NAME_________________________________RUBRIC FOR CANDIDATE ASSESSMENT, ED310 LEARNING THEORY CANDIDATE ASSESSMENT 6 Not Proficient Marginal Evolving/Proficient Commendable 1 Global Point 2 Global Points 3 Global Points 4 Global Points Global Points 0-11 points 12-15 16-18 19-20 Points Belief statements fail to describe the Belief statements include Includes definition of learning, Integrates definition of learning, DEVELOPS A key elements of a personal belief incomplete definitions of descriptions of roles of teacher and descriptions of roles of teacher and PERSONAL THEORY statement. learning and partial students, and strategies for creating students, and strategies for creating OF HOW STUDENTS descriptions of roles of communities of learners. communities of learners into a CONSTRUCT teachers and students, and Creates a partial explanation of cohesive whole. KNOWLEDGE, strategies for creating how teachers facilitate learning and Creates a theory of how teachers ACQUIRE SKILLS, communities of learners. how students learn. facilitate learning and how students AND DEVELOP Seems to just string answers learn; provides appropriate HABITS OF MIND to questions together without examples. (MTS2A) showing relationships. Describes learning environment Describes learning Describes learning environments in Describes learning environments in CREATES without mentioning or with a environments that provide which students develop skills in which teachers, students and others COMMUNITIES OF perfunctory mention of student positive student behavior, but learning with others in their in the learning environment strive to LEARNING development and teacher role. description does not show the community; describes positive, develop supportive, cooperative, and (MTS5BDEH Does not discuss motivation; relationship between student non-threatening environments; inclusive learning environments; Does not and teacher role. Explains motivation in terms of Includes provisions for motivating Does not mention motivation; just one theory. students to achieve; Implicitly recognizes need for Recognizes and provides examples connections with students’ of how learning experiences must families, but does not give specific build connections with students’ examples families and cultures and life experiences; Demonstrates confused or Alludes to theories to explain Accurately uses one existing theory Very clearly and accurately DEMONSTRATES incoherent use of theories in your theory of learning, but to illustrate/explain your beliefs; understands at least two theories of KNOWLEDGE OF explaining your own theory of shows some confusion or critically addresses key learning; EXISTING THEORIES learning; inaccuracy; Does not address implications of more than one Abstractly explains implications of OF LEARNING Does not address implications of implications of theories for theory. the theories as related to your own (MTS2ACD) theory; your own theory; Discusses some relationship theory of learning. Fails to mention any theory; between theories and your own; Fails to include individual Mentions individual Expresses positive attitudes toward Celebrates and values diversity; VALUES AND PLANS differences or diverse learners in the differences and the need to diverse students’ Emphasizes the need to FOR DIVERSITY IN statement of beliefs. teach all students; Understands the need to accommodate all learners, including LEARNING Mentions diverse learners in a Has few suggestions for accommodate individual diverse learning styles; includes ENVIRONMENT; perfunctory way manner; accommodation; differences; examples of accommodations. (MTS3CDFGH) Demonstrates biases or prejudices Does not mention cultural Suggests examples of Strives to include learners in the against diversity; differences; accommodation; community of learners; Expresses awareness of cultural Committed to learning about differences. cultures and community; Global Points Points REFLECTS ON THE PROCESS (MTS10A) REFLECTS ON STANDARDS AND ORGANIZING THEMES (TO BE INCLUDED IN PORTFOLIO) (MTS10A) WRITING IS COHESIVE & THOROUGH (7E) WRITTEN COMMUNICATION (7DE) Not Proficient 1 Global Point 0-11 Describes personal experiences that do not relate to the philosophy statement; Includes little or no actual reflection on standards and organizing themes. Marginal 2 Global Points 12-15 Occasionally reflects on some changes at a concrete level; demonstrates some examination of learning theory, but only loosely ties it to personal development. Evolving/Proficient 3 Global Points 16-18 Reflects on changes in personal beliefs about teaching and learning; explores relationships between learning theories and your own ideas about learning. Reflection on standards and indicators is omitted; or reflection is superficial and lacks relationship to the theoretical; Fails to address organizing themes or standards; Lists some standards and indicators, but reflection lacks depth; briefly mentions the relationship of the standard to the teaching process; Mentions organizing themes but does not discuss them; Relates the assignment to some of the standards and indicators; occasionally reflects on the relationship of the standard to the teaching process; Partial answers; lacks clear understanding. Answers to individual pieces; lacks cohesion; the reader often must reread to understand your beliefs; some portions of the assignment are not fully addressed. Addresses assigned tasks cohesively and thoroughly; Uses examples to illustrate points; the reader readily understands your beliefs and the influence of other theorists.. MANY SIGNIFICANT ERRORS; NOT COLLEGE LEVEL WRITING. Re-write may be required in order to be given credit for the paper; More than 3 significant errors; (fragments and run-on sentences); many minor errors) (spelling, punctuation, diction) 1-2 significant errors(fragments and run-on sentences); no more than 3 - 5 minor errors (spelling, punctuation, diction) . Total Points Global points____________/32 points Total Points ____________/160 Describes how the project assists in meeting two or three organizing themes; give examples. Commendable 4 Global Points 19-20 Abstractly reflects on changes in your beliefs about teaching and learning over the course of your education; describes developing awareness of change; includes learning theories in the reflection; recognizes that changes will continue based on future experiences Reflects specifically on standards and indicators, discussing how the project addresses the standard and indicator; Considers how meeting the standards relate to being a teacher; Describes how the project assists in meeting the four organizing themes; gives insightful examples; (active learning, communities of learners, facilitating learning, and collaboration) Broadly and specifically addresses the assigned task. Has a strong voice and answers the questions in the assignment completely and abstractly; is audience-appropriate; the reader develops insight into the beliefs and theories that you describe. No significant errors (fragments and run-on sentences); no more than 3 minor errors (spelling, punctuation, diction) 160 points