for Accounting Professionals CONSOLIDATION PART 3 2011 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 IFRS WORKBOOKS (1 million downloaded) Welcome to IFRS Workbooks! These are the latest versions of the legendary workbooks in Russian and English produced by 3 TACIS projects, sponsored by the European Union (2003-2009) and led by PricewaterhouseCoopers. They have also appeared on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The workbooks cover various concepts of IFRS based accounting. They are intended to be practical self-instruction aids that professional accountants can use to upgrade their knowledge, understanding and skills. Each workbook is a self-standing short course designed for approximately of three hours of study. Although the workbooks are part of a series, each one is independent of the others. Each workbook is a combination of Information, Examples, Self-Test Questions and Answers. A basic knowledge of accounting is assumed, but if any additional knowledge is required this is mentioned at the beginning of the section. Having written the first three editions, we want to update them and provide them to you to download. Please tell your friends and colleagues. Relating to the first three editions and updated texts, the copyright of the material contained in each workbook belongs to the European Union and according to its policy may be used free of charge for any non-commercial purpose. The copyright and responsibility of later books and the updates are ours. Our copyright policy is the same as that of the European Union. We wish to especially thank Elizabeth Appraxine (European Union) who administered these TACIS projects, Richard J. Gregson (Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers) who led the projects and all friends at Bankir.Ru for hosting the books. TACIS project partners included Rosexpertiza (Russia), ACCA (UK), Agriconsulting (Italy), FBK (Russia), and European Savings Bank Group (Brussels). The help of Philip W. Smith (editor of the third edition) and Allan Gamborg, project managers and Ekaterina Nekrasova, Director of PricewaterhouseCoopers, who managed the production of the Russian version (2008-9) is gratefully acknowledged. Glyn R. Phillips, manager of the first two projects conceived the idea, designed the workbooks and edited the first two versions. We are proud to realise his vision. Robin Joyce Professor of the Chair of International Banking and Finance Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Visiting Professor of the Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking Moscow, Russia 2011 Updated 2 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 CONTENTS 1. Consolidation Introduction .................................................................... 3 2. Definitions................................................................................................ 4 3. Fair Value Accounting ............................................................................ 5 4. Disposal of a Subsidiary ...................................................................... 18 5. The Equity Method of Accounting....................................................... 32 6. Associates ............................................................................................. 33 7. Cost Method .......................................................................................... 41 8. Joint Ventures ....................................................................................... 41 9 Special Purpose Entities / Special Purpose Vehicles ................................. 45 1. Consolidation Introduction Aim The aim of this workbook is to assist the individual in understanding consolidation methodology for IFRS. Consolidation Approach To consolidate a business combination requires: (i) identifying the acquirer; (ii) determining the acquisition date; 10. Outsourcing contracts: an accidental business combination? .............. 50 11. Carve-out / combined financial statements .............................................. 53 12. Multiple Choice Questions ................................................................... 59 13. Self Test Questions .............................................................................. 60 14. Suggested Solutions ............................................................................ 64 Other Workbooks Consolidation 1 and 2 concentrate on practical consolidation. The IFRS 3 workbook concentrates on that standard which provides guidance on specific points, such as the purchase of companies in stages, loss of control but retention of an associate, and reverse takeovers. (iii) recognising and measuring the identifiable assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any non-controlling interest in the acquiree; and (iv) recognising and measuring goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase. Before commencing a consolidation, the accountant should have the full financial statements of the parent and subsidiaries prepared using the same accounting policies. This includes statements for companies bought or sold. Ideally all subsidiary year-ends should be the same as the parent undertaking. But IFRS 10 permits a maximum difference of 3 months. Adjustment should be made for any significant differences created by any subsidiary having a different accounting date. 3 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 The length of reporting periods, and any difference in the reporting dates, should be consistent from period to period. Transactions between group undertakings should be listed, and intercompany balances reconciled. Control Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an undertaking to obtain benefits. Indications of control are: Spreadsheets are ideal for producing consolidated balance Ownership of more than 50% of the voting rights. sheets and income statements, although bespoke consolidated Effective control over more than 50% of the voting rights. software is also available. 2. Definitions Undertaking An undertaking is any business, either incorporated or unincorporated. Parent (now called controlling interests) A parent is an undertaking that controls another undertaking. Subsidiary A subsidiary is an undertaking that is controlled by another. Group, or business combination Two or more companies where one company controls the other(s). Consolidated accounts will be required if one business controls another, whatever are the means of control. Dissimilar business activities must be consolidated, if they controlled by the parent undertaking. For example, a husband owns 30% and a wife owns 40%. As they are connected parties, they can exercise control over the subsidiary. Controlling the composition of the board of directors. Minority Interest (now called non-controlling interests) Minority interest is the part of the results and net assets of a subsidiary attributable to others outside the group. Fair value The price that would be received to sell an asset, or paid to transfer a liability, in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. (IFRS 13) Monetary assets Monetary assets are money held, assets receivable, and liabilities payable, in cash. Uniting of Interests Uniting (or pooling) of interests is an alternative method of consolidation. 4 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 It reflects the merger of two, or more, interests, where no undertaking can be identified as the acquirer. Consolidated financial statements should reflect these under and overvaluations by revaluing assets and liabilities. IFRS 3 eliminated this method as an option for acquisitions. This process of revaluing to contemporary market prices is Fair Value Accounting. Associate An undertaking in which the parent has significant influence, but is neither its subsidiary, nor part of a joint venture of the parent. Indications of significant influence are: Ownership of 20-50% of the voting shares. Representation on the Board of Directors. Joint Venture A joint venture is an undertaking subject to the joint control of two or more enterprises. The joint control is usually governed by a contract between the parties. 3. Fair Value Accounting When making an acquisition, you pay the market price (or an amount close to the market price) for the undertaking being purchased. The basic principles of using Fair Value Accounting in consolidated financial statements are: All assets and liabilities acquired are brought into the consolidated balance sheet (SFP) at fair value on acquisition (exceptions are listed in IFRS 5, being assets held for sale); All changes in the values of acquired assets after acquisition are included in the consolidated income statement. Establishing market prices for all assets and liabilities can have many problems in practice and estimates may have to be made. One problem that can arise is that any assets / liabilities recognised on acquisition are capitalised, and included in the balance sheet, whereas any changes in asset value postacquisition are included in the income statement. This could provide scope for manipulation of profits. You take into account any undervaluation of fixed assets, For example, provisions may be set up in the balance sheet on acquisition, and used against items that would normally be charged in the income statement, thus inflating profit. overvaluation of inventory or accounts receivable, and future Example (no longer possible): liabilities that have not been booked in the accounts. 5 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 You buy a firm for its net asset value of $1 million. You plan to merge its business with your own and to make its staff redundant, which will cost you $0,2million. You record a provision, in the balance sheet, for the $0,2million by creating goodwill of the same amount. There is no impact on the income statement. When the redundancies occur, they are charged to the provision, again avoiding any impact on the income statement. IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets details when a provision should be recognised. In the above example a provision is no longer allowed to be made and The vendor of a firm wants $25million for it. You only have $22 million now. You agree to pay the additional $3million, if the first year’s audited profits exceed $4million. There is therefore a liability created in the consolidated balance sheet for $3m, discounted to a net present value to reflect that payment will be made in the future. from IFRS 3 (Revised): Impact on earnings − the crucial Q&A for decision makers _PwC Consideration Consideration is the amount paid for the acquired business. Some of the most significant changes are found in this section of the revised standard. Individual changes may increase or decrease the amount accounted for as consideration. These affect the amount of goodwill recognised and impact the postacquisition income statement. such costs have to be expensed when incurred. IFRS 3 Business Combinations forbids creating liabilities for future losses, or costs anticipated to be incurred as a result of the acquisition, unless: the acquiree had developed plans prior to the acquisition, or - an obligation comes into existence as a direct consequence of the acquisition. Example: - Transaction costs no longer form a part of the acquisition price; they are expensed as incurred. Consideration now includes the fair value of all interests that the acquirer may have held previously in the acquired business. This includes any interest in an associate or joint venture or other equity interests of the acquired business. If the interests in the target were not held at fair value, they are re-measured to fair value through the income statement. The requirements for recognition of contingent consideration have also been amended. Contingent consideration is now required to be recognised at fair value, even if it is not deemed to be probable of payment at the date of the acquisition. All subsequent changes in debt contingent consideration are 6 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 recognised in the income statement, rather than against goodwill as today. The selling-shareholders will receive some share options. What effect will this have? An acquirer may wish selling-shareholders to remain in the business as employees. Their knowledge and contacts can help to ensure that the acquired business performs well. The terms of the options and employment conditions could impact the amount of purchase consideration and also the income statement after the business combination. Share options have a value. The relevant accounting question is whether this value is recorded as part of the purchase consideration, or as compensation for post-acquisition services provided by employees, or some combination of the two. Is the acquirer paying shareholders in their capacity as shareholders or in their capacity as employees for services subsequent to the business combination? How share options are accounted for depends on the conditions attached to the award and also whether or not the options are replacing existing options held by the employee in the acquired business. Options are likely to be consideration for post-acquisition service where some of the payment is conditional on the shareholders remaining in employment after the transaction. In such circumstances, a charge is recorded in post-acquisition earnings for employee services. These awards are made to secure and reward future services of employees rather than to acquire the existing business. Some of the payments for the business are earn-outs. How are these accounted for? It is common for some of the consideration in a business combination to be contingent on future events. Uncertainty might exist about the value of the acquired business or some of its significant assets. The buyer may want to make payments only if the business is successful. Conversely, the seller wants to receive full value for the business. Earn-outs are often payable based on post-acquisition earnings or on the success of a significant uncertain project. The acquirer should fair value all of the consideration at the date of acquisition including the earn-out. If the earn-out is a liability (cash or shares to the value of a specific amount), any subsequent re-measurement of the liability is recognised in the income statement. There is no requirement for payments to be probable, which was the case under IFRS 3. An increase in the liability for strong performance results in an expense in the income statement. Conversely, if the liability is decreased, perhaps due to under-performance against targets, the reduction in the expected payment will be recorded as a gain in the income statement. These changes were previously recorded against goodwill. Acquirers will have to explain this component of performance: the acquired business has performed well but earnings are lower because of additional payments due to the seller. Does it make a difference whether contingent consideration (an earn-out) is payable in shares or in cash? Yes, it does make a difference. An earn-out payable in cash 7 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 meets the definition of a financial liability. It is re-measured at fair value at every balance sheet date, with any changes recognised in the income statement. Earn-outs payable in ordinary shares may not require remeasurement through the income statement. This is dependent on the features of the earn-out and how the number of shares to be issued is determined. An earn-out payable in shares where the number of shares varies to give the recipient of the shares a fixed value would meet the definition of a financial liability. As a result, the liability will need to be fair valued through income. Conversely, where a fixed number of shares either will, or will not, be issued depending on performance, regardless of the fair value of those shares, the earn-out probably meets the definition of equity and so is not re-measured through the income statement. A business combination involves fees payable to banks, lawyers and accountants. Can these still be capitalised? No, they cannot. The standard says that transaction costs are not part of what is paid to the seller of a business. They are also not assets of the purchased business that are recognised on acquisition. shares used to buy the business. Do these also have to be expensed? No, these costs are not expensed. They are accounted for in the same way as they were under the previous standard. Transaction costs directly related to the issue of debt instruments are deducted from the fair value of the debt on initial recognition and are amortised over the life of the debt as part of the effective interest rate. Directly attributable transaction costs incurred issuing equity instruments are deducted from equity. Asset and liability recognition The revised IFRS 3 has limited changes to the assets and liabilities recognised in the acquisition balance sheet. The existing requirement to recognise all of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree is retained. Most assets are recognised at fair value, with exceptions for certain items such as deferred tax and pension obligations. Have the recognition criteria changed for intangible assets? The standard requires entities to disclose the amount of transaction costs that have been incurred. No, there is no change in substance. Acquirers are required to recognise brands, licences and customer relationships, amongst other intangible assets. The IASB has provided additional clarity that may well result in more intangible assets being recognised, including leases that are not at market rates and rights (such as franchise rights) that were granted from the acquirer to the acquiree. What about costs incurred to borrow money or issue the What happens to the contingent liabilities of the acquired Transaction costs should be expensed as they are incurred and the related services are received. 