WIRRAL – CHESTER VIKING PILGRIMAGE. This year’s Olsok Pilgrimage/ Viking Churches Heritage
Walk to commemorate St. Olav Haraldsson, patron saint of Norway and St. Olav’s Day, from St. Mary and St. Helen’s in Neston
(Nesstún) to St. Olave’s in Chester (13 miles or 20km); Wednesday 12th November 2008, Family History Society of Cheshire West
Kirby Group, 2pm, Westbourne Hall Community Centre, West Kirby. Scandinavian Wirral: The Wirral and West Lancashire Viking DNA
Project 2002-2007; Tuesday, 25th November 2008. NICE08 Schools DNA Workshops (Bishop Wilson School, Neston at 11am; Lady
Immaculate School, Everton Valley at 2pm); Tuesday, 25th November 2008. LiNC Talk: “DNA and the Vikings of Old Merseyside”.
Speaker: Stephen Harding. Venue: Scandinavian Church; Wednesday 26th November 2008 11am-1pm. Short talk and organised the
Scandinavian Consuls “Viking DNA Challenge”. The Scandinavian Consuls in Liverpool (Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic and Swedish) are
all from the UK – but whose (Y-chromosomal) DNA is the most Viking? Peter Copland, Norwegian consul, challenges his colleague.;
Wednesday 26th November 2008 2pm-5pm. “How much of a Viking are you?”: Organised DNA testing event for members of the
Public. Venue: Scandinavian Church, Park Lane, Liverpool. This was covered by ITV1 Granada Reports, 26th November 2008 (3 min)
and BBC Northwest Tonight. 2009 - Wednesday 4th February 2009. Steve Harding gave a presentation at the Grosvenor Museum
Chester (hosted by the Chester Archaeological Society) at 7.30pm: “Fishing for Vikings in the gene pool of old Merseyside”; Tuesday
17th March 2009. North Wirral Probus Club, Kings Gap Hoylake (Probus members only). Talk about the Viking Heritage Trail in
Wirral.;Monday October 12th, Wallasey Central Library, 2.30-4pm. Wirral Bookfest Talk: Viking Wirral and Viking Genes; Saturday
October 24th, Lytham St. Annes: Council for British Archaeology North-West Regional Group Conference, Lecture on the Wirral and
West Lancashire Viking DNA project. 2010 – Short talk by Steve Harding and UNVEILING OF THE MEOLS PARK VIKING INFORMATION
BOARD – by new Wirral West MP Esther McVeigh. Saturday 15th May, 2010, Meols Park 11.30am; Saturday July 17th 2010: “Wirral
Vikings” – talk at the Archaeological Festival Day, Tam O’Shanter Farm, Bidston, Wirral.; Saturday July 31st 2010: short talk and lead
St. OLAVE’s WIRRAL – CHESTER VIKING WALK AND PILGRIMAGE. 13 mile walk/pilgrimage to commemorate St. Olav Haraldsson,
patron saint of Norway and St. Olav’s Day will go from Neston, Wirral to St. Olave’s in Chester; 14th October – Wirral bookfest,
Bebington Library “Viking Wirral and the Battle of Brunanburh”; 16th October, Vinland Congress, Chicago “Viking DNA”; Saturday
20th November 2010. Organize (with Liz Royles) and give opening talk (10am) at Chester Viking Conference: "In Search of the
Vikings", Grosvenor Museum, Chester; 5pm Launch of the book VIKING DNA. The Wirral and West Lancashire Project. Tuesday 11th
October 2011. Wirral Bookfest event, Birkenhead Central Library: “Viking Wirral and the Dragon Harald Fairhair Longship project”,
2pm. 14th-15th October Gothenburg Museum Anniversary Conference – 2 invited lectures.
Forthcoming Lectures: Monday, January 9th, 2.30pm Liverpool Victoria Boat Club: Viking Wirral and the Dragon Harald Fairhair
Longship project. Wednesday 1st February 2012: Viking Wirral and the Battle of Brunanburh. St. Bridget’s Church West Kirby 7pm.
