SellFish Domestic and International Seafood Market Research Contact for Comments: Jayne Gallagher Ph: 0438 336712 VERSION: For Feb 2010 Planning and Reporting Forum Australian Seafood CRC SellFish SellFish Theme Outcomes . The net value of seafood products sold by Australian Seafood CRC participants will increase, through: 1. Greater understanding by consumers, regulators and seafood industry staff of the positive nutritional benefits of seafood consumption 2. Increased satisfaction with the products by existing customers resulting in higher prices paid, and/or increased sales of the products; 3. Sales in newly accessed and established domestic and international markets. 4. Increased opportunity for seafood product differentiation, for example through nutrition claims, in new and existing markets Measures of Success 1. Pre and post project surveys to measure consumer understanding of seafood nutritional benefits (will be ongoing). 2. Net value of seafood products sold will be measured through benchmarking studies with CRC participants. 3. An “omnibus” survey will enable the impact of CRC activities in domestic markets to be measured. Additional consumer surveys and sales data will be used to assess the effectiveness of specific projects. 4. International market success will be measured in volume and value of additional sales. Australian Seafood CRC SellFish Five Strategies to Achieve the Outcomes 1. Develop new approaches that CRC participants can use to communicate the health benefits and risks of seafood consumption. 2. Evaluate new products, and new retail presentation approaches for CRC participants. 3. Conduct research to assist CRC participants determine whether, when and how to enter new export markets. 4. Assist the development of government and industry policies and programs to support international and domestic market development activities of CRC participants. 5. Build technical and analytical capacity and capabilities to ensure product integrity, support nutritional claims and underpin trade negotiations. Disclaimer: The purpose of the Seafood CRC's theme business plans is to direct investments towards the outcomes, outputs and milestones approved through the CRC's Commonwealth Agreement. The plans are working documents that respond to changes in the CRC' research and business environments. Consequently, while effort is made to ensure they are consistently and correctly presented, the substance of the activities described in them is of prime importance. Australian Seafood CRC SellFish 1.0 Projects Project Name Project Description Contributing Participants R&D Providers involved to date* Strategy 1: Develop new approaches that CRC participants can use to communicate the health benefits and risks of seafood consumption Approved Projects 2007/711 2007/713 2007/714 Reviews of gaps and opportunities for seafood health benefit research Curtin University (WA Centre of Excellence for Seafood) Planned Outcome Completed reviews carried out to assist with theme planning in relation to health benefits of seafood. The reviews examined what research has already been done, identified gaps in our knowledge, considered new FSANZ health benefit claims requirements and opportunities for functional food developments using seafood. Flinders University University of Wollongong, (National Centre of Excellence for Functional Foods) University of Adelaide 2008/720 A community intervention approach to increasing seafood consumption . WA -COES Planned Outcome Review of published literature on health benefits of seafood to specific sectors and/or medical conditions. WAFIC and Curtin University WA Dept of Fisheries A series of targeted seafood health benefits/risks communication material, specifically for different target groups. Includes additional contribution by Curtin University SSA Seafood health benefits/risks training resources for the seafood retail, food service and hospitality sectors. WAFIC Australian Seafood CRC SellFish Project Name 2008/731 The Australian seafood diet for intergenerational health (PhD project) Project Description Contributing Participants R&D Providers involved to date* Planned Outcome A diet that can be promoted to Australian women to ensure that they eat sufficient seafood to sustain adequate omega-3 fatty acid levels in their children, while avoiding mercury contamination. Southern Adelaide Health Service Southern Adelaide Health Service Simplot Flinders University Adelaide Uni Chem Centre WA 2008/796 The Australian seafood diet for the elderly Planned Outcome Identification of opportunities to develop new fish and/or seafood products tailored to the need of the aging population in health care Simplot University of SA – EBMRI USC – Business School Flinders University WA State Chem Lab SARDI Strategy 2: Evaluate new products, and new retail presentation approaches for CRC participants Approved Projects 2008/710 Benchmarking consumers’ physical and mental availability for seafood products and brands in different buying situations. Planned Outcome Employment of a Postdoctoral Research Scientist (PDRS) at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Research (EBIMR) at UniSA. 