church history - Marian High School

SOPHOMORES –Spring Semester
Theology Department
Required Materials
*Textbook: The Catholic Church: Journey, Wisdom and Mission by Carl Koch
*Notebook – Spiral Notebook for class notes. The notebook must not contain any other notes except for
this class.
*Bible – will need everyday for the first two weeks
Pocket Folder: for handouts and graded homework, if no pocket dividers in notebook
Loose-Leaf paper: for homework assignments
*Indicates items which need to be brought to class each day.
Course Objective
This course entitle Church History will cover the time from Jesus’ Ascension to present day. Just as the Old
Testament chronicles God’s relationship and saving presence in the lives of His people, Church history
chronicles God’s relationship with us through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit whose presence remains
with us until the end of time. The Purpose of the course is the give the student an overview of how the
Church has developed from the time of Jesus to today. The following topics will be studied for each of the
Twenty centuries: foundational secular history, main events, places, people, the development of Christian
thought and doctrine, Christian art, architecture, and the impact that the Church has had on secular history.
Format of Class
Monday – Work on chapter questions
Tuesday- grade chapter questions, video, and/or lecture
Wednesday- lecture or presentations
Thursday- Read and discuss primary sources written in the time period studied
Friday- Quest, possible time for beginning to read the next week’s material, chapter vocabulary words
HOMEWORK: Homework must be turned in on the due date during class.
Spiral notebook pages will not be accepted, nor will work done in pencil or any color other than blue or
black. Work must be neat and legible. NO LATE HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS!!!!!
NOTE: Missing homework assignments can drastically hurt your grade. It is your responsibility to
turn in your homework when it is due!!!!
PROJECTS/PRESENTATIONS: students will have one project with presentation each semester.
TESTS AND QUIZZES: there will be a “quest” every Friday*. If you are not present for the quest on the
scheduled day, your make up test will be an essay exam.
PARTICIPATION: will be graded twice during the quarter (end of 4th and 9th weeks) Participation is an
integral part of this class as it enables one to learn from peers, helps one to analyze differing views and
enables one to articulate their own thoughts.
The student must participate regularly and appropriately (i.e., student participates more than once per day,
stays on task and doesn’t try to divert the discussion to his/her own agenda.) A student at this level in one
who can always be counted on to add to the discussion.
Note – Asking questions does not always count as participation.
Miss Hinora – Theology Department
1. The atmosphere of my classroom will be based on mutual respect between teacher and student as
well as between classmates. Therefore, all students must respect the dignity and uniqueness of
each person as well as their right to learn. Only one person will speak at a time. Always raise your
hand to speak. This also means no talking to your neighbors (see #11)
Respect the poster, maps, audiovisual equipment, prayer table, books, student desks, my desk,
etc., etc., as well as your won materials and those of your fellow classmates.
You must be IN your seat when the bell rings in order to avoid being tardy.
Stay in your seat during class. Sharpen pencils, get Kleenex, etc. before the bell rights. Not use
the rest room during class time except in the case of extreme emergencies.
Vulgar, offensive or discriminatory language of any kind is not allowed
Food, candy and beverages are not allowed in the classroom. You may chew gum as long as you
do so quietly and dispose of it properly. If this is not done, the privilege will be taken away.
Sleeping is not permitted during class. If a student is caught sleeping (or lays their head on the
desk), they will go the he back of the room and stand the remainder of the class session. You will
also receive a detention for sleeping
Anyone using or playing with anything during class which does not pertain to our class, will be
required to forfeit the time(s) to the teacher. They can be picked up in my classroom as the end of
the school day. This applies to homework for another class, notes to another student, etc..
The following will not be tolerated: argumentative behavior, lying, cheating, disrespect.
10. Dress Code will be strictly enforced.
NOTE: All dress code violation detentions will be served with Mr. Kryder.
11. While participation is a vital part of class, it needs to be done within the context of class
discussions appropriate to the class materials. Talking to neighbors etc. will warrant a detention
and possible change in seating arrangements.
A violation of any of the above rules of behavior will be handled as follows:
1. Possible verbal warning determined by the nature of the infraction (may be individual or class
2. 15 minute detention with me and Behavior Form sent to the Dean.
3. Parent contact, detention served at school-wide detention & Behavior Form sent to the Dean.
A written record of all disciplinary matters is kept on file for reference.
SEVERE INFRACTIONS may be handled without steps 1,2, or 3. Refer to Marian’s handbook under
discipline for specifics.
1. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to contact me for assignments.
If the absence is excused, all work must be completed and turned in within a reasonable time period.
(in proportion to the number of days absent.)
If the absence is unexcused, test, quizzes, projects, homework, etc. will not be accepted for credit and
you will receive a zero for this work.
If you are absent of the day of a scheduled test day, you will take the test the day of your return.
It may be either the same test which the rest of the class took or a make-up essay exam.
If you return on a scheduled test day, you should take the test, as test dates will be announced
well in advance. It is your responsibility to get notes. Or you may take an essay exam the
following day after school. You will not be given the same test as the scheduled test.
Excused tardies must be accompanied by a signed pass (faculty or administration member.)
Unexcused tardies will be handled as follows:
third within a semester – office letter to parents and 15 minute detention with me and letter home
fourth within a semester – detention at school wide detention
fifth win a semester – detention at school wide detention
All tardies from the sixth on: student will be locked out of class. Work cannot be made up.
All homework must be done on loose-leaf and in blue/black ink. Your name, number and date
must be on the top of the first page. All homework should be neat and legible. If I cannot read it,
it will be marked incorrect. Homework will be graded for content, completeness and accuracy.
No homework will be accepted late!!! (In the case of an excused absence, the homework well be
considered late if it is not turned in on the agreed upon date between the student and myself).
2. Cheating is forbidden!!! Anyone caught cheating will receive a zero for that work/test. Parents as well
as the Dean of Students and Guidance Dept. will be notified. Refer to Marian’s handbook for example of
cheating as well as the school discipline policy for cheating. KEEP YOU EYES ON YOUR OWN
1. Personal achievement – there’s no better way to boost your self-esteem than doing your absolute
Any student who receives an F on a test, will have the opportunity to write a 3 page paper
demonstrating that the knowledge missed on the test has now been learned. The topic of the paper
will be chosen by me. This will be allowed only one time per semester. The student must
approach me no later than the day after the failed test has been handed back in order to qualify
for this opportunity. Anyone who has reached the level of Consequence #3 (has received a
detention from me which is to be served at the school-wide detention) will not be given this
option. This is a reward for the serious student who is working hard yet failed to understand a
particular unit or concept. This not an option for the student who forgot to study, decided they
would “wing it” or who didn’t take notes because they were playing around.
Various surprises on a spontaneous basis.