8 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 business? Many acquired businesses will contain contingent liabilities − for example, pending lawsuits, warranty liabilities or future environmental liabilities. These are liabilities where there is an element of uncertainty; the need for payment will only be confirmed by the occurrence, or non-occurrence, of a specific event or outcome. The amount of any outflow and the timing of an outflow may also be uncertain. There is very little change to current guidance under IFRS. Contingent assets are not recognised, and contingent liabilities are measured at fair value. After the date of the business combination contingent liabilities are re-measured at the higher of the original amount and the amount under the relevant standard, IAS 37. US GAAP has different requirements in this area. Measurement of contingent liabilities after the date of the business combination is an area that may be subject to change in the future. If consideration paid and most assets and liabilities are at fair value, what does this mean for the post-combination income statement? Fair valuation of most things that are bought in a business combination already existed under IFRS 3. The post-combination income statement is affected because part of the ‘expected profits’ is included in the valuation of identifiable assets at the acquisition date and subsequently recognised as an expense in the income statement, through amortisation, depreciation or increased costs of goods sold. A mobile phone company may have a churn rate of three years for its customers. The value of its contractual relationships with those customers, which is likely to be high, will be amortised over that three-year period. There may be more charges in the post-combination income statement due to increased guidance in IFRS 3 (Revised) on separating payments made for the combination from those made for something else. For example, guidance has been included on identifying payments made for post-combination employee services and on identifying payments made to settle pre-existing relationships between the buyer and the acquiree. With contingent consideration that is a financial liability, fair value changes will be recognised in the income statement. This means that the better the acquired business performs, the greater the likely expense in profit or loss. Can a provision be made for restructuring the target company in the acquisition accounting? The acquirer will often have plans to streamline the acquired business. Many synergies are achieved through restructurings such as reductions in head-office staff, or consolidation of production facilities. An estimate of the cost savings will have been included in the buyer’s assessment of how much it is willing to pay for the acquiree. The acquirer can seldom recognise a reorganisation provision at the date of the business combination. There is no change from the previous guidance in the new standard: the ability of an acquirer to recognise a liability for terminating, or reducing, the activities of the acquiree in the accounting for a business combination is severely restricted. 9 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 A restructuring provision can be recognised in a business combination only when the acquiree has, at the acquisition date, an existing liability, for which there are detailed conditions in IAS 37, the provisions standard. Those conditions are unlikely to exist at the acquisition date in most business combinations. A restructuring plan that is conditional on the completion of the business combination is not recognised in the accounting for the acquisition. It is recognised post-acquisition, and the expense flows through post-acquisition earnings. EXAMPLE - Deferred and contingent considerations Entity A produces and sells sporting goods and clothes. It acquired 100% of entity B from Mr Jones in 20X4. Entity B sells badminton clothing, shoes, equipment and accessories and has grown rapidly since incorporation. Mr Jones’s asking price was based on aggressive profit forecasts, which assume continuing rapid growth and estimated the fair value of entity B to be 200m. Fashions in the sporting goods and clothing sector change rapidly. Entity A has taken a more conservative view and estimated the fair value to be 166.5m.Entity A is only prepared to pay Mr Jones’s price if profits reach his forecast levels. Entity A agreed to acquire entity B for 150m plus a further payment of 50m in four years. This payment will comprise: (i) a guaranteed minimum payment of 20m with no performance conditions; and (ii) a further payment of 30m if actual profits for the four-year period exceed the cumulative forecast profit. The forecast cumulative profit over the four-year period is 80m. Entity A’s management concludes at the acquisition date that it is not probable that the forecast levels will be reached. Actual profits are 15m in the first year following the acquisition. However, cumulative actual profits are 60m by the end of the second year. Management conclude at the end of the second year that payment of the additional 50m is probable. Actual profits exceed forecast profits for the final two years. How should the deferred and contingent amounts affect the accounting for the purchase consideration? The purchase consideration is 150m plus the present value of the guaranteed minimum payment of 20m (16.5m) at the acquisition date (IFRS 3). The 20m represents deferred purchase consideration and is a financing transaction. Entity A records 166.5m as its cost of investment, together with a provision for the deferred consideration of 16.5m.The discount of 3.5m is a finance cost and is recorded as interest expense over the four-year period. An additional amount is payable if entity B achieves a certain level of performance. The 30m represents contingent 10 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 consideration. only. Management concludes at the date of acquisition that payment is not probable as the forecast profit levels are too aggressive. It considers the fair value to be zero and does not increase the purchase consideration. It reaches the same conclusion at the end of year one as actual results are below forecast. Should the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of F include any synergy values arising from the business combination or should the synergy value be subsumed within goodwill? IFRS 3 allows a maximum of 1 year to change the purchase consideration. (Had it believed by the end of year 1 that the payment would have to be made, an adjustment would be made to the purchase consideration to record the discounted present value of the 30m (IFRS3.32).The revision to purchase consideration results in the recognition of additional goodwill and a liability. Management revises its estimate at the end of the second year and concludes that payment of the contingent consideration is probable. It is now too late to change the purchase consideration, and any payment will be expensed in the income statement. EXAMPLE - Fair values in a business combination Entity E operates two lines of business: luxury leather goods and perfumes. It acquires entity F, which operates in leather goods and has its own brand. E plans to sell F’s products through E’s existing retail network. It also plans to develop the acquired brand in its perfume business. Many entities in the luxury business have their own retail network but the fact that E also has the perfume business is specific to E Fair value is measured for each identifiable asset and liability and is therefore an asset-specific, rather than an entity-specific concept. It follows that the fair value of an asset is determined based on the separate purchase of that asset. The purchaser is assumed to be a hypothetical market participant, and the market of potential purchasers is made up of all potential purchasers – both industry and financial buyers. Synergies available to more than one market participant should be included in the fair value of the identifiable assets. The definition of fair value under IFRS encompasses the synergies that could be obtained by any market participant that might buy the asset. As such, those synergies are reflected in the purchase price of the individual asset. All acquirer-specific synergies would not affect the fair value of the individual asset and should be included in goodwill. Synergies that result from the use of E’s retail network to sell products under F’s brand are market synergies of the luxury industry, as other potential acquirers of this business also have a retail network. These should be reflected in the fair value of the identifiable assets. Synergies relating to the development of the acquired brand 11 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 through one of E’s existing activities are synergies specific to E and should be included in goodwill. assets (including intangibles) and liabilities at their fair values where they meet the recognition criteria of IFRS 3. Intangible Assets (see IAS 38 workbook) Subsequent to the acquisition, I plc has incurred costs from external organisations in having valuations performed to determine the fair value of the assets (particularly intangible assets) acquired. Intangible assets should be created as a result of business combinations if they meet the IAS 38 criteria. Some of the intangible assets, such as client lists, would not meet the criteria if internally-generated, but meet the criteria if purchased in a business combination. IAS 38 specifies the accounting treatment of significant classes of intangible assets, eg in business combinations acquired trademarks, trade names, internet domain names, noncompetition agreements, customer lists and databases, customer contracts and the related contractual and non-contractual customer relationships, banking or other licenses, favourable lease agreements, construction permits, patented technology, etc. Servicing contracts such as mortgage servicing contracts acquired in business combinations may be intangible assets except if mortgage loans, credit card receivables or other financial assets are acquired in a business combination with servicing retained, then the inherent servicing rights are not a separate intangible asset because the fair value of those servicing rights is included in the measurement of the fair value of the acquired financial asset I plc’s management argue that the costs would not have been incurred if the business combination had not occurred and that they are therefore directly attributable to the combination. Can I plc capitalise these valuation costs as part of the cost of acquisition? IFRS 3 excludes within the cost of the business combination any costs that are directly-attributable to the combination such as professional fees paid to accountants, legal advisers, valuers and other consultants to effect the combination. These must be expensed and reported as transaction costs. In our view, directly attributable means that the costs have to have been incurred to effect the combination. Valuation costs incurred prior to the acquisition date must be expensed and reported as transaction costs as part of the cost of the combination. EXAMPLE - Business combinations: valuation of assets – transaction costs However, costs incurred post-acquisition to determine the fair value of the assets acquired have not been incurred to effect the combination and must be expensed and not considered to be transaction costs of the combination.. I plc acquired J Ltd during the year. IFRS 3 requires that I plc must allocate the cost of the business to J Ltd’s identifiable This would also apply to other types of valuation costs (eg, for 12 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 tangible fixed assets and pension liabilities). Consistent accounting policies Consistent accounting policies must be applied and in preparing consolidated financial statements, the accounting statements of the acquired company may have to be adjusted to reflect the same policies of the parent. EXAMPLE - Different accounting policies for parent and subsidiary Entity A is preparing its first IFRS financial statements in accordance with IFRS 1, First-time Adoption of IFRS. One of its subsidiaries, entity B, already publishes IFRS financial statements. Entity A must therefore include B’s assets and liabilities in its consolidated IFRS financial statements at the same values at which they are included in B’s financial statements after consolidation adjustments and the effects of any business combination in which entity A acquired entity B (IFRS 1). Entity B holds fixed interest medium-term debt securities. Entities A and B both intend for these investments to be held until maturity. Entity A has adopted a policy of classifying all financial assets of this type as available for sale. However, entity B classifies all these financial assets as held to maturity. Does IFRS 1 prevent entity A from accounting for the fixed interest medium-term debt securities held by entity B as available for sale? No. IFRS 1 requires entity A to apply its accounting policy of available for sale to the financial assets held by entity B because IAS 27 requires that uniform accounting policies are applied when preparing consolidated financial statements. Accounting for entity B’s financial assets as available for sale is therefore appropriate. EXAMPLE - Fair values calculation Entity B operates a national chain of fashion clothing retail stores. During 2006 it acquired entity C, which operates a rival fashion clothing retail chain. The majority of C’s stores are in locations where entity B does not have stores. Entity B’s management have decided to replace C’s brand name over a two-year period and during this time it will replace the storefront signs with its own brand name. The fair values of C’s brand name and the signage to be replaced have been determined by independent valuations specialists at €40m and €10m respectively. The fair value of the brand name represents the value that a third party would be willing to pay in an arm’s length transaction. The fair value of the signage to be replaced has been calculated based on depreciated replacement cost in accordance with IFRS 3. Entity B’s management propose to recognise C’s brand name and signage at only E4m and E1m respectively in its purchase accounting under IFRS 3 as it plans to phase out the brand name and replace the signage over the next two years. It plans to include the remaining value within goodwill because the benefits that B will receive from the acquisition will be derived largely from synergy benefits of the complementary geographical 13 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 spread of C’s stores. c) derivatives to which DCG has applied hedge accounting. Is the proposed accounting treatment acceptable? Easter Bunny has early adopted IFRS 3 (Revised). How should Easter Bunny account for these financial instruments in its consolidated financial statements? No. IFRS 3 requires that the acquired assets and liabilities are recognised by the acquirer at fair value. The fair value should not reflect the acquirer’s intentions for the use of the assets acquired. Accordingly B should recognise C’s brand name as an intangible asset at E40m and the signage as property, plant and equipment at E10m. The assets should be amortised and depreciated to their residual value over their expected useful lives in accordance with IAS 38 Intangible Assets, and IAS 16. Property, Plant and Equipment, respectively. The replacement of the signs will be phased over the two years. As each sign is replaced the cost of the new sign should be capitalised and any undepreciated book value of the replaced sign should be written off. EXAMPLE - Fair values calculation – financial instruments, insurance contracts, leases IFRS 3 (Revised) provides more guidance on the classification or designation of financial instruments than the current standard. It requires Easter Bunny to treat the financial instruments in the same way as if it had acquired them individually (rather than in a business combination). Accordingly, on the acquisition date: a) Easter Bunny needs to reassess the classifications of the nonderivative investments held by DCG to reflect Easter Bunny’s intentions and practices. This means that some items may be measured on a different basis in the consolidated accounts of Easter Bunny, than previously by DCG. Easter Bunny acquires Dark Chocolate Group (DCG) on the 24 March 2008. DCG holds a range of financial instruments accounted for in accordance with IAS 39 + IFRS 9 including: b) Easter Bunny needs to reassess whether any embedded derivatives need to be separated, based on the relevant conditions at acquisition date. As a result, embedded derivatives that were not previously separated by DCG may need to be separated and vice versa. a) non-derivative investments classified by DCG as held to maturity, available for same and at fair value through profit or loss, c) Easter Bunny needs to reassess the designation of derivative instruments as hedging instruments to reflect its own risk management policies and practices. b) hybrid (combined) instruments containing embedded derivatives that have been separated under the requirements in IAS 39,and Furthermore, hedge accounting should be restarted as from the acquisition date. This means that some hedges in particular cashflow hedges that previously qualified for hedge accounting may fail the effectiveness test 14 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 required by IAS 39, in which case hedge accounting cannot be continued in the group accounts. However, under IFRS 3 (Revised), Easter Bunny does not reassess whether contracts are classified as insurance contracts in accordance with IFRS 4, Insurance Contracts, nor the classification of lease contracts as financial or operating leases in accordance with IAS 17, Leases. EXAMPLE - Business combinations - lease valuation The determination of fair value should not, therefore, reflect the acquirer’s discount rate because this would provide a value specific to the acquirer rather than a general, nonentity-specific, fair value. EXAMPLE - Indemnities under IFRS 3 (Revised) Daffodil plc buys 61% of Folly Limited from Bluebell. Per the agreement Bluebell will indemnify Daffodil for any warranty claims post the transaction. The warranty relates to inventory sold by Folly before the acquisition. Entity C acquired 100% of entity D in March 2005. C’s management is in the process of determining the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired in that business combination. Assuming that Daffodil early adopts IFRS 3 (Revised), Business Combinations, how should Daffodil account for the indemnity on acquisition? A significant liability of D is a finance lease payable. A condition of the acquisition of D by C was that C had to provide the lessor with a guarantee for the lease payable. IFRS 3 (Revised) clarifies that the indemnity is recognised as an asset of the acquiring business and therefore does not affect goodwill. Entity C’s management will determine the fair value of the finance lease payable based on the present value of the estimate future cashflows. The indemnity is measured on the same basis as the indemnified liability according to the terms of the contract, subject to the need for a valuation allowance for uncollectability of the asset. Should C’s management use a discount rate that reflects only entity D’s credit rating or should it use one that reflects the combined credit rating of both entities C and D to determine the fair value? Where the indemnified liability is not measured at fair value then the indemnification asset is measured using assumptions consistent with those used in measuring the indemnified item. Entity C’s management should use a discount rate that reflects the credit rating only of entity D. This should result in a matched treatment for the recognition and measurement of the liability and the related indemnity asset. The resulting income statement gains on the one will offset losses on the other. IFRS 3 requires that the acquirer recognises the acquiree’s liabilities at their fair values at acquisition date. EXAMPLE - Subsidiary transitioning 15 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 Entity A has reported under IFRS since 1990. Entity A acquired entity B in 2003. B will transition from its national GAAP to IFRS in 2005, with a transition date of 1 January 2004, and will prepare consolidated financial statements for its sub-group. Entity B acquired a subsidiary, entity C, in 2000 and applied its previous GAAP business combinations accounting to that acquisition. When B acquired C it recognised goodwill of 8,000 and an intangible asset of 5,000 under its previous GAAP for C’s market share. It also recognised a deferred tax liability of 1,500 in respect of the market share intangible. B amortises goodwill over 20 years under previous GAAP but does not amortise the market share intangible. The intangible asset does not qualify for recognition under IFRS and would have been subsumed within goodwill under IAS 22(now IFRS 3), or IFRS 3. Entity A derecognised the market share intangible when it applied IAS 22 to the business combination in which it acquired B. Entity B intends to use the subsidiary transition exemption in IFRS 1which allows a subsidiary to transition to IFRS using the IFRS results that it already reports to its parent (entity A). How does this affect the market share intangible? The corporate structure and key information is summarised as follows: -A Existing IFRS reporter -A acquired B in 2003 -B Transitions to IFRS in 2005 -B acquired C in 2000 -C Continuing national GAAP preparer B should de-recognise the market share intangible at 1 January 2004 and the related deferred tax liability. B will therefore increase the goodwill to 9,900 (6,400 + 5,000 -1,500) at 1 January 2004. The subsidiary transition exemption is applied as: - the results for entity B.s sub-group at 1 January 2004, as reported to A, less consolidation adjustments, less the IAS 22 adjustments made by A on acquisition of B. The result of applying only these adjustments would be the inclusion in B’s transition balance sheet of the previous GAAP market share intangible asset at 5,000, and goodwill of 6,400 (8,000 less four years’ amortisation). Application of the subsidiary transition exemption does not override the requirement to apply the business combinations exemption in Appendix B of IFRS 1. B’s management must therefore apply the business combinations exemption to the market share intangible. It will therefore derecognise the market share intangible at 1 January 2004 and the related deferred tax liability. The adjusted goodwill balance of 9,900 is tested for impairment at transition date. It will also be tested annually thereafter and whenever indicators of impairment are identified. 