Wollongong West Public School ICT skills mapped to syllabus outcomes Stage 1 Computer Operations Stage 1 SYLLABUS OUTCOMES English W S 1.12 INDICATORS Uses computer functions when editing Accurately uses words associated with computers eg keyboard, screen, cursor, mouse, disk, space bar Uses computer terminology eg save, delete, open, exit, print, hard disk, menu, save as, command RELATED ICT SKILLS Identifies keyboard, mouse, monitor/screen, hard drive Match equipment to purpose eg digital camera to capture images Identifies cursor Selects and moves objects using mouse Recognises typical features of an applications window eg title bar, toolbar, menu bar, status bar, scroll bar Discriminates in the choice of applications for a given purpose Selects menu items from a drop-down menu Starts an application and creates a document Names and saves a document in appropriate folder/directory Retrieves, revises and renames a document Understands difference between save and save as Prints document Uses print preview to view a document before printing Changes orientation of page Considers what needs to be printed eg. number of pages Understands and uses dialogue boxes Uses the help function independently Wollongong West Public School ICT skills mapped to syllabus outcomes Stage 1 Email SYLLABUS OUTCOMES PDHPE CO S1.1 INDICATORS writes and sends simple questions to determine health advice using e-mail RELATED ICT SKILLS HSIE CU S1.4 learns about families and groups from familiar and unfamiliar cultures and communities through various sources eg e-mail Understands the general structure of an e-mail address Interprets features of an inbox (date, time, subject, size) Understands features of a new message (To, Cc, BCc, Subject) Composes and sends an e-mail under guidelines and with supervision Retrieves and replies to an e-mail under supervised conditions Understands feature of a retrieved message (Reply, Forward, Date sent) Sends an attachment with an e-mail Wollongong West Public School ICT skills mapped to syllabus outcomes Stage 1 Graphics SYLLABUS OUTCOMES PDHPE CO S1.1 MATHS SGS1.2 Identifies shapes that do and do not tessellate MATHS SGS1.2 SCIENCE & TECH PP S1.4 SCIENCE & TECH PS S1.5 CREATIVE ARTS VA S1.2 INDICATORS Creates a poster about safety rules using, for example, a computer package Make tessellations through using software with the facility to flip, slide and turn graphics Use painting/drawing software to make shapes and repeat them Uses drawing and painting to represent two-dimensional shapes Uses graphics software to draw a design for a household appliance explaining how energy is used, eg a toaster uses electricity to heat bread Uses a digital or reflex camera to record images of products made and used by Aboriginal people Experiments with the properties of different drawing and paint media and tools such as graphite and colour pencils, fibre tip pens, crayons, paint, brushes, rollers, scrapers, sticks and computer applications in drawing to create particular effects in an attempt to capture likenesses of things depicted RELATED ICT SKILLS uses freehand drawing tools – pencil, straight and curved lines uses shape tools/objects uses paintbrush, paintbox, spray can, eraser uses text tool selects objects with selection tool deletes/crops selected objects copies/duplicates graphic elements uses line properties – thickness, colour uses fill pattern, colours, shading Inserts graphics from clip art Moves clip art/graphics Selects appropriate graphics Flips, rotates objects Layers objects – moves to front, back Uses a digital camera to create a graphics file Inserts objects – digital image, photo, sound Uses a scanner to convert a picture into a graphics file Changes the size of displayed clip art/graphics Understands animation/illusion of movement Wollongong West Public School ICT skills mapped to syllabus outcomes Stage 1 Internet SYLLABUS OUTCOMES INDICATORS Science and Technology PS S1.5 – UT S1.9 Designs and makes a present after sharing ideas with others and consulting books, CD-ROMs and bookmarked websites HSIE EN S1.5 Use a variety of resources (selected Internet sites) to model the use of geographical terms RELATED ICT SKILLS Science and Technology IC S1.2 – UT S1.9 With teacher assistance, downloads images from a digital camera for publication eg on the school website Opens a browser program Uses prepared bookmarks Uses and understands the features of a browser (back, forward, stop, search, home buttons; address bar, URL, loading status) Understands and uses key words in a simple search Understands key features of a web page (links, site map, feedback, e-mail) Bookmarks a location Chooses appropriate sites from a search Interprets information from a web site Cites any electronic references for information used Determines that information is current, accurate and reliable Uses and understands hyperlinks/navigation buttons Contributes to the creation of a basic web page – text, graphics, hyperlinks Wollongong West Public School ICT skills mapped to syllabus outcomes Stage 1 Multimedia SYLLABUS OUTCOMES Science and Technology ES S1.6 – UT S1.9 INDICATORS Observes a model of the water cycle and uses graphics software to create a slide show for use in reporting findings RELATED ICT SKILLS Recognises elements of a multimedia presentation Creates a simple slide show with text and graphics Inserts slides Chooses appropriate slide design and layout Understands navigation between slides Adds sounds Wollongong West Public School ICT skills mapped to syllabus outcomes Stage 1 Spreadsheets SYLLABUS OUTCOMES MATHS WMS1.2 Uses objects, diagrams, imagery and technology to explore mathematical problems INDICATORS Uses simple graphics software to create a picture graph RELATED ICT SKILLS Understands the strengths and weaknesses of a spreadsheet Interprets data from a simple existing spreadsheet Understands terminology – column/row/cell Understands cell addressing Understands active cell Enters data (values, labels) in a cell Enters data in a cell (bold, alignment, etc.) Changes column width/row height Adds/deletes rows/columns Uses sum formula and undertakes basic calculations Prints selected area Generates appropriate graphs – bar, column, pie Formats data to currency, time, number, percentage Sorts data Wollongong West Public School ICT skills mapped to syllabus outcomes Stage 1 Word Processing SYLLABUS OUTCOMES English W S 1.12 Mathematics MS1.5 PDHPE CO S1.1 English R S1.8 English W S1.9 INDICATORS Uses computer function when editing Accurately uses words associated with computers eg keyboard, screen, cursor, mouse, disk, space bar Enlarges and changes text font Recognises letters on the keyboard Recognises simple conventions eg space bar for spaces, shift and caps lock for upper case letters Make signs and banners eg in the morning we have fitness exercises, using computer software Creates a poster about safety rules using, for example, a computer package Uses appropriate terminology to discuss computer texts eg space, full stop, upper and lower case, bold, italics Uses word processors to create texts RELATED ICT SKILLS Locates and uses return/enter, space, delete/back, shift, caps lock Uses appropriate terminology – font, upper/lower case, bold, italics Inserts text Selects/highlights text Deletes text Varies font, size and style Understands cut, copy, paste Uses undo command Creates text box Uses borderr Uses spell checker Realises limitations of spell checker Changes text alignment Uses find/replace for word or phrase Changes margins and line spacing Uses columns Uses bullets, numbering Uses thesaurus Adds a table to a document and edits rows and columns