Rubric ASSESSMENT AREAS/GRADES 5 4 3 DESIGN LAYOUT The brochure is in The brochure is in The brochure is in landscape view landscape view landscape view with three columns with three with three columns and wellcolumns and and somewhat organized generally organized information. organized information. information. SPELLING AND All the words are Most of words Most of the words GRAMMAR spelled correctly (especially key are spelled and proper words) are spelled correctly (some grammar is used. correctly and most key words are grammar is incorrect) and correct. some grammar is correct. COMPLETION OF The brochure is The brochure is The majority of the BROCHURE totally complete. mostly complete. brochure is complete. GRAPHICS, CLIP The cover has a The cover has a The cover has a ART AND WORD title and all title and most title and a majority ART columns include columns include of columns include appropriate appropriate appropriate graphics. graphics. graphics. CONTENT The brochure The brochure The brochure contains mostly contains some of the time appropriate written appropriate contains information about information about appropriate India and India and information about demonstrates a demonstrates a India and deep working demonstrates understanding of knowledge of the basic fact recall the concepts concepts studied. and some studied. conceptual understanding. EFFORT AND The student The student The student PARTICIPATION consistently generally somewhat showed extended effort, extended effort, effort, and remained on task remained on task remained on task and asked and asked most of the time questions questions with some teacher appropriately appropriately prompting Grading Scale: 27-30 = A 24-26 = B 17 = F 21-23 = C 2 Points The brochure is not in landscape view and does not contain three columns and lacks organized information. Some words are spelled correctly (a large number of key words are incorrect) and grammar errors are frequent. The brochure lacks most of the requirements. The cover has a title and some columns include appropriate graphics. The brochure rarely contains appropriate information about India and demonstrates inconsistent recall of facts and understanding of concepts. The student showed inconsistent effort, was off task and demonstrated inappropriate behavior Total Points 18-20 = D 0-