16 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 EXAMPLE - Group reconstruction This would be the same value as the carrying amount of the net assets of Louise Ltd at that date. During the year, Louise Ltd reorganises the structure of its group by establishing a new parent. The shareholders of Louise Ltd exchange their interests in Louise for shares issued by Newparentco. EXAMPLE - Use of a Newco in business combinations There have been no changes to the assets and liabilities of the new group when compared with the original group. Furthermore, the owners of Louise Ltd have the same absolute and relative interests in the net assets of the original group and the new group immediately before and after the reorganisation. The IASB recently issued an amendment to IAS 27, Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements. Assuming Newparentco can early adopt the amendment, how would it account for the acquisition of Louise in its separate accounts under IFRS? In the separate accounts of Newparentco, it has the choice to account for investments in subsidiaries at cost or fair value in accordance with IFRS 10. Newparentco would previously have accounted for this transaction at the fair value of the consideration paid for the investment in Louise − at the fair value of the equity instruments issued. However, the amendment specifies that if Newparentco accounts for its investment in Louise Ltd at cost, Newparentco measures the investment in Louise Ltd at its share (in this case, 100%) of the equity items shown in the separate financial statements of Louise Ltd on the date of reorganisation. (a) Newco used by a venture capitalist in an acquisition A Holdco holds its businesses through a wholly-owned subsidiary Opco. A Holdco is intending to sell Opco. Several potential purchasers have been identified. Management of A Holdco are conducting negotiations and preparing Opco for sale. Venture Capital Partners (VCP) is the winning bidder and negotiations are concluded. VCP establishes a new company, VCP Newco. VCP Newco raises substantial amounts of debt conditional on the acquisition of Opco. VCP Newco buys 75% of the shares of Opco from A Holdco for cash. Pre-transaction Post-transaction If VCP Newco has to prepare consolidated accounts, can VCP Newco be identified as the acquirer of Opco in the transaction in terms of IFRS 3? VCP Newco also uses IFRS. IFRS 3 indicates that where a new company (.newco.) is formed and issues shares to effect a business combination, it cannot be regarded as the acquirer in the transaction. However, in certain cases, where a newco pays cash, it will be the acquirer. This will be the case where the newco is in 17 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 substance an extension of a substantive acquirer. Therefore, in this scenario, VCP Newco has acquired Opco from A Holdco. It records the assets and liabilities of the acquired businesses in its consolidated financial statements at fair value. It also records the 25% minority interest in Opco held by A Holdco. financial statements. As a result, B’s assets and liabilities are included in New Co’s consolidated financial statements at their pre-combination carrying amounts without fair value uplift. Therefore, a new company that pays cash is not necessarily the acquirer and the substance of the transaction needs to be evaluated to conclude on the accounting treatment. (b) Newco with third party debt Entity A arranges loan funding from a financial institution in a new wholly-owned subsidiary, New Co. The loan is used to fund the acquisition of A’s 100% shareholding in entity B, for cash consideration. A applies IFRS 3 to account for common control transactions. Pre-transaction structure Post-transaction structure On the assumption that New Co has to prepare consolidated accounts, can New Co be identified as the acquirer in a business combination and apply purchase accounting in its consolidated financial statements? New Co cannot be the acquirer as A has created New Co and is the vendor. Impact of Minority Interests (now called non-controlling interests) on Fair Values. Where the parent co-owns the subsidiary with minority interests, the impact of the fair value accounting will increase (or decrease) the value of the minority interest. For example if the minority owns 20% of the subsidiary, then 20% of the net asset revaluation will be attributable to the minority interests. 4. Disposal of a Subsidiary Principles On disposal of a subsidiary, include in the consolidated financial statements: Therefore, substance is that New Co has been set up to issue shares, acquire B and then to effect a return of capital from B through the payment of cash to A for the shares in B that were acquired by the New Co (leaving A with more cash but an investment with more debt in it when compared with the previous structure). B is identified as the acquirer of New Co, as it is the combining entity that existed before the combination. The transaction is accounted for as a reverse acquisition in New Co.s consolidated Profits / losses to date of disposal Gains or losses on disposal The gain /loss is calculated from: Group share of subsidiary net assets before disposal Less Group share of subsidiary net assets after disposal, plus the proceeds received Net assets may include goodwill. 18 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 Proceeds may include a performance-related element (for example, if future profits are x then payment will be y). This will be treated as a contingent asset (gain), and only recognised as profit when it becomes receivable. Note: Cost of the investment= Net assets (90)+ goodwill (8)minority interests (18) =80 It would also be disclosed in the notes to the accounts. A deferred payment may need to be discounted to present value. IAS 37 has more details on accounting for contingent assets. Example 1 Sale of Subsidiary 80% of a subsidiary cost 80 in January 2XX6, when 100% of the net assets of the subsidiary were valued at 90. Subsidiary 1 Balance Sheet (before consolidation) Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments Fixed Assets Liabilities 20 Accounts payable 400 100 50 Shareholders’ Funds 570 480 90 570 In 2XX9, goodwill of 8 had a net value of 2, after an impairment charge of 6. Assets Cash Parent Balance Sheet (after acquisition) Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments S1 Investment Fixed Assets Liabilities 220 Accounts payable 1000 200 Accruals 80 100 Shareholders’ Funds 1600 800 300 Accounts receivable Investments Fixed Assets Goodwill P & S1 Group Balance Sheet Liabilities 240 Accounts payable 1400 Accruals 300 Minority Interest 150 Shareholders’ 8 Funds 2098 1280 300 18 500 2098 500 1600 Notes: Cash= 220+20=240 Accounts Receivable= 1000+400=1400 Investments= (280-80)+100=300 19 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 Fixed Assets= 100+50=150 Accounts Payable= 800+480=1280 Parent Balance Sheet (after disposal) The investment in the subsidiary was sold in December 2XX9 for 100 and, at that time, the net assets were valued at 115. P 2XX9 Income Statement Proceeds Cost 100 80 Parent company’s Gain on sale 20 Group 2XX9 Income Statement Proceeds Share of assets 80% of 115 Net goodwill 8-(6) Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments S1 Investment Fixed Assets Liabilities 320 Accounts payable 1000 200 Accruals 0 100 Shareholders’ Funds Profit on sale 1620 800 300 500 20 1620 100 Notes: Cash= 220+100=320 The parent’s profit on sale =20 (100-80). 92 2 Group Gain on Sale 94 6 There is a difference between the gain made by the group and the gain made by the parent company. The group has been recognising the profits made by the subsidiary in each period since its purchase. The parent company has not been recognising any profit of the subsidiary since its purchase, so is recognising any gain, or loss, only on disposal of the subsidiary. Example 2 Share Exchange P owns 100% of S1. This cost 100. When S1 was acquired the net assets were 90. Today the net assets of S1 are 130. S1 retained earnings comprise 30 pre-acquisition profits and 40 post acquisition profits. At the date of the exchange, following an impairment charge, goodwill of 4 remains. P exchanges the shares of S1 for 75% of S2. Goodwill arising on acquisition of S1 is: 20 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 (Cost less net assets = Assets Cash 100 =10 Accounts receivable Investments Fixed Assets 90 Parent Balance Sheet (after acquisition) Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments S1 Investment Fixed Assets Liabilities 150 Accounts payable 1000 250 Accruals 100 100 Shareholders’ Funds 1600 Liabilities 30 Accounts payable 400 100 50 Share Capital Retained Earnings Pre-acquisition Post-acquisition 800 580 300 450 60 30 40 580 500 1600 P/ S1 Consolidated Balance Sheet Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments Fixed Assets Goodwill Liabilities 180 Accounts payable 1400 350 Accruals 150 Shareholders’ 4 Funds 2084 1250 300 534 2084 The derivation of these figures appears on the next page. S1 Balance Sheet (at date of exchange) 21 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 Derivation of Group Figures (for example on previous page) Parent Parent DR CR S1 S1 Adjustments Adjustments DR CR DR CR P/S1 P/S1 DR CR Assets Cash 150 30 180 1000 400 1400 Investments 250 100 350 Investment in S1 100 Accounts Receivable 100 Investment in S2 Fixed assets 100 50 150 Goodwill 4 4 Liabilities Accounts payable 800 Accruals 300 450 1250 300 Minority Interests Shareholders' funds 500 1600 1600 580 130 96 580 100 534 100 2084 2084 22 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 75% of the net assets of S2 are worth 75% of (120+80)=150 Parent Balance Sheet (at date of exchange) Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments S2 Investment Fixed Assets Liabilities 150 Accounts payable 1000 250 Accruals 130 100 Shareholders’ Funds 1630 800 75% of the net assets of S2 have cost 100% net assets of S1 (60+70)=130 300 The goodwill of 4 relating to S1 is credited in the consolidated balance sheet, with the net assets of S1, reducing consolidated reserves by 4. P/ S2 Consolidated Balance Sheet 530 1630 Sh are holders’ funds increase by 30, reflecting the gain on disposal of S1 (130-100 purchase price). Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments S2 Balance Sheet (at date of exchange) Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments Fixed Assets 80 Liabilities Accounts payable Fixed Assets Negative Goodwill 680 Liabilities 230 Accounts payable 1500 450 Accruals Minority Interests 200 Shareholders’ -20 Funds 2360 1480 300 50 530 2360 500 200 Share Capital 100 Retained Earnings 880 120 80 880 The net assets of S2 are worth 200. The effect of the exchange is: Notes: Cash=150+80=230 Accounts Receivable= 1000+500=1500 Investments= 250+200=450 Fixed Assets= 100+100=200 Accounts Payable= 800+680=1480 Negative goodwill arising on consolidation is: Purchase price-net assets 130-150=-20 Minority Interests= 25% of 200=50 Since IFRS 3, negative goodwill is immediately eliminated by writing it off to profit. 23 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 Loss of Control The parent may lose control of a subsidiary by disposing of part, or all, of its holding. Net assets (including goodwill) attributable to the parent after disposal plus any sale proceeds. Goodwill, relating to the subsidiary, is written off against This loss of control may either be deliberate, or as a result of a confiscation by a government. An apparent loss of control may occur during a group reorganisation. consolidated reserves on disposal. Loss of control should be treated as a complete disposal, Loss of Control – Retention of part of the undertaking although it is possible that no disposal proceeds will have been received. Any remaining share that is held is treated as a new asset obtained at fair value. Where the disposal is a sale, a gain or loss will arise. If the subsidiary has been confiscated, a loss will probably be suffered. A new aspect of consolidation, introduced into IFRS in 2008, is the accounting when part of the undertaking is retained, though control is lost. A partial disposal of an interest in a subsidiary in which the parent company retains control does not result in a gain or loss, but an increase or decrease in equity. (Purchase of some or all of the non-controlling interest is treated as a treasury share-type transaction and accounted for in equity.) From a reorganisation, there will be no gain (nor loss), in group terms, unless cash changes hands. In economic terms, nothing has changed. A partial disposal of an interest in a subsidiary in which the parent company loses control, but retains an interest (say an associate) triggers recognition of gain or loss on the entire interest. On cessation, the consolidated financial statements should show: The subsidiary results up to the date of cessation The gain / loss on cessation. A realised gain or loss is recognised on the portion that has been disposed of; a holding gain is recognised on the interest retained, calculated as the difference between the fair value and the book value of the retained interest. Any gain / loss is calculated from: Net assets (including goodwill) attributable to the parent before disposal The accounting is to account for a complete disposal of the undertaking and then recognise the retained part at fair value. Less: The impact is to eliminate the subsidiary and all goodwill from the balance sheet, and to match it with cash received and the fair value of the associate. 24 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 the parent-company shareholders. IAS 27 (Revised) – new proposals on minority interests and disposals from IFRS 3 (Revised): Impact on earnings − the crucial Q&A for decision makers _PwC What happens if a non-controlling interest is bought or sold? A partial disposal of an interest in a subsidiary in which the parent company retains control does not result in a gain or loss, but in an increase or decrease in equity under the economic entity approach. Any transaction with a non-controlling interest that does not result in a change of control is recorded directly in equity; the difference between the amount paid or received and the noncontrolling interest is a debit or credit to equity. Purchase of some or all of the non-controlling interest is treated as a treasury transaction and accounted for in equity. A partial disposal of an interest in a subsidiary in which the parent company loses control, but retains an interest (say an associate), triggers recognition of gain or loss on the entire interest. This means that an entity will not record any additional goodwill upon purchase of a non-controlling interest nor recognise a gain or loss upon disposal of a non-controlling interest. How is the partial sale of a subsidiary with a change in control accounted for? A gain or loss is recognised on the portion that has been disposed of; a further holding gain is recognised on the interest retained, being the difference between the fair value of the interest and the book value of the interest. Both are recognised in the income statement. A group may decide to sell its controlling interest in a subsidiary but retain significant influence in the form of an associate, or retain only a financial asset. What happened to minority interest? If it does so, the retained interest is remeasured to fair value, and any gain or loss compared to book value is recognised as part of the gain or loss on disposal of the subsidiary. All shareholders of a group − whether they are shareholders of the parent or of a part of the group (minority interest) − are providers of equity capital to that group. All transactions with shareholders are treated in the same way. What was previously the minority interest in a subsidiary is now the non-controlling interest in a reporting entity. There is no change in presentation of non-controlling interest under the new standard. Additional disclosures are required to show the effect of transactions with non-controlling interest on Consistent with a ‘gain’ on a business combination, the standards take the approach that loss of control involves exchanging a subsidiary for something else rather than continuing to hold an interest. How does the new standard affect transactions with previously recognised non-controlling interests? An entity might purchase a non-controlling interest recognised as part of a business combination under the previous version 25 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 of IFRS 3 − that is, where only partial goodwill was recognised. Alternatively, an entity might recognise partial goodwill under the new IFRS 3 (Revised) and might purchase a noncontrolling interest at a later date. In both cases, no further goodwill can be recognised when the non-controlling interest is purchased. If the purchase price is greater than the book value of the non-controlling interest, this will result in a reduction in net assets and equity. This reduction may be significant. In the following examples, I/B refers to Income Statement and Balance Sheet (SFP). In the above