HISTORY HISTORY AND TEACHING FOR ERASMUS STUDENTS – 2015/2016 Please note that while this information is as accurate and up-to-date as possible, it does not replace the entries in the University Prospectus and Calendar, which are authoritative statements and take priority. This handbook should be read alongside the Academic Regulations Handbook and the Academic Quality Manual located online, and in case of conflict, the Prospectus and Calendar take priority. This information sheet is a summary of the key points of the History Undergraduate Handbook (available at http://www.keele.ac.uk/history/currentundergraduates/) which also includes links to relevant university documents. For fuller details of the points explained below, consult that handbook. Furthermore, the history programme is in a constant process of change and evolution, as new courses are introduced, policies are fine-tuned and circumstances change. Updates may be distributed by pigeonholes, posted on the School notice boards or circulated to students by email as and when necessary: it is your responsibility to take note of these changes. ORGANISATION and produce essays or its equivalent. Most modules also have ONE 2-hour examination at the end of the semester. The Director of Programmes, Dr Alannah Tomkins, (CBB1.055) semester 1 and Professor Dominic Janes (CBB1.057) semester 2 has overall responsibility for all teaching & research in History. The pattern of teaching may vary from module to module; details are set out in each module’s handbook. ASSESSMENT The Deputy Programme Director, Dr Anthony Kauders (CBB2.036) semester 1 and Dr Ian Atherton (CBB0.046) semester 2 has overall responsibility for all undergraduates studying history courses. Assessment is made up of continuous assessment (essays, seminar performance and portfolios) and written examinations. The weighting of assessment may vary from module to module; details will be in the relevant module handbook. CONTACT AND COMMUNICATION We mainly use email to distribute news and essential information – make sure you are a registered computer user and check your email (as well as the KLE notice board) at least once every three days. For History staff contact details see http://www.keele.ac.uk/history/people/ CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT Portfolios & Contribution in Seminars You will be assessed on your participation in seminars – on whether you have done sufficient preparatory reading and thinking, and whether you are willing and able to contribute to the discussion. TEACHING Lectures You will also be required to keep a portfolio, which will help tutors assess your level of preparation for each seminar. This will be a short report prepared for each seminar. The report could be a variety of things: short answers to a series of questions; a set of notes; an exercise on a specific source; an essay plan. Your tutors will let you know what they require. A copy of the report will be collected at the beginning or end of each seminar (keep another copy as an aid to your revision). The complete portfolio should be no longer than 2,000 words. Tutors may mark portfolios on a weekly basis, review them half way through the seminar course, or mark them all at the end. There is no standard prescribed response. You should expect your tutor to outline his/her approach at the start of the module. As students, you will need to get used to different methods of teaching. Each module consists of up to 10 lectures covering the principal themes and events of the period in question. Lecture lists are available through the KLE (Keele Learning Environment). Attendance at lectures is essential because the written examinations are based on the lecture courses plus supplementary reading. Seminars In addition, modules include between 5 and 8 hour-long seminars. These are taught in groups of around fourteen. Attendance at seminars is compulsory. These classes may be taught in a variety of ways: formal presentations by individual students, followed by a group discussion of the set topic or document; class debates in which everyone is expected to participate; or group work in which students work together to present some aspect of the topic or document under discussion. In each module, you will be required to do one or more essays or their equivalent for your seminar tutor. Students who attend all seminars, make the required presentation/s (if any), and make some contributions on the basis of their reading can expect a mark in the range 40-60%. Students who prepare well for seminars and make regular, useful contributions to the discussion may score more highly. Marks as high as 90% are only given for really outstanding performance throughout the course. Those whose contributions are poor or non-existent will score no more than 20%. To summarise, in each semester you are expected to attend one or more lectures a week for up to ten weeks and one or more seminars a week for five to eight weeks 1 Plagiarised essays are liable to a ZERO mark, risking overall failure in that module and possible University disciplinary action. Proofreading Guidance If you decide that you would like someone to proofread your work or you wish to use a proofreading company it is very important that you read the document ‘Proofreading – a Guide for Students.’ Failure to follow the guidance in this document, if you have your work proofread, could result in you being found guilty of academic misconduct due to having unpermitted assistance. The proofreading guidance document can be downloaded from the website at: http://www.keele.ac.uk/paa/studentappealscomplaintsand conduct/studentacademicconduct/. Word-length Unless you have been told otherwise, your essay should be between 1,700 and 2,000 words long. Essays which exceed the word-limit, or fall short of it, by 10% or more will incur a penalty of 10 marks. Please hand in ONE hard copy of your essay to the School office, and deposit ONE electronic copy into the KLE, by the due date (e-mail attachments are NOT acceptable). Note that electronic copies will be automatically scanned for plagiarism. Failure to submit a copy via KLE will incur a mark of ZERO. Although marks are not directly deducted for absences, clearly if you are not present without good reason, you cannot be participating well in class, and this is likely to be reflected in your total. If you have good reason for your absence, please ring your tutor or the office in advance and later confirm your excuse in writing. Medical certificates must be provided for two or more absences for medical reasons. Written work Continuous assessment is primarily based on your written work, usually an essay. The academic marking criteria are given in the History Undergraduate Handbook. Essays should be based on wide reading (and on more than just general textbooks). Over-reliance on encyclopaedias (online or otherwise) will be penalised. Essays must be word-processed, and must be submitted both as hard copy and in electronic form (see below). It is up to you to present your essay in a legible form. Leave substantial left and right margins (approx. 3 cm each). Use double-spacing and a font size of 12 point. Indent the beginning of paragraphs or leave a clear line between each paragraph. Poorlypresented essays will be penalised. Do not change the question or title given you in any way without first consulting your seminar tutor. Make sure that you always answer the question as set. Essays displaying poor or incorrect use of English will be penalised. There is no excuse in essays or other written work produced in the student’s own time for grammatical or spelling errors. Please check your grammar and spelling. An internally produced guide, Studying History, is available online on the History web pages at http://www.keele.ac.uk/history/currentundergraduates/. For help with punctuation and grammar please consult L. Truss, Eats, Shoots and Leaves (2004) and/or the recently published Oxford English Dictionary for Students (2006). The marks awarded on academic criteria will be reduced for poor English according to the following tariff: (a) the penalty for consistently poor grammar, such that it makes the argument difficult to follow, is 10 marks; (b) the penalty for poor punctuation, paragraphing and sentence structure is 5 to 10 marks. Provide a full bibliography. At the end of the essay list those books and articles you have used. (a) The failure to give a full bibliography carries a penalty of 10 marks; (b) the failure to set the bibliography out correctly carries a penalty of 5 marks (see the History Undergraduate Handbook for examples of how to set out references and bibliographic entries). Referencing Your essay should include referencing (use the footnoting function via ‘Insert’ on your computer). (a) Essays lacking any references will lose 10 marks; (b) Incorrect referencing (e.g. absence of page numbers) carries a penalty of 5 marks. A style guide with advice on how to set out footnotes and bibliography is available in the History Undergraduate Handbook Plagiarism Plagiarism is taken very seriously by the university. It is the failure to acknowledge and indicate direct quotations is (this applies even when the odd word has been changed or the word-order has been altered). Ensure that the following are clearly printed on your front page: Module title and number Name of your seminar tutor Your student number (all essays are marked anonymously) Essay title Make sure that your essay is stapled together through the top left-hand corner. Please do not use paper clips (they come off) or hand in essays in any type of plastic folder or binder (removing these is time-consuming). You would be wise to retain a duplicate. You must also hand in a module evaluation form and a selfassessment form along with your essay. Deadlines The deadlines for written work are given in the relevant module handbook. LATE ESSAYS will be accepted only in extenuating circumstances of a medical nature or its equivalent, which must be agreed to by the Deputy Programme Director, and MUST be supported (1) by a completed extenuating circumstances form (available at http://www.keele.ac.uk/paa/academicadministration/forms/), (2) by EVIDENCE in the form of a medical note or other supporting information, as appropriate, and (3) by evidence of the work on the essay completed at the date of your request. Only the Deputy Programme Director in History has authority to grant permission to submit late work to students registered for the History programme, and within these strict limitations. Such extensions are very much an emergency measure. As a guide, they will only be granted in clear and genuine cases, such as a sudden illness, a last-minute death in the family or 2 your ability to think and perform as an historian. The examinations are based on the lectures AND