Boolean Logic

Searching Math: Boolean searching—an
--add, subtract and multiply your way into better searches
If -- then statements
Examples—Have you ever asked a teacher about something you want to do in the future?
Were your frustrated when you got the answer “it depends.”
Certain conditions must exist before certain results happen.
You need to get an A in History and so your teacher tells you that you need an
A on your final paper.
If you get an A on your paper,
then you will get an A in the course
Now try these on your own. Write them with the condition first and the outcome
1. You need to get 80% on your final essay to earn an A in the course.
If_____________________________, then_____________________________.
2. You need to find 5 articles on the Flag Debate in order to write your History paper.
If_____________________________, then_____________________________.
3. You need to learn Boolean searching to find the five articles.
If_____________________________, then_____________________________.
When your teacher replied “it all depends” did you respond, “on what?”
This question suggests that you look closely at the situation and what conditions will
bring about the result you have in mind.
You want an A on your history paper
Possible conditions:
If I write a clear introduction and thesis statement, then I will get more points.
If I use topic sentences and supporting details, then I will get more points.
If I write a conclusion, then I will get more points.
Exercise 3—write your own situation statements
Write a research paper: In 10 pages examine the exploitation of natural resources as a
significant factor in colonialism. You paper must have a thesis statement, and include a
bibliography using APA format. You must use 5 books, 5 web sites, 1 editorial cartoon,
and 5 articles from appropriate scholarly sources.
1. circle any words in the assignment that a student would need to know
2. list any skills/ tasks a student would need to know how to do.
Now you have “situation starters!” Think about what is preventing you from achieving
each goal, or what you still need to do to achieve each goal. You might state, “I would
like an A on my paper, but I don’t know how to write a bibliography.”
1. I would like to find 5 books, but I don’t know any titles.
2. I would like to find 5 articles, but I don’t know where to look.
3. I would like to find a cartoon, but I don’t know how to search my topic.
Rewrite your statements by making them if-then statements. When you know what has
to be done to reach desired outcomes, you can work hard to make it happen! For
example, “If I learn how to search for unknown titles, then I will find 5 books.”
1. If
, then
2. If
, then
3. If
, then
4. If
, then
5. If
, then
Each outcome you have seen and written represented a goal or activity that was desired
by the person stating the situation.
Each goal was written in the affirmative; that is, if something happened, then the
outcome could take place. Let’s now look at possible conditions stated in the negative.
Look for negative words, such as do not, don’t, will not, won’t.
Situation—You need to earn 80% on your history essay so you can get an A in the
Condition 1 (as previous)
Outcome 1
Affirmative: If I get 80% on my essay
then I will get an A in the course.
Condition 2
Outcome 2
Negative: If I do not earn 80% on my essay,
then I won’t get an A in the course.
Each situation has two possible conditions: a positive one, and a negative one.
Each condition yields a different outcome.
Depending on which condition comes first, each outcome is possible.
That’s why “it all depends.”
Exercise 4
Find the two possible conditions (affirmative and negative) and the two possible
outcomes for the following situations. State and write them using if-then statements with
the condition first, followed by the outcome.
1. You need to learn how to use keyword searches so you can identify Subject
Headings on your topic.
Condition 1
Outcome 1
Affirmative: If I use keywords,
then I will identify Subject headings on my
Condition 2
Negative: If I do not use keywords,
Outcome 2
then I won’t identify Subject Headings on
my topic
2. You need to learn how to identify Subject Headings in order to find book titles on
your topic.
3. You need to use encyclopedias to identify terms in order to search with keywords.