Friday 20th April 2012. Viking DNA in Lancashire. Lancashire Archaeological Society, Fulwood United Reformed Church, Symonds
Road, Fulwood, Preston, 7.45pm. Sunday 22nd April 2012: Ormr, Skjaldmarr, Tharaldr & co!. St. Georges Day Lunch speech, West
Lancashire Heritage Association, Hurlston Hall Golf Club, Scarisbrick, 12.30. Monday 18th June 2012. Viking Wirral and the Dragon
Harald Fairhair Longship project, 7.30pm, Greasby Library, Wirral.
Radio Apperances (reverse order). 1. BBC Radio Merseyside, Sunday 29th May 2011 5pm & Wednesday 2nd June 9pm (30 minutes).
Roger Phillips asks Steve Harding how he got involved with the Vikings – he also talks about the Harald Fairhair project
2. BBC Radio Lancashire, Saturday 18th December 2010, 8.20am. (6 minutes). John Gilmore talks to Steve about the new book
“Viking DNA: The Wirral and West Lancashire Project”.
3. CityTalk105.9 (Liverpool), 26th July 2008 8.15am (6 min). Saturday Breakfast Show: Simon O’Brien talks with Steve Harding about
the days Olsok08 Viking Churches Heritage Walk between Neston and St. Olave’s Chester.
4. BBC Radio 4: Thingwall, DNA and the Vikings in Wirral, 20th May 2008 (8min). And you can read about it here.
5. BBC Radio Merseyside, 28th November 2007 (3 min). Tony Snell Breakfast Show. Looking back at the Viking Genetics event.
6. NRK Radio, 27th November 2007 (6 min). Norgesglasset. Prof. Torgrim Titlestad (University of Stavanger) reviews the publication
of the Viking Genetics paper in Molecular Biology and Evolution. Introduction, Notes, Elink to Norgesglasset.
7. BBC Radio Merseyside, 26th November 2007 (4 min). Tony Snell Breakfast Show. Looking forward to the Viking Genetics event at
the David Lloyd Leisure Centre, Knowsley the following evening.
8. BBC Radio Merseyside, 8th January 2007 (5min). Steve Harding pays tribute to Magnus Magnusson.
9. BBC Radio Merseyside, Linda McDermott Show, 13th December 2006 (4min). Report on new Web resource “Vikings in Wirral” for
Wirral Schools (Key Stage 2/3). BBC link.
10. BBC Radio Merseyside, Breakfast Show, 25th January 2005 (6 min) Wirral Head Ranger Martyn Jamieson and Steve Harding talking
about "Dingesmere" - the "Things mere" on the Dee estuary.
11. BBC Radio Merseyside, Roger Phillips Show, 31st December 2004 (5 min) Report by Laura Fynn on Dingesmere and the Battle of
12. BBC Radio 4, 6pm News, 20th December 2004, Mark Simpson Reports on the Battle of Brunanburh.
13. BBC Radio 4, Today Programme, 20th December 2004, Review of Today's Papers - Battle of Brunanburh.
14. BBC Radio Merseyside, 1st broadcast 28/5/02 Where's Wirral? - BBC Sense of Place series, 30 min. Roger Phillips interviews
Lorraine Rogers, Ben Harrison, Helen Renner, Steve Harding, and Scirard Lancelyn-Green. Brief excerpt.
15. BBC Radio Merseyside, Tony Snell show, 5/2/01 ("The Vikings" - 20 min)
TV Appearances 1. Wednesday July 6th, 2010. Draken Harald Fairhair longship is coming to Liverpool, ITV Granada.
2. Wednesday November 26th, 2008. Y-chromosome DNA testing as part of the Liverpool Nordic Festival event. ITV1 Granada
coverage, BBC North West Tonight coverage
3. Sunday August 31st: ITV1 Granada, 5.30pm. FRED’S FAMILY WALKS, Episode 3: Fred takes us for a walk in Little Scandinavia. ITV
Weatherman Fred Talbot walks through a corner of Viking Wirral with Steve Harding.
