Can. History Essay Topics

1. “Immigration has helped to make Canada a strong nation both economically and
culturally. Without high levels of immigration Canada would not be the nation it is
today.” Do you agree or disagree? To answer this question, you should examine the role
that immigrants played in helping to develop this country.
2. Canada witnessed many changes and contributions in regards to artistic expression.
What did the Canadian artistic expression begin to reflect in the 20th century? Which
Canadian artists contributed to these changes in artistic expression? How have Canadian
artists contributed to Canada’s identity throughout the 20th century?
3. “Aboriginal Canadians have been terribly mistreated in Canadian history. When the
rights of Aboriginals have come into conflict with other Canadians, it is always the
Aboriginals who have had to give in.” Do you agree or disagree?
4. Between 1867 and 2000, French-English relations in Canada have deteriorated to the
point of almost tearing the country apart. How did this come about? To answer this
question, you will have to examine the major events in French-English relations during
this period.
5. During the 20th century, the United States began to become more influential on
Canada with regards to Canada’s culture, economics and politics. Has the American
influence been beneficial to Canada or has it damaged Canada’s development as an
independent nation? (Choose an event, or time period to investigate)
6. Since 1867, Canada has worked at becoming an independent nation. How did Canada
evolve to gaining political autonomy from Great Britain throughout the 20th century?
7. Prohibition (the banning of consumption and production of alcohol) came about
before, during and after WWI in Canada. Why was prohibition brought in and was it a
8. “Without Canada, the United Nations would have been much less effective than it was
in the period 1945-1990.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? To answer this
question you should examine what role Canada played in the formation of the U.N. and
what Canada did to assist the U.N. in peace-keeping around the world.
9. The Great Depression was a terrible time for Canadians. No section of Canada was
spared from the economic downturn in the 1930s.” Do you agree with this statement?
To answer this you will have to examine how the Depression affected the various regions
of the nation.
10. Cardinal Paul Emile Legere was a Canadian and a Catholic. Examine his life and
prove with details from his life that he was both a great Canadian and a great Catholic.
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11. In 1959, the Diefenbaker government cancelled the Avro Arrow project. Was this a
mistake on the part of the government? To answer this, examine why they made this
decision, what happened to the government after they made this decision, and what
happened to the Canadian airplane industry when the contract was cancelled.
12. In 1988, the government of Canada signed a Free Trade deal with the United States.
Many people opposed it because they thought that it would destroy Canada’s industry,
culture and independence. Assess whether the Free Trade deal has hurt or helped Canada
in the years since it was passed.
13. In 1949, Newfoundland became part of Canada. Why did the people choose to join
Canada? Was it because they truly wanted to be Canadians or did they believe that they
really did not have any other choice?
14. “Without Canada, the allies would probably have lost the Second World War.” Do
you agree or disagree with this statement? To answer this question, you will have to
examine Canada’s contribution to the war effort.
15. World War One changed Canada and also how the world viewed Canada. Some
people say that Canada did not really become a nation until it participated in World War
One. Examine how Canada was changed as a result of World War One.
16. In the 1930s Grey Owl fooled the world by pretending to be a native yet he also
spread the message of the need to protect the environment. Examine the career of Grey
Owl. Was he a complete fraud out to fool the world or was he a committed
environmentalist? To answer this question, you should examine why he assumed the
identity of an Aboriginal and what he did with his fame.
17. Today men and women are equal in Canadian society. Yet, during the early 1900s
most women could not even work outside the home. Why has this changed so drastically
by the end of the 20th century. To answer this, you will have to look at the major events
in this time period that helped women to gain equality. Did society decide that it was
only fair that women be given equality or did women have to struggle to gain this equal
status? (Consider focusing on a particular event(s), or a decade)
18. The 1920s and 1930s witnessed a growth in new political parties in Canada (eg.
Communist Party, C.C.F., Social Credit Party and the Union Nationale). Why did these
parties form in this time period? Had conditions changed so much that there was a need
for new political parties at this time? Examine these political parties and outline their
main policies. Explain how they were trying to address the problems of this time period.