2008/740: Understanding seafood suppliers Planned Outcome Uni SA Uni SA - EBIMR Seafood CRC Education Funds Uni SA - EBMRI Preparation of an analytical report using Dirichlet modelling on the relative market positioning of local and imported seafood and methods by which both market segments, or “brands” can be developed profitably. Organisation of seafood marketing research workshops. This research will extract valuable insights from the Sydney Fish Market database, including measures of species sales performance Australian Seafood CRC SellFish Project Name Project Description and buyers trading behaviour at the Sydney Fish Market (PhD project) on a monthly and yearly basis (for the last 10 years), identification of niche species, determinants of species growth in demand and cross-species buying effects. 2008/779 Omnibus Seafood Consumer Survey (Measuring consumer acceptance of innovation in the seafood industry) Contributing Participants R&D Providers involved to date* It is also expected to transform these findings into market intelligence helping the Sydney Fish Market to improve the auction sales system. Planned Outcome: Subject to CRC participant agreement on questions regular reports could be provided on: 1. Measurement and interpretation of seafood consumption patterns over time. 2. Detection of changes in seafood consumption in selected target groups as a result of Seafood CRC R&D projects. 3. Understanding and measuring the level of consumer awareness and share of mind (salience) of seafood. 4. Measurement of seafood consumers’ willingness to pay for premium features in Australian seafood. 5. Overall satisfaction level of consumers with their seafood meal purchases. The results may be a catalyst for change. 6. Consumer perceptions about fresh versus frozen seafood, imported versus local seafood, health risks versus benefits. 7. Evaluate perceived or real difficulty in preparation of seafood as a barrier to consumption. 8. Determine the likely impact on demand and price of environmental sustainability labels / brands. 9. The importance of price points in consumer perceptions of seafood products. Communal Project 2 years commencing 2009 Uni SA - EBIMR University of Adelaide/SARDI Australian Seafood CRC SellFish Project Name 2009/721 Eat more fish Project Description Planned Outcome Contributing Participants Simplot To use a detailed understanding of consumer attitudes to in store location of seafood purchase, acceptability of fish species and sustainability, to develop a minimum of 6 new product concepts and marketing strategies that could be implemented to realise an increase in seafood consumption. R&D Providers involved to date* University of SA – EBMRI Simplot SSA . 2009/761 The role of inbound Chinese tourists in promoting Australian food products in China (PhD project) Planned Outcome Understanding how tourism experiences influences perceptions of a country’s food products and purchase behaviour in the tourists’ home countries may assist the development of innovative export focussed market development strategies. . DIISR funds University of SA – EBMRI 2008/794.10 Retail Transformation: Identifying opportunities for creating consumer focused Australian Salmon value added products Planned Outcome This project will help understand the potential for the commercialisation of the Australian Salmon industry as consumer driven fishery. WAFIC WA DoF 2008/794.20 Retail Transformation: Repositioning Australian Farmed Barramundi Planned Outcome ABFA members will be achieving increased returns through implementing product repositioning strategies in the domestic market for Australian farmed barramundi at both the organization and individual company level. Curtin Uni Chem Centre WA The consumer research will describe and quantify consumer attitudes and preferences for the species, make recommendations on the positioning of the species and product development based on consumer preferences. ABFA USC Business School DEEDI Qld/ University of SA – EBMRI Private providers Australian Seafood CRC SellFish Project Name Project Description 2008/794.40 Retail transformation Forecasting new product performance Planned Outcome A new forecasting model for first year packaged seafood product sold through multiple retailers to assist companies to better plan their new product launch strategies and establish profitability and performance expectations 2009/770 Seafood Retail Transformation – Chilled Seafood Category Development Planned outcome A chilled pre packaged seafood product range and category marketing plan, based on consumer and trade research, commercially trialled in a multiple retailer. Contributing Participants Simplot University of SA – EBMRI Simplot USC Business School SFM APFA ACPF An Australian Seafood Manufacturing Scheme that articulates internationally leading GMP requirements (and how to implement them) needed to establish chilled pre packaged seafood ranges. R&D Providers involved to date* Sardines University of SA – EBMRI SSA SARDI Oysters CST WAFIC Approved concepts 2008/794.30 