Group Dynamics - Brigham Young University

Communication 350
Group Dynamics
"Appoint yourselves a teacher, and let not all be spokesman at once; but let one speak at a time
and let all listen unto his sayings, that when all have spoken that all may be edified of all, and
that every man may have an equal privilege."
D&C 88:122
Instructor: Robyn Bergstrom 496-2923 Office Hours Wed.9-11 or by appointment in Spori 225
Text: Creating Effective Groups by Randy Fujishin Acada Books
Course Objectives: Through experiential teaching this course provides the basic facets of
small group communication. Use of the textbook, guest speakers, and active participation of
small group opportunities will give the student chances to discover more about the principles and
processes of the communication in small groups. Students will be able to identify and stay
focused on a group task, fill the various individual roles needed to facilitate effective group
discussion, cope with potential barriers and breakdowns in the small group process, and exhibit
effective leadership skills in a small group.
Small Group Criteria
Academic Group Requirements
Presentation-no longer than 15 minutes
Lecture on Chapter
Hand-out on Chapter
Blooms Taxonomy Essay Question
Activity geared to teach Chapter Concept
List of time spent and group member responsibilities
Personal Evaluation must be emailed before presentation
Each group member will "pay" other members merit wages of $30.
Instructor will also “award" merit wages for each group participant
Merit Pay
Students are given a certain amount of "pay" that can be distributed to each group member.
Students can deduct or reward individual group members according to the work that was done.
Students can only distribute to other group members. (None to Self)
Students will email evaluation to Instructor. Merit points will be handed in.
This will be kept private.
First and Last names of each student should be listed as well as student giving the merit pay.
Merit pay does not need an explanation just Names and points listed.
Merit Pay is due the day of the presentation and if not turned in, your score will be docked..
Group Date
Groups must plan and carry out a group date
The group members are not assigned.
The groups must present a 5 minute debrief of their experience.
All group members must participate in a discussion using group vocabulary.
Presentation of date group should be clever, creative, and interesting.
Each member will be responsible for turning in a personal evaluation emailed to instructor.
Each member will be assigned to pay other members $50 merit pay.
Instructor will issue each group member merit pay based on presentation and other information.
Problem Solving Group
Group must decide on a problem in the school or in the community
Group members are assigned.
Group must spend at least six hours researching or solving the problem
Group must present a 5 minute debrief on the process.
All group members must participate.
A written debrief must be handed to instructor prior to oral presentation consisting of:
Pictures of group members, formal and action
A detailed description of what was accomplished
A summary of time spent and group member’s responsibilities
A group evaluation
Each group member will be responsible for turning in a personal evaluation emailed to instructor
Each group member will be assigned to pay other members $75 merit pay.
Instructor will issue each group member merit pay.
Service Group
Group must decide on a service project.
Group members are assigned.
Group must spend at least 3 hours in service as a group
Group must present a 5 minute debrief on their service project.
All group members must participate in a discussion using group vocabulary.
A written debrief must be handed to instructor prior to the oral presentation consisting of:
Pictures of group members, formal and action
A detailed description of what was accomplished
A summary of time spent and group member’s responsibilities
A group evaluation
Each group member will be responsible for turning in a personal evaluation emailed to instructor
Each group member will be assigned to pay other members $75 merit pay.
Instructor will issue each group member merit pay.
Scripture Study Group
Group must decide on scriptures to read or a topic to study.
Group must spend at least six hours in group study.
Students will meet for one half hour per week (can adjust how long each time).
Groups must present a 5 minute debrief of their experience.
All group members must participate in a group discussion using group vocabulary.
Each group member will be responsible for turning in a personal evaluation emailed to instructor
Each group member will be assigned to pay other members $60 merit pay.
Video Group
Groups must get together and make a video. (No longer than 5 minutes)
Group will present their video at our “Final Exam”.
The group members are not assigned
All group members must participate.
Each member will be responsible for turning in a personal evaluation emailed to instructor.
Each member will be assigned to pay other members $40 merit pay.
Instructor will distribute to each group member merit pay.
Dinner Group
Group must get together and have a meal lasting at least 2 hours.
The group members are assigned.
Groups must present a 5 minute debrief of their experience discussing using group vocabulary.
Each member will be responsible for emailing a personal evaluation emailed to instructor.
