My Last Duchess Poem Analysis: TP-CASTT Worksheet

Title: What predictions can you
make from the title? What are your
initial thoughts about the poem?
What might be the theme of the
Paraphrase: Rewrite the poem in
your own words.
Connotation: Write the connotative
or interpretive meaning of the poem.
What’s below the surface? What is the
connotative meaning of the poem?
Find examples of imagery, metaphors,
similes, etc. and elaborate on their
connotative meanings.
Attitude: What attitude does the poet
have toward the subject of the poem?
Find and list examples that illustrate
the tone and mood of the poem.
Shift: Is there a shift in the
tone/attitude of the poem? Where is
the shift? What does the tone shift to?
Title: Revisit the title and explain
any new insights it provides to the
meaning of the poem. Discuss the
meaning on an interpretive level.
The story is about a Duchess. My initial thoughts
about the poem are that it is going to be boring and
In "My Last Duchess" the 16th century speaker
tells of his late wife and the affection she showed
other men. It is suggested that this affection
causes the speaker to kill her. The poem begins
with discussion of the speaker’s wife.
Countenance, Durst, Courtesy, Bough, Officious
Fool, Forsooth, Munificence, Avowed, Rarity
The tone of Robert Browning`s `My Last
Duchess' is not a simple matter. The poem is a
dramatic monologue spoken in the voice of the
The shift is when The Duke begins reminiscing about
the portrait sessions, then about the Duchess herself.
His musings give way to a diatribe on her disgraceful
There are new no new insights that provide the
meaning of the poem.
Theme: What is the overall theme of
the poem? What is the poet saying?
The Duke in "My Last Duchess" is pretty much the green-eyed monster
incarnate. He’s almost an allegorical figure for jealousy. He’s jealous
of the attention his wife shows to other people – even if all she does is
thank them for bringing her some cherries.