Arlington National Cemetery - Downers Grove Grade School District

Arlington National Cemetery
Wreath-Laying Ceremony
Essay Contest
1. Four O’Neill students will represent the school in the presentation of a wreath in honor of
those unknown Americans who lost their lives for the cause of freedom in World War I, World
War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
2. The O’Neill students will be determined by means of an essay contest. Only those who
enter the contest are eligible to take part in this meaningful ceremony.
3. Prior to the beginning of the trip, the contest winners will be given a form that lists the
ceremonial procedures in detail, as well as information on appropriate dress for the occasion.
4. Five minutes prior to the ceremony, the Sergeant of the Guard will review the simple yet
symbolic procedures with the four representatives from O’Neill. Despite its meaning, it is a
simple and short procedure, so there is absolutely no reason to fear “messing up”.
3:15 P.M. ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 16TH, 2015.
Arlington National Cemetery
Wreath-Laying Ceremony Essay Contest
1. The length of the essay must be between 100 - 150 words.
2. It must be typed or written neatly in ink, on one side of the paper.
3. Correct grammar and spelling are to be used.
4. The title is to be :
“Why I Want to Represent O’Neill Middle School at the Wreath-Laying Ceremony at the
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier”
5. Essays will be judged by a group of teachers who will evaluate the essays anonymously.
The bases of evaluation are:
* 90% clarity / sincerity / originality
* 10% mechanics.
1. Think about freedom, patriotism and the sacrifices that have been made by military
veterans of all wars. What is the meaning of these things to you personally?
2. What does it mean to you to live in America?
3. What does it mean to represent O’Neill, Downers Grove, your friends and your family?
4. Think about what the ceremony itself represents -- honoring unknown soldiers who gave
their lives in the cause of freedom throughout our history; fighting against the forces which
have threatened our freedom and that of others.
***You will represent your school, community, family, and friends before silent spectators from
all over the United States and the world. To have such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pay
homage to Americans who have sacrificed their lives for the freedom we often take for granted
is an honor in which few people in the nation are ever able to participate. This is your chance
to be among that select group of people. Make the most of it! You will never forget this
experience for the rest of your life!