Each member will be assigned to pay others members $40 merit pay.
Instructor will distribute merit pay per student.
Create a group
The group can choose group members
Groups must present a 5 minute debrief of their experience.
Each member will also be responsible for turning in a personal evaluation
Each member will be assigned to pay other members $60 merit pay.
Instructor will distribute to each group member merit pay.
Research Paper
Write a group dynamic related paper.
This can be done in a group or individually.
Present findings in a classroom setting.
All members should participate in writing, editing, and presenting.
Groups/member must present a 5 minute debrief of their experience, and findings.
Chapter tests are given on blackboard. (Chapter one will be in class)
It is your responsibility to take the tests on time.
Each test is 10 questions.
Each correct answer will be awarded $1 merit pay.
Attendance and Tardiness
Each student is expected to be in attendance to all classes and group meetings.
The instructor should be contacted ASAP if class is missed.
Each group member should be contacted ASAP is a meeting is missed.
One absence is excused each semester for any emergencies that may come up.
One tardy is excused each semester for any emergencies that may come up.
Merit pay is deducted by instructor for any class time missed above the excused.
Compliance with Applicable Disability Law
Qualified students with a disability may be entitled to “reasonable accommodation”.
It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher before the first week of school ends.
Mock Interview
Participate in a Mock Interview
Attend Communication Day Oct. 6th Entrapreneur Day Nov. 3 Write a one Page paper.
Observe a Group
You will observe a group that you do not belong to.
Using vocabulary from the text, write up a one-page paper about the observation.
Be willing to present this in class in one-minute or less. Post on Blackboard.
Lecture/Book Review
Student will complete 6 hours of Listening to approved lectures or
Read 300 pages of an approved Book or Books
Report in class One minute or less. Post on Blackboard
Comm 100 Group Check
Attend November 9th in Spori 35 to present Quality Employable Product presentation to Comm
100 at 7:00 AM. Competition!
Compliance with Applicable Disability Law
Qualified students with a disability may be entitled to “reasonable accommodation”.
It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher before the first week of school ends.
Ethics Policy
“Brigham Young University-Idaho students should seek to be totally honest in all their dealings.
They should complete their own work and be evaluated based upon that work. They should avoid
academic dishonesty and misconduct in all its forms, including but not limited to plagiarism,
fabrication or falsification, cheating, and other academic misconduct” (BYU-Idaho Academic
Catalog 2005).
It is your responsibility as students to understand what constitutes academic dishonesty as stated
in the BYU-Idaho Honor Code. In this class it can include not doing your fair share of work in
groups; or allowing other students to receive credit for project which they did not work on. If
you are not sure if an action is ethical or if what you are doing is wrong please ask me.
Violation of University Policy will result in failing the class.
Tentative Schedule: (Could be changed!)
Week 1: Syllabus, Chapter one, Assign Scripture Study Groups/Times Assign Academic Groups
(Aug.30- 31or Sept. 1)
Week 2: Bring Sack Lunch, 4 items, Test on Chapter 1 and Syllabus Test (Sept.6- 7)
Week 3: Academic Presentations (Sept.13-14)
Week 4: Problem Solving Activities (Sept.20-21)
Week 5: Work on Groups (Sept.27- 28) (Attend Comm Day Oct. 6th Entrepreneur Day Nov. 3rd)
Week 6: Problem Solving Debrief/ Service Bag (Oct. 4-5)
Week 7: Bring a Friend to Class Day/ Discussion (Oct. 11-12)
Week 8: Service Group Debrief / Service Coupon Discussion (Oct. 18-19)
Week 9: Date Group Debrief/ Comm 100 Preparation (Oct.25- 26)
Week 10: Dinner Group Debrief/ Comm 100 Preparation (Nov. 1-2)
Week 11: Comm 100 Morning (Nov. 9) Research Paper Due
Week 12: Observe a Group/ Book or Lecture Due / Research Paper Discussion (Nov. 15-16)
Week 13: Thanksgiving Break! (Nov.22- 23)
Week 14: Create a Group Debrief/Scripture Group Debrief (Nov. 29-30)
Week 15: Video Group at my House for Final Exam! (Dec.6-7)
Week 16: Final Exam Interviews (Dec. 13-14)