example, the absence of trading means that the accounting in the parent company and consolidated financial statements are identical. The rise in the fair value is purely as illustration, as it is unlikely to have changed between the time of purchase and resale. If the above example is changed (see below), so that the stake is sold after a year, and S made a profit of 50, 40 (= 50*80%) accruing to P, other numbers unchanged, P’s profit and bookkeeping entries will be the same, as the subsidiary is held at cost. It therefore does not reflect the increased value of P. However, the consolidated financial statements will differ, as they will revalue S to its fair value and include its contribution of 40 in the consolidated income statement: EXAMPLE - Loss of Control – Retention of part of the undertaking- 1 P holds 80% of S. It was bought as part of a group of companies and 50% is immediately resold to its management. The remaining 30% will be treated as an associate. The cost was 880 including 80 goodwill. The 50% stake is resold for 600. The fair value of the remaining stake is 360. I/B DR CR Loss on disposal of subsidiary I 280 Investment in subsidiary (including B 880 goodwill) Cash B 600 Sale of subsidiary and elimination of goodwill Investment in associate (30%) B 360 Profit on disposal of subsidiary I 360 Recognition of associate at fair value EXAMPLE - Loss of Control – Retention of part of the undertaking - 2 P holds 80% of S. It was bought as part of a group of companies and 50% is resold to its management after 1 year. The remaining 30% will be treated as an associate. The cost was 880 including 80 goodwill. A profit of 50 was made during the year, 40 attributable to P’s 80% share in the company. The 50% stake is resold for 600. The fair value of the remaining stake is 360. Consolidated financial statements I/B Loss on disposal of subsidiary I Investment in subsidiary (including B goodwill) Cash B DR 320 CR 920 600 26 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 Sale of subsidiary and elimination of goodwill Investment in associate (30%) Profit on disposal of subsidiary Recognition of associate at fair value B I 360 360 The consolidated financial statements will show a different gain (or loss) on disposal from the parent financial statements, as the parent balance sheet shows the investment of a subsidiary at cost, and does not reflect subsequent trading. In the above case, the net impact on the income statement is the same. The smaller gain on sale (-40) will be offset by the income (+40). In the following case (see below), extending the example for another year before the sale, the impact will be different: Investment in subsidiary (including goodwill) Cash Sale of subsidiary and elimination of goodwill Investment in associate (30%) Profit on disposal of subsidiary Recognition of associate at fair value B 936 B 600 B I 360 360 Again, the parent financial statements will be as in the first example, recording a profit of 80. The consolidated financial statements will show a profit of 24 (360-336), plus the trading profit of 20 for year 2. The difference between the 2 sets of financial statements is the 40 profit recorded in the consolidated financial statements in year 1, but not reflected in the parent financial statements. If a subsidiary or non-current assets are available (or intended) for sale, the rules of IFRS 5 apply. EXAMPLE - Loss of Control – Retention of part of the undertaking - 3 EXAMPLE - IFRS 5 and partial disposals P holds 80% of S. It was bought as part of a group of companies and 50% is resold to its management after 2 years. The remaining 30% will be treated as an associate. The cost was 880 including 80 goodwill. A profit of 50 was made during the first year, 40 attributable to P’s 80% share in the company. A profit of 20 was made during the second year, 16 attributable to P’s 80% share in the company The 50% stake is resold for 600. The fair value of the remaining stake is 360. Consolidated financial statements I/B Loss on disposal of subsidiary I DR 336 CR Entity A has a 70% ownership stake in a subsidiary, entity B, which represents a separate major line of business within the group. During the year A enters into a binding sale agreement whereby it will dispose of 40% of its investment in the subsidiary in the next financial year. How should A disclose the results of B in its consolidated financial statements at year end? In particular, should it classify entity B as a discontinued operation under IFRS 5, Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations? 27 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 The principle for applying IFRS 5 depends on the manner in which an entity will recover a non-current asset or disposal group. If an entity will recover the carrying amount of a disposal group principally through sale rather than through use, IFRS 5 is applicable. The 40% disposal will result in the assets and liabilities being principally recovered through sale and a single new asset (associate) being recognised. Entity A should therefore disclose all of the results and assets of entity B in its consolidated statements as a discontinued operation in accordance with IFRS 5 at the year end. Once the disposal is completed, entity A accounts for the resultant associate using the equity method in IAS 28, Investments in Associates. Classification under IFRS 5 for a subsidiary will be based only on the loss of control of that subsidiary. For example, if an entity with a 51% holding in a subsidiary entered into a contract to dispose of only 2% of its holding and this would result in a loss of control in the future, IFRS 5 would apply. The amendment also clarifies that all of the subsidiary’s assets and results would be accounted for as held for sale prior to the disposal under IFRS 5 and not just the effective interest to be disposed of. Held for sale subsidiary with financial assets Entity D, a subsidiary of entity E, meets the definition of a heldfor-sale asset in accordance with IFRS 5. Financial assets within the scope of IFRS 9, comprise the majority of the value of D. Such assets are outside the scope of IFRS 5 for measurement purposes (IFRS 5). On initial classification as held for sale, E measured D at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell (IFRS 5). If the value of the financial assets within D increase above the initial value of the disposal group, can E record the increase? IFRS 5 notes that on subsequent remeasurement of a disposal group, the carrying amount of any assets and liabilities that are not within the scope of the measurement requirements of IFRS 5. They are included in a disposal group classified as held for sale, shall be re-measured in accordance with applicable IFRSs before the fair value less costs-to-sell of the disposal group is remeasured. Therefore, on subsequent re-measurement, the financial assets within the scope of IFRS 9 should be remeasured first in accordance with IFRS 9. The value of the E disposal group as a whole should then be determined and recorded at the lower of carrying value (ie the current IFRS 9 value plus the carrying amount of other out-ofscope assets and liabilities plus carrying value of IFRS 5 assets and liabilities) and fair value less costs-to-sell of the disposal group as a whole. Group restructuring and treatment of currency translation reserve 28 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 IAS 21, The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates, requires exchange differences on net investments in a foreign operation to be recognised as a separate component of equity in the consolidated financial statements. This separate component of equity is commonly referred to as the currency translation account (CTA). Such exchange differences are recognised in profit or loss (‘recycled’) on the disposal or partial disposal of the net investment. EXAMPLE - Actuarial gains and losses on disposal of a business Company E has disposed of its main subsidiary F in the year to 31 December 20X6. E has a defined benefit pension scheme and any actuarial gains and losses arising have been recognised in line with IAS 19, Employee Benefits. In a group restructuring, a foreign operation is transferred from one intermediate holding company to another. Other standards, such as IFRS 9, require recycling of gains and losses that have previously been taken to equity. As such, on disposal of E, should the cumulative actuarial gains and losses previously taken to capital be recycled to the income statement? The group continues to hold a 100% interest in that foreign operation. No third parties are involved with the group restructuring. Should the CTA be recycled in the group’s consolidated financial statements? Actuarial gains and losses should not be recycled through the income statement. The IASB considered the possibility of recycling, given that most gains and losses under IFRS that are recognised outside profit and loss are recycled. No. The question is whether the restructuring results in an economic change from the group’s perspective that constitutes a partial or full disposal. However, on balance, the IASB concluded that actuarial gains and losses should not be recycled and IAS 19 confirms this. EXAMPLE - Separate financial statements In this case, the foreign operation continues to be part of the consolidated group and the restructuring is not a disposal event from the group’s perspective under IAS 21. No recycling occurs for the exchange differences recognised in equity. However, if the intermediate holding company that disposes of the foreign operation prepares consolidated financial statements under IFRS, the CTA (if any) that arises at that intermediate reporting level would be recycled on the group restructuring. Parent entity C has decided to sell one of its subsidiaries, entity D. The criteria in IFRS 5 have been met which means that entity D will be classified as held for sale. Entity C is preparing its separate parent company financial statements in accordance with IFRS. IAS 27 provides a choice of either using cost or fair value in accordance with IFRS 9, when accounting for an investment in a subsidiary in the parent’s separate financial statements. Entity C has chosen to account for investments in subsidiaries at fair value in its separate financial statements. 29 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 How does entity C’s policy choice to use fair value for its investment in entity D affect the application of IFRS 5? EXAMPLE - Paying to sell a subsidiary The policy choice provided in IAS 27 on measuring an investment in a subsidiary at cost or at fair value in accordance with IFRS 9 is available for subsidiaries that are not classified as held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5. Entity A has a subsidiary that management has committed to sell. The criteria in IFRS 5 for this subsidiary to be classified as held for sale have been met. The subsidiary is loss-making and entity A has written off the subsidiary’s property, plant and equipment (PPE) under IAS 36, Impairment of Assets. IFRS 5 requires that immediately before an asset is classified as held for sale its carrying amount is measured in accordance with applicable IFRSs. The subsidiary also has some sundry working capital. Entity A’s management considered closing the subsidiary, but this would result in making all the staff redundant. Consequently, the investment in a subsidiary that is accounted for at fair value in accordance with IFRS 9 will be revalued to current fair value at the date that the IFRS 5 criteria are met. Management identified that a third party might be willing to take over the subsidiary if it was able to utilise some of the assets and workforce, thereby saving some of the jobs. Subsequent measurement under IFRS 5 is at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. Parent entity C will therefore freeze the carrying amount of its investment in the subsidiary held for sale at current fair value and only remeasure it if fair value less costs to sell falls below this amount. However, entity A will need to pay such a third party approximately e20m to achieve the sale. The subsidiary (disposal group) therefore has a negative fair value of e20m. The scope restriction set out in IFRS 5, which requires that financial assets within the scope of IFRS 9 continue to be measured in accordance with IFRS 9, does not apply to the investment in the subsidiary. Should entity A record a liability for the expected payment to a third party on disposal of the subsidiary as the disposal is considered highly probable in accordance with IFRS 5? This is because IAS 27 only permits the use of fair value measurement in accordance with IFRS 9 for those subsidiaries that are not held for sale. IAS 27 also makes clear that subsidiaries classified as held for sale should be accounted for in accordance with IFRS 5. Entity A is committed to its plan to sell the subsidiary but it does not yet have a binding sales agreement for the disposal. Entity A should not record a liability for the payment to a third party in respect of the highly probable disposal. IFRS 5 requires that a disposal group is measured at the lower of its carrying amount and its fair value less costs to sell (IFRS 5.15). However, IFRS 5 applies only to the measurement of the non-current assets in the disposal group. 30 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 It does not affect the measurement of current assets and current and noncurrent liabilities within the disposal group. This is made clear in the basis for conclusion, BC 22, which states: The board also noted that the requirements of IAS 37establish when a liability is incurred, whereas the requirements of the IFRS relate to the measurement and presentation of assets that are already recognised. A liability would only be recognised if there was a binding sale agreement as required by IAS 37. IFRS 5 and IAS 37 both require that the entity is committed in order to qualify for their respective accounting treatments. However, the standards require commitment to different things. IFRS 5 requires commitment to a plan to sell for the subsidiary to be classified as a disposal group held for sale. IAS 37 requires that the entity is committed to the sale, which it specifies can only be met if there is a binding sale agreement. EXAMPLE - Presentation of assets and liabilities of spunoff segment Entity D has a 31 May year-end and has adopted IFRS 5,Noncurrent Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations. It has spun-off one of its major business segments to its existing shareholders as part of management’s decision to focus on the remaining businesses within D’s consolidated group. It carried out the transaction by creating a new holding company and distributing the shares in the new holding company to D’s existing shareholders in proportion to their ownership interests in D. The decision was taken in April 2005 and the transaction was completed in July 2005.The disposed business segment meets the definition of a discontinued operation under IFRS 5. Management is considering the balance sheet presentation of the assets and liabilities for the 31 May 2005 financial statements and whether this should change when presented as comparatives in the 31 May 2006 financial statements. IFRS 5 does not permit the assets and liabilities of the business segment to be presented on two lines. The two-line presentation is restricted to disposal groups that are held for sale and cannot be extended to disposal by way of a distribution. The assets and liabilities of the segment should therefore be presented within their normal classifications in the balance sheet in the 31 May 2005 financial statements. Management should not change this presentation in the 31 May 2006 financial statements. Although the segment was distributed to shareholders in August 2005 and therefore qualified as a discontinued operation from that date, IFRS 5 does not permit the comparative balance sheet to be amended. The segment’s assets and liabilities must therefore continue to be presented in their normal classifications in the 2005 comparative balance sheet in the 31 May 2006 financial statements. However, the results of the discontinued operations for the year ending 31 May 2005, and the three months ending 31 August 2005 should be presented on a single line in the income statement in the 31 May 2006 financial statements. 31 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 5. The Equity Method of Accounting At the time of acquisition, the net assets of S had a value of The equity method of accounting values the investment at cost, and is adjusted for the investor’s share of post-acquisition profits. Likewise, the investor's income statement includes its share of post-acquisition profits. The equity method is usually applied to associates and joint ventures. Assets Cash Accounts receivable Fixed Assets Equity Method of Accounting Parent Balance Sheet (before acquisition) Accounts receivable Investments Fixed Assets Liabilities 300 Accounts payable 1000 200 Accruals 100 Shareholders’ Funds 1600 Post-acquisition profits are 70 and the parent’s balance sheet has not changed since the acquisition. Subsidiary Balance Sheet (after acquisition) The equity method can be applied in both parent and consolidated financial statements. Assets Cash 200 (100 Share Capital and 100 Pre-Acquisition Profits). 800 300 500 1600 P bought 80% of S for 250. It was bought with other undertakings, and P had determined that S should be sold as quickly as possible, and immediately sought a buyer. Liabilities Current Liabilities Share Capital 360 Pre-acquisition profits Post-acquisition profits 570 10 200 300 100 100 70 570 Parent Balance Sheet including S (equity method) Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments S (250+56) Fixed Assets Liabilities 50 Accounts payable 1000 200 Accruals 306 100 Shareholders’ Funds Profits of S 1656 800 300 500 56 1656 32 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 Other assets and liabilities are not consolidated. Notes: Post-Acquisition Profits attributable to are 80% of 70 = 56. Investment in S comprises purchase price +postacquisition profits 250+56=306 Dividends received from the investee reduce the carrying amount of the investment. This method shows the profits of the investment only in the lines of the investment in the subsidiary and the shareholders’ funds. 