УДК 331.101 Doktoruk Evgeyi Valeriyovych Khmelnytskyi cooperative trade-economic institute Khmelnytskyi city NONSTANDARD MEANS OF EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION IN THE MODERN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT The article looks into the motivation of employees, its components, paid special attention to the research of so-called unconventional methods of motivation that are widely used by foreign companies. Keywords: motivation, motivational measures NO standard methods of motivation, stimulation of labor. Despite the commercialism inherent in modern society, people still need things such as public recognition, awareness of its importance, the possibility of self-expression and self-realization, favorable psychological climate in the team. However, so-called standard methods of motivation, usually wrongly paid too little attention. Motivating employees affects their productivity, and part of the manager thing is to send a motivation to achieve organizational goals. The study of motivation allows us to understand what makes people work that affects the choice of their mode of action and why they hold it for some time. Motivation - is the process of encouraging, promoting yourself or others to purposeful behavior or to perform certain actions aimed at achieving personal goals or objectives of the organization [1, s.258]. The main objectives of motivation can be considered such as: • formation of each employee understanding of the meaning and motivation at work; • staff training and management staff psychological foundations of corporate internal communication; • formation of each manager democratic approaches to personnel management using modern methods of motivation. As modern methods of motivation that recently along with common standard methods of motivation such as salaries, bonuses, Thanksgiving, innovative face, so to speak, innovative methods of motivation. It trakutvannya "unconventional" methods is somehow relative and is distinct from the more common, widely used in domestic practice, motivation and work up share common methods. Confirmation of the fact that under current conditions wages as a means of motivation does not play a dominant role is a key factor motivating research in modern terms. For example, based on a survey conducted by the American organizations to improve methods of motivation (incentives) work, work valued based on relevant factors listed in Fig. 1 [2]. Ratiosцінності of work value Критерії роботи справедливого розподілу навантаження Equitable distribution of load наявності пільг Availability of benefits рівня відповідальності High високого level of responsibility критерій високого рівня вимог High level of requirement 43% 45% 50% 53% привабливості 54% Independence working ability рівня самостійності робітника 54% Creativeness 55% Attractiveness творчого характеру Work quality зв’язківpayment оплати праці з якістю Ability forіндивідуальних individual development можливості розвитку здібностей 59% 61% Level of salaryрівня заробітної плати 67% Possibility of іmaking a career можливості професійного зростання просування по службі 67% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100 % відсоток опитаних Questioned people Fig.1. Analysis of the factors of motivation in modern conditions Data and results of other studies, encourage companies increasingly widely used new, in a sense, nonstandard, types of motivation which can include such as positive psychological climate in the company; favorable physical working conditions (eg office cleanliness, comfort workplace , modern technology, etc.); convenient office location, paid lunches, shorter working day, providing opportunities to learn and improve their skills, intra-training, career opportunities within the company, the presence of career plan for employees, regular reviews of the level of wages depending on the merits and achievements of employees (1-2 times a year); greetings from: official holidays, birthdays, etc., regular competitions for the best employees in the industry: "Best Seller", "Best Consultant" etc., providing employees health insurance, subscription to a fitness room, bonus type "cafeteria" (the company offers a choice of each employee a certain list of incentives, of which he himself chooses what motivates him), increased holiday period employees who worked for some time in the company, providing housing loans Prize for innovative, innovative ideas, partial tuition at the university, a flexible work schedule that employee chooses, the system of ranks and titles within the company; discount on the purchase of the company's products and many others . To confirm the trend of increasing use of unconventional methods of motivation in the world space, consider examples of appropriate measures in international affairs leading companies (Table 1) [3, 4]. An example of effective use of modern non-standard methods of motivation in Ukraine may be the company "Epicenter K". This program of social and labor development of 2011-2012 years, along with the standard motivational measures containing such provisions as the introduction of vocational training, development of measures to prevent and reduce occupational and general morbidity, transport workers and improve the aesthetic environment in the workplace , improvement of moral incentives, development of measures to stimulate the creativity of athletic training and competition personnel and many others. Today, with limited financial resources when it is difficult to set a high salary, special attention is to be zaktsentuvaty unconventional methods to stimulate labor, making flexible motivation for employees, effectively combining standard and custom motivational measures, such as: - To recognize the value of the employee to the organization, to give him creative freedom; - Apply enrichment program of work and job rotation; - Apply a flexible, part-time working week, the ability to work both in the workplace and at home; - Put employees discounts on products produced at the company where they work; - The granting of credit to purchase coworkers house, car, etc. Table 1 Examples of application of the modern methods of unusual motivation in the international practice № 1 2 3 4 5 Unusual methods of motivation Company, which use such methods Lump-sum compensation in cash for assignments, no Mars Inc.., IBM, delays and so on. McDonald's, Lincoln, Tapparvars Rewarding gifts, medals, signs of distinction honors IBM, McDonald's The internal training program of individual Johnson & Johnson, development, additional education at the expense of Renault, Peugeot the employer Creating a friendly, family atmosphere, preferential Johnson & Johnson medical care Publication in their own printed body General Motors, Westing-house Electric, Polaroid, Bell Telephone Lab., Radio Corporation of America 6 7 Isolation of free time, the possibility of visiting research activities in support of creative, inventive activity, membership in scientific societies Companies Free or reduced price meals workers Toshiba, IBM, Polaroid Google, Vkontakte Yandex, So today, when standard motivational factors are not the only factor in their motivation and with limited financial resources of modern methods of motivation, including intangible play an important role in increasing the efficiency of personnel and allow to attract yet activated reserve personnel. 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