“History is not ‘what happened in the past,’ it is the act of selecting, analyzing and writing about the past.
It is something that is done, that is constructed, rather than an inert body of data that lies scattered through the archives.”
Davidson and Lytle
After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection
The North Carolina Department of Instruction describes this course as beginning with the European exploration of the new world through Reconstruction. Students will examine the historical and intellectual origins of the United States from
European exploration and colonial settlement to the Revolutionary and Constitutional eras. Students will learn about the important political and economic factors that contributed to the development of colonial America and the outbreak of the American Revolution as well as the consequences of the Revolution, including the writing and key ideas of the U.S. Constitution. This course will guide students as they study the establishment of political parties,
America’s westward expansion, the growth of sectional conflict, how that sectional conflict led to the Civil
War, and the consequences of the Civil War, including Reconstruction.
Course Objectives:
Master a large body of material
Demonstrate an understanding of American historical chronology
Demonstrate an understanding of Historical Comprehension
Use historical data to support an argument or position
Interpret and apply data from original documents
9 week grades will be tallied as follows:
Tests 40% - The material on the tests will be cumulative. Each test will contain material from previous units.
Tests will follow every unit and will include some multiple choice, matching, short answer, and essays. Test questions include specific content knowledge, analyzing political cartoons, interpreting maps and charts, examining historic essay passages and quotes, and chronological dating. Test will be cumulative, consisting of questions from prior and current units being studied.
If a test is assigned in advance and you are absent the day before, you are REQUIRED to take the test the assigned day or take a zero.
Daily Quizzes/Homework/Chapter Outlines/class work/notebook checks/participation 30 % -
Pop Quizzes will occur frequently. Be prepared and read and complete your chapter outlines. Pop
Quizzes can occur at anytime even more than once a week.
I firmly believe that students learn best when they are involved, therefore I fully expect them to participate each and every day. Participation will be calculated weekly.
Projects 30%
Students who do miss class for any EXCUSED reason will be given adequate time to makeup their missed assignments. Social Studies teachers, including myself, will be available after school to offer make-up tests and to help with any work with which students may need assistance. Students will be given only ONE WEEK from the day they return to make up any missed tests. After this time period has elapsed, the grade will become a zero. No exceptions. Remember, making up work is
YOUR responsibility.
Some helpful hints for succeeding in this class:
Read every night – follow the syllabus
Analyze Information – don’t just memorize it
Read – don’t put it off
Always come to class prepared . You should read and complete assignments on time.
Keep a w ell-organized notebook.
Ask questions – come see me at any time
Don’t get overwhelmed or frustrated – take your time
Ask for help – I am here for you
NO WHINING!!! This is an Honors class. You should anticipate homework daily.
Be prepared for class everyday – you don’t know what will happen
Your contribution in important. You will be asked to participate, so be prepared.
There are no “free days” in this class, so don’t ask!
I expect you to always be honest. Your personal honor and integrity are a very precious and important part of who you are as a person. I expect you to do your own work at all times. Plagiarism will not be tolerated on any level. Any issues dealing with cheating will be handled according to the plan in the student handbook. I also expect you to give your best effort in all that you do.
Materials you might want to have for this class include:
1 three ring binder ( at least 2 inches – you may want one larger. We have a ton of material to cover)
Notebook paper
Dividers for notebook (5)
A #2 pencil (you need this for tests)
Ink pen(s ) you may want different colored pens for chapter outlines, but you must have a blue or black for essays
You may also want to have
Flags and post-it notes
Notebooks: You will be required to maintain a thorough notebook for this class. Keeping up with this information will help you be more successful, as you will have the tools necessary to study and learn. This syllabus, as well as unit schedules and timelines, should be in the front of your notebooks at all times. Notebooks should be divided into the following sections:
1) Class Information including outline/planner
2) Current topic/unit notes
3) Past Topics/units with a table of contents a. Exploration, Colonization, (1492-1763) b. French and Indian War and Revolution (1763-1787) c. The New Nation: Early Republic-Monroe (1783-1824) d. Expansion and Reform in the Jacksonian Era (1824-1860) e. Crisis and Civil War and Reconstruction (1800-1865) f. The Reconstruction Era (1865-1877)
4) Reference/ Study Aids/Review materials
5) Themes a. Theme 1: The Civil Rights Movement/ African Americans b. Theme 2: Women c. Theme 3: Native Americans
Everything done in class should be kept in a notebook. Students should bring their notebooks to class every day. If you leave your materials in the classroom after class, expect them to be thrown away. Because students should have notebooks with them at all times, there will be NO exceptions on taking notebook tests. All students present in class will take the notebook test, and they will not be excused to their lockers to retrieve notebooks. If they do not have their notebooks, they will receive a zero. If students are missing notes or handouts needed for a notebook test due to an absence, those questions will be counted incorrect. It is the student’s responsibility to make up the missing assignments and notes when they return to school.
Rules and Expectations
1. Each Student is to maintain a positive attitude and respect school faculty and other class members. Lack of respect will result in an office referral.
2. All students must be on time to class. This means in your seat when the tardy bell rings.
The Fred T. Foard Classroom Tardy policy is as follows:
1 st tardy: warning from teacher
2 nd tardy: warning from teacher/ parent contact
3 rd tardy: warning from teacher/parent contact
4 th tardy: parent contact and lunch detention
5 th tardy: parent contact and lunch detention
6 th tardy: Office referral. Administrative Options include ISS or OSS.
3. No side conversations. Many of you have been in class together many times and have developed friendships. Talk about personal business on your own time. We need every minute. On that note, this is American History time, not the time or place to eat (no food or drink only water is permitted in the class), sleep, write notes, text, groom, or work on other classes. If you are caught sleeping in this class you will stand at the back of the room the remainder of the class.
1 st Offense: warning from teacher
2 nd Offense: parent contact
3 rd Offense: parent contact and a 1 page paper appropriate for content being studied
4 th Offense: office referral
4. The Bell is a signal for me to end class, not a signal for you to leave. Do NOT get out of your seat until I dismiss you. If you pack up before the end of class you will lose 10 points on your participation grade for the week.
5. No student is to leave his or her seat during class. If you need to leave your seat during the class you must ask me at a convenient time (for me). During a lecture is never a convenient time.
6. Bring Materials to class (Book, Notebook, Paper, Pens, Pencil and highlighter)
7. Work is considered late if it is not turned in the day the assignment is due. Points will be taken off for late work or will not be accepted at all. For projects and essays I will take off 15 pts for each day an assignment is late up to 3 days. After 3 days I will enter a zero in my grade book and will not accept the assignment. There are NO exceptions
8. Each person is to be responsible for his or her textbook. Keep up with your textbook and take care of it or you will pay for it.
9. No vandalizing the room. (Do not throw paper, write on desks or bulletin boards etc.) If you are caught vandalizing the room, you will remain after class to clean the room and could be held after school for detention.
10. NO Cellphones, ipods, mp3 players or any other electrical device. These items will be taken the first time and turned into the office.
11. Follow directions the first time.
12. Accept the outcome of your behavior.
Parents and Students: Please review these rules and expectations and sign and return the portion below. If you ever have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Phone #: (704)462-1496 ext. 5207
Email: donna_dellinger@catawba schools.net
I will take the education and care of the student seriously and will do my best to help all students learn and achieve.
Donna Dellinger (FTF Social Studies Teacher)
I understand that AP US History is a college level course and thus will be taught with the rigor of a college level course. I understand the rules and expectations of this class and will abide by them:
Student Signature
I understand the rules and expectations and consequences above and will support the teacher in enforcing these.
Parent Signature