6. Goodwill is not shown separately, as there is no breakdown of An associate is an undertaking in which the investor has significant influence, and which is neither a subsidiary, nor a joint venture. Associates net assets. As goodwill that forms part of the carrying amount of an investment in an associate (see next section) is not separately recorded, it is not tested for impairment separately by applying the requirements for impairment testing goodwill in IAS 36 Impairment of Assets. The investor in an associate has the opportunity to influence the financial and operating decisions of the associate, but without control over them. An indication of significant influence would be the ownership of 20%-50% of the voting shares. Instead, the entire carrying amount of the investment is tested for impairment in accordance with IAS 36 as a single asset, by comparing its recoverable amount (higher of value in use and fair value less costs to sell) with its carrying amount, whenever application of the IFRS 9 indicates that the investment may be impaired. Owning more than 50% would give control, and would normally require full consolidation. An impairment loss recorded in those circumstances is not allocated to any asset, including goodwill, that forms part of the carrying amount of the investment in the associate. Further indications of significant influence are: So, any reversal of that impairment loss is recorded in accordance with IAS 36 to the extent that the recoverable amount of the investment subsequently increases. If the holding is less than 20% of voting shares, it is presumed that the investor does not have significant influence, unless this can be demonstrated. representation on the board of directors or governing body; participation in policy-making processes; material transactions between the investor and investee; interchange of managerial personnel; 33 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 provision of vital technical information. Associates are accounted for using the Equity Method (see 5. above). If a loss has been incurred the associate, the investor must recognise its share of that loss, both in the income statement and as a reduction of the investment in associate, It is important to understand that the investor includes its share of profit, even if it has not received the money in the form of dividends. This becomes a serious issue if the investor is expected to pay dividends based on its earnings within the associate. Equity accounting: practical difficulties IFRS News - December 2005 and February 2006 Entities applying the IAS 28 equity method to their associates and joint ventures are finding some difficult areas. The equity method of accounting has been around for many years. It is thought to be straightforward and well understood. Equity accounting has received little attention from standardsetters in recent years, despite criticism of it by some as a concept. IAS 28 was part of the improvements project when various changes pushed equity accounting closer to accounting for business combinations and subsidiary accounting by making certain implied requirements explicit and removing some impracticability exceptions. However, problems and inconsistencies are arising in application as more companies move to IFRS. This article examines some of the practical issues that have arisen and some areas of inconsistency in the accounting literature. Notional purchase price allocation What accounting is required when an associate is first purchased? IAS 28 states that ‘the investment in an associate is initially recognised at cost’. This is straightforward. The standard goes on to say that, ‘on acquisition of the investment any difference between the cost of the investment and the investor’s share of the net fair value of the associate’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities is accounted for in accordance with IFRS 3. The equity investment continues to be recognised on one line in the balance sheet as the IFRS 3-type purchase price allocation and calculation of goodwill is notional. The notional purchase price allocation (PPA) should include the investor's portion of the fair value of any intangible assets and contingent liabilities (whether or not recognised by the associate) and the investor's share of any fair value step ups or adjustments to recorded assets and liabilities. The practical challenge is that the investor will seldom have access to proprietary information about the company. Most public companies are prohibited from making information available to shareholders on a selective basis - what one shareholder knows usually needs to be made available to all shareholders. Thus, the investor needs to calculate the notional PPA with publicly available information and a substantial degree 34 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 of estimation. Is this notional PPA really required? The answer is yes and part of the answer is that is explicitly required by the standard. However it can also be crucial so that the correct share of the associate’s results is recorded post-acquisition. The share of results will not include the correct amortisation if tangible and intangible assets are not recorded at their fair value. Two other potential problems make the notional PPA important. Purchase of an associate may be the first step in a step acquisition. Goodwill and revised fair values are needed at each step, so the contemporaneous information that supports the amount of goodwill present at the date of each transaction is crucial. If an associate is impaired, any notional goodwill written off cannot be reversed, thus, where the associate is a public company, the amount of notional goodwill is crucial. Example Company A, a large pharmaceutical company, buys 30% of Company B, a small company. B owns a valuable patent that covers a specific prescription drug. The patent will expire in seven years. Assume that there are no other fair value adjustments to be recorded. B earns revenue by licensing the patent to other companies in each major market. Company A, the investor, must perform a fair value exercise, allocate value to the patent and amortise it over the remaining life. The charge reduces the income from the associate and the carrying value of the associate. Therefore, as the patent expires, the value of the associate will reduce. associate as represented by the patent intangible asset should have been reduced to nil, through periodic amortisation and not an impairment charge. Negative goodwill arising on the acquisition of an associate The notional PPA might also result in negative goodwill (technically - excess of the investor’s share of the net fair value of the associate’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities - as IFRS describes negative goodwill). Negative goodwill might exist if the associate has a significant unrecorded contingent liability, or the investor managed to secure shares at a discount price because of the vendor's need for cash. The negative goodwill should be credited to the investor’s income statement in the period that the associate is required. This seems inconsistent with the principle that the associate is recorded initially at cost. The associate will be recorded at an amount greater than cost where negative goodwill exists. The standard is explicit on the requirement to recognize negative goodwill where it exists and this is the natural extension of the notional PPA concept discussed above. However, an associate with a carrying value in excess of market value is a trigger for impairment testing. For any associate acquired in a public market, cost was presumably market value. The recognition of negative goodwill may trigger an impairment test, and the adjustment may well be written off to the income statement. The recognition of negative goodwill is expected to be rare and any negative goodwill recognised on acquisition of an associate therefore needs to be robustly supported or the investor is exposed to an immediate impairment as well. If B winds up operations on expiry of the patent, the value of the 35 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 What does change in proportionate interest mean? Reclassification of associate to ‘financial instrument’ An associate issues shares to new investors and the group’s interest is diluted, although the entity remains an associate. Should the ‘gain or loss’ arising from dilution be recorded in the investing group’s income statement or directly in equity? IAS 28 says that the carrying amount of an investment when it stops being an associate is its cost on initial measurement as a financial asset under IFRS 9. IAS 28 requires that changes in an investor's proportionate interest in an associate that do not arise from the net income of the associate should be recognised directly in the equity of the investor. Many have read these words to include gains and losses arising on a dilution of the investor's interest in the associate, with any anti-dilutive transactions also recognized in equity. However, the examples that follow the proportionate interest guidance do not include dilutions, but are rather example of transactions of the associate that might give rise to equity movements such as fixed asset revaluations or available for sale securities. The associate will have debited cash and credited equity in the associate’s financial statements: nothing has occurred in its income statement. The text in IAS 28 seems to preclude income statement recognition of gains and losses. However, the lack of dilution in the examples and the fact that IFRS 10 permits income statement treatment for dilution of subsidiaries seems to provide some support for gains and losses on associate dilution in the income statement. However, companies may well be exposed to criticism and regulatory comment if they use income statement recognition. IFRS 9 requires such financial assets to be recognised at fair value. How should these requirements be reconciled when the carrying value of the associate is not equal to its fair value? Example Entity A held a 30% shareholding in entity B and applied equity accounting in accordance with IAS 28. Entity A sold its shares in B, reducing its investment from 30% to 10%. Entity A lost its significant influence over B as a result of this transaction. The remaining investment in B will therefore be accounted for as an investment in accordance with IFRS 9. The carrying amount of A’s investment in B immediately before the transaction was 300. There was also a credit amount of 9 included in A’s equity, representing A’s share of B’s increases in equity arising from securities held by B. Entity A received a consideration of 320. The fair value of the remaining 10% investment in B is 160. What should entity A recognise in its income statement and in equity? Solution Entity A should recognise a gain on disposal of 129 in the income statement. This gain comprises two components. This first is 120, being the difference between the cash received 36 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 of 320 less the carrying amount of the proportion sold of 200 (20/30 x 300). The second component is the transfer of the credit of 9 from A’s equity to the income statement. This is the amount included in A’s equity as a result of applying equity accounting to the 30% interest in B. Example: Group structure See the diagrams below. Group Structure 1. A The whole amount is transferred from equity to the income statement because A no longer has significant influence over B. 100% B The remaining 10% investment in B is now classified as an AFS asset. 60% C 70% IAS 28 requires the initial measurement of the AFS asset to be the carrying amount immediately prior to losing significant influence. 20% D 60% The initial measurement of the 10% interest in B is therefore 100 (10/30 x 300). 25% E Subsequent measurement of the asset is to fair value, with changes in fair value recognised directly in profit and loss. Entity A should therefore recognise a gain of 60 directly in profit and loss to reflect the revaluation of the remaining 10% interest in B from its initial measurement of 100 to fair value of 160. Associates and common control transactions What is the accounting that is required when a group reorganises and moves its interests in associates around? IAS 28 contains no specific guidance. It states that the concepts underlying the procedures used when an entity acquired a subsidiary are adopted when an investment in an associate is acquired. Group Structure 2 . A 80% 60% C B 20% 37 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 90% D 85% Consideration received (fair value of share of B acquired) Amounts disposed of 20% - (20% x 90%) x 350 25% - (20% x 85%) x 200 E C, which also has some subsidiaries, prepares financial statements under IFRS. It exchanges its interests in its associates D and E in return for a participating interest in B. The transaction has taken place under the control of A. Can C treat it as if it was a common control business combination? Such combinations are scoped out of IFRS 3 and an entity may choose a policy of using predecessor values. How should C account for the transaction? Entity D E B (before transfer) Carrying value Fair value in C’s of 100% of consolidated FS business 350 2.500 200 1.000 650 -64 31 Carrying value of associate investment in B group in C’s consolidated financial statements: Fair value of 20% of B (includes 30 of notional goodwill) Carrying value of 18% of D Carrying value of 18% of D If C was able to do this, it would carry its equity investment in B at the previous carrying values of its investments in D and E. C cannot use the common control exemption. This applies to business combinations only (acquisition of a subsidiary by a parent); there is no such exemption in IAS 28. 13 0 -35 130 315 136 581 Solution C should recognise a gain or loss to the extent it has disposed of part of its interests in D and E. This gain or loss will be based on the consideration received, which is the fair value of the interest received in B. This means that the equity investment in B will be carried at the fair value of C’s 20% interest in B, plus the previous carrying values of the retained interests in D and E. C has retained an 18% (20% x 90%) interest in D and a 17% (20% x 85%) interest in E. There can be no step-up to the fair value of those interests because D and E are associates of C before and after the transaction. The fair value of B’s net assets before the transaction is 500. EXAMPLE - Accounting for long-term loan to associate Gain on disposal: 38 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 Entity A has an associate, entity B. Entity A has made a loan to entity B. The loan is non-interest bearing and repayable on demand but entity A does not plan or expect to require settlement of the loan for the foreseeable future. The loan is not collateralised. elimination Entity A views the loan to the associate as part of its net investment in the associate in accordance with IAS 28. - sale of inventory with a cost price of £100 for £200. The stock has not been sold by entity A at year end; and How should entity A account for and classify the loan to entity B? - providing management services to entity D and invoicing £200 for these services. Entity A should account for the loan in accordance with the guidance in IFRS 9, even though it is considered part of the net investment in the associate. How should entity C account for the revenue arising from the sale of inventory and management services? The loan should be initially recognised at fair value. A loan that is repayable on demand cannot have a fair value that is less than the amount repayable (IFRS 9). Consequently the loan should be recognised at the amount leant to entity B. Subsequent measurement of the loan should be at amortised cost, however, the loan will continue to be carried at cost. This is because there is no effective interest rate and so no amortisation to record under the amortised cost method. The loan may be classified on the balance sheet either as part of other receivables, or as part of the investment in associates. The notes to the financial statements should provide an adequate description of the loan balance, so that its nature is clear to a reader of the financial statements. EXAMPLE - Associates and extent of inter-group Entity C is a 20% investor in an associate, entity D. During the year, entity C entered into the following transactions with entity D: Many of the procedures appropriate to the application of the equity method are similar to the consolidation procedures. Unrealised profits and losses arising from downstream transactions are eliminated to the extent that the investor is transacting with itself. While the inventory remains on the associate’s balance sheet, the associate will not be recording an expense in its income statement. Therefore a consolidation entry, reducing the revenue arising from the sale of the inventory by £40 (£200 x 20%), is required to eliminate the unrealised portion of the gain made in entity C. The revenue arising from the management services would not be adjusted, as the management services cost is realised in the associate. As entity D is equity accounted for, £40 (£200 x 20%) representing the portion of the cost relating to entity C - will be reflected in the consolidated financial statements of entity C; no further elimination entry is therefore required. 39 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 accounting to this investment in accordance with IAS 28. During the year, entity A sold some of its shares in B, reducing its investment from 30% to 10%. In the following examples, I/B refers to Income Statement and Balance Sheet (SFP). EXAMPLE 1. - associates Entity A lost its significant influence over B as a result of this transaction. The remaining investment in B will therefore be accounted for as an investment in accordance with IFRS 9. P has an associate A, of which it owns 20%. At the balance sheet date A has inventories that it bought from P at a cost of 100. P made a profit of 25 on the sale. The carrying amount of A’s investment in B immediately prior to the transaction was 300.There was also a credit amount of 9 included in A’s equity representing A’s share of B’s increases in equity. As the profit was earned by the parent, the parent’s share of profit is eliminated. Revenue (20%*100) Cost of sales Investment in associate (20%*25) Reduction of group sales, cost of sales and investment in associate EXAMPLE 2. - associates I/B I I B DR CR Entity A received cash of 320 in respect of the transaction. The fair value of the remaining 10% investment in B is 160. 20 15 5 Entity A should recognise a gain on disposal of 129 in the income statement. This gain comprises two components. The first is 120, being the difference between the cash received of 320 and the carrying amount of the proportion sold of 200 (20/30 x 300). P has an associate A, of which it owns 20%. At the balance sheet date P has inventories that it bought from A at a cost of 100. A made a profit of 25 on the sale. Share of income of associates Investment in associate (20%*25) Reduction of group net income, and investment in associate I/B I B DR CR 5 EXAMPLE - Reclassification of associate Entity A held a 30% shareholding in entity B and applied equity What should entity A recognise in its income statement and in equity in respect of this transaction? 5 The second component is the transfer of the credit of 9 from A’s equity to the income statement. This is the amount included in A’s equity as a result of applying equity accounting to the 30% interest in B. The whole amount is transferred from equity to the income statement because A no longer has significant influence over B. The remaining 10% investment in B is now classified as a financial asset. IAS 28 requires that the initial measurement of the asset is the carrying amount immediately prior to losing 40 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 significant influence. The initial measurement of the 10% interest in B is therefore 100 (10/30 x 300). Subsequent measurement of the asset is to fair value with changes in fair value recognised in profit and loss. Entity A should therefore recognise a gain of 60 directly in profit and loss. This reflects the revaluation of the remaining 10% interest in B from its initial measurement of 100 to fair value of 160. 