Bring in one or two advertisements aimed at teenagers

Bring in one or two advertisements aimed at teenagers. These can be cut
out of magazines or taped off TV. Answer the following questions.
1. What values does this ad appeal to?
2. What values does this ad promote?
3. Do you share those values?
4. Is this ad in conflict with any of your values?
5. What assumptions does this ad make about who you are?
Bring in one or two advertisements aimed at teenagers. These can be cut
out of magazines or taped off TV. Answer the following questions.
1. What values does this ad appeal to?
2. What values does this ad promote?
3. Do you share those values?
4. Is this ad in conflict with any of your values?
5. What assumptions does this ad make about who you are?
Bring in one or two advertisements aimed at teenagers. These can be cut
out of magazines or taped off TV. Answer the following questions.
1. What values does this ad appeal to?
2. What values does this ad promote?
3. Do you share those values?
4. Is this ad in conflict with any of your values?
5. What assumptions does this ad make about who you are?
Bring in one or two advertisements aimed at teenagers. These can be cut
out of magazines or taped off TV. Answer the following questions.
1. What values does this ad appeal to?
2. What values does this ad promote?
3. Do you share those values?
4. Is this ad in conflict with any of your values?
5. What assumptions does this ad make about who you are?