FST 7205 ADVANCED FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY Course instructors Dr. Dorothy Nakimbugwe [BSc. Food Sc & Tech; M.S. Food Sc.; PhD. Bio-Science Engineering] Course Assistant: Mr. Dennis Male Course Technician: Mrs. E. N. Manda Course type: Elective course for MSc. Food Science & Technology 1. COURSE STRUCTURE Course credits (CU): 3 CU i.e. 3 contact hours per week per semester Course duration: 15 weeks (45 h) – 30 lecture hours; 30 practical hours 2. Course description Definition of biotechnology, constraints, reasons for the study of biotechnology, industry utilization and biotechnological products for food industry. The use of living organisms or biochemicals to carry out defined chemical processes for food industry application, including citric acid and cloned chymosin production. Reaction rates, enzyme kinetics, immobilized enzymes, single cell culture techniques. The goal of this course is to give students an understanding of new advances in food biotechnology. 3. COURSE OBJECTIVES General objective The general objective of this course is to give students an understanding of new advances in food biotechnology. Specific objectives i) Develop students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in food biotechnology at an advanced level ii) Enhance students’ ability to identify current and future research directions in food biotechnology. iii) Enhanced students’ ability to work in a team. iv) Enhance students’ oral and written communication skills. 4. RECOMMENEDED REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Journal of Biotechnology (http://www.ejbiotechnology.info/) Basin biotechnology 2nd edition by Colin Rutledge & Bjorn Kristiansen Biotechnologies in developing countries, present and future, volume I by Albert Sasson Biotechnology 3rd edition by John E. Smith Enzymes in biomass conversion by Gray F.Leathal &Michael E. Himmei Enzymes in Food Processing. Tucker G. A. and Woods L. F J. 1995. Second edition. Chapman and Hall New York Fermented Beverage production A.G.H. Cea and J.R. Piggot (editors) 1995 Food Microbiology Frazier, W.C., and D.C. westhoff.1978., 3rd and 4th edition McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York Topics in enzymes and fermentation by Allan Wisema PhD 5th Edition Microbiology and Biochemistry of cheese and fermented milk. B.A Law (editor) 1997 Food science. Potter N. Norman and Hotchkiss H. Joseph (1995) 5th edition. Chapman and Hall New York. Practical Food Microbiology & Technology by George J. Mountney and Wilbur A. Gould 3 rd Edition Food Microbiology-Advances and Prospects Roberts, Skinner, Academic Press Practical Food Microbiology and Technology. George J. Mountney and Wilbur A. Gould 3 RD edition 5. COURSE CONTENT, METHODS OF INSTRUCTION, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT TOPIC CONTENT METHOD OF INSTRUCTION/ Time allocation TOOLS/ Equipment needed Introduction An overview of available biotechnologies and their applications Importance of biotechnology to developing nations Use of microorganisms and/or enzymes in industrial processes -Student background and expectations -Course background and rationale -Introduction and definitions -Review of the history and evolution of biotechnology -Past, present and future of biotechnology Recognising biotechnology at work – students examine, identify and report on biotechnological processes in the DFST pilot processing plant and else where -Bio processing technology -Monoclonal antibodies -Cell culture -Recombinant DNA technology -Cloning -Protein engineering -Bio-sensors -Nono bio-technology -Micro arrays -Biotechnology applications from farm to fork” -Applications in crop production -Breeding for herbicide, pests, disease and stress resistance -Altered composition to enhance processing and nutrition value -Future transgenic crops Applications of biotechnology to -Use of enzymes in milk and cheese processing Chymosin A and B from GM organisms -Use of enzymes in the meat industry -Use of enzymes in the baking industry -Use of enzymes in production of beverages and fruit juices -Use of enzymes in the starch and sugar industries -Use of enzymes in the processing of fats and oils -Use of enzymes as diagnostic tools -Enzyme immobilization -Reasons for immobilizing enzymes -Approaches to immobilizing enzymes Use of enzymes in banana juice extraction and production of a cereal-based -alcoholic beverage -Interactive lectures -Buzz group discussions (2 hr) -LCD projector/White boards/flip charts Pilot plant practical (3 hrs) -Instructional handout -Gumboots and lab. Coats -Pilot plant -Interactive lectures -Individual reading assignment (2hr) -Interactive lectures -Individual reading assignment -Guest lecturer (4 hr) -Handouts Computer Beamer Whiteboard/marker Visit to a modern biotechnology facility (3 hrs) -Interactive lectures -Buss group discussions -Industry guest lecturers (6 hr) Transport Pilot plant Practical (3 hrs) -Gumboots and lab. Coats -Pilot plant -Raw materials -Enzymes -Handouts -Computer -Beamer -Whiteboard/marker Mid term exam Advances in food biotechnology Biotechnologybased analytical methods -Issues of relevance to developing nations -Social economic and cultural factors -Infrastructural and logistical factors -Nutrition and food safety -Intellectual property rights -Impact of biotechnology to food security in developing nations -Modern food biotechnology and food safety -International guidelines to ensure safety of biotechnology -Approaches to safety evaluation of GM foods -Substantial equivalent approach -Use of profiling technique -Recourse to precautionary principle Extraction, purification and spectrophotometric quantification of DNA -Interactive lectures -Individual reading assignment Guest lecturers (4 hr) -Reference reading materials -Handouts Computer Beamer Whiteboard/marker -Interactive lectures -Individual reading assignment (4 hr) -Reference reading materials -Handouts -Computer -Beamer -Whiteboard/marker Practical (3 hrs) Use of Agarose gel electrophoresis Practical (6 hrs) Principles and application of the polymerase chain reaction -Interactive lectures -Individual reading (4hrs) Use of the polymerase chain reaction for GMO detection in foods Practical (6 hrs) Principles and applications ELISA techniques to in the food industry -Interactive lectures -Individual reading (4hrs) Use of ELISA technique GMO detection in foods Practical (6 hrs) -Laboratory chemicals and reagents -Apparatus and Instruments -Chemistry lab -Laboratory chemicals and reagents -Apparatus and Instruments -Chemistry lab -Reference reading materials -Handouts -Computer -Beamer -Whiteboard/marker -Laboratory chemicals and reagents -Apparatus and Instruments -Chemistry lab -Reference reading materials -Handouts -Computer -Beamer -Whiteboard/marker -Laboratory chemicals and reagents -Apparatus and Instruments -Chemistry lab Final exam 6. SUMMARY OF T IME (as contact hours) NEEDED Lecture hours 30 hr Practicals 30 hr 7. OVERALL COURSE EVALUATION Practicals (attendance and reports) Mid semester Course test 20% 20% END Final exam 60%