Retail transformation Eat more fish 2 Planned outcome Research, develop and trial a consumer focused natural seafood category in the ‘well freezer’ (located in retail stores by the deli section). NB: This is an extension of work to be completed in Eat More Fish 1 (a different category) and the project will be developed once results from the first project are known. Simplot University of SA – EBMRI Australian Seafood CRC SellFish Project Name Project Description Contributing Participants R&D Providers involved to date* Strategy 3 – Conduct research to assist CRC participants determine whether, when and how to enter new export markets Approved Projects 2007/704: Development of supply chain, distribution and communication tools to support entry of Southern Rocklobster into the superpremium, fine dining sector in the USA. Planned outcome This project aims to consolidate a premium price market in the USA initially, and then throughout the globe. This will increase the security of fishers’ income by diversifying the market, establishing customer loyalty and putting upward pressure on price by increasing the demand for Southern Rocklobster. SRL 2008/721 Survey of European Seafood Importers Planned Outcome: To provide CRC participants with up to date information on the needs of international seafood importers attending the European Seafood Expo. DIISR Funds 2008/753 Oyster marketing projects investment meeting 2008/776 South Australian Marine Fin Fish to Europe Market Development Plan 2009/722 and 2009/722.10 Planned Outcome Creation of a market development investment platform as part of the Oyster consortium business planning process Oyster Consortium Ridge Partners Planned Outcome Creation of a strategic market development plan for Marine Fin Fish in the EU Market. CST PIRSA SRL Ltd Corvel Management University of SA – EBMRI SSA University of SA – EBMRI Market Strategy Ltd . Planned Outcome Significantly increase the value and volume of yellow tailed kingfish exports to USA and Europe by developing, launching and evaluating CST CST Australian Seafood CRC SellFish Project Name Development and Evaluation of value-added YTK consumer products Project Description Contributing Participants the success of at least 10 new products (or product forms) over the life of the project R&D Providers involved to date* SARDI University of SA – EBMRI QDPI UTas (TIAR) 2009/723.10 and 2009/723.20 Analysis of product differentiation opportunities for Australian Wild Caught Abalone in China Planned Outcome Establish an agreed strategy and research plan to establish how best to significantly increase the opportunities to differentiate Australian Wild Caught Abalone as a way to increase the value and volume of sales to China by an average of15% to existing customers. ACA, AAA University of SA – EBMRI Approved concepts 2008/795 Market Intelligence Planned Outcome Capability to understand and describe seafood export market dynamics and provide appropriate assistance to Seafood CRC participants to enable them to take advantage of new market opportunities. Communal Project University of SA – EBMRI SSA Contributes to Seafood CRC milestone: 1.6.1 2009/723 Analysis of product differentiation opportunities for Australian Wild Caught Abalone in China Planned Outcome Significantly increase the opportunities to differentiate Australian Wild Caught Abalone as a way to increase the value and volume of sales to China by an average of15% to existing customers. Identify new market channels and increase value per unit and the number of repeat purchases by new customers Business Schools (participant Universities) ACA, AAA University of SA – EBMRI (Potentially SARDI, and others in the second and subsequent stages) Australian Seafood CRC SellFish Project Name Project Description Contributing Participants R&D Providers involved to date* Grey Group China (China based company). Strategy 4 - Assist the development of government and industry policies and programs to support international and domestic market development activities of CRC participants Approved Projects 2004/401 A market access guide for seafood exporters Planned Outcome CRC end users have timely access to advice about technical market access requirements for their products and how to meet them. 2007/706 Establish the technical and market data to assess the feasibility of live, bivalve mollusc access to US Planned Outcome Information about the USA commercial market opportunities and the technical requirements to accept Australian testing standards as equivalent to the USA, enabling Seafood CRC participants to determine whether to pursue access to the USA market for oysters. Oyster consortium 2008/735 Report on international trade negotiations impacting on the seafood industry Planned Outcome A report that details the multilateral and bilateral trade negotiations and their potential impact on and opportunities for the Australian seafood industry. Communal Project Uni of Adelaide (Institute for International Trade) 2007/709 Review of seafood market issues Planned Outcome Review completed and contributed to establishment of the Seafood