7. Cost Method Where the investor has neither control, nor significant influence over the financial and operating decisions of its investment, income should only be recognised when received in the form of dividends. This is the cost method. Dividends, in excess of post acquisition profits, (“liquidating dividends”) should be treated as reductions in the cost of the investment. Losses incurred by the undertaking in which the investment has been made may create an impairment charge. This would arise if the fair value of the investment falls below the cost of the investment (see IAS 36 workbook). 8. Joint Ventures (see IFRS 11 workbook) This text applies IAS 31 that will be valid until 2013. A joint venture is a contractual arrangement, whereby 2, or more, parties undertake an economic activity, which is subject to joint control. No single venturer alone can control the activity, though one party may be designated as the manager of the activity. Unanimous consent on all financial and operating decisions is not necessary for an arrangement to satisfy the definition of a joint venture—unanimous consent on only strategic decisions is sufficient. Joint ventures have many forms including jointly-controlled: operations assets entities. Jointly-controlled operations (example: aircraft manufacture) Here the venturers use there own assets and resources, rather than forming a separate entity. Each venturer bears its own costs and takes a share of the revenue, as determined by the contract. As the net assets, income and expenses are recognised in the accounts of the venturer, no further information is required to be recorded. Jointly-controlled assets (example: oil pipelines) Here the venturers have joint control, and sometimes joint ownership, of assets provided to the joint venture. Revenues and costs are shared according to the contract. Each venturer should account for its share in the jointlycontrolled assets, any liabilities incurred (including those jointly These parties are known as the venturers. 41 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 with other venturers), income, gains and expenses of the joint venture. EXAMPLE - Revenue recognition for a pipeline Entity B has won a contract to construct and operate a gas pipeline. B will construct the pipeline and the associated infrastructure necessary to operate it. It will then operate it for 20 years. B will receive fees under the contract over the 20-year period. It will receive a reimbursement of construction costs over the five years following construction plus an annual fee over the 20-year operating period. Consequently the profit that B will earn for the construction of the pipeline is included within the annual fee it will receive. How should B recognise the revenue it receives for constructing and operating the pipeline? The two components of the contract, being the construction of the pipeline and the operation, should be separated and accounted for individually. IAS 11, Construction Contracts, should be applied to the construction element and IAS 18, Revenue, applied to the operating element. The present value of the total fees receivable under the contract should be allocated to the two components based on relative fair value. The revenue on both components should be recognised on a percentage-of-completion basis. The construction component will be recognised on the basis of costs incurred to costs to complete under IAS 11. The operation includes transporting of the gas, tracking use of the pipeline by customers, invoicing customers, maintenance, etc. The operation of the pipeline is therefore provided using an indeterminate number of acts. The revenue for the operation should therefore be recognised on a straight-line basis under IAS 18. The revenue recognised under both standards in advance of the cash received gives rise to a financial receivable. IAS 11, IAS 18 and IFRS 9 require the receivable to be recognised initially at fair value. Consequently the difference between the gross fees receivable under the contract and the present value of the revenue recognised should be recorded as interest income using the effective interest method as required by IAS 18. Jointly-controlled entities (example: foreign sales operations) Here there is a legal structure to house the joint venture. Each venturer usually contributes cash or other resources, accounted for as an investment in the jointly-controlled entity. The entity keeps its own accounting records. The venturers should account for their share of the entity through the Equity Method of Accounting (see 5. above). IAS 31 currently recommends the use of Proportionate Consolidation as an alternative. However, the IASB has said that Proportionate Consolidation will disappear as part of the convergence with USGAAP and has issued an exposure draft to that effect. Given its limited future life, it is recommended that Proportionate Consolidation not be used by practitioners. 42 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 EXAMPLE - Contribution of assets to a joint venture the goods received, unless that fair value cannot be estimated reliably. Entity A and entity B have formed an incorporated joint venture, JV Ltd. JV Ltd prepares its accounts under IFRS. IFRS 2 clarifies that there is a rebuttable presumption that the fair value of the goods received can be estimated reliably. On formation, entity A contributed property, plant and equipment, and entity B contributed intangible assets to the joint venture in exchange for their equity interests. In the rare situation where the fair value of the goods cannot be reliably measured, an entity should measure their value, and the corresponding increase in equity, indirectly, by reference to the fair value of the equity instruments granted. On formation, how should JV Ltd record the assets contributed? JV Ltd should recognise the assets initially at cost in accordance with the respective standards governing the assets; in this case, PPE under IAS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment, and intangible assets under IAS 38, Intangible Assets. Cost is defined in the IAS 16 and IAS 38 as ‘the amount of cash or cash equivalents paid or the fair value of the other consideration given to acquire an asset at the time of its acquisition or construction or,where applicable, the amount attributed to that asset when initially recognised, in accordance with the specific requirements of other IFRSs, eg, IFRS 2, Share-based Payment.’ The asset contribution by the venturers upon JV Ltd’s formation is an equity-settled share-based payment transaction within the scope of IFRS 2. The scope exclusion of IFRS 2 does not apply, as the formation of a joint venture does not meet the definition of a business combination. For equity-settled share-based payment transactions, IFRS 2 requires an entity to measure the goods received, and the corresponding increase in equity, directly, at the fair value of As JV Ltd is a newly incorporated company, the fair value of the assets contributed is more determinable than the fair value of the equity instruments granted. JV Ltd should therefore measure the assets received and the corresponding increase in equity at the fair value of the assets received. The previous practice of recording assets at their predecessor carrying values is no longer permissible in the light of IFRS 2. EXAMPLE - Contribution of non-monetary assets to a joint venture in exchange for an equity interest Issue In applying IAS 31 to non-monetary contributions to a jointly controlled entity in exchange for an equity interest in the jointly controlled entity, a venturer shall recognise in profit or loss for the period the portion of a gain or loss attributable to the equity interests of other venturers, except when [SIC-13.5]: a) the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the contributed non-monetary assets have not been transferred to the joint venture; b) the gain or loss on the non-monetary contribution cannot be 43 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 measured reliably; or contributed by the other venturer (entity B contributed shares). c) the non-monetary assets contributed are similar to those contributed by the other venturers. 50% of fair value of the shares of C received 200 less: 50% of book value of entity A’s assets contributed (50) 150 How should management recognise the gain that results from the transfer of non-monetary assets in exchange for an equity interest in a joint venture? Background Entity D, a joint venture, was established by two venturers as follows: a) entity A contributes its non-monetary assets. The fair value of the assets contributed is 400, and their book value is 100. The entries recorded in it’s A's single-entity financial statements are as follows: Dr Investment 400 Cr Non-monetary assets 100 Dr Gain on disposal 300 b) entity B contributes 50% of its shares in one of its subsidiaries, entity C. The fair value of 50% of the shares in entity C is 400 and the book value is 76. Entity A recognises the following further entry in its consolidated financial statements, to eliminate the portion of the gain that relates to the share of the non-monetary assets that it still owns and jointly controls: Dr Gain 150 Cr Investment 150 Entity A and entity B each own 50% of entity D and exercise joint control. EXAMPLE - Joint venture with a non-coterminous yearend Solution Entity A should recognise a gain of 150 for the following reasons: Investor F has an overseas joint venture (JV). F prepares financial statements to the year ending 30 April and the JV prepares financial statements to the year ending 31 December. a) the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the contributed non-monetary assets have been transferred to entity D; Can investor F use the JV.s December financial statements in preparing its own financial statements in April? b) the gain on the non-monetary contribution can be measured reliably. Information on both book values and fair values are available; and IAS 31 does not specifically deal with the treatment of noncoterminous yearends. However, IAS 28 is explicit. IAS 28 requires the use of financial statements drawn up to the same date as the investor unless it is impractical to do so. c) the non-monetary assets contributed are not similar to those In particular IAS 28 prohibits a difference of more than three 44 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 months between the year-end of the investor and of the associate. Therefore, investor F should request the JV to prepare specialpurpose financial statements drawn up to the year ending 30 April. The sponsor frequently transfers assets to the SPE, obtains the right to use assets held by the SPE or performs services for the SPE, while other parties (‘capital providers’) may provide the funding to the SPE. An entity that engages in transactions with an SPE may in practice control the SPE. 9 Special Purpose Entities / Special Purpose Vehicles (see IFRS 10+12 workbooks) Special Purpose Entities - SPE’s (also called Special Purpose Vehicles - SPV’s) are formed to house assets and/or liabilities that groups wish to eliminate from their balance sheets. These may be assets such as loans which are being securitised – the bank wants to raise money on the loans without losing the relationship with the clients. A beneficial interest in an SPE may, for example, take the form of a debt instrument, an equity instrument, a participation right, a residual interest or a lease. Some beneficial interests may simply provide the holder with a fixed or stated rate of return, while others give the holder rights or access to other future benefits of the SPE’s activities. In the USA, Enron (which subsequently collapsed) used SPE’s to hide large amounts of group loans and to manipulate profits. In most cases, the creator or sponsor retains a significant beneficial interest in the SPE’s activities, even though it may own little or none of the SPE’s equity. SPE’s may be set up in tax havens for insurance and leasing operations to charge group profits for policies and leases, whilst minimising tax. The following circumstances may indicate a relationship in which an entity controls an SPE and consequently should consolidate the SPE: Such a SPE may take the form of a corporation, trust, partnership or unincorporated entity. SPEs often are created with legal arrangements that impose strict and sometimes permanent limits on the decision-making powers of their governing board, trustee or management over the operations of the SPE. Frequently, these provisions specify that the policy guiding the ongoing activities of the SPE cannot be modified, other than perhaps by its creator or sponsor (they operate on so-called ‘autopilot’). (i) the activities of the SPE are being conducted on behalf of the entity according to its specific business needs so that the entity obtains benefits from the SPE’s operation; (ii) the entity has the decision-making powers to obtain the majority of the benefits of the activities of the SPE or, by setting up an ‘autopilot’ mechanism, the entity has delegated these decision-making powers; 45 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 (iii) the entity has rights to obtain the majority of the benefits of the SPE and therefore may be exposed to risks incident to the activities of the SPE; or (iv) the entity retains the majority of the residual or ownership risks related to the SPE or its assets in order to obtain benefits from its activities. Indicators of control over an SPE (a) Activities The activities of the SPE, in substance, are being conducted on behalf of the reporting entity, which directly or indirectly created the SPE according to its specific business needs. Examples are: In general, an SPE is an extension of the group and its functional currency (see IAS 21 workbook) will be the same of that of its parent. the SPE is principally engaged in providing a source of long-term capital to an entity or funding to support an entity’s ongoing major or central operations; or The question for consolidation is whether the group controls the SPE or not. If so, it must consolidate it. (If not, not.) IFRS 10 governs this. Control over another entity requires having the ability to direct or dominate its decision-making, regardless of whether this power is actually exercised. Control may exist even in cases where an entity owns little or none of the SPE’s equity. the SPE provides a supply of goods or services that is consistent with an entity’s ongoing major or central operations which, without the existence of the SPE, would have to be provided by the entity itself. Economic dependence of an entity on the reporting entity (such as relations of suppliers to a significant customer) does not, by itself, lead to control. (b) The question of control may be obscured by setting up the SPE to work on pre-determined instructions, after which the group can suggest that it has no control of the SPE, as the SPE is working on autopilot. It is then a test of whether the group has the risks and rewards of the SPE. If so, it must consolidate it. Decision-making The reporting entity, in substance, has the decision-making powers to control or to obtain control of the SPE or its assets, including certain decision-making powers coming into existence after the formation of the SPE. Such decisionmaking powers may have been delegated by establishing an ‘autopilot’ mechanism. Examples are: power to unilaterally dissolve an SPE; 46 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 power to change the SPE’s charter or bylaws; or power to veto proposed changes of the SPE’s charter or bylaws. (c) Benefits The reporting entity, in substance, has rights to obtain a majority of the benefits of the SPE’s activities through a statute, contract, agreement, or trust deed, or any other scheme, arrangement or device. Such rights to benefits in the SPE may be indicators of control when they are specified in favour of an entity that is engaged in transactions with an SPE and that entity stands to gain those benefits from the financial performance of the SPE. ownership risks and the investors are, in substance, only lenders because their exposure to gains and losses is limited. Examples are: the capital providers do not have a significant interest in the underlying net assets of the SPE; the capital providers do not have rights to the future economic benefits of the SPE; the capital providers are not substantively exposed to the inherent risks of the underlying net assets or operations of the SPE; or in substance, the capital providers receive mainly consideration equivalent to a lender’s return through a debt or equity interest. Examples are: rights to a majority of any economic benefits distributed by an entity in the form of future net cash flows, earnings, net assets, or other economic benefits; or rights to majority residual interests in scheduled residual distributions or in a liquidation of the SPE. (d) Implications for special purpose entities (SPEs) - PwC Inform Jan 2006 So when would this result in an SPE being classed as a subsidiary? Take the following example, where a parent gained the majority of the benefits arising from an SPE and its operating and financial policies were predetermined. Risks An indication of control may be obtained by evaluating the risks of each party engaging in transactions with an SPE. Frequently, the reporting entity guarantees a return, or credit protection directly or indirectly, through the SPE to outside investors who provide substantially all of the capital to the SPE. As a result of the guarantee, the entity retains residual or Under IFRS10, such an SPE would be treated as a full subsidiary. . Who’s in control? The definition of a parent may give rise to an anomaly in that in certain situations it may seem that there are two parents. For example, one company may appear to be exercising dominant influence, yet another may have the power to do so. 47 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 the power to exercise the call options and reverse the decision. This situation is likely to arise when the shareholder with the power to exercise dominant influence chooses to be passive and does not prevent the other shareholder from actually exercising dominant influence. Where more than one undertaking appears to be the parent, only one can have control. Control is defined as the ability to direct the financial and operating policies of another with a view to gaining economic benefits from its activities. The shareholder with the power to exercise dominant influence has control under the revised definitions despite choosing to be passive. EXAMPLE - Loans to customers Entity A is a parent company that prepares consolidated financial statements. Some of A’s subsidiaries are in the business of providing loans to customers. These loans are sold to trusts set up as special purpose entities (SPEs) under a securitisation arrangement to achieve lower financing costs. Entity A holds a beneficial residual interest in the SPE trusts and consolidates the SPEs under IFRS 10, in its consolidated financial statements. Practical example An example of the ability to exercise control would be call options that give a shareholder the power to exercise dominant influence. For example, say company A owns five per cent of company B, but in addition has call options exercisable at any time that would give it all the voting rights in company B. Although company A's management does not intend to exercise the call options, the existence of the options and company A's ability to exercise them at any time to gain control of company B gives company A the power to exercise dominant influence. The presence of the options means that the operating and financial policies are set in accordance with company A's wishes and for its benefit as the other shareholders of company B are mindful of the options in voting on operating and financial policies, as should company B make a decision not in accordance with company A's wishes, company A has A is preparing its separate financial statements in accordance with IAS 27, Separate Financial Statements,and would like to account for its investments in its subsidiaries at fair value in accordance with IFRS 9. Should entity A’s beneficial interest in its SPEs be accounted for in the same way as its conventional subsidiaries in its separate financial statements? Yes. The SPEs that qualify for consolidation in consolidated financial statements are subsidiaries in the context of IAS 27.Consequently if A elects to account for its subsidiaries in accordance with IFRS 9 in its separate financial statements, this election applies equally to its SPEs. Entity A may choose to account for its subsidiaries including its interest in its SPEs as financial assets, provided it meets the conditions in IFRS 9 for that classification. 