Business Ethics.doc

Mirena Oseyarska
ID: 100042650
Business Ethics
The essay topic: “The very essence of a business is to maximize long-term owner value
through the sale of goods and services. A business that seeks to be a charity or a surrogate for
government is not being a business.” Discuss
A thesis statement: The goal of a business is to create value while charity only transfers the
value. That is why a charity or a surrogate for government could not be considered as a
 Definition of a business
 What is Elaine Sternberg position?
 Examples/Hypothesis
 Social benefit
 Non-profit organizations vs. For-profit organizations: Pros & Cons; which one is more
effective and beneficial for the society? Why?
 Maximizing the impact: tools for maximizing a long-term owner value
 Repeating the position that is taken and summarizing briefly the reasons for our
 Elaine Sternberg, Just Business: Business Ethics in Action
 Elaine Sternberg, “The Need for Realism in Business Ethics.” Reason Papers, vol. 31
 Douglas J, Den Uyl, “Ethics Without Profit” Reason Papers, vol. 31
 William Kline, “Business Ethics form the Internal Point of View.” Journal of Business
Ethics, vol. 64, no. 1
 William Kline, “Business as an Ethical Standard” Journal of Private Enterprise,
March 2009
 Corporate Social Responsibility