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19. Canada has been involved with some of the great scientific and technological
changes seen through-out the world during the 20th century. Were some of these
scientific and technological innovations discovered or created by Canadian scientists and
inventors? To answer this question you should examine some of the major innovations or
discoveries that were orchestrated by Canadian scientists or inventors. (Try to pick a
decade or time period such as the 1960s which is a good decade to research)
20. Why did athlete Ned Hanlan become Canada’s first world champion? Examine the
events that led to him become the world champion in rowing.
21. “Without Sir John A. Macdonald’s ‘National Policy’ Canada would not be the strong
nation it is today.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? To answer this
question you should examine what the ‘National Policy’ was and what it did for Canada.
22. “Pierre E. Trudeau is regarded to be one of Canada’s best prime ministers ever.”
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Support your response by examining
Trudeau’s years as prime minister.
23. “During the 20th century, Canada made its mark in the world of sports.” Choose a
specific sport which Canada has become a leader in. Examine: why the sport started in
Canada; why it became very popular; which athletes contributed to the sport; and the
sport’s contribution to the citizens of Canada.
24. In 1963, the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism made a report on
how Canada should deal with the issue of French-English relations in Canada. Examine
the main recommendations of this report. How have governments since this report was
issued tried to implement these recommendations? Have these recommendations been
successful in dealing with this issue?
25. “The social welfare system in Canada developed as much out of political necessity as
it did for genuine concern for the population.” Examine examples which prove or go
against this statement.
26. “Canada, since World War II, has made a great contribution to the development of
the Arts.” Prove that this is true by examining the contribution made by 4 different artists
in the period since 1945. Make sure you explain why their contributions are important to
the artistic world (You could use musical artists or literary artists).
27. What contribution did the Canadian Navy make to the allied war effort in WWII?
Was the role of the Canadian Navy vital to the assuring victory for the allies over the axis
powers or was its role just a minor one?
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28. “Canada should have and could have done more to help the victims of the Holocaust
before, during and after WWII.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? To
answer this question you will have to briefly examine what Canada did do and then argue
that they could have or could not have done more.
29. “Since WWII, the 1950s and/or 1960s witnessed some positive changes for the
Aboriginals in Canada.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Examine how the
lives of Aboriginals were or were not improved through political, economic and social
30. “The 1990s was an important decade for Aboriginal nations (in Canada)” Research
treaty signings and other government related dealings with Canada’s Aboriginals.
31. The 1960s have often been referred to as an era of protest. What were the key
factors behind the civil rights movement in Canada between 1945 and 1970?
32. Since 1957 Canada has participated in the most number of peacekeeping operations
throughout the world. Should Canada continue to be a leader in promoting peace? Why
has Canada maintained such a strong peacekeeping institution for the past 50 years?
33. The 1950s was an era of rock’n’ roll. What made rock’n’roll so popular with
Canadian teenagers of the 1950s?
34. In past 100 years, Canada has produced some of the most famous female athletes
in sport history. Why were the 1920s an important decade for Canadian women in sports?
35. What were the main reasons why Rene Levesque lost the 1980 Quebec Referendum?
36. Why did the Separatist forces lose the 1995 Quebec Referendum? Who were the
main opponents to Quebec separating from Canada?
37. “Canada is known for its share in environmental activism”. Examine a particular
Canadian group such as Greenpeace and describe the organizations 3 or 4 greatest efforts
in promoting environmental activism.
38. On February 15, 1965, the Canadian government unveiled Canada’s new national flag
with the single red maple leaf. Why was this such a controversial issue in Canada? What
were the key reasons as to why many believed it was time to have a new national flag and
thus say good bye to the Red Ensign?
39. “Canada made significant contributions in the Korean War”. Explain how Canada
did its best to defend South Korea from be taken over by the northern Communist forces.