48 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 Entity A should apply its accounting policy choice consistently to all of its subsidiaries including SPEs. Examples of transactions, relationships and structures that may be impacted by SIC-12 (now in IFRS 10) Leasing/property Sale-leasebacks of property or equipment; Built-to-suit property or equipment subject to an operating lease (for example, office buildings, manufacturing plants, aeroplanes); Synthetic leases (lease structures that are treated as operating leases for accounting purposes, even though the lessee is considered the owner for tax purposes); and Certain partnerships in property investments. Financial assets Transactions involving the sale/transfer of financial assets such as receivables to an SPE (for example, factoring arrangements or securitisations); Transactions involving a commercial paper conduit, such as sponsoring a conduit to purchase and securitise assets from third parties; Securitisation transactions involving commercial-debt obligations, collateralized bond obligations and commercial-loan obligations; and Entities used to hedge off-balance sheet positions. Start-ups, research and development Funding arrangements for research and development; Newly formed entities that are designed to manage or fund the start-up of a new product or business; Entities sponsored/funded by venture capital, private equity or financial entities; and Entities in the developmental stage. Vendor financing Structures designed to help customers finance the purchase of products and services (ie, vendor financing), often in collaboration with a financial institution. Insurance Insurance associations (reciprocals); and Reinsurance securitisations. Transactions involving management, officers and employees The transfer or sale of assets to an entity owned by a single employee or by members of an entity’s management; Management of an unconsolidated asset or business by an entity or its officers; and The funding of an entity’s independent equity by another entity’s managing members. Obligations associated with other entities Certain captive arrangements operated on behalf of an investor; An entity’s guarantee of: (i) an unconsolidated entity’s performance or debt, or (ii) the value of an asset held by the unconsolidated entity (including explicit and implicit guarantees); An entity’s contingent liability should an unconsolidated entity default; A transaction with an embedded ‘put’ option that enables the entity or an outside party to sell the assets and/or operations back to an entity; 49 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 A transaction with an embedded call option and/or operations that were previously sold to another entity; An entity’s enhancement of another entity’s credit (for example, via escrow funds, collateral agreements, discounts on transferred assets and take-or-pay arrangements); and An agreement requiring an enterprise to make a payment if its credit is downgraded. Rights to assets Rights to use an ‘under construction’ asset not recorded in the entity’s balance sheet (the debt used to fund the construction being recourse only to that specific asset); Leasing assets from an entity that financed these assets with debt that is recourse to the individual asset rather than to all of the lessor entity’s assets; The transfer of financial assets to an entity subject to debt that is recourse only to those financial assets rather than to all of the entity’s assets; Variable lease payments, variable license-fee payments or other variable payments for the right to use an asset (for example, the payments change with fluctuations in market interest rates); and Ownership of an asset that an entity holds for tax purposes but does not record on its balance sheet. Other Outsourcing arrangement – particularly when an entity’s own employees/assets are sold prior to any entity and will continue to provide services to the seller; Sale of assets or operations where the seller retains some governance rights and/or an economic interest; The purchase of businesses or assets by a third party or a newly formed entity on behalf of another company (ie, an off-balance-sheet acquisition vehicle); Investments made through intermediaries in entities that generate losses from a financial reporting perspective; Tolling arrangements with project finance companies; Transactions in which an entity’s primary counterparties are financial institutions (for example, banks, private equity funds and insurance companies); Arrangements with an entity whose capital structure (often the equity) is partially owned (or provided) by a charitable trust; An unconsolidated entity whose name is included in the entity’s name; When an entity provides administrative or other services on behalf of an unconsolidated entity or services its assets; and When an unconsolidated entity provides financing or other services exclusively to an entity, its vendors or customers. Source ;SIC-12 and FIN 46R -The substance of control (PwC) 10. Outsourcing contracts: an accidental business combination? IFRS News - March 2006 Outsourcing contracts are common. Many companies use outsourcing contracts to reduce costs, increase efficiency and focus on the core business. There are many different types of outsourcing arrangements, and the financial reporting of them can be complex. The expected outcome is generally that the outsourcing arrangement will be treated as a service arrangement, but an outsourcing contract may be classified as a business combination, lease or service concession. 50 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 Whether it is a business combination, a lease, a construction contract or a service arrangement will depend on the contract with the customer; but the assessment requires management’s judgment. Some factors such as a limited contract life can refute the business combination conclusion. The transaction will give rise to a business combination if full control is transferred to the outsourcer for the expected useful life of the assets. Companies may outsource any or all functions they consider can be done more efficiently by a third party. This can be a function as peripheral as catering for a large head office, or IT management for a law firm. A business combination is more likely where the ‘outsourcee’ is assembling similar contracts to extract synergies and asset efficiency. A business combination results in the outsourcer recording assets and liabilities at fair value and goodwill. Other less obvious outsourcing contracts might be private finance initiatives, contract drug manufacturing, prison management and waste management services. Accidental business combinations are seldom welcomed by senior management or the investor community. It is difficult to assess whether or not a contract results in a business combination, particularly when existing customer processes are combined with the existing processes of the outsourcer. Financial reporting of these contracts raises several questions: is there a business combination? How should upfront payments by the outsourcer be treated? How should revenue and costs be recognised? What are the potential implications of IFRIC 4? IFRIC debated some of these questions as part of the Service Concession Arrangements exposure draft; however, none have been definitively answered, and the completion of an interpretation is not expected soon. Have you acquired a business? The first step in analysing an outsourcing transaction is to determine whether a business combination has taken place. A large outsourcing contract usually includes some of a company’s significant processes. The company transfers assets, staff and processes to the outsourcer. These three in combination should be able to provide output on their own, which is a business as defined by IFRS 3. The outsourcer should therefore carefully assess agreements as they are being structured to avoid unintended financial reporting effects. Build and run components A contract may require the outsourcer to build a platform to deliver the service (for example, an IT platform, plant or large equipment). This is often referred to as the ‘build’ phase of the contract, to be followed by the ‘run’ phase. Management should assess whether the build and run phases should be accounted for separately. Factors to consider are whether the asset and the service are to be delivered separately, the customer can use the asset separately from the service and whether a reliable measure of revenue for the asset and the service can be obtained. The build element, when separable, is generally recognised in accordance with IAS 11, Construction Contracts, as the item is 51 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 being built to the specifications of the customer as a result of a negotiated contract. contract because of the necessary start-up activities are often front-loaded. The run element is generally recognised as a service contract in accordance with IAS 18, Revenue. Outsourcing is a developing industry, with an increasing number of processes being transferred to outsourcers and requiring start-up activities with significant front-loaded expenses. New contracts may be signed at the same time as the outsourcer is adapting its structure to offer new services. Run revenues and costs Activities to be delivered under a run component of a bundled outsourcing contract are usually services, either discrete or continuous. Revenue should be recorded on a percentage-ofcompletion basis. However, the measurement of completion, given the nature of the services delivered, is usually based on ‘output’ indicators (volumes of transactions, survey of interventions and similar measures). Measures of completion based on input measures such as costs (cost-to-cost method) is not appropriate for such contracts, as it is unlikely that cost incurred represents the progress of the service to date. Revenue is generally recorded on a straight-line basis if services to be delivered are performed by an ‘indeterminate number of acts’. Certain contracts include the payment of an upfront amount by the outsourcer to the customer. When services received for such a payment are not identifiable, the payment usually represents the granting of a discount. This is recognised as a reduction of revenue over the service period of the contract. Recognition of costs may be even more challenging than recognition of revenue. Contract revenue and expenses ‘are recognised respectively by reference to the stage of completion of the contract activity’. Expenses in an outsourcing The outsourcer should determine which of these up-front expenses relate to the implementation of a specific contract, as opposed to costs incurred at its discretion to modify or transform its own business. This may depend on the maturity of the outsourcer’s business. Some historical outsourcers are developing their structures to face this demand; other corporations are setting up new outsourcing businesses, often starting with their existing IT functions, while many existing IT companies are expanding into outsourcing. For expenses that relate to the services to be delivered, work in progress is recognised if the costs are recoverable. There will also be numerous other costs (employee restructuring, transfer to a new location, development of new processes) that are normal operating costs of the business that should be expensed as incurred or that may give rise to intangible or tangible fixed assets. Implications of IFRIC 4 IFRIC 4, Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease, is effective from 1 January 2006. Most outsourcing contracts include assets; these outsourcers will need to determine whether their outsourcing contracts include a lease. 52 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 The challenge is to assess whether specific assets exist in the arrangement. This determination should be made on an assetby-asset analysis. This includes obtaining a precise understanding of the use of the asset: is the service based on that specific asset, or could it be delivered, in accordance with the terms of the contract by other means? For example, a catering outsourcer may provide meals for a customer from its central facilities, which are also used for other customers; conversely, it may use a dedicated facility constructed solely for the purpose of that customer’s contract. If the asset is used solely for the company, it would be a lease of the specific asset by the customer. The asset is not deemed specific to the customer if the outsourcer uses the asset for a number of customers, and no lease would exist. 11. Carve-out / combined financial statements IFRS News - March 2008 IFRSs provide very limited guidance on the preparation of carve-out/combined financial statements. The answers to the questions may be different in different countries. Consultation with the relevant experts and lawyers is crucial. What are ‘carve-out’ and ‘combined’ financial statements? The terms ‘carve-out’ and ’combined’ financial statements have a similar meaning. Combined financial statements are the aggregate of the financial statements of segments, separate entities or groups, which fail to meet the definition of a ‘group’ under IFRS10. Carve-out financial statements are the separate financial statements of a division or lesser business component(s) of a consolidated or larger entity. The term used varies by country and regulator. For example, the UK commonly refers to ‘combined’ financial statements and the US refers to ‘carve-out’ financial statements. When can carve-out/combined financial statements be prepared? Preparation of carve-out/combined financial statements is seldom straightforward. Common issues include: • whether carve-out/combined financial statements can be presented; • determining what the reporting entity is; • how to measure assets and liabilities; and • how to allocate different types of costs, income, taxes etc. Participants agreed that carve-out/combined financial information should be prepared only when all of the entities concerned have been under common control during the track record period and form a ‘reporting entity’. “Carve-out/combined financial statements are usually prepared in contemplation of a capital market transaction and might be required by the local regulator.” David Smailes What are the regulatory requirements and market practice regarding the preparation of carve-out/combined financial statements? 53 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 Most territories have no specific regulatory requirements for the preparation of combined financial statements. The most detailed and structured guidance available is that issued by the SEC with respect to US GAAP, and the UK Annexure to the Standard for Investment Reporting (SIR) 2000 for the presentation of financial information in an investment circular. Many territories find this guidance useful. However, since most carve-out or combined financial information is prepared with a view to a capital market transaction, experts recommend entities clear potential issues with the local regulator in advance, as different regulators may take different views. Making the distinction is important because an audit opinion cannot be issued for pro forma financial statements. The same principle is applied consistently in all respondents’ territories: • carve-out/combined financial statements present historical financial information prepared by aggregating the financial information of entities under common management and control, which did not form a legal group. “The general principles governing preparation of carve-out financial statements have been developed over the last two decades and captured through SEC speeches, comment letters and past examples of carve-out financial statements.” Neil Dhar • Pro forma financial statements present hypothetical financial information created to present an illustration of how a capital market transaction might have affected an “issuer” of securities, had a specific transaction or series of transactions been undertaken at the commencement of the period being presented, or at the balance sheet date presented. Conscious about the need to define a framework which provides guidance to EU preparers, the European Commission is currently working on a project to issue the equivalent of SIRs. The first part of the project looks at pro formas. The meaning and interpretation of the term ‘pro forma’ might differ from territory to territory, and there might be some differences in the preparation of pro forma financial statements. “Under French GAAP, aggregating financial statements of separate legal structures is allowed in certain circumstances. “In some territories carve-out/combined financial statements have been referred to as ‘pro forma’ and presented as audited historical financial information. This practice has evolved while transitioning to IFRS to a model which looks beyond the legal structures and considers the business of the reporting entity.” Thierry Charron What is the difference between carve-out/combined financial statements and pro forma financial statements? This use of the same term for dissimilar financial information should not be confused with the concept of illustrative pro forma financial information on which a compilation opinion rather than an audit opinion is given, as contemplated by the European Prospectus Regulation and associated guidance.” David Smailes 54 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 “Germany has issued a standard governing the preparation of pro forma financial information (as has the SEC in its Regulation S-X). In all cases, there should be some basis or framework to