Market Access Forum and development of a number of project concepts included in this plan DIISR funds SARDI FRDC SARDI Project now incorporated into 2008/906 Corvel SARDI DPWE (TAS) PIRSA Australian Seafood CRC SellFish Project Name Project Description Contributing Participants R&D Providers involved to date* 2007/712 Technical market access review Planned Outcome Review completed and contributed to establishment of the Seafood Market Access Forum DIISR funds Vision Rural Services Pty Ltd 2008/741 and 2008/741.20 Human enteric viruses in Australian bivalve molluscan shellfish (PhD Project) Planned Outcome Seafood CRC Education Funds UTas 2008/906 Market Access Database – Continuation Planned Outcome Adopt European Union reference laboratory methods for the detection of human enteric virus in shellfish growing waters and shellfish tissue. Survey shellfish growing and harvesting areas for human enteric viruses Profile the risk of human enteric viruses in Australian shellfish Communal Project By 2009 secure on-line, easy to understand and access, updateable database that details technical market access requirements for important existing markets. SARDI, AQIS (providing in kind support) By 2014 secure on-line database available to CRC participants that details technical and other market access requirements for existing and key potential markets. 2008/907 Seafood Access Forum (SAF) SARDI SSA Planned Outcome To establish the SAF which will establish agreed trade and market access negotiation platforms to support market development activities of CRC participants. . Communal Project SSA ACA SARDI AAA UTas (TIAR) . 2008/909 Abalone Market Access for the European Union Planned Outcome A cohesive package of information with which to negotiate EU market access for abalone including An estimate of risk of biotoxin poisoning from consuming each abalone product type e.g. canned, fresh, frozen, dried, refrozen product, etc. Australian Seafood CRC SellFish Project Name Project Description 2009/752 STEP Review of EU Biotoxin standards for shellfish Contributing Participants R&D Providers involved to date* the potential requirements for biotoxin monitoring of each abalone product type. industry risk management guidelines for biotoxins in abalone e.g. could provide estimates to the industry on clearance rates of toxins in affected abalone Planned Outcome To ensure that Australia’s technical input regarding the proposed new EU biotoxin standards for shellfish is considered in international discussions and debate thereby avoiding potential trade and market access issues. . Communal Project SARDI Communal Project UTas (TIAR) . Approved Concepts 2009/752.10 Seafood Trade Expert Panel (STEP) Planned Outcome To ensure the Seafood CRC participants have well analysed positions available to support trade and market access negotiations and domestic food quality issues. SARDI Uni of Adelaide To ensure favourable outcomes from current international trade negotiations including WTO and bilateral Free Trade Agreements. Chem Centre WA Others (experts) Concepts under development 2009/787 Prawn Defenders Planned Outcome To provide technical data to support continued and expanded international market access for Australian wild caught prawns and develop capacity to respond quickly to emerging access issues ACPF SARDI Strategy 5: Enhance technical and analytical support to ensure product integrity for trade negotiations Approved Projects 2008/729 Post doctoral research scientist Planned Outcome Recruitment of a laboratory diagnostic specialist (post doctoral scientist) at SARDI, with expertise in food safety and trade. SARDI SARDI Australian Seafood CRC SellFish Project Name Project Description Contributing Participants R&D Providers involved to date* – shellfish safety 2008/905 Planned Outcome Establish composition profiles for seafood products sold by CRC participants Establish a consistent platform for developing composition profiles for seafood products sold by CRC participants and establish an online web portal to provide secure access to the information. 2009/739 Compositional profile of Australian seafood – strategic analysis and method development Planned Outcome Communal Project SARDI, Chem Centre WA, UTas, Flinders Uni Participants have access to and are using nutritional and contaminant profiles of their products to underpin product claims and/or standards and using these to differentiate products in the market. SSA Chem Centre WA Chem Centre WA Communal Project SARDI, Chem Centre WA, UTas, SSA, (Commonwealth and State governments, others as appropriate) Capacity built to support the development of a comprehensive compositional profile of Australian seafood to assist with market access and development Approved Concepts 2008/799 Australian seafood diagnostic capability map Planned Outcome CRC participants have access to diagnostic and testing services that enable rapid response to issues and minimises disruptions to trade. Development of national and international networks (commercial and regulatory) to share information and build capacity in testing and diagnostics.