4. ITV1 Granada, 20th July 2008 6pm (22 min) LOST TREASURES (Series 3, Episode 5): VIKINGS 3. Mark and Steve go in chase of
Vikings again…. and also this clip from Lost Treasures Episode 7: Anglesey, broadcast on 3rd August 2008.
5. BBC North West Tonight, Evening News 28th November 2007 (3.5min). News item by Andy Gill reflecting on the publication of the
Viking Genetics paper in Molecular Biology and Evolution.
6. BBC News24. 10th September 2007 (4min) News item on Ground Penetrating Radar studies on an old boat buried under a pub –
and a hypothesis of what it might be.
7. ITV1 Granada, 13th September 2007 (3.5min). Reporter Andy Bonner visits the Railway Inn, Meols and meets the team behind the
Ground Penetrating Radar studies on the old boat underneath the pub.
8. RUV TV (Iceland) Kastljos, 21st June 2007 (2 min). Icelandic Booker Prize winner Andri Snaer Magnason and Mike McCartney talk
about the Viking Mersey book and Liverpool’s ICE2007 Festival
9. ITV1 Granada, Sunday April 29th 2007: LOST TREASURES, Series 2, Episode 1: mystery over old cliinker boat buried beneath a pub
at Meols: Mark and Steve explore. Download high resolution avi version.
10. BBC North West (Inside Out Series) Monday 2nd October 2006, 7.30pm: The Wirral Vikings! Programme about the Wirhalh Skip
Felag. (8 minutes, 160Mb)
11. ITV1 Granada (North West England): LOST TREASURES, Series 1, Episode 4, Part 1 (11min) before the break and Part 2 (11min)
after the break. VIKINGS. Mark Olly and Stephen Harding go in search of Viking Treasures in Lancashire, Isle of Man and Wirral.
Thursday 1st September 2005, 7.30pm.
12. BBC North West Tonight, 20th December 2004, News Item by Abbie Jones on the Battle of Brunanburh.
13. BBC News at One. 20th December 2004 (3 min). Report following Steve’s identification of Dingesmere in the Battle of
Brunanburh as Things-mere. The research paper, Revisiting Dingesmere: Journal of the English Place Name Society, October 2004,
volume 36, pages 25-38.
14. Channel One, 3/1/02 (News item by Nicola Dixon - 1100th anniversary of Viking settlements, 3.5min)
15. BBC North West Tonight, 22/10/01 (News item by Alan Newry: Keith Sherratt from Frankby - 2 min)
16. ITV1 Granada Reports, 9/10/01 (News Item by Rachel Bullock: Derek Mellor from Neston - 3 min)
17. BBC North West Tonight Broadcast 23/2/01 (News item by Mark Edwardson - launch of 2 new Wirral/Mersey Viking books, 3 min)
Newspaper Appearances 1. Return of the Vikings: Rebuilt longboat to head for Wirral. Wirral News, 25th May 2011, page 3. Article
by Lorna Hughes on the Drakken Harald Fairhair longship project. Also: read her articles on p3 of the Liverpool Daily Post and the
Liverpool Echo.
2. Viking coin is a forgery. Wirral News, 2nd March 2011, page 3. Article by Lorna Hughes on the discovery that a coin discovered in
Neston in 2005 and attributed to the Viking King Olaf Guthfrithsson – is an elaborate fake.
3. New book shows Vikings are still alive in West Lancashire. Southport Advertiser (and the Crosby Herald, Formby Times, Ormskirk
Advertiser and the Skelmersdale Advertiser), 7th January 2011. Article by J.Thomas on the publication of the new Viking DNA book.
4. Viking Links Uncovered. Wirral News, 24th November 2010. Article by Lorna Hughes on the publication of the new Viking DNA
5. Britain steeped in Viking blood: The Weekly News, Thursday 30th September 2010. A light hearted look by Craig Campbell about
the legacy of the Vikings.
