Project Read 9:00-10:30 May 18-22 Monday Project Read---red word watch, and diphthong oi Students will practice the red word watch with arm tapping and sweeping and also practice reading all red words learned thus far. Teacher will place the story, “Watch It!” under the document camera and students will practice reading and discussing the story. This story will be sent home for reading homework. Teacher will place worksheet 29-41 under the document camera and students will practice reading oo words and sentences on the worksheet. This worksheet will also be sent home for reading homework. Class will read all worksheets thus far from unit 29 for an oral reading grade. Class will discuss the diphthong oi and teacher will place the story, “Butter, Corn, and Soap” under the document camera. Students will locate and read oi words in the story, then practice reading and discussing the story. This story will be sent home for reading homework. Class will discuss the diphthong oy and teacher will place the story, “Just Like a Little Brother” under the document camera. Students will locate and read oy words in the story, then practice reading and discussing the story. This story will be sent home for reading homework. Wednesday Project Read---red word watch, diphthongs oi, oy, ow, ou, au Students will practice the red word watch with arm tapping and sweeping. Teacher will place the story, “Watch It!” under the document camera and students will practice reading and complete an oral reading grade and short comprehension quiz over the story. Teacher will place the story, “Butter, Corn, and Soap” under the document camera and students will practice reading and complete an oral reading grade and short comprehension quiz over the story. Teacher will place the story, “Just Like a Little Brother” under the document camera and students will practice reading and complete an oral reading grade and short comprehension quiz over the story. Teacher will place the story, “There’s a Clown In Town” under the document camera and students will discuss the spelling and sound of ow, locate and read ow words in the story, and practice reading and discussing the story. This story will be sent home for reading homework. Teacher will place the story, “The Land of Loons” under the document camera and students will discuss the spelling and sound of ou, locate and read ou words in the story, and practice reading and discussing the story. This story will be sent home for reading homework. Teacher will place the story, “A Living Fossil” under the document camera and students will discuss the spelling and sound of au, locate and read au words in the story, and practice reading and discussing the story. This story will be sent home for reading homework. Thursday Project Read---diphthongs ow, ou, au, aw, ew Class will practice ow sound and spelling and reread for an oral reading grade and discuss the story, “There’s A Clown In Town.” Class will illustrate the story for a formative grade. Class will practice ou sound and spelling and reread for an oral reading grade and discuss the story, “The Land of Loons.” Class will illustrate the story for a formative grade. Class will practice au sound and spelling and reread for an oral reading grade and discuss the story, “A Living Fossil.” Class will illustrate the story for a formative grade. Class will practice aw sound and spelling, locate and read aw words in the story, “Power Swooper,” and read and discuss story. This story will be sent home for reading homework. Class will practice ew sound and spelling, locate and read ew words in the story, “Trail to Sunset Ridge,” and read and discuss the story. This story will be sent home for reading homework. Friday Project Read—diphthongs aw, ew Class will review spelling and sounds of diphthongs aw and ew. Teacher will place the story, “Power Swooper” under the document camera and students will reread for an oral reading grade and discuss the story. Class will illustrate the story for a formative grade. Teacher will place the story, “Trail to Sunset Ridge” under the document camera and students will reread for an oral reading grade and discuss the story. Class will illustrate the story for a formative grade.