additional recommended reading on the lectures. Essays which simply reproduce lecture notes will score low marks. the like. You will be required to show evidence such as medical certificate. Extensions will not be granted in the following cases: You have other essays to submit at the same time. Time management is a basic skill you must learn; if several deadlines coincide, then it is up to you to arrange your study accordingly. Essays can be submitted ahead of time! A ZERO mark may be recorded for failure to attend the examination without good reason. In any re-sit the maximum mark available for the whole module will be 40%. Scripts displaying poor or incorrect use of English will be penalised. Please check your grammar and spelling. Because you have not been feeling very well. If you are seriously ill, especially close to the deadline, then this may well constitute due grounds for an extension, but not a bout of ‘Keele 'flu’ in the fortnight before, or a hangover (and yes, this has been tried in the past!). In the case of long-running ailments, it is your responsibility to arrange an extension well before the deadline. MARKING SCHEME Essays and examinations are marked on a 100 point scale: 70 plus First class 60-69 Upper Second 50-59 Lower Second 40-49 Third 0- 39 Fail A key text was not available from the library. Again, do not leave your work until the last minute. If it looks as if this is going to be a serious problem, your seminar tutor may be able to suggest alternative sources. The marks for all the elements of assessment (essay, seminar, exam etc) are added together to get a percentage grade for each module. There is too long a print queue at the Library. There always is at such times of the year. If using the university system, you need to print your essay out in good time. The University Code of Practice on Assessment is at http://www.keele.ac.uk/regulations/regulation8/#d.en.19980 The computer spontaneously combusted/the goat ate your essay/etc. It is your responsibility to look after your work. Always keep back-up copies of work on a computer and hold on to earlier drafts. It may be possible to accept a draft or disk version as a stand-in submission, but you must check first. DISABILITY Students with visual impairment, mobility or hearing difficulties should inform the Deputy Programme Director as soon as possible so that we may assist you as far as possible. Students registered dyslexic should inform the Deputy Programme Director immediately. The University policy on long-term disability is at http://www.keele.ac.uk/class/disabilityservices/disabilitystatem ent/ Because you could not come in on the day in question. Obviously, if your car breaks down and you live in Chester or you break your leg while walking across to hand in your essay, you have a good case, but you must contact the Department as soon as possible. But otherwise do not leave submitting your essay until the very last day if there is any possibility of your being away or otherwise engaged; you can submit it earlier, instead. FEEDBACK It is important for you not only to know your academic progress but also learn from your successes and difficulties. Comments on coursework essays will be provided, generally on a standard sheet. You will usually also receive comments on your seminar performance, especially if above or below average standard. These comments will be given to you at the module feed back meeting. The feedback meeting is a compulsory part of the module and non-attendance will result in the issue of a departmental warning. In other words, extensions will be granted freely in emergencies, but only in emergencies, and must be arranged in advance unless this is absolutely impossible. All this may seem very brutal and uncaring, but these essays count towards your final degree marks and thus must be treated with the same rigour as exams. These are University rules, not an invention of the School. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES If you are granted permission to submit late under Extenuating circumstances rules you WILL have to produce the work you have done up to that point. The following statements, giving reference to information given in university documents are detailed below: University policy on absence for illness and other good cause can be found in the Academic Regulations and Guidance for Students and Staff at http://www.keele.ac.uk/regulations/regulation10/#d.em.2002 0 The University’s Code of Practice on Equality and Diversity can be found at http://www.keele.ac.uk/hrss/equalitydiversity/ Statements on all university procedures and policies relating to plagiarism; assessment procedures and procedures when students fail assessments; complaints procedures; appeals, absence for illness and other good cause for absence; academic warnings can be found at http://www.keele.ac.uk/paa/governance/actcharterstatutesordi nancesandregulations/universityregulations/assessmentexami nationsandappeals/ Written examinations A written examination tests your ability to work under pressure and within strict time constraints. Whilst the general points for essays apply, we are looking here for ability to construct a well evidenced argument in answer to the question asked. Poor answers are those which do not address the question asked. The written examination tests 3 PLAGIARISM & CRASS DERIVATION Study is no different from other activities, in that it requires