6. Pilgrimage is marking historical links and Vikings show how to live off the land: Wirral News, 4th August 2010. Articles by Lorna
Hughes following the 2010 Wirral-Chester St. Olav Viking Pilgrimage.
7. Day the Vikings made a comeback and Heritage walk starts from Neston church; Wirral News, 21st July 2010. Double page spread
of articles by Lorna Hughes covering the Nation Archaeolical Day event at Bidston and looking forward to thb St. Olav Viking
8. Haugesunds Avis & Karmøy Lokal, 10th June 2010. Jakter på viking-gen. Article by Carsten Kickstat on genetic survey of old
Norway, and visit of Mark,Turi and Steve. Pdf of visit - starting off with Marilyn Monroe and finishing with a tricolor picture with Per
Anders and Stig.
9. Wirral News, 19th May 2010. On the trail of Viking history. Article by Lorna Hughes on the unveiling of an Information board at
Meols Park by MP Esther McVey.
10. Liverpool Echo, 5th May 2010 and pdf version. King of Norway visits Wirral. Feature by Liam Murphy on visit of the King to the
Royal Liverpool Yacht Club.
11. Wirral News, 16th September 2009, page 7. More links to our Viking Past. Article by Lorna Hughes on Stan Royden and Roy
Shuttleworth from Meols. Read the paper copy and another link.
12. Wirral News, 10th June 2009. Celebrate our Norse Heritage. Reply to Harry’s letter.
13. Wirral News, 3rd June 2009. Cruel Vikings. Letter by Harry Smith (West Kirby).
14. Wirral News, 3rd June 2009. Why Wirral is Worthy. Poem by Jenny Holliday.
15. Wirral News, 22nd April, 2009. Tranmere must mark Viking name. Letter by Steve Harding about the 125th anniversary of
Tranmere Rovers.
16. Wirral News, 8th April 2009, page 24. Short Sighted. Letter by David Griffiths, Steve Harding and Rob Philpott protesting about
the threatened closure of Wirral Libraries.
17. Wirral News, 25th March 2009, page 5. Unlocking secrets of our Norse code. Feature by Lorna Hughes on the link-up between
Thingwall in Wirral and Tingvoll in Norway, focusing on the schools and a visit of a 12-strong delegation from Tingvoll. Read also this
report (in Norwegian) by Gunnlaug Ribe from Tingvoll Kommune.
18. Yorkshire Post, 30th January 2009. 'Time team' to seek out genetic secrets of Yorkshire's Viking past. Feature by Mark Branagan
on the follow up of the Wirral & West Lancashire survey to the rest of northern England.
19. Liverpool Daily Post, 3rd January 2009. Page 3 article by Mike Chapple on the evenings BBC2 broadcast “History of Scotland” in
which presenter Neil Oliver talks about the huge significance for the battle of Brunanburh and the birth of the Norse-Celtic alliance.
20. Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen, 2nd October 2008. Har du vikingblod I årene? De er på jakt etter frivillige i Gudbrandsdalene.
Article by Ingunn Aagedal Schinstad on the search for volunteers from old families in the Gudbrandsdalen area of Norway.
21. Jyllands Posten (Denmark), 29th September 2008: Article by Geir Lillesund (NTB) about the search for volunteers from old
families in the Jutland and Sjaelland areas of Denmark.
22. Adresseavisen (Norway), 29th September 2008: Søker vikingblod hos nordmenn. Article by Geir Lillesund (NTB) about the search
for volunteers from old families in Trondelag.
23. Aftenposten (Norway), 29th September 2008: Article by Geir Lillesund (NTB) about the search for volunteers from old families in
specific areas of Norway.
24. Bergens Tidende, 28th September 2008. Sjekkes for vikingblod. Article by Geir Lillesund (NTB) (in Norwegian) on the search for
volunteers from old families in the Bergen area of Norway.
25. Nordmenn skal testes for vikingblod, 28th September 2008. Article by Geir Lillesund (NTB) in Norways most popular paper about
the search for volunteers from old families in specific areas of Norway.
