January 2016 ~ Ms. Norris Abnormal Psychology Independent Study Unit What is a psychological disorder? A psychological disorder, also known as a mental disorder, is a pattern of behavioural or psychological symptoms that impact multiple life areas and/or create distress for the person experiencing these symptoms. Relatively recent research has revealed that psychological disorders are far more prevalent than previously believed. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), approximately 26 percent of American adults over the age of 18 suffer from some type of diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. Therefore, it is important, as a part of this course, that we examine some of these conditions in detail. THE ASSIGNMENT: Working in groups of 2, you must prepare a seminar (presentation) to deliver to the class. The seminar must include a 1-2 page handout for the class plus some type of audio/visual aid. The handout should include important information from your seminar-essentially a summary of key points. If you need me to make a class set of copies, you MUST give me the handout ONE DAY PRIOR TO THE SEMINAR. This will be evaluated in the organization portion of the marking sheet. LENGTH: 10 minutes maximum. Due to the amount of presentations, I will have to cut you off at 10 minutes. Allow for “set up” time, if you need it. ACCEPTABLE TOPICS: Only one group will be allowed to do each psychological disorder. Please see me if you would like do research another disorder. • Social Anxiety Disorder • Munchausen Syndrome • Generalized Anxiety Disorder • Narcissistic Personality Disorder • Antisocial Personality Disorder • Body Dysmorphic Disorder • Major Depressive Disorder • Schizophrenia • Anorexia Nervosa • Postpartum Disorder • Oppositional Defiant Disorder• Seasonal Affective Disorder • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder • Multiple Personality Disorder/ Dissociative Identity Disorder 1 January 2016 ~ Ms. Norris KEY POINTS TO COVER IN SEMINAR: Each group should include: -a brief overview of the condition, -how it is medically defined, -how many people it affects, -what are some of the problems that exist for people that have this condition (both physically and socially), -relevant statistics, -medication/ treatment available, -biases or stereotypes that society labels these people with. You should also include visuals (charts, pictures, statistics) that make your presentation more information and enjoyable to watch. All members of the group must be in class to make the presentation on the agreed upon date or a GRADE OF ZERO will be assigned to the missing group member; however, in the case of one person’s absence, the remaining members will be expected to present- so be sure to share all information just in case. _______________________________________________________________________________ Abnormal Psychology Independent research paper YOU WILL DO THIS PART OF THE ASSIGNMENT ON YOUR OWN 1. Find at least three specific sources that relate to your chosen condition. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA AS ONE OF YOUR SOURCES (you can use it for additional background information). You must compile a proper works cited using correct APA format. If you are not sure of the correct format, check citation machine and click APA. 2. Using your sources, respond to the following. Part 1- This section must be at least ONE page typed: In your own words, provide a brief overview of the condition you are studying including a brief description of SYMPTOMS and resulting BEHAVIOURS. Outline the treatment available for someone with your disorder. You must use exact names of pharmaceutical drugs and/or specific treatment options. Identify THREE STATISTICS related to the condition you are studying. Consider frequency, gender, onset-age, socio-cultural influences, trends- Are they increasing/decreasing? You must identify the source of the statistic 2 January 2016 ~ Ms. Norris Part 2- Article FIND AN ARTICLE from a current (last 3 years) newspaper or a magazine that relates to the condition that you are studying. Photocopy or print your article and highlight key points to reinforce ideas expressed in Part A. Part 3- This section must be at least ONE page typed: Using one of the scenarios below, CREATE A STORY from the point of view of someone suffering from your disorder. Put yourself in their shoes- how would it feel to live with this disorder? Think about the way they might perceive situations that seem quite ordinary to most people. Think about the inner dialogue or the self-talk that is happening inside their heads. Your story can start before the scenario and continue after the stated scenario. The scenario is your starting point- use your imagination!!! Scenario #1: (Your person) is waiting at the bus stop. The bus is running late as usual and there is a crowd starting to gather at the stop. It is a rainy day and when the bus finally comes, it goes through a big puddle and splashes (your person). Scenario #2 (Your person) and their family are going to the beach for the day. The family wakes up early and packs a picnic. (Your person) packs a bathing suit and a towel and gets ready for the two-hour car ride. They get into a traffic jam and the trip ends up taking three hours. They eventually arrive at the busy beach. Scenario #3 (Your person’s) baby has been crying all day. (Your person’s) older child is throwing toys everywhere, smearing pudding on the floor and drawing on the walls. (Your person’s) husband/wife will not be home from work for three more hours. Scenario #4 It is a cold, dark winter day. (Your person) is supposed to meet some friends at a restaurant. (Your person) possibly feels a cold coming on. They are trying to decide what to wear for dinner and are spending some time in front of the mirror. Scenario #5 (Your person) is shopping downtown and gets caught in a demonstration riot. There are police present and a large, angry crowd. (Your person) gets into a ‘discussion’ with a policeman. Scenario #6 (Your person) gets a new job as a waiter/waitress at a restaurant. They meet many new people and are exposed to many new experiences. 3 January 2016 ~ Ms. Norris Abnormal Psychology: Independent Research Rubric Criteria Level 4 • overall evidence of detailed and accurate research from multiple sources Level 3 • good, accurate research from multiple sources Level 2 • research is general and quality of sources is lacking Overview and Statistics • excellent, insightful overview • 3+ relevant and current statistics used correctly to support evaluation of disorder • a good thorough overview of disorder • 3 relevant and current statistics • some attempt made to correlate to disorder Newspaper article • relevant choice of article • all key points are highlighted and related to disorder • somewhat relevant choice of article •many key points outlined and related to article • a somewhat thorough overview of disorder • less than 3 statistics or 3 noncurrent stats • unclear connection between stats and disorder • connection between article and disorder is somewhat unclear • key points of article missing Scenario • extremely imaginative and thought-provoking examination of situation • relevant connection made between disorder and scenario Works Cited/ Sources • 3+ relevant sources used • works cited included in proper APA format with no mistakes • somewhat imaginative and relevant examination of situation • some connections have been made between disorder and scenario • 3 sources used • Works cited included in proper APA format with major mistakes Research TOTAL MARK OUT OF • examination of the situation does not completely related to disorder • few connections have been made between disorder and scenario • 2 relevant sources used • works cited included but in wrong format with mistakes Level 1 • research is general or missing • sources are inaccurate or none seem to have been used • overview is too general or missing from project • less than 2 statistics that are not relevant • no attempt made to connect stats to disorder • little connection between article and disorder • key points not highlighted or irrelevant to disorder • examination of the situation has not been explained such that it relates to disorder • lacks connection between scenario and disorder • under 2 sources or no sources used • no works cited /100 4 January 2016 ~ Ms. Norris PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER SEMINAR EVALUATION SHEET Knowledge of Topic: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (well-researched, ability to speak without notes, answer questions if applicable) 9 10 Interest to Audience: 1 2 3 4 5 6 (presentation of material, communication, choice of information) 7 8 9 10 Organization of Seminar 1 2 3 4 5 (flow of seminar, photocopies complete, appropriate audio/visual) Two-Page Report 1 (Clearly written, informative) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Audio-Visual 1 2 3 (Appropriate, video, overheads, poster) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOTAL MARK OUT OF 2 /40 5