skills. Some you have, but others you will need to learn. Here are a few brief suggestions. For more detailed advice see Christopher Harrison, Studying History (Keele, 1996) on the History website. Plagiarism, the unacknowledged copying or close paraphrasing of passages from published or unpublished sources, is a form of cheating. In other words, if you copy material out of other works, even if you have carried out superficial paraphrasing and/or editing, without making it clear that this is what you have done, then you are plagiarising. If you are not sure quite where plagiarism begins, then this is something you might want to raise with one of your seminar tutors or your Personal Tutor. Plagiarism in written work at any level will be referred to the School’s Academic Conduct Officer, and if proven, to the Director of Academic Services and renders the offender liable to University disciplinary action. A statement of university policy on plagiarism and other academic dishonesty can be found in the Academic Regulations and Guidance for Students and Staff at http://www.keele.ac.uk/regulations/regulation8/#d.en.19990 (section 12 of regulation 8). Guidance on the avoidance of plagiarism can be found at http://www.keele.ac.uk/regulations/regulation8/#d.en.19990 Crass Derivation occurs when a student has cut and pasted work from a website or book but cited its source. Although this cannot be treated as cheating like plagiarism, the student has deployed little effort or intellectual skill in writing the essay and the work will also be awarded zero. THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY The university library may initially seem dauntingly large and uses a form of classification you may not have encountered before. Despair not; there is help at hand. The Library staff give invaluable guided tours at the beginning of the year. There is a useful guide, How to use the library, and a series of Fact Sheets relating to specific services; some are also available online (http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/li/). After reading these, the best way to find your way around is to browse. A couple of hours early on spent wandering around and seeing what is available will repay dividends later. Manage and use your time effectively. Some find making a weekly schedule or work-diary listing formal commitments and other work to be done helpful (and a diary is crucial to enable you to keep track of appointments, e.g., with your Personal Tutor). Your first priority in a lecture is to listen carefully. Don't try to take down everything the lecturer says. Listen critically. Go over your notes later; what you do not understand follow up in discussion with friends and through reading. Prepare for your seminars. There is nothing worse than having total ignorance exposed. That said, be prepared to risk an opinion. No one expects you to know a great deal at this stage; what is required is an honest approach to the question under discussion. It is not for nothing one is said to read for a degree. The more you read, the more you will get out of the course. Don't stay with textbooks; once you have the broad outline, try specialised articles and monographs and/or some primary source material. If a book bores you, discard it because you will get nothing of value from it. If all books bore you, you'd better leave now! Be economical in your note-making. If you copy from a book or article into your notes, put it in inverted commas in your notes; this will prevent inadvertent plagiarism. Writing should be a creative and enjoyable experience, but you do need certain skills. Here are some tips. Use simple sentences. Avoid passive verbs (for the most part). Don't use words you don't know the meaning of (don't try to show off!). Check your spelling and grammar. Your tutor will be looking for the following in your essay (and in your examination answers) which you might consider using as a check-list: The most important classification area for History students is D. This is subdivided by a second letter according to country (such as DA for Great Britain, DC for France), and then by numbers. Within any country general works come first, then works on more particular aspects of that country's history, such as political, military or social life, then works in chronological order, and finally works on local history. Spend half an hour browsing through the collections relating to any one country and you will soon get the idea. How well informed are you? Have you understood the implications of the question set? Have you marshalled your material effectively? Do you present your argument and its supporting evidence in a coherent fashion? DIFFICULTIES If you encounter apparently insuperable difficulties, please consult your seminar tutors, the Erasmus/Overseas/ American Exchange tutor, (myself, email: a.d.kauders@keele.ac.uk). Many other subjects of importance to historians are classified in other areas; for instance, ecclesiastical history will be found in BR and BX, economic history in HC, social history in HN, legal history in KE and so on. Dr Anthony Kauders Deputy Programme Director September 2015 The main library catalogue is online, accessible either in the Library/Information Services building, or elsewhere at http://opac.keele.ac.uk/. Works which are in high demand are often placed in the Short-term Loan library, to which there is a Library Guide. STUDY SKILLS 4