26. Morgunbladid, 6th June 2008, pages 1, 26 and 27. Víkingaborgin Liverpool. Sðgur, gen og tunumálið. Article by Arnthor
Helgason about the Viking links of old Liverpool, Wirral and West Lancashire.
27. Morgunbladid, 24th February 2008, pages 20-21.
Innlent - greinar UPPRUNI Með víkingablóð í æðum Helmingur karla í Wirral
og í Vestur-Lancashire afkomendur víkinganna. Article by Orri Pál Ormarsson about the publication of the paper in Molecular Biology
and Evolution, and blog.
28. Focus on Link with the Vikings, 30th January 2008. Article by Sue McCann on the forthcoming St. Bridget’s Centre Appeal Lecture
on 5th February.
29. Proof of Liverpool’s Viking past. Guardian, 3rd December 2007, p4. Article by James Randerson (Science correspondent) about
the forthcoming publication of the paper in Molecular Biology and Evolution. Web link
30. Modern day Vikings. How experts are tracing descendants. Liverpool Echo, 1st December 2007. Article by Martin Rigby about the
publication of the paper in Molecular Biology and Evolution and the presentation at Knowsley.
31. Norse by north west. Liverpool Echo, 24th November 2007. Article by Martin Rigby on the forthcoming publication and
presentation of results at the David Lloyd Centre, Knowsley, 27 November 2007.
32. DNA’s the hi-tech way of digging up history of Vikings. Years of research about to be unveiled. Formby Times, 1st November
2007, page 36. Article by Clifford Birchall on the forthcoming publication and presentation of results at the David Lloyd Centre,
Knowsley, 27 November 2007, 7pm.
33. Forensics find Viking clues, Midweek Visiter, 7th November 2007, page 12. Article by Clifford Birchall on the forthcoming
publication and presentation of results at the David Lloyd Centre, Knowsley, 27 November 2007, 7pm.
34. Viking links to be disclosed. Ormskirk Advertiser, 1st November 2007, page 29. Article by Clifford Birchall on the forthcoming
publication and presentation of results at the David Lloyd Centre, Knowsley, 27 November 2007, 7pm.
35. Forensics tracking a Viking ancestry. Volunteers take a DNA voyage into the past. Wirral News, 31st October 2007 page 5.
Article by Clifford Birchall on the forthcoming publication and presentation of results at the David Lloyd Centre, Knowsley, 27
November 2007, 7pm.
36. Vikingefunn ved pub? (Transl. Viking find at a pub?) Aftenposten (Norway) 30th October 2007 page 13. Article by Cato Guhnfeldt
considering the evidence for a Nordic clinker boat.
37. Ligge det et vikingskip under denne puben? (Transl. Does there lie a Vikingship under this pub?). Dagbladet (Norway) 20th
October 2007 pages 14 and 15. Ole Bjørner Loe Welde considers the evidence for a Nordic clinker boat under the Railway Inn Pub at
Meols, on the Wirral peninsular near Liverpool. Direct web link from Dagbladet.
38. Natives are of Viking Stock, Ormskirk Champion, 3rd October 2007, pages 1 and 5. Article by Natasha Robson on the forthcoming
publication and presentation of results at the David Lloyd Centre, Knowsley, 27 November 2007, 7pm.
39. Bold icon needed to announce borough. Wirral News, 29th August, 2007. Article by Sue McCann. Stephen Harding writes a
statement in support of the M53 “Magic” Boat. Web link.
40. Historic Find to be Rebuilt. Neston News, 22nd August, 2007, pages 1&2. Article by Matt Hurst on the stone fragments belonging
to 10th Century Viking crosses at Neston.
41. Town’s historic Viking cross to be restored. Ellesmere Port Standard, 22nd August, 2007.
42. Bid to rebuild historic cross. Ellesmere Port Pioneer, 22nd August, 2007.
43. Heritage Walk. Wirral News, 25th July 2007. Article by Katy West on Wirral Viking Churches Heritage between St. Bridget’s West
Kirby and St. Mary and St. Helen’s in Neston.
