Conseil canadien des professionnels en sécurité agréés

The Award
Awarded annually, two (2) $4,000 national scholarships will be made
available to students enrolled, either full-time or part-time, in a two, three or
four year occupational health and safety related program 1 leading to an
occupational health and safety certificate, diploma or degree at the
undergraduate level.
In addition to the student scholarship,
an award of $1000 will be granted to
each of the scholarship recipients
academic institutions.
The purpose of the Scholarship Program is to enable students to enter the
OHS profession in support of creating the healthiest and safest workplaces in the world, to provide financial
assistance to undergraduate students in OHS, and to raise awareness of the CRSP certification amongst OHS
students and faculty.
In addition to the cash scholarship of $4,000, a credit coupon issued in the name of the recipient for the value
of the CRSP Application Fee. This coupon is valid for a period of one year after a scholarship recipient meeting
the three-year experience eligibility requirement.
The BCRSP reserves the right not to make the awards if there are not eligible recipients.
BCRSP Scholarships may be applied for by any full- or part-time student in a two, three, or, four year
Occupational Health and Safety Program at the undergraduate level.
The student must have better than average grades (80% or better with no failing grades) entering the final year of
their program (i.e. – program will be completed within twelve months of scholarship application submission).
All submissions must include a completed application form, a written essay addressing the question outlined in the
application package, a letter of confirmation of acceptance into final year of program, a reference letter from
program chair or faculty advisor, a copy of the college/university program and course outline(s), and original
transcripts which must be submitted directly to the BCRSP by your college/university.
Essay Requirements
As part of the scholarship submission, the student must include a 1000-1250 word essay. The essay topic may
be determined from time to time by the BCRSP Governing Board.
Essay Topic
The submission must include a 1000-1,250 word essay (excluding appendices and references) in response to the
following question:
In your view, explain what benefits an occupational health & safety professional can provide to an organization?
Essay Performance Conditions
Each OHS program must be a minimum of two years in duration which may be expressed as a total number of class hours per program or
approximately 2,000 (±10%) total class hours per program or equivalent. Each program should have a majority of the courses proprietary to
occupational health and safety topics. Each program should have at least 15% of the courses dealing with mathematics and natural sciences.
Each program should have written communication as an important part of student evaluation. Please see Appendices for more information on
program eligibility.
Guidelines for BCRSP Scholarships (Doc.103, Last revision: June 2015, Last review: June 2015)
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You must create your own essay
Your essay must be double spaced, typed using 12-point font, and have one-inch margins
Your essay must not identify yourself or your school within the body or pages of the essay
You must include the word count
Your pages must be numbered
Your essay will be scored using the Assessment Criteria listed below. The four areas will carry equal weight in the
assessment. Your total numerical score will be 0 to 20.
Assessment Criteria
Statement of Purpose
Applicants capacity to answer the question
Support & Rationale
Applicants usage of rationale/references to support response
Applicants usage of new/innovative ideas or concepts
Organization & Logic
Organization of essay, unity and cohesion of thoughts
Writing Skills, Mechanics & Usage
Grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, etc.
Eligible scholarship submissions will be reviewed/judged by the Scholarship Review Committee. Each member of the
Scholarship Review Committee shall independently evaluate the submissions and a recommendation based on the
average scores is put forward the Governing Board for approval. The Board reserves the right to verify accuracy of
submission, and the Board’s decision is final.
All essays submitted become the property of BCRSP. Successful essays may be published by BCRSP and may
be, along with information about the winners, shared widely through the BCRSP website, media, and other
Completed submissions must be received by March 31. Submissions received after the deadline or incomplete
submissions will not be considered.
All applicants will be notified of the Governing Board’s decision.
How to Apply
Students must apply using the application form on the BCRSP’s website. The application must include:
completed application form
official sealed transcript (forwarded directly to the BCRSP by the granting institution)
course outlines/descriptions
program chair or faculty advisor confirmation of acceptance into final year of program
program chair or faculty advisor personal reference letter
essay submission
application deadline: March 31
Application Form
Scholarship applications and supporting documentation, with the exception of college/university transcript, may be
Guidelines for BCRSP Scholarships (Doc.103, Last revision: June 2015, Last review: June 2015)
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submitted electronically. Letters of confirmation and faculty references must be on College/University letterhead and
be signed by the registrar and/or program head or faculty.
Submit Application to:
Executive Director
Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals
6700 Century Ave Suite 100
Mississauga, ON L5N 6A4
Email: ( or Fax: 905-567-7191
Guidelines for BCRSP Scholarships (Doc.103, Last revision: June 2015, Last review: June 2015)
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BCRSP Scholarship Application Form
(The application form and all supporting documentation must be received at the BCRSP office on or before
March 31)
(Please select via drop down list)
Last Name
First Name
Postal Code
Program Name
I am a
Full Time Student
Program Length
2 years
(Refers to length of
program, not how long it
takes to complete the
program, e.g. a part time
student may take 3-4
years to complete a twoyear OHS certificate
program through continuing
education option)
3 years
Part Time Student
I will graduate in
4 years
Confirmation of acceptance into final year of program
Reference letter from program chair or faculty advisor
Course outlines
Transcripts (have been requested and will be sent directly to the BCRSP by college/university)
I meet the eligibility academic requirement of a minimum GPA of 3.5 or 80% entering the final
year of the OHS program. Furthermore, I acknowledge that copying someone else's essay, or parts of
it, is wrong, and declare that the essay submitted is my own work. Each significant contribution to,
and quotation in, this essay from the work, or works of other people has been attributed and has
been cited and referenced.
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Guidelines for BCRSP Scholarships (Doc.103, Last revision: June 2015, Last review: June 2015)
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Program Eligibility:
Programs that would qualify include, but are not limited to:
Degree Programs
Cape Breton University (NS)
Ryerson University (ON)
Diploma Programs
Academy Canada (NL)
Algonquin College (ON)
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BC)
College of the North Atlantic (NL)
Keyin College (NL)
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (AB)
Occupational health and safety courses:
Accident Theory
Engineering Economic Analysis
Environmental Management/Protection
Exhaust - Ventilation
Fire Protection/Prevention
Hazard Evaluation and Control
Health Promotion/Wellness
Hygiene Methods/Monitoring
Industrial Psychology
Loss Control
Occupational Health (Chemical Agents)
Occupational Health (Physical Agents)
OH&S Legislation
OH&S and WCB Management Systems
Plant Layout
Presentation Skills
Product and Public Safety
Project Management
Radiation Biology
Risk Management
Workplace/Sectoral Safety
Mathematics and natural sciences courses:
Statistics, Applied Statistics, Biostatistics, etc.
Strength of Materials
Stress Analysis
Physics - various
Chemistry - various
General Science - various
Guidelines for BCRSP Scholarships (Doc.103, Last revision: June 2015, Last review: June 2015)
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