support the compilation of pro forma financial information.” Nadja Picard What is a ‘reporting entity’, and what are the general indicators that a reporting entity exists for which IFRS financial statements can be prepared? The IFRS Framework defines reporting entity as “an entity for which there are users who rely on the financial statements as their major source of financial information about the entity”. Capital market specialists look at all the facts to assess whether a reporting entity exists. These include: • Whether the assets and liabilities included in the carve-out are legally bound together through: – a legal reorganisation of a group/groups that has occurred after the reporting date, but prior to the publication of the financial statements; – a reorganisation that will happen simultaneously with a proposed IPO, disposal or similar transaction; or – an agreement that was signed and in place throughout the historical financial period. The written agreement cannot be put in place retrospectively; or • Whether the assets and liabilities are all owned by the same party, and whether there is evidence that they have been managed together as a single economic entity during the track record period? All the owner’s assets and liabilities managed in this way should be included. “A material level of transactions between the businesses or with common customers/suppliers would make it more difficult to present meaningful carve-out/combined financial statements for one of the businesses.” David Smailes ‘Managed together’ is not usually interpreted as meaning that a group with two business segments can not present carve-out/ combined financial statements for one of the two segments. However, presentation of carve-out/combined financial statements would require further analysis of the relationships between the two segments to determine whether the business segments are related or interdependent, or if there are any material inter-business relationships. Example An acquisition company, Newco, has been created. The directors of Newco prepare an IPO prospectus which includes a commitment to use the proceeds of the IPO to acquire a segment of an existing third party company, Opbus. Opbus did not previously report separate financial information and is a mix of legal entities and divisions. The issuer is Newco. The prospectus must include an audited track record for the business of Newco but this is not represented by Newco’s legal financial information. Typically the prospectus would therefore include: • Carve-out/combined historical financial information on Opbus; and 55 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 • Pro forma information for the enlarged Newco group, illustrating how Newco’s financial information would have looked if Newco had already acquired Opbus. Example When one entity, which is managed together with others as part of the same business segment, will not be subject to the legal reorganisation, should the entity be included in the reporting entity? It is important not to present misleading information: A high level of transactions between the business excluded and the carve-out group could lead to misleading carve-out financial statements. For example if the excluded business was a loss-making entity as a result of transactions with the carve-out group which were not performed at arm’s length. This is a complex issue when regulatory approval is sought. It requires judgement and should be addressed upfront when planning for carve-out/combined financial statements. Neil Dhar What are the allocation principles for assets, liabilities, income and expenses? The most common areas where allocations have to be made are headquarters costs, income taxes, debt and interests. Each situation is unique and requires consideration based on the facts available. “Factors usually considered when doing the allocation include: – Will the assets and liabilities be transferred to the carved-out group? – Was there any intra group recharge between the parent and the carved-out group, eg legal, accounting, finance expenses? and – Have the recharges been made on an arm’s length basis?” Gabriele Matrone Allocations can only be made to the extent of the costs actually incurred by the larger group. That is, no allocation can be made on a “what if” basis. For example, allocation would not be made on the basis of estimating what the expenses of the carved-out business would have been if it had had its own legal department. Such an approach would be more akin to proforma financial information. Quality of the information is a pre-requisite for the allocations. These must be performed to a standard that allows presentation within IFRS financial statements and, in most cases must be auditable. If quality information does not exist, a preparer should provide sufficient disclosure in the notes to enable readers of the carve-out/combined financial statements to understand how the future financial position, performance and cash flows of a stand-alone business may differ. Whichever method is used to allocate assets, liabilities, income and expenses, clear and meaningful explanations in the notes are essential for a good understanding of the financial statements. 56 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 The UK and SEC material referred to above provides useful guidance in respect of allocation. Kennedy Liu shares some recent comments from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange “Please disclose the basis of allocation in the basis of preparation” “Has management disclosed its judgement that the carveout is appropriate in the critical accounting policies?” “Has management disclosed details of the carve-out business in the basis of preparation?” “Advise and disclose the basis on how “common control” is established.” “Is it appropriate to use the carve-out approach, or the discontinued operation approach in preparing the financial statements?” “Does the carve-out satisfy the criteria under UK Standard for Investment Reporting 2000?” “Do the carve-out financial statements comply with HKFRS/IFRS?” How are income taxes dealt with? Respondents identified the following examples: Tax position The entities that comprise the carved-out business filed separate tax returns Treatment of tax Tax expenses, assets and liabilities are accounted for in accordance with the tax returns. The entities that comprise the a) Separate tax return carved-out business were part approach: of a consolidated tax group. under this method, income tax is recalculated and accounted for as if the entity had always filed tax returns separately. Particular attention should be paid to tax losses when the tax asset has already been used by another entity in the group that is not part of the carved-out business. Or b) Actual tax incurred: this method would be possible if the parent recharged taxes to the entities that comprise the carve-out/combined business. How should debt and interest expense be allocated? Respondents agreed that intercompany debt between the carved-out business and the parent should be reinstated in the 57 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 carve-out/combined financial statements, along with the associated interest expense incurred. Example Financing of 100 was provided in the past. 150 of group debt will be allocated in the restructuring: 100 should be allocated to the carved-out business as it reflects the amount attributable to the carved-out business. However, in certain circumstances, it might also be acceptable to allocate 150, rolled back to the balance sheet of the earliest year presented along with the related interest expense, as long as the additional 50 does not represent a pro forma type adjustment. An analysis of the final capital structure (pre transaction) should also be performed. “A practical difficulty, arising when interest free loans were granted by the parent to the entities that comprise the carvedout business, is that the allocation of the actual interest expense requires an analysis of the capital and debt structure of the wider group. For example, if the interest free loans were backed by interest-bearing loans that are external to the group, the interest paid on these loans could be used.” Gabriele Matrone How much assurance can auditors give on carveout/ combined financial statements? There is accepted practice of giving some kind of assurance on carve-out/combined financial statements when the financial statements are those of a reporting entity and can be satisfactorily audited. An audit opinion might refer to “true and fair” or “fair presentation in accordance with IFRS”. However, in certain circumstances, it might be more appropriate to refer to the basis of preparation. The greater the number of adjustments and allocations that have to be made to achieve a carve-out/combined presentation, the less likely it is that an IFRS opinion can be issued. ”Referring to the basis of preparation is widely accepted in the UK for an opinion given on historical financial information presented in an investment circular under SIR 2000.” David Smailes An ‘emphasis of matter’ paragraph is also commonly used in the auditors’ opinion. This explains that the carved-out business has not operated as a separate entity, and that the financial statements are not necessarily indicative of results that would have occurred if the business had been a separate standalone entity during the period presented, nor is it indicative of future results of the business. “It is common practice in Hong Kong to issue an unqualified audit opinion without an ‘emphasis of matter’ paragraph. Even so, it would usually be appropriate to include such disclosures in the notes to the carve-out/combined financial statements.” Kenny Liu 58 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 What are the practical challenges faced in the preparation of carve-out/combined financial statements? The practical challenges vary depending on circumstances. Respondents highlighted three key areas: 1. The structure of the carved-out business: Financial statements are easier to prepare when they are an aggregation of separate legal entities each of which has their own stand-alone financial statements. Preparation of financial statements is more complex when it entails carving out portions of legal entities. 2. The interactions between the carve-out/combined business and the rest of the group: The extent of those interactions determines the complexity of identifying and reinstating inter-company transactions and allocating income, expenses, assets and liabilities. 3. The quality of the accounting records, internal controls, processes and systems: The financial statements must be prepared reliably and must be auditable. “One practical difficulty we face is segregating working capital balances, such as accounts receivable, accounts payable and inventory.” Neil Dhar 12. Multiple Choice Questions Choose the answer that is closest to what you feel best answers the question: 1. IFRS 3 Business Combinations forbids: 1) Using fair values. 2) Creating liabilities for future losses. 3) Including fair values and historic cost in the same balance sheet. 2. If fair values differ from historic cost, minority interests will: 1) Benefit from any increase in valuations. 2) Not benefit from any increase in valuations. 3) Be ignored. 3. In a sale of a subsidiary, deferred payments: 1) Are prohibited. 2) May be discounted to present value. 3) Should be excluded from financial statements. 4. On a sale of a subsidiary, remaining goodwill: 1) 2) 3) 4) Should be transferred to the Parent’s balance sheet. Should be amortised over 5 years. Should be written off in full against group reserves. Should remain unchanged in the consolidated balance sheet. 5. Loss of control of a subsidiary: 1) Should be treated as a disposal. 2) Should be treated as a disposal, but neither gain, nor loss should be recognised. 3) Should be re-valued every year, using an inflation index. 6. The equity method of accounting values the investment: 59 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) By measuring the dividend stream, discounted to present value. 2) At cost, plus for the investor’s share of post-acquisition profits. 3) At fair value, less cost of disposal. All assets are pooled. Venturers use their own assets and resources. All assets must be leased. Separate accounts are mandatory. 7. In the equity method of accounting, Goodwill: 1) Must be shown separately from goodwill derived from subsidiaries. 2) Is not calculated. 3) Should be amortised over no more than 20 years. 11. In jointly-controlled assets: 1) Revenues and costs are shared according to the contract. 2) Venturers use their own assets and resources. 3) All assets must be leased. 4) All profits must be shared equally. 8. An associate is an undertaking in which the investor has: 1) Control that is only temporary. 2) Significant influence, and which is neither a subsidiary, nor a joint venture. 3) Control of financial decisions, but not operating decisions. 4) Control, but no board membership. 9. A joint venture is: 1) More than one investor owns shares in a company. 2) A contractual arrangement, whereby parties undertake an economic activity, which is subject to joint control. 3) Firms of different nationalities sell assets to an economic activity. 10. In a jointly-controlled operation: 12. In jointly-controlled entities: 1) 2) 3) 4) 13. All assets must be leased. All profits must be shared equally. A legal structure houses the joint venture. No accounts are required. Self-Test Questions 1. Sale of Subsidiary 75% of a subsidiary cost 65 in January 2XX6, when 100% of the net assets of the subsidiary were valued at 80. Required: Prepare the P & S1 Group Balance Sheet on acquisition and the Parent Balance Sheet after disposal. 60 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 Fixed Assets Parent Balance Sheet (January 2XX6) Shareholders’ Funds Goodwill Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments S1 Investment Fixed Assets Liabilities 1040 Accounts payable 180 200 Accruals 65 115 Shareholders’ Funds 1600 800 300 500 1600 Subsidiary 1 Balance Sheet (January 2XX6) Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments Fixed Assets Liabilities 400 Accounts payable 20 100 50 Shareholders’ Funds 570 490 Accounts receivable Investments Parent Balance Sheet (after disposal) Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments S1 Investment Fixed Assets Liabilities Accounts payable Accruals Shareholders’ Funds Profit on sale 80 570 P & S1 Group Balance Sheet on acquistion Assets Cash The investment in the subsidiary was sold in December 2XX6 for 100. The Parent Balance Sheet had remained unchanged prior to the sale. Liabilities Accounts payable Accruals 2. Share Exchange P owns 100% of S1. This cost 100. When S1 was acquired the net assets were 70. Today the net assets of S1 are 150. S1 retained earnings comprise 10 pre-acquisition profits and 80 post acquisition profits. Minority Interest 61 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 At the date of the exchange Goodwill of 6 remains to be written off. Prepare the P/S1 and the P/S2 Consolidated Balance Sheets. Parent Balance Sheet Accounts receivable Investments S1 Investment Fixed Assets Liabilities 1050 Accounts payable 100 Accruals 250 100 100 Shareholders’ Funds 1600 580 P/ S1 Consolidated Balance Sheet P exchanges the shares of S1 for 60% of S2. Assets Cash 580 800 300 Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments Fixed Assets Goodwill Liabilities Accounts payable Accruals Shareholders’ Funds 500 1600 Parent Balance Sheet (at date of exchange) S1 Balance Sheet (at date of exchange) Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments Fixed Assets Liabilities 400 Accounts payable 30 Share Capital 100 Retained Earnings 50 Pre-acquisition Profit Post-acquisition Profit Assets Cash 430 60 10 80 Accounts receivable Investments S2 Investment Fixed Assets Liabilities 1050 Accounts payable 100 250 150 Accruals 100 Shareholders’ Funds 1650 800 300 550 1650 Shareholder’s funds = 500 + 50 Profit on sale of S1 62 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 payable S2 Balance Sheet (at date of exchange) Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments Fixed Assets Liabilities 220 Accounts payable 80 200 100 Share Capital Retained Earnings 600 480 Accounts receivable Investments Fixed Assets 500 200 Accruals 100 Shareholders’ Funds 1600 300 800 1600 120 0 600 P bought 75% of S for 250. It was purchased with other undertakings, and P had determined that S should be sold as quickly as possible, and immediately sought a buyer. At the time of acquisition, the net assets of S had a value of 170 (100 Share Capital and 70 Pre-Acquisition Profits). Now, post-acquisition profits are 100. The parent’s balance sheet has not changed since the acquisition. P/ S2 Consolidated Balance Sheet Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments Fixed Assets Liabilities Accounts payable Accruals Required: Prepare the Parent Balance Sheet including S using the Equity Method. Minority Interests Shareholders’ Funds Negative Goodwill Subsidiary Balance Sheet 3. Equity Method of Accounting Parent Balance Sheet (before acquisition) Assets Cash Liabilities 800 Accounts 500 Assets Cash Accounts receivable 10 200 Liabilities Current Liabilities Share Capital 300 100 63 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 Pre-acquisition profits 360 Post-acquisition profits 570 Fixed Assets 70 100 570 Parent Balance Sheet including S (equity method) Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments Fixed Assets Goodwill Liabilities Accounts payable Accruals Accounts receivable Investments S Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments S1 Investment Fixed Assets Suggested Solutions Answers to Multiple Choice Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 2) 1) 2) 3) 5. 6. 7. 8. 1) 2) 2) 2) 9. 10. 11. 2) 2) 1) 12. 1440 Accounts payable 200 Accruals 300 Minority Interest 165 Shareholders’ Funds 5 2110 1290 300 20 500 2110 Parent Balance Sheet (after disposal) Shareholders’ Funds Profits of S Fixed Assets 14. Cash 2) Liabilities 1140 Accounts payable 180 200 Accruals 0 115 Shareholders’ Funds Profit on sale 1620 800 300 500 35 1620 2. Answers to Self-test Questions: P/ S1 Consolidated Balance Sheet 1. P & S1 Group Balance Sheet (January 2XX6) Assets Liabilities Assets Cash Liabilities 1450 Accounts 1230 64 CONSOLIDATION PART 3 payable Accounts receivable Investments Fixed Assets Goodwill Assets 130 Cash 350 Accruals 150 6 Shareholders’ Funds 2086 300 556 2086 Accounts receivable Investments S (250+75) Fixed Assets Notes: Shareholder’s funds l= 500+80-goodwill (30-6)= 556 Liabilities 550 Accounts payable 500 Accruals 500 300 200 Shareholders’ Funds 500 325 100 Profits of S(75% of 75 100) 1675 167 5 P/ S2 Consolidated Balance Sheet Assets Cash Accounts receivable Investments Fixed Assets Goodwill Liabilities 1270 Accounts payable 180 Accruals 450 Minority Interests 200 Shareholders’ Funds 78 2178 Note: Material from the following PricewaterhouseCoopers publications has been used in this workbook: 1280 300 -Applying IFRS -IFRS News -Accounting Solutions 48 550 2178 Notes: Goodwill= 150-72=78 Minority Interests= 40% of 120 Shareholder’s Funds= 556-(goodwill) 6 3. Parent Balance Sheet including S (equity method) 65