44. Festival Celebrates our Viking Heritage. Wirral News, 27th June, 2007, page 11. Article by Katy West on visit by Wirral Cultural
delegation Mike McCartney and Steve Harding to Iceland as guests of ICE2007 Festival organiser Ingi-Thor Jonsson and Icelandic
Booker Prize winner Andri Snaer Magnason.
45. Viking invaders are flocking to Tranmere. Wirral News, 7th March, 2007, page 6. Article about over 100 Norwegian supporters
now regularly coming to Tranmere’s Friday home games – and the historical connection with the Vikings.
46. Viking Support. Wirral Globe, 6th March, 2007. Article about the large numbers of Norwegians coming to Tranmere home games –
and the historical connection with the Vikings.
47. Viking Scholar asked the right questions. Wirral News, 10th January, 2007. Wirral News’ tribute to Magnus Magnusson, who died
on Sunday 7th January 2007.
48. New bar mixes area's past with the present. Wirral News, 20th September, 2006, page 7. Article by Katy West on The Wro in
West Kirby and an ancient Charter.
49. Rovers Fan on Rich-List. Wirral News, 16th November, 2005. Article by Louise Powney on rumours from Norway that Shipping
Magnate John Fredriksen is a Tranmere Rovers supporter.
50. History Hot Topic! Wirral News, 10th August, 2005. Article by Louise Powney/ photo Val Curtis about the annual Viking boat
burning at Thurstaston.
51. Is this the battle site that shaped England's destiny? The Times, 20th December 2004, page 18. Article by Ben Hoyle on the
Battle of Brunanburh.
52. For the Cradle of English Civilisation, go to the Wirral. The Independent, 8th December 2004, page 15. Article by Louise Jury on
the Battle of Brunanburh.
53. BATTLE COULD SPARK BOOM: Heath site of historic conflict. Wirral News, 13th October, 2004, pages 1-2. Article by Kevin Core
on the solution of a mystery concerning the Battle of Brunanburh: “Dingesmere” as the “Thing’s mere or marr”. See also web link
and also this video clip of marshland/wetland on the Dee estuary.
54. VIKINGS ARE RETURNING: Heritage of Norse invaders to be marked. Wirral News, 21st July 2004, Page 1 and Page 2. Article by
Louise Powney on the Wirral Viking Heritage Project.
55. Viking's New Home. Wirral News, 21st April 2004. Article by Louise Powney on Sue Sharples' Brunanburh Viking sculpture at
Poulton Hall.
56. Peaceful invaders from across the sea, (Article by Clifford Birchall), Ormskirk Advertiser, 21/11/02, p25
57. Church's Viking Past, The Mail (Chester), 21/08/02, p2
58. Viking Invasion wins over Town, Chester Chronicle, 16/08/02 p13
59. Vikings return in force to Chester ... one thousand years on, Daily Post, 13/08/02, p7
60. Modern Vikings!: swab tests, Wirral Globe, 24/07/02, p21
61. City to Celebrate its long Viking history , Chester Chronicle, 9/08/02, p19
62. Youngsters get back in touch with Viking roots, (article by David Harding), Wirral Chronicle, 5/07/02 p21
63. New book reveals Wirral's Viking past, (Article by Stuart Hughes), Wirral Globe, 14/3/01
64. Pupils keen to pass Viking DNA tests (Article by Louise Powney), Wirral News Group, 17/07/02
65. Bætt við breska víkingaafarinn (a rediscovered British Viking Place - article by Sigrun Davidsdottir) Morgunblaðið (Iceland) lesbók section, 10/3/01, p17
66. Wirral's Viking legacy (Article by Louise Powney), Wirral News Group, 7/3/01
67. Vikinger fram fra glemselen (Vikings rescued from oblivion- article by Trine Andersen) Dagsavisen (Norway), 27/02/01, page 21
68. De fant Tors Hammer (They found Thor's Hammer - article by Hermann Hansen) Adresseavisen (Norway) 24/2/01, page 5.
69. The Vikings are back - in peace (Article by Alan Weston), Daily Post, 24/2/01, page 14